He loves you and he needs your money

>He loves you and he needs your money

what did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think I had this same argument when I was 11


not an argument

it's pretty self explanatory.


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why is it cool to be christian on Yea Forums now

George "tearing apart the strawman" Carlin

because atheists don't have a soul

No one said its cool to be christian but it is cringy to be a le enlightened athiest who criticizes christianity but not islam or judaism

Carlin was a proto-fedora


>George Carlin
Get some down ya

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you were very clever what happened, le DEUX VAULT?

why don't churches pay taxes?

Most people grew out of their atheist phase. The early church fathers were right about everything. Jesus Christ is Lord.

I criticize all abrahamic religions. checkmate theists.

what if hat isn't an actual argument and your beliefs about magical deities are wrong

>cool being an incel DEUCE VAULT Larper
no sweatie, no

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>all these Christfags literally seething because they're incapable of coming up with one (1) flaw in his logic
Fucking KEK

Carlin is based and always will be, i refuse to play a part of this cycle on this one
>Yea Forums likes thing
>reddit starts liking thing
>Yea Forums no like thing anymore


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This. When you get old enough, you realize everything is really just window dressing. Our ancestors, who were in touch with nature in a far more intimate way, understood that there is a God in Heaven who sent His only Son to cleanse the filth and sin brought on by the baser angels of our nature. God is really real and liberalism really is a mental disorder. If you don’t know it by now, just wait and see.

Luke wasn't Jewish, he was Greek.

You Christcucks are saying wait and see for 2000 years now.

Most people passively accept death. They think you die and there's nothing left anymore. In this way, people choose suffering in the afterlife.
You don't literally burn in hell with devils shoving pitchforks up your ass. The weeping and gnashing of teeth is simply the state of existing in oblivion, away from God. And the immense regret from realizing you turned down eternal life.

You’ll find out, in your own way, that you’re wrong. As Cat Stevens wrote, “You’re still young, that’s your fault, there’s so much you have to know.”

I don’t mean “wait and see” in that way. I mean you yourself, when you are sufficiently old enough and wiser, will understand the Truth.

If you had at least one working brain cell left you would know that eternal life is a curse

>were in touch with nature in a far more intimate way

You got to be joking. What about the native americans who prayed for rain and worshipped nature spirits? Were they in tune with nature too?

>Oh no, religious organizations like the Catholic church preserved ancient knowledge, patronized the arts and do charity work! What can we do to stop them?

Atheism is dangerous. Civilization rests upon moral virtue, self-sacrifice and shared values - all of which are provided by religion. You cannot rip out the foundations of a building and expect success in the long term. Who will give their lives for 'tolerance'?

Only a curse if separate from God, our Father. If by his side, eternal life is paradise.

If you had two brain cells to rub together you would realize eternal life in the Holy Spirit is a completely different matter from biological immortality.

shut up heathen

Theres numerous countries that are successful and majority atheist


>morality can't exist outside religion

Okey,so what are you doing all day in paradise?

jerk off to anime

Because the govt is greedy enough as it is

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cause local charities do better jobs at charity than mega government slush funds

They are successful because they used to be Christian

I was clinically dead for ten hours and there was nothing but darkness.Do you remember the Time before you where Born? This is exactly wat awaits you after death.Nothing

>morality can't exist outside religion
glad we can agree

How do you explain Christian trannys and fags then?

So you're telling me Bill Maher and Religulous is based?

Okay Redditor

protestants aren't christian

Yes because religion is such a successful deterrent to degeneracy. Take a look around, retard.

>Yes because religion is such a successful deterrent to degeneracy.
It is, retarded tranny

Go and suck some Niggertoes Christcuck

>murders own baby
>cuts off genitals
>celebrates sodomy

Explain why I'm a tranny then if that's true.

atheists used to be contrarians in the 00s
christians are contrarians now

catholics aren't christian

I'm not religious but it's not that hard to follow the 10 commandments.
I didn't even know what they were until 30 seconds ago, I currently follow 9 of them.
Only one I don't do is keep the sabbath day holy.

Curiously there is no commandment about believing in God. Number 1 is, "You shall have no other Gods but me." But that can be interpreted in many ways.

