>mediocre movie rapidly creates a rabid fan base
>considered a cult movie less then five months after release
I don't get it. How did Alita: Battle Angel acquire such a huge fan base and become a cult movie so quickly? Usually it takes a decade or more for something like this to happen.
Previous hit bump limit:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>cult movie

I lmaoed in real life

>Its a stealth alita general

What the fuck are you on about?

Oh hey thanks for reminding me to buy the bl... oh fuck.
Goddamn it Foxsney, it has been 5 fucking months.

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But the previous thread was and it fizzled out hardcore once someone pointed out the actual fanbase of this movie.

Clearly you've not seen on twitter.

No not really, people just got bored of replying to obvious (you) baiter's.

>liked Alita
>pirate it


It's literally because she has big eyes and looks like a child. Anime-types waifu'd this character for that reason because they are pedophiles.

>the only way we can get any attention is to make a bait thread
You could just keep it to your discord or reddit.

le ebin gamer youtube culture warriors inadvertently made it an alt right favorite, by telling their brainwashed, brain-dead, incel subscribers that by watching alita they somehow "fight back" against disney and captain marvel

The sequel has already been announced smooth brain.

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I don't see a problem with this.

If fucking divergent or whatever got 3 movies, surely something made by cameron would too

>terrible Twilight tier romance
>laughably bad dialogue and awful acting for the most part
>main protagonist is a spoiled brat
>action straight out of a PS3 game
>sequel bait ending that will go absolutely nowhere
Why do we like this again?

Attached: alita-battle-angel.jpg (1024x538, 56K)

>mediocre movie rapidly creates a rabid fan base
A bunch of pedo waifu shitter from a chink image board isn't exactly worthwhile mentioning

>Why do we like this again?
Because she's a waifu with anime eyes. Where do you think you are?


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It’s still a bunch of outsiders


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Don't try to pull that shit

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I just watched this, visually I really enjoyed it on the surface its good, besides that its your standard sci-fi story that has been told 1000 times. It's a literally turn your brain off movie

Some of us have jobs Jerome. We can't be here all the time spoon feeding you (you)s to keep the thread bumped.

>citing chinese moot as a reliable sauce
whew lad

You do realize the “Jerome” thing is just outing you as spics, right?

I know, I was filming

not so fast m7.9

Attached: anime website.png (1956x2194, 3.03M)

Movie is sincere and wholesome

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>weaboos only ever post in anime related threads
what did he mean by this?

nice moobie

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It's sincerely shitty

Hi Jerome

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>Discussing an actual movie on the sneed board

not as shity as your mom butthole

Remember when the dozen or so (now about 4) alita fans pretended anyone who criticized their waifu’s movie was the same person?

Good times.

Anyone here read the manga? Desty Nova is fucking great.
Dunno why he is in the city of Zalem in the movie.

Remember when the dozen or so (now about four) Alita haters pretended anyone who liked Alita is a tranny waifu fag?

Good times.

And ironically, it's always the same 3-4 discord trannies defending it in these threads

It's one person. And he's trolling you all because he doesn't even like this movie.

I read the mango. Its alright. Cameron probably has some story lines that are better for a movie in mind. I am not writing anything out from the manga that hasn't appeared yet. When the sequel comes out will know more.


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oh no no no

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This hugging of body pillows sounds like something you have experience with user. Why don't you tell us more about this fetish of yours.

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What is it with you faggots and chicks with large bug eyes? First it was Elsa and frozen, then it was The VVitch and ayylmao, then that hologram AI in Blade Runner.
Now it's this.

Is that really all it takes to get you guys riled up?

Attached: guaranteed MOTY on tv.jpg (482x294, 53K)

>tranny still using third-world tier camrip images
the movie was bad and ought to be forgotten

Then why are you here? To remind people to forget about it? How retarded.

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>mediocre movie
That is were you are wrong kiddo. Its pure kino from start to finish.

Well then I fail to understand how you didn't think it was good.


