How on earth did this happen?

How on earth did this happen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

good LORD she's ugly

> - help us learn why
....why can't they figure this out for themselves?


They posted cringe

not enough blacked

Will lose even more when Witcher will be relased

Do you guys wonder what their board of directors meetings sound like?

>oh shit oh shit we're losing tons of money and subscribers what do we do?
>more racemixing scenes!
>more stronk brave womyn!
>what existing characters can we make gay?

Same fucking shit over and over again. Blizzard tried to pull this stunt recently as Overwatch started to decline. "Guys, what can we do to get more players?" "I know, let's make Soldier 76 gay!!!"

Reddit eats this shit up, but only for so long. Making characters gay is good for short term growth, but has no positive effect in the longrun. To top that off, Netflix is running out of characters to make gay. It's a zero sum game.

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not enough interracial

They lost the office and the Netflix original brand lost reputation due to some shitty shows. Also autoplaying trailers are cancer.

It's pretty simple

You're a fucking incel if you think any of this is an issue for the average consumer. Netflix just hasn't produced anything good in awhile and everything good they do have, like friends and disney shit, is leaving

Too many bad original shows. They don't understand quality over quantity. Once you've seen what interests you, it takes months before something of equal interest appears. I'd rather pay for Hulu.

Even Amazon have more interesting shows.

>How on earth did this happen?
niggers everwhere

Black user here
> too much politics
> too much liberal bullshit
> too many faggots, queers, and trannies
> no longer have imaginative thought provoking content like : Marco Polo, House of cards, etc.
> Play : dear white people but wont play something educational like Farkhan documentary
> white guilt bullshit
> feminist bullshit IN EVERY FUCKING SHOW
> shows are good until the last 2 episodes where jarring political race baiting bullshit is slammed down the viewer's throat.

I cancelled my membership after : dear white people.
Even though someone gives me access to their account, I haven't used it.
That's how shit netflix has become. Even free, I wont watch the cancerous shit on it.
I started watching one show and literally after 15min the race baiting horseshit and feminist garbage came rushing in... that was 6 months ago.

This is what happens when you stop employing diversity of minds and start hiring privileged skittle haired faggots and cunts

>The Office
>Stranger Things Season 3

Those two things are the appeal of about half of all people who pay for Netflix(twitter yass queens). They lost The Office, so people just watched Season 3 of Stranger Things and canceled. They will probably subscribe again when Season 4 comes out, but until then Netflix just yeeted a big part of their audience.

>Black user here

Prove it

I really don't know what it could be.

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They keep removing movies, and people don't want to pay money to see their shitty original shows

>Too many bad original shows
This, and they push that shit on you with those irritating autoplay trailers.

You've got to scroll through a mountain of shit to find the actual movies that you're actually there to see, and that they've burned millions on buying.

>help us

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>How on earth did this happen?

>Soros funding
>Liberal propaganda
>SJW pandering
>strong virtue signaling
>majority of original content is some of the worst shit ever put on film
>increased price hike
>losing movies & tv to Disney and Time Warner
>the fact that no one really pays for streaming services anymore when free content exists
>claiming Evangelion was a "Netflix Original"
Netflix is an indoctrination tool implemented by Hollywood Jewish moguls who want to cuddle children through their semitic advertising and degenerate ideas. Prime Video is better. Once Netflix goes bankrupt, Blockbuster will finally be avenged.

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based. im not american and watching from here its almost comical how they put the same contemporary progressive cringe phrases and "ideas" in every show

all of their content that they make is forced to include racemixing even after they admitted that race mixed couples are not marketable

What does Yea Forums think of the Bolivar historical drama released recently

I sometimes sign up for a month or two over the Christmas period, beyond that I don't bother.

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This. I wont forgive them for shitting all over the punisher. Both seasons were sjw/pc garbage

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dubs confirm

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Sorry to hear you feel this way user. Living life being triggered by everything around you must be tough. You should start a blog on this hip website called tumblr. I'll read it, I promise :)

I dont get why (they) keep pushing her. She looks like a foot and cant act. I still havent seen ST because shes always bothered me.

What people fail to understand is black, white, Mexican, Asian, gay, or tranny. A lot of people just dont want politics into their shit and tune out because of that. People dont want to be preached too they want an escape.

dude too much blacks and politics = false

reality = netflix losing shows that they don't own like the office or friends.

basically. have sex.

this, fuck off with all that gay shit and just give us some entertaining stories.

>parents have been paying for netflix for 3 years
>used it all of twice and didnt even finish the shows they were watching

Why do people do this?

i cant remember why i canceled like 2 months ago. I am sure it had something to do with white people being evil

>"cancel" Daredevil
>have one of the most awful movie selections known to man
>continue to slowly increase the sub fee

>a diet cope please!

>How on earth did this happen?

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>expecting a side character who literally just murders people, to have 20 hours of meaningful, definitely not filler content
Frank Castle is an extremely one dimensional character. His dynamic with more fleshed out traditional hero type characters is entertaining, but that's about it. There never should have been a dedicated Punisher series.

Farnk once killed a man for jaywalking.

I don't have an issue with gays per se.

I have an issue with poorly developed gays and one dimensional negroids.