Number 3 states "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.", implying the Lord is already your God without you doing anything.

You're mentally ill

Render unto Caeser

Yes they are


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That doesn't prove there isn't a life after death.
Hell I've been told can be the absence of God/Heaven, your words can be interpreted that you went to hell.

yes, I agree. 2000 years ago before christianity morality didn't exist at all.

you don't like blowjobs?

Anyone that professes the central tenant of christianity -that christ died and rose again- is a christian.

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Life after death is a contradiction in itself, like so many othe rthings in the bible.

I knew I wasn't the only one with a grandma that called them that


The Holy Bibble claims Jimmy rose from death.

He's an infiltrator into the catholic order.
Kinda like an SJW getting control of a company.
There are multiple groups warring in Catholicism right now.

t. non retarded agnostic.

> (((Maher))


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Atheism became mainstream and cringy atheists became very prominent on Reddit and Youtube so being a pseudo-Christian is now counter culture.
Facebook Boomers discovering Yea Forums during the election.

>far-right non-religious master race
Get on my level, scrubs. Both sides have their bluepill bullshit and your job is reject both. Only then can we have the perfect society.

Well if the Bible Claims it then it must be true!! JUST LIKE TURN YOURE BRAIN OFF DUDE LISTEN AND BELIEVE DUDE

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even carlin's most political special (his last and his worst) was only half political shit

she's right you know

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If religion is so bad and detrimental to human progress why hasn't it been eliminated by natural selection? Why haven't atheist societies overtaken and destroyed religious ones?


They have.Religion is not playing an important part in first world countries anymore.It is playing an important part in shitholes though

I used to think George Carlin and Bill Hicks were the real shit man when I was like 16. Holy shit I can't watch their stuff for 2 minutes without cringing because that's exactly how I sounded like as a teenager.

>feed the whole fuckin world
feeding niggers makes the nigger problem worse, when will white women understand this?

>I-it's a contradiction.
Nah dude it says it right there, you can live after death, not just metaphorically, but literally.

I think you might be.
I'm not a christian by the way.

>Religion is not playing an important part in first world countries anymore.
Which countries would that be? Those who are actively being taken over by a religious minority perchance?

He's visualizing God on a fundamentally incorrect level based on Sunday school allegories for grade schoolers as though God actually is just some random dude on a cloud or some shit which is never what anyone believed for 95+% of Christian history.

Carlin, Ricky Gervais, Seth MacFarlane, you can tell these guys have never picked up Augustine or Chesterton and just assumed that whatever watered down shit the nuns told them in second grade was the height of Christian thought. It's willful ignorance.


If Carlin were alive today, who would he complain about?

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he sides with trannies and fedoras, so obv he'd be anti trump

Youd be surprised.
There were reasons God commanded whole cities be put to the sword.

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I've never really gave religion much thought, but I do believe in the existence of Evil as a force.

>most people grew out of their atheist phase

No, they learned not to talk about it. I'd bet 90% of american christians are atheist, they just keep it to themselves. There is no way you can convince me that a majority of Americans are stupid enough to believe in a sky father.

Christcucks seething as usual

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I mean in the sense that white women are the ones having their maternal instincts manipulated to send food to africa so that the problem perpetuates itself until the world is full of useless niggers. But thank you.

Carlin is the ultimate Boomer

How can you live if you are dead? You are a christcuck otherwise you would never defend that retarded sandnigger cult

>god is really real
If you ever have to reiterate that something you believe in is real, then I hate to break it to you but it's not real. What you are actually doing is trying to convince yourself. A huge part of you doesn't believe what you say you believe, so you constantly remind yourself that he's real.

If you think God is a guy that sits on a cloud in the sky you are absolutely dense.