Because it'snot actually a "mediocre movie." What happened is a bunch of tasteless faggots claimed it so, which caused the genpop morons to take their tard word on it and not see it, and then when they finally saw it fr free on streams they realized it was actually solid and good, so causing the cult phenomenon. Not the first time this has happened, zoomzoom, you got played pure ans simple.

>reddit tourist has never got a samefag call correct
you're the only person who liked this shit

Attached: dumbtranny.jpg (657x209, 16K)


>posts from phone with floating IP and/or from multiple proxies
Stop lying bait poster.

You're right, it's less than mediocre. It strives to be on par with marvelshit and is somehow even worse.
It's an uncanny valley cgi disaster absolutely built from the bottom up to cater to zoomer capeshitters.

Trannies loved this movie and made alita their mascot. They see themselves in the character in a way that they just can't for real live actresses (they're too real).


Attached: 99.jpg (844x844, 97K)

>posts image proving it's true

Because it's the second mainstream live action Anime/Manga adaptation that is both faithful to the source and is good without any knowledge of the original material

but its not good and its utterly atrocious if you're familiar with the source material. As it dashes directly into all the tropes it was created to avoid

Your statement is still false megafagatron.

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You have to be at least 18 years old to post on this board kid.

Looks like a Hapsburg.

Attached: habsburg-gif.gif (400x400, 969K)

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

>that horrible grammar and punctuation

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Bump. Why are alita fans such plebeians?

because it panders to the mountain dew incel, Alita is only a girl in looks, she has no personality and the movie is just violent powerlevel shit

>It strives to be on par with marvelshit and is somehow even worse.
Nah. It's about the same shit.

>that horrible cgi

>explain why Alita is better then this list of horrible movies
For starters: Alita isn't just cute, she's CUTE!

Attached: 1550638178136.jpg (750x792, 479K)

>list of horrible movies
Once again we see it's Yea Forums teens behind the terrible pleb ideals on Yea Forums. No surprise they can only compare this pleb flick to capeshit

>just keeps repeating the same bait over and over and over

Attached: you.png (438x438, 36K)

>implying something that plays it as straight faced and sincere as Alita does, is anything close to "marvel capeshit" or catering to zoomies

You fags can't handle anything not cloaked in quips and irony.

Did they cheap out on the production? Every action sequence looks like it's straight from a playstation cut-scene.
I mean this shit looks ridiculous.

Attached: ko80.png (366x332, 47K)

Jesus christ just watch a romcom you fags. That's all the buzzwords you can ever come up with the defend this mediocre CGIfest capeshit-adjacent crap.

No it isn't close to marvel capeshit. I tried to be, but it didn't even get there.


you don't really get how that works do you reddo?

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hello fellow friends who can appreciate good and wholesome cute flicks.

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>mediocre CGIfest capeshit-adjacent crap
Nice buzzwords

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They probably have a script running fishing for (you)s. When they get one they come by to argue. Imagine wasting your life hating a movie this much. Its pretty sad desu.

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>The owner isn't a reliable source
Whew lad. This cope.

Embarrassing desu.

>>action straight out of a PS3 game
that's sounds great.


I want to see the pictures of the homosexuals and transgenders who claim they enjoyed this movie made for little girls.
I simply must see.

She's with us always.

Attached: IMG_20190415_221128.jpg (454x605, 87K)

Willful ignorance is still ignorance. So yes, you are embarrassing

They had thread after thread of weapons grade autism months ago when the movie came out. So much so they got banned from Yea Forums. Is /alita/ the new /mlp/ ?

whats mlp?

>>considered a cult movie
you have braindamage

idk but it was definitely the most embarrassing general since Reylo.

unironically drink bleach

>is /alita/ the new /mlp/
no mlp is way more popular and is actually (watchable)

I'm still confused. Is Alita for battle or is she for cuddles?

Does alita have a pussy attachment? Like a hot-swappable fleshlight?

She's for the garbage

Looks great

Attached: 4k.png (1411x1396, 1.61M)

This is the best movie EVER. Past, present and future. Anyone who disagrees is a worthless fucking piece of shit desu

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WTF, OK this shit is to fucking meta for me.
I´m out..