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I blame niggers

I dab on Netflix scum and I dab on streaming scum

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too many niggers, faggots, and sjw bullshit going on

sjw garbage everywhere
forced interracial romance in every show
gays and trannies everywhere
fags everywhere

they gained 2.6 mil subs internationally while shedding .1 million domestic. they must be having a meltdown eh?

The vast majority of the cast is ugly

nah it's literally the first thing..
the one show I might have paid to watch and they BLACKED my fav character..not just blacked, she looks like some 20 dollar 70's prostitute

No, just triggered snowflake conservatives. Who believe a few shows with some cringe sjw memes that get the most attention in places like these, are somehow the representative of the entire catalog.

There are plenty of shows for all types of audiences. There have always been cringe af shows with a political message and there always will be, nobody is forcing you to watch them. And it doesn't explain the sudden drop, because despite what you feel, there hasn't been some sudden flood of gay asian trannies shows on Netflix.

It's really simple, there just isn't really anything that interesting on Netflix right now. A few shows now and again, but not anything hype to worth keeping a sub for.

Airpod repayments, those contracts ain't cheap.

It's an awful time to create kino.

There are episodes of Star Trek TNG that would be scrubbed nowadays. The Geordi La Forge eugenics episode would be seen as anti abortion.

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This is true. Too Old To Die Young and Fleabag are pretty great.

They're losing too many normie staple shows.

Also the concept of releasing entire seasons at once of your original shows is fucking stupid and I can't believe they're still doing it. A big show like ST would have more hype and discussion if people were watching it week to week and not binging which encourages subscribing for a small period of time and then letting it lapse.

That sounds about right

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>a perfectly reasonable episode exploring the topic of eugenics, that is on theme with everything else in the Star Trek universe
>netflix constantly making edgy shit
>but muhh PC culture
Leave the house and have sex.

In order or importance:
-SJW programming.
-Censored TV shows and movies, although I've only seen one example of that for their movies.
-Shit gets deleted before we get a chance to watch it.

Stop making commercials like this

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Wokeness breeds Brokeness

They’ve lost some ridiculous sum of money.

They keep losing movies to other streaming sites

Engage in polygamy, lesbianism, and racemixing goy! Fuck Kikeflix.
And thanks for making the strongest member of society,(the white guy) look weak, fags.

Why do people willingly give money to corporations that literally want them to die?

>an ad using open relationships meme and equating it to watching netflix shows with someone else
>people often make the joke that watching an episode without your gf/bf is like cheating
>reading so deeply into this to think it's some social marxist pc conspiracy to make everyone into a cuck
How do you live with yourself? You are literally worse than the screeching sjws from like 5 years ago.

When will White people create their own streaming service and dominate the market?

people are finally seeing the agenda netflix is pushing

Imagine if the ad made the black man look like the fool instead of the white guy.

>missing the point of a character

You sound like you helped write the show

Okay /pol/cel

Yes, that is the reason
HBO, Amazon, the others and the economy of the suscribers aren't!

I like how the people running the show openly admitted they cant have frank fighting gangs because gangs are diverse. Thats the timeline we live in. We cant have a good punisher show because it would seem racists since most of the scum punisher kills are diverse gang bangers.

This is why you people will fail, you keep assigning the same old labels on people, then you wonder why your market keeps shrinking. Oh and yeah /pol/ used to be cool, but it's pretty well done now. P.S. I've had more sex than anyone in this thread.

You couldn't be more wrong. But enjoy your bubble. Normies are sick of being preached at too. And want an escape not to be told what to think. Like you do.

how do you figure? they've been posting profit


>as long as Netflix has had original programming they've been going hard on SJW tropes like interracial relationships, non-white male leads and LGBT shit
>when they were on top of the world and murdering cable TV they were going hard on SJW tropes like interracial relationships, non-white male leads and LGBT shit
>but now that they're on the downward slide, Yea Forums insists it's because they've been going hard on SJW tropes like interracial relationships, non-white male leads and LGBT shit

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right, society is kinda over identity politics. it will continue but the hump is gone and people are starting to wake up to the idea that extremes on either end are retarded.

companies spoon fed people what they wanted at the time and they will continue to do so or die. we got tired of the old food and now they need new food to get us back.

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I wonder why Netflix doesn't make their own shows that are like office and friends
Maybe cause they blew their entire budget on shows about grimy niggers

I met up with a bunch of people this week, had a few beers. I thought one of them was your typical SJW (perhaps she sort of is), but we started talking about popular culture, and she went on a rant on how everything was becoming unwatchable because of shitty pandering.

She went on to mention Alien as an example of "strong female" done right, and Star Wars and various reboots and Bond as examples of how it fucking sucks.

She is a major feminist, but she called reboots shoehorned, forced, bad and just not commercially viable over time because nobody liked it. SJW Reboots alienates the core audience (often men) AND the people they pander to, because 1) they never liked it in the first place, casting a black female will not change that, and 2) they mostly see through it as shameless pandering and that turns them off.

Why does that matter? Makes absolutely no difference to the context of the ad. Normal people aren't insecure enough to feel every time a non-white person even looks at a white man in the media, it's subtle societal attack on white people. Please have sex.

Their original programming never murdered jack or shit

people pay 8/month to just have the office or friends on 24/7. i used to do it with american dad and would have cancelled if the GF didn't watch it. i bet most of these people just remembered and old account they didn't use and deleted it.

its also cheaper to share accounts so a lot of those probably just started using someone elses.