Socialism is one of the simplest ideas in the world. It has always puzzled me how there came to be so much bewilderment and misunderstanding and miserable mutual slander about it. At one time I agreed with Socialism, because it was simple. Now I disagree with Socialism, because it is too simple. Yet most of its opponents still seem to treat it, not merely as an iniquity but as a mystery of iniquity, which seems to mystify them even more than it maddens them. It may not seem strange that its antagonists should be puzzled about what it is. It may appear more curious and interesting that its admirers are equally puzzled. Its foes used to denounce Socialism as Anarchy, which is its opposite. Its friends seemed to suppose that it is a sort of optimism, which is almost as much of an opposite. Friends and foes alike talked as if it involved a sort of faith in ideal human nature; why I could never imagine. The Socialist system, in a more special sense than any other, is founded not on optimism but on original sin. It proposes that the State, as the conscience of the community, should possess all primary forms of property; and that obviously on the ground that men cannot be trusted to own or barter or combine or compete without injury to themselves. Just as a State might own all the guns lest people should shoot each other, so this State would own all the gold and land lest they should cheat or rackrent or exploit each other. It seems extraordinarily simple and even obvious; and so it is. It is too obvious to be true. But while it is obvious, it seems almost incredible that anybody ever thought it optimistic.

I am myself primarily opposed to Socialism, or Collectivism or Bolshevism or whatever we call it.
Ok this guy might be worth reading.

That's still "wait and see", dipshit. And all the old americans that drop christianity like a hot potato as they get older makes me believe that you are wrong.

Son, you cannot defeat a sandnigger cult with another sandnigger cult.The Crusades have proven that.

And yet, he was one of the most popular comedians of all time and you're a shitposter on Yea Forums. Way to go, user.

You come back to life.
Kind of like when someone's heart stops so they shock his heart into working again.
I'm just defending it because you're making stupid points.

I too had this same argument when I was 11 years and 5 months old.

America wasn't even built by christians. Most founding fathers were deists, which is just agnostic-light.

women are ****

You believe in a Book that has talking snakes but i am the one making stupid Points here

>secretly goes to a gay bath house
>rapes his own child
>leads a church and embezzles money, becoming the richest man in his community

talking snakes is much more sensible than atheist gender studies and gommunism

>Most people

Come off it. You don't know any people.

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I don't believe in it.
The fact you cannot fathom someone arguing against your shitty arguments to merely show you they're flawed is what makes you retarded.
It's a way of telling you to get better arguments, use your mind better, in other words.

he's kinda cringe, but i like his advertising piece, very smooth

Why don't you guys realize that both of those things are stupid? I'm telling you, being a right-leaning atheist is the path of truth. Reject all the bullshit.

Obviously not. They didn't believe in the right deity.

no taxation without representation, cunt.

No,its the exact same cult bullshit.

>right-leaning atheist
there are no right leaning ****
only ****, who all get the bullet

I don't think there's a god at all. There have been tens of thousands of so called gods. Me and christians agree that 99% of them are bullshit. But me thinking the last 1% is also bullshit somehow makes me a bad person? If 1 prophecy, if 1 prayer, if 1 thing christians believed in came true, I'd be more understanding. Turns out, it's humans doing 100% of the leg work to get things done. I don't believe in any gods, but I do believe in humans and that we are pretty based when we want to be. You can keep your petty big brother in heaven. He's the dipshit that put the male g-spot in our asses.

fedoraisms a cult, as is starvationism

Sadly this is true.
Me on the the left at age 10 thinking what atheism is.
Me on the right at age 20 knowing what atheism is.

There are still some of the left in this picture, some actual moral people. But humans are largely flawed disgusting lazy creatures that mostly go to the right. (In this analogy)

You just assume it's religion holding people back (in their intellectual capacity) when you're young, then you realise it's religion holding people back from their base degenerate instincts. I encourage religion because of this, I can't trust anyone to act normally without it.
Ironically I put too much faith in what others do without religion.

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I believe you user, you are not a christcuck.Its Okay

If religious morals are so great then those morals should have value on their own without any of the superstition/magic bullshit attached to them. Let it go. Your belief in abrahamic nonsense is the equivalent of the leftist's belief in gender studies.

>talking snakes is much more sensible
You may honestly be retarded. I understand that they are cornering you and you don't have much to argue back with, but for fucks sake don't say talking snakes is sensible.

Fuckoff, can’t believe Europeans bought into an Arabian supremacy cult
That’s like blacks being members of the KKK

Jesus preached to be Kind to youre enemys,look how ist turning out for europe and the USA.

kek. Oh no a stranger on the internet hurt my feelings with sarcasm, I wonder what I should do :)

>then those morals should have value on their own without any
citation needed

actually did pretty well till fedoraism took off in the 60's

>is primarily remembered for saying poo poo pee pee on the telly, when they told him not to say poo poo pee pee on the telly
How will Christians ever recover?