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she is for CUTE!

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Weeaboo film with james Cameron and robert Rodriguez named attached and that came out against captain marvel.

the real reason why some "people" hate Alita:

Some scientific research about a phenomenon known as "Cute Aggression" just showed up on my radar. As I was reading into it, numerous light bulbs started flashing in my head. It explains so much about what we already know about the differences between the liberal and conservative brain. The Amygdala! It is also heavily involved in the reaction to cuteness and is involved in reward processing for behavioral responses. If you have an underdeveloped amygdala, you are more vulnerable to cuteness overload which activates an aggressive response wherein you want to attack, hurt or destroy the source of the cuteness.

I think Cute Aggression warrants some more investigation by interested parties here on /pol/ and elsewhere, I think it can directly compliment some of our strategies going forward. Cute Aggression turns out to be more prevalent in young girls and feminists. I bet you could predict which girls are more likely to become rabid feminists by analyzing their response to cuteness. Why do we get so much flak from leftists and even some people who claim to be right-wing (neocohens, cuckservatives) about using anime avatars and posting anime memes–it's because they have underdeveloped amygdala. Why are most Western cartoons and AAA games so ugly, with the exception of say French cartoons or stuff derived or influenced by Disney classics: because the Jewish producers and art directors tend to become aggressive with cute artwork, they really don't like it. Why do the corrupt leftist and globalist elite partake in child sex trafficking, rape and torture? Why has child vore emerged in Jewish occult practices? Why do Jews run the worst of the hentai and porn industries? Cute Aggression and the brain chemistry involved explains it all.

Attached: 1563349990751.jpg (840x880, 51K)

When is the bluray coming out?

>...phenomenon known as "Cute Aggression"
>post rambles on about /pol/ tier political nonsense, jewish conspiracies and other right wing gibberish
take your meds

Even the fact that Yea Forums started as an anime image board ended up acting as a filter to select for those who tend not to be aggressive to cuteness–it selects for those with normal to well developed amygdala. It explains a large part of why /pol/ and the alternative right emerged from image board culture, the other part of course would be anonymity selecting for INTJ/INTP personality types who tend to score lower on narcissism. It explains why whenever we got floods of new posters from reddit or elsewhere, complaints about anime would always follow. It explains our relative power against leftists on image boards and why /leftypol/ can't seem to grow without bots, as less of them tend to like cute things and hence avoid anime.

Cuteness can be used as a wedge in our strategies. Aversion to anime is a litmus test for the underdeveloped amygdala and the liberal brain. We can use cuteness in our memes and campaigns to attract like minded people into our fold and keep out the unwanted. All of these things we've already been doing inadvertently, but now we have comprehensive theory as to why it works and what we can do to really hit the pressure points. Best of all we can call people out for not liking our anime smugs.

Here's some links to get you started, but by no means is it complete. There's a lot more material available if you search for it. If this gives you any interesting ideas, please share them.

When Too Cute Is Too Much, The Brain Can Get Aggressive


Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: Displays of Both Care and Aggression in Response to Cute Stimuli


The Affect of Cute Animals on the Human Phsyiology


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grow a brain

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Just watched it, ruined by the romance and that old german dude being 20 years too old for the role hes playing.

Muh collection is now a little more complete

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very nice user

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23rd, just a few more days, how many are you going to buy? I'm getting one for each of my friends and family members

Because James Cameron’s name is on it.

Yea Forums has created a cult of rabid fanatics obsessed with shilling James Cameron just because Reddit has decided they don’t like Avatar.

If James Cameron’s name wasn’t on the movie, no one would give a shit about the movie.

you have to be 18 years old to post here kid so take those meds and move along.

Are there any Funko Pops left for sale of the motorball body?

>If James Cameron’s name wasn’t on the movie, no one would give a shit about the movie.

Reminder: all the anti-quip sentiment is from ESLs. As they will only intuitively register to native English speakers.

Her eyes freak me the hell out. Well into uncanny valley.