Netflix was a trail-blazer in the streaming media industry and after years of being top dog other streaming sites have gotten their shit together to the point that there's healthy competition, which combined with losing many of their most popular syndicated shows like The Office and Friends has resulted in people not feeling compelled to stay subscribed with them over other streaming services.

>same person if the nig nog looks stupid

>2 price hikes in a year
>shrinking catalog
>all the good originals are cancelled
>none are rewatchable
>forced awkward diversity handled with hamfists to aggressively shove messages in your face and treat the audience like idiots

Enjoy that delusion kiddo. Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and the Marvel shows up to Iron Fist put them on the map as much as any of the syndicated shit they had.

Please, kys. :)

shaka zulu witcher elves in the forest

I know Yea Forums just wants to circlejerk about this, but more likely than not there's a rational explanation other than "Netflix is shit". I wouldn't be surprised if some people cancelled their subscriptions out of butthurt about The Office and Friends being removed.

you're actually right, man. i leave this site for months and come back and start arguing about shit i don't care about with people i don't know. its retarded and i don't like myself for it.

your point is logical and mine is retarded and not even something i agree with logically or morally. i dunno why i do it. but i'm not alone and i'll do it again. maybe even in this thread.

I subscirbed to netflix beacuse it would reguarly update with new movies to watch. Now it only updates with shitty originals and bollywood movies.

they don't have anything to watch. something pops up every few months but most of what i want is somewhere else for a better deal.

almost done with strange things 3

>lol let's make everyone gay

Another important point is that movies and shows need to perform well in Europe and in some cases Asia. But "representation" is not really a thing for them. Asians hate blacks and black leads harms them, and despite what /pol/ will tell you, Europe don't have that many blacks outside of the UK and France, and the blacks we have does not make good customers anyway. They are not European the same way that American blacks are American. They don't have that history, they have not been there long enough to "belong".

The American "representation" doesn't appeal to them anyway, because their history is not really comparable.

For white Europeans, and African immigrants, this pandering is just not understandable, and they hate it more than white Americans.

Because they're a racist sexist basket of deplorables and Netflix clearly didn't do anything wrong.

I want good movies, Netflix is transitioning to shitty shows.

>movies and shows need to perform well in Europe
Hollywood only cares about America and China. They give zero shits about anyone else; if it does well in either of those two places, nowhere else matters.

one character.
the will thing was about him not hitting puberty wasn't it? he doesn't like girls cuz he's still into kid shit like d&d (btw how did it feel for nerds to see them all out grow it at fucking 12 lol)

>Constantly gets rid of movies not long after they are added
>Has barely any classics aside from the occasional blockbluster (which are removed a few months after anyway)
>Keeps producing a lot of mediocre-bad original shows
>Has the worst selection of horror movies I've ever seen in my life
>Shit selection of weeb shows
>Doesn't even have any good CN, Nickelodeon, or Disney cartoons
>Despite having Netflix "US", it's cluttered with a fucking ton of shitty Indian shows no one wants to watch.
.>politics politics politics
Gee why do they keep losing subscribers?

>and African immigrants, this pandering is just not understandable, and they hate it more than white Americans.

Would you respect someone who kisses your feet? Pic related. And that's not the only picture of him kissing negro feet. Imagine the Pope's porn folders. wew lad

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2* probably more to come, I'm sure lucas's little sister will come out as gay in stranger things 8

These things are cyclical. It'll be back up next quarter.

who else was gay?
nigga tell me that aint jenna fuckin marbles about to get her feet kissed by the pope.

netflix has never made a single show that could be even remotely considered edgy

>jenna fuckin marbles
I've heard of her, but ????

There's your answer

t. grand emperor of business sciences.

I see you haven't watched netflix in a while now its all aziz spam

i feel like everyone has and deosn't know her. she's one of the first youtubers, really popular and milquetoast.

>raise price of the product
>dont raise quality of product

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Youd be amazed how many normie co workers I have who are black or gay or a woman or asian and how they cant stand all this political sjw shit being forced into everything too. Alot more people than you realize dont give a shit for either "side" as much as the tv tries to say otherwise.

Season 1 of DWP was actually fairly kino, I couldn't get through the first ep of S2 though

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Will & Robin

>>Has the worst selection of horror movies I've ever seen in my life

I recall it being that way when I had Netflix. It was basically all the Scream movies, all the Saw movies, Blair Witch, and comedies that happened to have Frankenstein or Dracula. Ooh so creepy n scurry. No hope of ever seeing Return of the Living Dead or Day of the Dead (1985) on their shitty platform.

They don't even mention the race mixing

Pop quiz: You turn on Netflix right now. What is the best thing you could possibly watch? Is it worth $15 a month to see that?

Still no bright 2

nigga will ain't gay. he just didn't mature as fast as the rest. i'm worried i'm right and they're gonna retcon it to make people happy now. there was 0 indication of him being gay.

>a heavily implied threesome with two white chicks and a black guy isn't race-mixing

You may have the 'tardation, user.

You're an incel if you don't think the average consumer has never liked, and will never like gay shit.

All of you are buyfags so kill yourselves equally. Torrenting is extremely easy and convenient and you don't need a middle man

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>youtubers, really popular and milquetoast.
Oh her. Yeah she's not interesting enough for my time, but she seems nice. I'd sooner watch Jenny Nicholson slobber over teddy bears. Who knew I'd ever have a crush on a disabled girl?

