God I fucking love eating Chinese food and watching movies

god I fucking love eating Chinese food and watching movies

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Then you are hungry again by the end of the movie.

Chisneed food

that looks tasty

Mmm, grease, dog meat and MSG!

I always put on something I've seen or dont care about due to constant looking up and down. I like generals chicken.

There is nothing wrong with msg and grease though

just eat without looking down user :3

>There is nothing wrong with cheap food additives
>There IS something wrong with eating livestock that's lower on the intelligence and sociability scale than pigs

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General Tso? Because that shit is good

hehe sloppy boy

Panda Shanghai Angus steak is what comfort food is meant to be.

There is natural msg in tomatoes for example you idiot. Just like how gluten free cheese is fucking retarded since there is no gluten in cheese.
I don’t give a fuck about dogs, but it’s debatable.

>god I fucking love eating overpriced Chinese food and watching movies

How do you eat and at the same time follow the plot of the movie? Its not like chinese food is like snacks that you can grab with your hands and put in your mouth without watching what you are doing.

>he doesn't use a feedbag

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What's that spaghetti shit called? Lo mein?

Thats americanized chinese food.

It's not debatable. They are certain dogs in china and korea that are bred as livestock. Get over it.

Yes and?

kek. google gutter oil

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Gook linguini