Are you high? What the fuck are you on about?

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alita loves hugo and hates you creepy incels

Attached: alitaloveshugo.jpg (474x284, 16K)

What he said was pretty clear. Maybe your English is too not happy to learn?

>What he said

>That'll be enough out of you user.

Attached: 1552967027993.jpg (630x472, 39K)

what a great fucking movie.
its a girls growth in stages from a literal infant in a nursery to playground to rebelling against her dad to finding her own sense of identity in her literal second body, all while being selfless and doing the right thing when no one else will.

Attached: 1558129957730.jpg (1527x2160, 517K)

im gonna have to agree with leo here

So what you’re saying is you’re ESL

Paco, please.

>How did Alita: Battle Angel acquire such a huge fan base and become a cult movie so quickly?

Endless shilling.

>get accused of being ESL
>respond with “no u.”

So ESL confirmed.

Or your flick just sucks you mentally ill retard. Nice essay.

triggered brainlet

It’s true. It is the reason the movie was shilled so much Yea Forums was because of “”“BASED JAMES CAMERON””” memes. If this was written by Zack Snyder or Michael Bay, no one on Yea Forums would shill it. They would at most be shitposting about how shit it was.

People don’t call you an idiot because you made them mad. They call you an idiot because it’s the best available description of you.

Take your meds.

You are correct. The movie was literally two hours of James on the screen staring at the audience.

no u

You know that just broadcasts butthurt, right?

your brain isnt properly developed

What are these Alita threads about anyway? Is the movie that good?

Bad movies don't tend to spawn 600 threads. Unless it's The Last Jedi.

Just because a handful of autistic people attached to a movie doesn’t mean it is good. The opposite is usually indicated.

It sucks

>anyone who doesn’t have identical thoughts to my own is stupid

You have autism.

Also it’s sad you wrote out ~3500 words to make the same argument an old anime made claiming anyone who doesn’t jerk it to hentai has brain damage. An argument made as a joke to get viewers to laugh.

It’s waifufaggotry, of course. The movie is generic mediocre fare.

brainlet cope lmao

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Where does sally look for the ball?

It’s not like media is drowning in animu waifus for spics.

Someone answer my question please. What is mlp?

The original ending is shit.
Losing to a mecha saibaman after killing zapan and that giant Robot was dumb

This. The magna isn't that good. The movie is actually better.


Its true though. Cameron one upped the original work. It's like The Watchmen. That movie is also better then the source material.

>It's like The Watchmen. That movie is also better then the source material
Watchmen is visually perfect but it fails to deliver the message of the comic. See how everyone thinks Rorschach is cool.

>the giant squid is what was important
Nah. The movie tells the story better. The source is a cobby cluterfuck.

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

anyone i've dated that has an anime profile picture, anywhere, is wholly insecure and completely laughable. i've learned my lesson.
anime pfp == do not date.

I'm waiting for a hi rez rip to come out. I might buy it if it's good.

>terrible Twilight tier romance
I like alita and this still cringe me to the bone

>better than the source material
have you even read it user
be honest

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is the same fucking reason of why cats are considering adorable by a big part of normalfags when they are an asshole species

Attached: 1560362612943.png (1024x919, 569K)

ok high res rips have been out for like a week
so go watch it

your an asshole

>being this new
its a well discussed fact on Yea Forums that the watchmen comic pales in comparison to the movie sweatie. If you weren't so new you'd know that. Maybe you should lurk more before posting something so stupid again.


gr8 b8 m8
as if Yea Forums is right more often than a coin flip
go ask Yea Forums if you want an actual answer


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I've caught up with the manga after watching the movie and am curious how they'll do the story for the next two movies. At the very least, I'm hoping they keep Jashugan(specially with his human body part) and Den, and this part as well, which should probably be great with Norton playing Nova.

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I really want them to adapt this part, hence why I wanted them to keep Den, but actually give him some development instead of rushing it like Taika did with Skurge in Ragnarok.

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You are a newfag.
My Little Pony.

