Why was Troi allowed to play poker?
Why was Troi allowed to play poker?
Troi is a senior officer.
What's the point of gambling in a world with replicators?
because her """powers""" were a complete sham and she showed cleavage
The workplace fuckdoll has a surprising amount of leeway despite her low rung on the corporate ladder. It's a universal rule.
Gold Press Latinum.
>Why was Troi allowed to play poker?
Try reading me
why was dada allowed to play poker?
The fun of poker is the risk, sweety.
I mean liberals want Trans to be able to play in female sports.
You can beat the computer in poker
fuck troi
her getting commander rank before data and la forge made no fucking sense.
The fun of poker is winning.
>can x-ray vision everyones cards
>still too beta to actually use it
Why was this fucker ever invited?
Is your computer on Day-tah's level?
Because he likes a challenge, like Leah Brahms. She's faisty
She literally fucked her way into a promotion too, like shes soo useless she has to blow Riker to get a proper officers commission, all because she felt guilty for being a useless twat on the bridge during a crisis
Why would they play this antiquated human game from the 19th century whose goal is to steal your opponents money when superior games from various other cultures exist, like Strategema?
Leah Brahms>Troi>sex mutant from DS9
He actually is bad at it when he first plays. He uses it as an opportunity to better learn human behavior(mostly things like lying or trying to convey something different from how you feel with a facial expression.
mommy crusher> the rest
shits and giggles
>all because she felt guilty for being a useless twat on the bridge during a crisis
She can literally read mental states of people on other ships, she can help avoid the crises in the first place by giving the captain heads up
Data will be able to flawlessly calculate probabilities throughout the game as well as count cards no matter how many decks they use.
is this from the episode with the time loop where the loop starts with them playing poker? fuck that episode was good. i need to rewatch TNG before I can get disappointed by the upcoming nu-Picard shit.
>giving the captain head
>before I can get disappointed by the upcoming nu-Picard shit.
Which you'll still watch.
Troi can read minds, Data can count cards, Geordi Can read through the cards. I feel bad for Crusher and Worf. Riker still kicked everyones ass
except any time this could have been useful she couldn't read them or they were too far away or she could only vaguely sense something
they wrote her in, decided she ruined any sort of suspense, and then made her useless except to say things like "I'm sensing hostility" while the alien ship bombards the enterprise
>Guy with literal X-ray specs
>Lady who can tell when people who are bluffing
>Android who can count every card and never has tells
It's a show written by stupid people about smart people, that's why
How did Troi beat Data at poker?
Ezri>the rest
>fuck troi
Would if I could
yes that's what I just said user
sensible laugh
ezri is too skinny
And I emphasized it.
but that is all undermined by the fact that he is more interested in being human(ie learning to read people) then he is about being an efficient computer.
She's the perfect level of skinny for maximum cuteness.
go to quarks go run!
so can the npcs in poker video games but you can still win faggot
wow thanks you autist
A lack of occasional wins would deter the player.
>except any time this could have been useful she couldn't read them or they were too far away or she could only vaguely sense something
Her skill set would appear to maker her otherwise a good candidate a good spy/saboteur but her personality might not be a fit for the task
>Later in 2369, Troi was kidnapped and surgically altered by the Romulan underground movement.
>She was forced to assume the role of Major Rakal, an operative for the Tal Shiar, aboard the IRW Khazara. While there, Troi befriended Sub-Commander N'Vek, who helped her to adopt her role and also revealed the true nature of her mission – to help Vice-Proconsul M'ret and two of his aides defect to the Federation.
>Troi discovered that she wielded much power over the crew of the Khazara, as many people were frightened of the Tal Shiar. However, she had a conflicted relationship with the Khazara's commanding officer, Commander Toreth. When Troi's mission took a turn for the worse and a fight with the Enterprise seemed imminent, Deanna seized command of the Khazara. She managed to successfully complete her mission by concealing a transporter beam inside a low-level disruptor blast. N'Vek was killed by the Khazara's helmsman after Toreth retook command, and the Enterprise barely managed to beam Deanna back on board before the Khazara fled under cloak. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy")
>set course to chad IV, warp 9.5
So you could be autistic and spam it on Yea Forums years later.
It wouldn't play in a modern show cause anyone in tech knows it would take data exactly 1 game to figure out ever single tell. Maybe a few more if you were purposely throwing him off. Wouldnt be able to keep it up for long though.
no meanies and no nasties pls
fank u
no, ranges dont matter that much
The thing is, data can literally map out every defect on back surface of every card and after a while outright tell what everyone has in their hands
>I'm a 'noid and you're...
>get the incel torpedos ready NOW
nice one, user
14/88 torpedoes operational, Sir
data wouldnt cheat, he is in star fleet, it is not allowed
This could be interesting, considering the only movies they ever do special releases for are TWOK a million times and the reboot movies.
>I don't think we have such a thing in our arsenal captain
post stills, i dont do links
Hi "I don't click links" user
I'd like to [insert star trek reference] my [insert star trek reference] in her [insert star trek reference] if you know what I [insert star trek reference] ?
Nobody knows how to play that shit.
Data and that pig guy knew it.
Meant nobody else. Starcraft and chess are hard enough.
There are likely nerds on other planets that know it too. Otherwise pigman would have no one to hone his skills against.
>I'd like to realign the metaphasic polarity emitters with my magnaspanner in her dilithium shield envelope just like in my.. training simulation if you know what I mean
Troi would only ever see you as a patient. Your advances politely refused.
I believe the term you are looking for is: MOMMY MILKIES
>tfw no group of close friendos to regularly poker with while having light banter
>Sir, i'm detecting 5 Knight type vessels orbiting the planet Roast-E. They're seemingly extracting bathwater from the planets surface.
this was the best one so far
is this /trek/?
what happened to /trek/?
Beamed away