That sounds ten times more interesting than whatever shit Netflix made up

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The character description is from the original show pitch.

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>Torrenting is extremely easy and convenient

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This isn't really a complicated question.

1. Netflix used to be the only game in town, now its not - this shit was inevitable once Amazon Prime got off the ground, and there's more coming.

2. Netflix just raised its prices for the second time. Like, shit nigga what did you expect?

3. Netflix's catalogue is shrinking. Now everyone's jumping on the streaming bandwagon, networks are pulling their shows.

4. Something something jews, something something pushing SJW propaganda in our faces. Or to put it slightly more accurately (and sanely), the people working on Netflix's shows are more interested in making shit that will appeal to the people they actually want to work for, not in making things that will be profitable for the corporation.

Everyone wants to move up the ladder, and the people at the top... well I think we all know their politics leans a certain way. The writers and directors working at Netflix would get paid more if they were writing and directing at Hollywood blockbusters, so sure, they want to make something that will get a good viewership. But most of the time what they're really making is an advertisement to potential future employers.

If they make a show that most people don't care for, but the LA upper crust absolutely love, well, that's bad for netflix but good for them. It's about getting word of mouth going in LA social circles - having the right politics is a big part of that, but being 'woke' is not the point. The whole thing is about getting that next job, using the current one as a springboard. It's not just a problem at Netflix - across the whole entertainment industry, most people are more loyal to their own careers than they are to the product they're making.

David Harbour's take on why the first season of Stranger Things worked so well - because everyone working on it was focused on the show itself, rather than seeing it as an advert for their future careers.

not enough shows celebrating gender, racial and sexual diversity

me and my wife's son are moving to disney+

>not support progressive values
>risking backlash from a large portion of their potential customers
>gaymer bros don't care and won't watch regardless
>supporting progressive values
>normies don't care either way
>sjws are happy
>gaymer bros are screeching on twitter about niggers and women in muh entertainment

Now tell me which one is the smarter financial decision? It's not good business to come out and say "You know what. You're right. We need to be less inclusive and just have all white and all male cast, forever. Fuck jannies, fuck niggers, fuck faggots! Praise kek!"

You right wing sjws don't affect their bottom line, and screching about the blacks or the gays on twitter does not garner you any sympathies. If you can't understand this, then you are truly retarded.

>this much cope
Soro's influence has gotten obvious, even to normies.

Post a picture of your dick

>and screching about the blacks or the gays on twitter

Unlike yourself i dont own a Twitter and only express my opinion here. Irl I cosplay as a mega normie

>triggered snowflake non-leftist
Is there anything more pathetic than this? Leftists have wholly embraced safe spaces, ranting about "toxic masculinity" and trigger warnings, and no amount of projection will change that. Faggot.

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>enter the name of the film
>click 3 times
>watch it when it's downloaded

It fucking pisses me off 98% of their horror selection are movies post-2010. Majority if them are literal who shitty indie films
>You want Dracula, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, Dawn of the Dead, and They Live?
Here's Creep 2, Hellraiser 3, Final Destination, Cargo, and It Follows.
>You want Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, and Carrie?
Here you go... the remakes!
>You want to watch Night of the Living Dead which is public domain?
Here's some shitty Korean ghost horror comedy

How is their horror selection this fucking bad?

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Netflix losing subs is because they keep producing mediocre/garbage originals no one wants to watch.

Stranger things is only as big as it is because it doesn’t have that cheap production quality you find in the rest of the originals. Even umbrella academy was okay, despite the hype.

Netflix needs to make more deals to get shows same day streaming like rick and north and better call saul

>netflix constantly making edgy shit
Are you pretending to be retarded? On netflix, there's only leftism. Nothing else is allowed, not even a white couple.

Losing heavy hitter titles to rival companies and inability to adapt to the growing market that is the streaming service because they didn't make more quality shows is the real reason

You leftists are never honest.

they need to retcon stranger things and hire a new cast of under 10 kids

I like how you left out searching out the one torrent program that doesn't fuck your PC over, then installing it, then learning to use the fucking thing, THEN finding the right links, and finally taking literal days to download. *Bonus when it's downloaded it's in potato vision even though it's a massive 60GB file. No thank you.

>radical centrist
Yes, it's retarded to think there's any difference between the races and that a white majority should be preserved.

>literally married a tranny
How progressive.

Also I own 7 of those films.

Stop basing all your shows on interracial relationships.

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*rabid communist
That's more accurate.

You must be new here.

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If none of it matters, why do you care? You are chimping out over some completely innocuous shit and sound a lot like those "muh slavery muh reparation" niggers, just more petty. That's some cognitive dissonance you must be dealing with.

What's your idea of edgy content? Unironic cross burning and faggot bashing?

Netflix and HBO basically paved the way for mainstream mature entertainment. How fucking young are you? Half the shit you see on netflix now would have you burned on a pyre 20 years ago. The christfag moral police had it's fingers in all the media. People in America to this day are outraged by naughty words and seeing titties before midnight. Yea Forums is not representative of the real world, please experience the world outside of your bubble.

Who's the coalburner?

What will happen to Netflix Originals when they go bankrupt? who will even want to stream them?