Cute girls are a hell of a drug

Because dumb kids and even dumber millennial "men" will rabidly consume anything that has overt CGI action in it.
The anime style girl adds another dimension of autists into the mix. On a Venn diagram this is the intersection of the capeshit audience and the moeshit audience.
It's a somewhat limited cross section and hence the reason it flopped so badly. Not all (many) capeshitters even bothered with this.


Attached: bumping a thread when it is about to 404.webm (480x270, 2.8M)

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I wonder if the movies will ever address her birth, considering it's a fairly recent reveal.

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Capeshitters didn't bother because their heads are so far up Disney's asshole that they can't recognize a good movie when they see it.
What's your excuse?

imagine being as pathetic as bronies LMAO

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War...War has changed


you replied though

Attached: smile.jpg (327x392, 16K)

>a cult movie
I forgot that this one even existed.

Hoes mad.

Attached: 1562753256590.jpg (640x543, 71K)

that means your not part of the "cult", retard.

What cult?
This movie has no redeemable qualities to be a cult movie.

>Alita bad.

Attached: 1562762848917.png (225x225, 8K)

it has a cult

I don't see any cult here, only shitposting.

Your eyes clearly aren't open wide enough.

I was mostly interested in the archeotech... The movie overall was nothing special.

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there aren't any bears in my back yard so I guess that means bears are a myth

shit meme
apply yourself, reddit friend

Me apply myself, that contingents from the same people that sounds like a broken record.
>Alita is just waifuing
>bad cgi
Ect.... When all of its just a load of bs and even they know it.

didn't realize there was a 3D version already (Alita.Battle.Angel.2019.1080p.3D.BluRay.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-FGT), but it seems to have cropped ratio, according to the screenshots
why? is this how the BD is gonna be? should i wait for a proper one?

Attached: 12065595051672427024.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

I don't think the 3D will be open matte

could you get me a small bottle of tequila please
thanks Alita

This is a disney property you dunce.

I just watched the movie, this isnt getting a sequel, is it? No good things ever happen to me

>this isn't getting a sequel

Watched it last night. Thought it was pretty good. This is the second anime/manga to movie adaptation I've seen that ended up being enjoyable. First was the Rurouni Kenshin movie.

really embarrassing stuff.

>tfw there aren't enough spics to buy blurays

Attached: holy FUCK.jpg (627x720, 66K)

Alita is owned by Cameron and Lightstorm
Fox was just the distributor

>caring about the distributors of a flop
reported for shilling

>tfw people think this movie is only liked by mexicans

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>tfw people think this will get a sequel

Attached: laughing whores.png (449x401, 490K)

no I just care that Disney has no control over it

>mediocre movie
It's easily the best live-action anime adaptation to date.

Attached: Saix - bait.png (500x500, 22K)

guess again

Dont bother, your (you) cant reach him where he is now, for you see, bait its post true escense, the thread is no different.

it's pretty bad

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

Attached: 1552415551086.jpg (968x745, 108K)

time for something new

If Disney wants to make changes that Cameron doesn't like he go elsewhere to get it distributed.
The whole reason Disney bought Fox in the first place is so that they can release PG-13 and R rated movies that they wouldn't want to put the Disney name on.

You don't even know shit about the movie you're shilling

I watched the blu ray rip last night.
Laughing hard at the fangays who made hundreds of threads about this garbage.
>you boys are a bunch of washed up rollerball losers who can't even beat this strong independent woman!
This has some of the worst dialogue I can remember, what went wrong?

it will :^)

>nuh uh you're wrong because I said so
you clearly know even less than I do otherwise you would have come up with something to say other than just claiming I'm a shill

what went wrong is that either you misheard the dialogue or you're deliberately misrepresenting it


I got the gist of it. It gets a lot worse than that as well. Go watch it, there's good torrents now.

oh I've seen it
which is why I'm disappointed that you didn't pay attention well enough to realize that it's not that kind of movie, they never once do the girl power thing except that people constantly underestimate her which still has nothing to do with being a girl