The photo on the left is literally the biproduct of christianity. Try getting told the earth is only 5k years old, people rode dinosaurs, and space isn't real and try not losing your fucking mind.
>bu-but that's not all christians!
neither is your stupid photo of real atheism. Real atheism is that guy you kind of know but you never see go to church.

Why not? If it's better to behave in a moral way then why do you need to be pressured by a supernatural force to do it?

>The photo on the left is literally the biproduct of christianity
Glad we can agree

No matter what you do,please do not worship kikes and sandniggers

God is based.

Plato's Euthyphro, bro

It was not fedoraism it was Technology.

Because it is better but you need a certain level of intelligence that far exceeds the "normal" person to understand why it's better.
Thus you tell the tale to children and stupid people to get them playing along, they don't need to know the exact intecracies of why adultery is bad, they just need to not be adulterers.
And thus people wrote books to tell people to act in a moral way, for the masses. (Some claim God helped write these books)
I personally think there's a lot of wisdom in religion but it isn't supernatural, it's merely written works by very smart and wise men.
Philosopher's of their time.

Religion keeps the normies from ruining society.


I don't think you know what a "strawman" argument is.

That wasn't one.

>i'm pro free speech but mocking christianity should be illegal

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>Stuff that can be done DESPITE their belief
Lazy argument m'gentleman

My ancestors believed in Ukko. I think they didn't really know much about the world.

I honestly don’t understand how an adult with an average or higher iq can believe in god. In fact, I’m 100 percent sure that either there are in fact no adults like that and the ones who claim to believe are lying for various cultural reasons(maybe the wife and family is religious etc), or the iq test is worthless. No reasonably intelligent person can believe in god. It’s no different then believing in Scientology

No he didn't. He went into his enemy's home and whipped them.

It's just contrarian counter culture.

Even if you believe that, you're admitting that it's "The Elders" governing the crude masses and not some all-knowing deity. Those intelligent enough to see how complete depravity would lead away from civilization created ultimate consequences for acting out. That's not a God, it's keeping dummies from killing one another.

You're unironically Reddit

Because we are a hivemind of faux- contrarian autists

average people are pretty dumb (or rather they don't apply logical thinking consistently to everything they do or believe). Average people do all kinds of dumb secular shit consistently too.

because we're growing up

They don't believe. They just don't want the hassle of stating their atheism, then dealing with the small amount of people that will REEEEEEE them for the rest of their lives. A normal adult human has no problem calling themselves christian if it means people leave them the fuck alone.

If you turn to christianity as you grow older, then you aren't growing up, you are simply done trying to think for yourself.

Atheists are narcissistic attention whores. You pilpul like a jew.

Yes that's true, that's what I believe, but you can't tell the masses that or they stop believing it.
"Wtf God isn't real? There's no hell, then why should I listen!?"
You can be moral without belief in a god or religion but that's not the average person.

Once god stops getting pushed you basically get the Weimar republic, or what we have right now. (and your people are eventually conquered, and you are enslaved or executed)

Clearly. God is on the side of a hateful site full of hate-mongering race baiters that advocate killing people and goading people into committing suicide

If not being a retard means I’m from there then fine. That’s some pretty shitty reasoning.
>you are only from Yea Forums if you blindly believe in sky fairies hurp
I would take you guys seriously if you at least tried to make an argument

By religion, he obviously means Evangelical Bush-era protestantism.
>invisible man, living in the sky
This is an simpleton's conception of God. Not Plato's, not Aristotle's, not Augustine's and not even Nietzsche's.
>list of 10 things he does not want you to do
You know, religion and Christian morality isn't simple about reading a rulebook. Obviously, people can twist the interpretation of anything. It's a matter of philosophy and theology. Objective morality isn't some strange imposition from above, it's a matter of seeing the real design and purpose behind everything. A good sword is one that cuts well, it's built into the design of it. Same for what a good eye is, and what a good person is. It's obvious.
>but muh hell
People complain about hell all the time. As if there was something wrong with punishing evil. Or as if that makes it somehow not true because it makes you uncomfortable. It's also funny how atheists think Christians believe in an afterlife for comfort, and yet they probably so desperately wish there wasn't. It was pretty much common sense in the real world that if you do something stupid, you could suffer long lasting consequences for it.
>he needs money
I'm pretty sure most Christians know their donations go to their respective church, and are freely giving what they have. People spend their money on worse things.