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>doesn't know that stock value is measured by year-over-year growth, not profit

if you tell your shareholders you're poised to grow 30% and you only grow 10%, guess what, your stocks drop because people sell them
econolets, when will they learn

Maximum wokeness = maximum brokeness

I don't know. I stole the meme from someone else

a couple reasons. First, too many fucking companies have their own streaming services now which is causing piracy to take off again after having been at an all time low. People won't subscribe to four different streaming services for one show each, it's just not financially feasible. Second, they don't make good content. The only way to make up for losing content to other streaming services is to make their own, but outside of Stranger Things and Daredevil(which they aren't making anymore) they don't make good content. The vast majority of Netflix originals are abject fucking garbage.

>one dimensional
She hit every single negative black stereotype. She had many dimensions of anti-black racism.

price hikes is one reason, the other reasons are declining programming, removal of programs that people would actually pay to watch, etc.

>Yea Forums crossposter has double digit IQ and an unhealthy fixation with one "social" ""issue""
what a shock

>one social issue
>clearly lists two

way to go

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ohh tell me what a pe ratio is next pls

Athena Rayne. before you ask - yes. her boyfriend irl is black

I gave S3 an honest shot but it had too much bad to overwhelm the bit of good.
The writing almost felt like multiple levels of meta self-aware, in that just like all the products shilled in the show, the show had become a soulless product.
Just like many film franchises of the 80's it fell apart by the third installment, I feel that the writers have completely run out of gas and fallen into relying on formula.
They didn't know how to write the characters at this awkward age and you absolutely find yourself only empathizing/connecting with Will who like any viewer of the show has been left behind.
The writing isn't genuine or natural, it just feels like an assembly line tv show, many characters no longer have any purpose other than to reoccur, the movie references are too obnoxious (just about everything with the big Russian).
Too over the top with the fact it was the 80s instead of having characters that just happen to be in the 80s.
The show is another unfortunate example of horrible woke politics sneaking into a time period where all of that is ridiculously immersion breaking and alien.
There is no need to bluntly setup modern day premises in a show that is meant to be an escape from the bullshit we see everywhere, their gaggle of burger king kids freaks/geeks used to have these quirks naturally woven into the story as an aside, and just like in the 80s there wasn't this woke modern day acceptance.
Majority of the time it was indifference or ostracizing, this felt like after school special degrassi style this episode covers X the next covers Y, follow it up with a music swell lazy writing.
Don't even get me started on ruining your art with not so subtle jabs at a certain orange man and the mayor.
Why the fuck would you do that, when you look back at things that take a swing at dubya Bush it's horribly dated topical cancer that ages like milk left in a sauna, stupid as fuck.

>turing the Scoia'tael into niggers.

Not the worst idea, tbqh.

Raising the bar so much so all your characters are now in completely unrelatable scenarios, you can no longer empathize with whatever they're feeling, they're just random cutouts moving about scenes.
Sometimes bigger isn't better, might want to think about a giant James Bond style secret Russian base, fuck.
It's another example of when creators have to just make "more" they have too much of a budget, too many obligations to commerical entities, too much modern day topical meddling.
What a goddamn bummer.

The Titans show? That's DC streaming service's fault. Not that Netflix would've done it any better anyway.

goooooooooooooooooo back.

So your world view is built entirely on the opinions this place? I'm sorry.

>Leftists have wholly embraced safe spaces, ranting about "toxic masculinity" and trigger warnings, and no amount of projection will change that. Faggot.
Sargon is that you? I didn't realise we were back in 2011. Oh no, that's right, we're in 2019. Where right wingers unironically cultivate safe spaces and echo chambers across the web, getting outraged at the most innocuous things and banning anyone who disagrees. And if they god forbid enter in any sort of discussion outside of their safe space, they just cry wolf. Speaking of wolves; hail all those "lone wolves" who have nothing in common at all, saving us all from the "cultural marxists". One bullet at a time.

Where? Last time I checked Hollywood loves all those billions of dollars. Last time I checked, blacks on tv doesn't mean seizing the means of production and distributing hollywood shekels to the plebs.

the drop-off in quality media across all platforms is not independent of identity politics whether or not the general consumer is making the connection.

You getting paid?

>she wanted to negotiate separately from the rest of the cast because she and her parents thought she was the real star of the show and she deserved millions

Because Netflix keeps losing shows and movies and replacing them with garbage Netflix originals. No idea why the executives at Netflix thought people would give a FUCK about those originals. I can count the originals that were good on both hands. And the best/most popular ones are either dogshit or canceled now.

every day more and more redditors leak out of their containment - today we have experienced that faggot taking his baby steps in a non-safe space. it's probably best to just ignore them

Same thing faggot. If their content was worth watching, people would actually stick around after shit like friends got pulled.

Did you escape your safe space? Here people disagree with you and your kind can't ban free speech in this place. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Don't like it go back to the cultivated safe spaces you call home and pretend your echo chamber is consensus.

It's how many pull ups and push ups you can do in the gym in 1 min period. Next question!

Because literally any decent third party movies/shows arent on netflix anymore. It's pretty obvious


>Overwatch decline

You have no idea. They would literally remove minigames people liked and fuck up the game balance on multiplayer seemingly nerfing and buffing at random. The game was decent in the first half year, but they kept ruining it.