A jew saying this....

"cool" isn't what drives Yea Forums culture

i live in an atheist-majority country. if i wanted to stop thinking for myself, i would have never entered a church.

We are merely his weeping prophets.

>those digits.
Thanks God for this blessed post.

I respect a person's right to practice their religion and I understand the importance of faith throughout history. But how can you unironically blindly follow an organised religion in this day and age? I mean, there's nothing wrong with taking certain lessons and moral teachings from different religious texts and applying them to your own life, but why would you ever restrict yourself to the dogma of one religion? I mean, it can't be right all of the time. These religions are based on teachings that are centuries old and their application has very much been undermined in the modern world.

It's better than communism at least.

>you are simply done trying to think for yourself.

That is the essence of the Yea Forums hive-mind. Always has been. It's a bunch of sad faggots being culled by the loudest, exhorting racists and sick fuck, tin-foil hatters. The directionless are talked into blaming boogeymen for their problems, thereby growing "their" numbers... Misery loves company, as the saying goes.

you WANT them to be that way. Truth is atheists just want to be left alone. I know for myself, I don't like being told I'm going to hell regardless of a life lived according to the 10 commandments. I could be the most giving, honest, hard working man on the planet but I'd still go to hell because I don't truly believe there's a god.

higher IQ people have a weakness for arguments surrounding their own lack of knowledge. A neurosurgeon may know nothing about the field of robotics and vice versa, and any doctor will be utterly flummoxed by the inane complexity of the human body, hence all the specializing. So the case is easy to make, to an intelligent, educated person, that if no matter how much they know, it never approaches a fraction of even human knowledge, much less all people may never know, then a giant skydaddy is possibly out there in the middle of it.

staunch, confident atheism is primarily a feature of those of completely average intelligence.

You just admitted you are doing it to be contrarian. You still aren't thinking for yourself. You're doing it to be different.

real answer: atheists/leftists overplayed their hand and made their ideologies uncool to the younger generation, a generation which is more concerned with not being cringe, going against the grain, and being contrarian to the established attitudes of online communities (liberal, atheist, etc.)

In clown world it's edgy and dangerous to be a christian conservative.

no i didn't. stop trying to put words in my mouth.


If you'd want to believe in God, and an objective truth, why is it so unreasonable that only one choice would be correct? You could study Islam and Buddhism, yes, but only one of them would have to be correct?
Actually the hyper specialisation of scientist is a modern day thing. Scientists, who were all rounders back in the day, were usually theists (or deists)

What does I mean if I consider that neurosurgeon kind of an idiot?
I fully and truly believe an intelligent person is intelligent across a wide domain of subjects, and does his best to fill in his knowledge.
Someone that just focuses on one field is an overachiever, gaining knowledge beyond his actual intelligence. (In my opinion)

Put it this way there's a guy that goes to the gym and just works out his arms all day and never does cardio.
Anyone with a developed body is going to think he's an idiot.
His traps will be shit, his back will be fucked, his legs will make him look retarded, etc. That's the neurosurgeon.

I used to be 15 too OP, you'll grow out of it.

>and your people are eventually conquered, and you are enslaved or executed

...I mean, I can't argue against the success of a stalwart society. I think the hope is that relying on an evolutionary step forward in consciousness would negate the need for believing in an ultimate judge... However, that step forward is flawed in believing that an evolutionary step invites everyone along for the ride.

I just don't get why Christians, Muslims etc. are so absolutely convinced about their own beliefs. You actually have no idea if the God you believe exists or not, so why waste your time following the word of a 'sacred' text that is centuries old if the likelihood of that God existing is actually very slim?

Belief in something is a feeling.
It's also an addictive and good feeling.