>I like how you left out searching out the one torrent program that doesn't fuck your PC over, then installing it, then learning to use the fucking thing
All of this you also need to do with the streaming service, mr shill
>taking literal days to download
What? It takes as long for me to download a file as it takes for you to download the stream. What

>lose all good shows and movies
>only thing left is most recent capeshit and sjw propaganda netflix originals
>raise price

surprised you got no (you)s so here's one, pal

Forced faggot, nigger, and tranny shit.

If only you had an argument. The endless pivoting and "no, u's" are so tiresome. For faggots who seem to be on the side of truth and logic, seem to be anything but. Disappointing.

>my echo chamber
You mean the real world? And the "consesus" there doesn't seem to agree with you, otherwise you wouldn't feel like you were having all those sjw, race mixing, sexuality accepting, women loving politics "forced" upon you everywhere you go.

If your only argument is "blacks and gays bad", youre not gonna get very far changing that consesus. Good luck though, I'm sure you'll have the negro back in chains one day.

He's right, fagboy.

congrats, you played yourself

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They keep losing shows and their own shows are trash, including that jerkoff to the 80s one .

i think he's talking about triss from the witcher show, who literally looks like a coked up black 70's disco queen at studio 54.

They´ll be back once we shill Dark like we shilled Stranger Things. Dark is great BTW.

>people are more loyal to their own careers than they are to the product they're making
That's not the core of the problem, companies in current year are not loyal to employees. If your boss treats you as interchangeable, you have to treat your boss as interchangeable too just to survive. You can't be loyal to a company that can fire you just because they can't think of any tasks for you to do for like 3 months.

This nigga gets it.

Didn't include enough key words to trigger the NPC dialogue trees.

There was study that showed straight males are instinctively revolted by faggots kissing.
I know you are your faggy shill friends are attempting some 'consensus cracking', but reality is calling.

Literally the only good "original" i have ever seen on a streaming service was Good Omens, and that wasn't even a real original, it was a joint project between Amazon and the BBC with a script by one of the original authors.

There are too many streaming options. It would probably cost $300 a month.

I literally laughed out loud.

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Altered Carbon is good on Netflix

Have sex

tits or gtfo

You know who she looks like? Tom Hank's pedo gf in the movie Big.

Turns out pandering to degenerates doesn't make your company more profitable

She was way cuter with the buzzed head

Same. I don't want to be preached, I want to be entertained.

>Black user here

Opinion invalidated.

white male hands typed this

But gays are inherently one dimensional. Dickbutt is their entire culture.

she came across as an unlikeable bitch to be honest

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>actually cancel netflix
>tell them im leaving because there aren't enough 'culturally relevant' new shows
haha nothing personal

T. Doesn't know any gay people irl

Elizabeth Perkins

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>Dear white people
>Dear black people


what would it even sound like for someone to talk through one of those disc mouth holes?

digits of truth

I cancelled because I liekd watching all the old, comfy TV shows they had on UK netflix. Now that they have pretty much none of it left, I just cancelled.

>Inb4 they blame White people, Russians, Nazis, Incels and BLUMPFFF Supporters.

Guys if we just had some sex, then we might want to buy Netflix subscriptions.

It would be a very painful big guy 4 u. Hahatahayahayayafagahafagahahaha

>> Play : dear white people but wont play something educational like Farkhan documentary

Based black man.

We're about to enter in a the biggest economic crises ever
Time to stock gold

Their content is just no longer good enough to subscribe to over other services.

>Once Netflix goes bankrupt, Blockbuster will finally be avenged.

Must've been run renting movies when your parents had to pay the late fees...

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>Promotes race mixing and other leftist poison
>wonders why no one wants to watch their shit.

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>Time to stock gold


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i unironically unsubbed when they replaced actual content with sjw propaganda basedrials and i dont even own a maga hat

>Subscribe to watch one show
>Drop it once its over because the subscription isn't worth it for anything else
Not hard to understand

Ever heard of torrenting? Stop giving your money to kikes.

Bosch just keeps being good.

That's all I do though, women I know aren't technically savvy enough so play subscription roulette, streaming services have done this to themselves with the whole "binge watch" society they themselves promote

big mike lookin swole

I literally just finished Aliens and decided to take a shit post break from my summer re-watch of the entire series.

Why did you post this?

>help us learn why

Why does 'journalism' always seem like they're basically working directly in the interest of big corporate conglomerates? I mean this headline practically serves as an extension / outsourcing of market research.

I hate



If they contained their crap to their fucking shows I would be OK with it, but first with Black Mirror and then with Last Kingdom, they shoved their POISONED money on it, and those shows turned to shit instantly. Like, first episode with Netflix money and those shows were already pozzed.


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A staff of competent writers should be able to pull it off. But I doubt a company like Netflix cares much about competency or talent. That's why the creative teams in all of their shows are plagued with diversity hires and ideologues. People who can't write for shit.

Because that's exactly what's happening.

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Punisher 99 once kidnapped a man and after torturing him, shot him with a futuristic needle gun that slowly chewed through his body until reaching his heart and piercing it, the only way to escape death was to take a knife and cut yourself up fast enough to reach the needle.

They should make a Punisher 99 movie is what I'm saying.

They started hemorrhaging shows I liked to watch. Everything I'd watch on Netflix is on Hulu and Hulu has more in addition to it.