It's hilarious how right-wing intellectual-dark-web people fetishise the rules of debate and logical fallacies so much, but don't realize that they only apply to a specific variety of formal discussion and that every statement does not need to be an argument

>he fell for the one post and leave thread post.
How embarrassing.

Atheists are fat childless fags that shove fruit up their ass. If being left alone was what you cared about you'd attack the leftists and muslims with the same daddy issues flavored fervor you attack christianity. But you don't. Their only honesty and charity comes from a tiny little pit of bile that is their hate for their father.

>Attempting to simplify an omnipotent, omniscient creator of everything as an "invisible man in the sky"
Also God doesn't just "love you", He hates the reprobate with perfect hatred.

But my father was an atheist, and his father was a muslim.

spoken like Jesus himself.

>higher IQ people have a weakness for arguments surrounding their own lack of knowledge
No they don't, that's dumb people. Dumb people can't connect the dots so they trust other people's arguments. Smart people are capable of walking through the reasoning, so they can see through the rhetoric tricks that would usually fool dumb people.

Wew. Only missing the fedora.

Well, I mean, maybe they have a good idea? Most Christians I know usually have a "experience" of some sort. Most big believers in this day and age have also done their homework about these things. They read, they question, they convert from one religion to another. Ask Abdal Hakim Murad why he's so convinced about Islam.

You might as well ask this of most beliefs. Why are progessives so sure equality is a good thing? Why are neo-nazis so sure their homeland is a good thing?

>waaaaa why am I being picked on more than anyone else??
If you knew just 1 thing about atheists, you'd know that muslims get far more hate from atheists than christians do.

>Sell the Vatican
Literally Jewish thinking. There's a reason some things are truly priceless, even ignoring matters of spirituality.
That being said, you can't eat priceless art and architecture, and it's not like you could grow food on the land it's built. Plus, if 500 billion is even remotely accurate, who the fuck is buying? I know she's a "comedian", but it angers me knowing retarded people listen to her and take this shit to heart.

The modern "right" has drawn in a lot of satellite groups, notably social have-nots like incels and your nationalist religious "burn the heretic" types. Religion is just a different kind of flag to wave that stands for "the way things used to be (as I imagine it)" whether that's a white monoculture or a world in which women were apparently freely available and subservient to any man who was looking

it's one of the joys of the modern age, an unholy agglomeration of reactionaries who are making for some really strange bedfellows

But yeah, what I meant to say is even if some rich corporation or government had $500 billion to "buy the Vatican", why isn't it their responsibility to use that wealth on "feeding the planet"

Name one organisation that has opened more hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc in the world.

But one is currently dead

Left also have strange bedfellows.
Feminists and Muslims, for example.

>it's cool to be a Christian
w-we did it bros

do you think God will appreciate our evangelization efforts?

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>But one is currently dead

So, your stock is on the rise compared to that of some husk rotting in the ground? Good on ya. Reach for the stars.

stop turning things into a personal attack you manchild lmao
also he died ages ago he's a skeleton by now

Everyone on this site memed about the abyss for over a decade by now and the discourse always comes back to virgins, incels, autists and everything else that we share around here. Basically this site is the epitome of despair and people are suddenly taken aback that pathetic used-to-be neets are grown up and found God?
That's like the most obvious thing. Not to mention that Christianity is explicit tells you that history is a long defeat. Wow, who would adopt such a cynical world view hmmm

Attached: Jesus rising from the earth to judge manking after a nuclear holocaust. Vatican's statue made t (2684x1785, 1.02M)

Yeah the lines are being drawn in weird places

You're right, the turn to religion by those seeking meaning should come as a surprise to nobody

Because fedora memes made atheism uncool

Isn't this site about busting balls? Fuck off. Who's being serious?

I don't need him to reply

>le preacher comedian

No thanks.

all roads lead to rome

where does this le churches just take ur money !!11!! come from. I've been going to church for years and they just pass a collection plate around and you put in literally whatever you feel like. Sometimes i've forgotten to have change on the day and I just pass it on without putting anything in. There is literally no compulsion to give a church money your entire life lmao but it does go to the maintenance of the church and charity so you know doesnt hurt to spare $20 a week or so if you can

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