Because it's paid content? I'm willing to bet Netflix is one of their advertisers

I lean left in a lot of ways, and I think people should start making a distinction between any number of varieties of people who might be liberal or left in some way, and a pseudo-politics that exists on social media and in clickbait journalism.

Of course, too many self-described 'leftists' are still too happy to condone ugly culture war narratives and contentions, and condone shallow clickbait / Twitter type sentiments where they think it serves them, or they still often get too much into a war-like mentality where basically you have to be a fucking "Marxist" (fuck that) or you're the Enemy (as if "Marxism" hasn't already lost).

Basically people just need to chill, identify less as political but rather seeking the good for people / nature / whatever, but allowing for imperfections and room to grow (without presuming themselves the ones with a total knowledge and being in the position to "teach" those who need to be "woken up"). But key is anyone of any variety of left or right or middle coming to develop a disdain for the facsimile of discourse and politics as it exists in media - social media, journalistic, or entertainment. It's not real politics, it's posturing and venting and signalling and it accomplishes fucking NOTHING.

Black Mirror was always "pozzed".

>No, just triggered snowflake conservatives.

You're the reason Netflix is losing subs.

1) Compition
2) Two price increases in a year
3) New Shows are more dedicated to being woke then good.

Though They do make good stuff still, Dark is a example.

And that's a good thing

So what you saying is you are a literal nazi?

The people at the top are usually conservative white men. They don’t care for politics, but they’ll follow what market research says. Most likely they have data that says being woke is popular, so they get their minions to make it happen.

i don't know if he is, but I am. nuck figgers 1488 hail hortler jill kews

Those Reeboks are fresh as FUCK

Yeah Netflix is just repetitious people were starting to meme their shows because every show has the same stuff, Netflix and chill just became a euphemism for interracial sex.

based and reasonablepilled

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You should only get AIDS and die you pig

He said black not fem you cuckold fetishizing weirdo

>A staff of competent writers should be able to pull it off
Sure, that could be said about every movie made ever.
>competency and talent is lacking because diversity
Are you implying that all the movies in the past were good?

Good writing is hard, even most big budget movies have shit writing, why would a series about a second-rate cameo character be any different? The punisher got lucky to even have a series made. Nobody gives a fuck about him.

You got spoiled with a few good series that had good writing, and now expect the same quality for all of them. Not taking into account that 99% of series have cheesy af scripts, poor writing and half of the episodes are filler.

I've never been subbed to Netflix, why would I care?

so is maisie
hollywood loves ugly chicks

Here is what is new, you tell me if you would watch any of it.

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uhhh True Tunes is kino you fucking pleb

>a post people here genuinely might believe they identify with, while simultaneously continue to perpetuate the opposite with their actions.
The libs aren't gonna own themselves, and somebody has to make excuses for endless shit takes from conservatives. Tim Pool couldn't have written it better himself. A true centrist take.

>sjws from like 5 years ago
from 5 years ago? They haven't gone anywhere faggot. If anything they've become more effective in ruining franchises and IPs and gatekeeping the entertainment industry. A bunch of incel fags screeching on 4shins is no match for that kind of influence.

It's anti-eugenics, which Nazis used to be in favor of
There was another episode where Riker wants to kill clones of himself that was intended to be a pro-choice message

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Dark is the only good show on Netflix. Stranger Things is straight trash.

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Man, you seem really upset. People are free to express themselves and have fun here, don't let that trigger you into a frothing self righteous rage.

you sound like a very condescending person,
all that passive agressiveness wont take you far,
im not even joking,

>Imagine having everything you care about absolutely btfo'd by a bunch of basedboys and screeching purple haired dykes.
Sucks to be you I guess. In the marketplace of ideas, you win or you reeee. Maybe you should come up with some good ideas that people care about.

>A bunch of incel fags screeching on 4shins is no match for that kind of influence
*2 cents have been deposited on your bank account*

i thought that was just a swedish rip off of stranger things?

>its all about good ideas that people care about

lol what a naive faggot


Oh look JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson are here in person


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Look at this Post and look at the responses to said post.
Can you spot the Netflix shills?

>Oh look JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson are here in person

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Netflix is missing a ton of important films in the public domain, even though it would literally cost nothing to add them

>/pol/tards think Netflix is dying because of race politics
Retards. It's because every tv station and their mothers now see the value in a subscription to access their content online. The Office was like, 15% of Netflix's total traffic of some shit. NBC got woke and realized that even if a modicum of people subscribe to their service, that they'll still make boatloads more than if they let Netflix still have it. And that's not even counting Disney pulling all their shit because of Hulu.

How many interracial couples are in them though?

At least one

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>Are you implying that all the movies in the past were good?
I'm implying that studios in the past at least tried because the focus was to sell tickets and to do so you needed to tell a good story and have compelling characters. Sometimes it worked, sometimes they failed miserably. Sometimes we got classics. Because they tried. The same cannot be said about Netflix and you know it.

>you're like mean n stuff, but I'm gonna say it in a really polite way so you feel bad and I can pretend I got the moral high ground while saying nothing at all
You sound like someone who has no arguments to defend their shit takes.

>have no argument
>"dude we're just having fun, it's just memes xDDD"
>"you're the triggered one"

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Unironically because people are entitled
>I should get every single tv show and movie in human history for less than 10 bucks a month without having to get other subscriptions
Grow up

You could stop making everything black infested, stop pushing gay shit down my throat, and you could stop using every other minute as an opportunity to plaster my face with female empowerment. Fuck off. Cancelled my sub 5th of July with pleasure, after trying to swallow down Russian Doll and realizing it's just another one of your agenda series.


Do you have aspergers or are you new here? You're not welcome either way, get out.

if you can't respect yourself then your respect for others is seen as hollow and meaningless at best.

This is bottom line

maybe you're onto something

>bunch of aggressive racially based terrorists

should have been arabs

the bigoted left, everyone.

>not you know murder

well that makes me think

Why would a mud hut dwelling woman need to speak?

You're posting wojaks as arguments. It's time to stop projecting.

le ebin debate tactics
you got btfo like 3 times in this thread, you are very passive agressive and dramatic,a very feminine attitude.

>In the marketplace of ideas, you win or you reeee
Sucking the blood dry of a franchise and then moving on to the next isn't exactly winning. That's just parasitic behaviour. It's a destructive force, not a creative one. They lack the talent to create anything of their own. Eventually everything will burn to the ground. And that's a good thing

>no you
Is this some kind of jewish irony?

>ruined healthcare
>ruins streaming platform

>no argument
you never had a chance bro

>> no longer have imaginative thought provoking content like : Marco Polo
that show deserved better


I just watched the 1st season a few days ago and I thought it had to be her daughter.


my favorite part was the ending

I will say this it even seems like conversatives are the same about their entertainment, all they want is the same shit hashed into their faces again and again forever until they die.


Do they ever have any original ideas? No. They just live to complain.

already have with your mom


I've made my points, none of you have provided a single counter argument that is anything other than hurr durr lefties, commies, sjws and black people bad.
>heh he no longer has any arguments so he just posts memes
Can't counter retardation with words, unfortunately it's genetic. Big win for the marketplace of ideas.

Depends on your perspective of winning. From the point of view of a share holder this is very much considered winning. All these franchises you care so much about are nothing but a product. You think in a multi billion dollar industry anyone gives a shit about what your opinion on creative forces? Don't be naive.

she IS the start of the show dumbdumb.

How about
It'a really not hard.

>We're fucked sir
>We're losing "The Office" and "Parks and Rec" next year to NBC's streaming service, and we're almost $5 billion in debt!
>We NEED to run advertisements to make ends meet, please Mister Netflix, you must be reasonab-

>When my father, Schlomo Netflix Sr. walked off the boat from Israel and started this great company, he had just several million dollars in his pocket, a huge DVD collection, and a fuckton of envelopes to his name
>The day my father died, I made two promises to him, and to our viewers;
>That we would shoehorn Black on White relationships into as many original shows as possible
>And that we would never run ads on our streaming service
>...Also our research shows that about a third of our subscribers would immediately drop our shit like a hot potato if we did
>That's why we're going to use...

>But Mister Netflix
>Everyone knows our numbers are shit
>Any corporation we advertise for will use that against us and they'll have us by the balls
>They would make us do something really jarring and obvious like have a character give a two minute monologue about the fine taste of Coca-Cola at a really inappropriate time
>Or have a retardedly obvious money shot of a 7-11 and the products they sell saving the main characters from some crisis

>Our fucking idiot customers will never see what we're doing, it's called subliminal messaging
>You're a damn fine protege but you have a lot to learn about subtlety
>You just watch, nobody is gonna notice
>Everybody wins here, Johnson
>Now get out there, make some calls, and whore out this PG-13 rated show with child actors to as many cigarette companies as you can

Massive faggotry right here.

No u

the boys are the star the girl's some dumb lab-rat

>really not that hard to make original characters in a world where literally anything you can think of has been done
Maybe they should pay you millions of dollars for all those ideas you have

>help us why, I'm literally shaking now

Bargaining stage. They are pretending they don't know, desperately begging someone to find a reason for them to blame "alt-right trolls"

>(((white men)))

tasty cope

Shitty fucking selection of movies.

They never have what I'm looking for. Even for 20 fucking year old movies. Their entire movie library consists of Straight-To-DVD movies and disney shit. That's fucking it

Why the fuck would I pay for that.

>How on earth did this happen?
This was only natural, everyone wants a piece of their pie and everyone is pulling their shit from Netflix and starting their own streaming business.

Wew lad, that's a mighty fine strawman you've constructed. It'd be a real shame if somebody pointed it out.

Why do you guys get so up in arms about everyday products that everybody buys?

Literally nothing to watch and ST3 wasn't good, it should have been over after season 1.

Because they have really tried to make new original characters and there is no access to a world full of literature at your fingertips.

She wants the BBC.

Obviously not enough interracial programming, they will have to redouble their efforts to bring subscribers back.

virtue-signaling nigger-loving footfags are the worst

>got another letter from my ip
>already on the last ip in burgerland

i just reposted it since its funny

>Also autoplaying trailers are cancer.
seriously, fuck this shit

luke cage is based though

It was extremely refreshing to see the media portray actual nigger behavior. I was at a Costco awhile back and saw two sheboons were taking samples of what looked like cake. I walk by the sample stand around 10 minutes later and, the sheboons were still there taking samples! The poor white employee was making samples as fast as he could so other people could get some between those hungry hippos gobbling them up. The entire situation was a perfect metaphor for America.

Santa Clarita Diet. That show's centred on a successful white couple