ITT: Strong female characters actually done right
ITT: Strong female characters actually done right
>female character
>isn't brutally murdered on screen
I’m afraid to rewatch Angel
Sarah Connor
Here bro
How is your relationship going then user?
fantastic, avoiding Irish witches at all times
The one and only.
I wanted to eat her asshole like a fat kid with a cream filled donut.
I'm your god damn partner!
she lost her Mind after that kino
It's still good, though Season 4 is kind of a slog just because it gets so dark
"A Hole in the World" still brings a tear to my eye.
Tell us a tale.
>she lost her Mind after that kino
you might be thinking of Margot Kidder from Superman. Karen Allen lost her career after talking shit about Spielberg.
she got sectioned soon after probably saw kikeberg having kids going in his trailer
Strong female characters doesn't exist until the next movie with a strong female character.
Before Wonder Woman, there had NEVER been a strong female character in movies. No Ellen Ripley. No Leia Organa. No Lara Croft.
Before Captain Marvel there had NEVER been a strong female character in movies. No Ellen Ripley. No Leia Organa. No Lara Croft. No Wonder Woman.
Both Never worked again
she was qt when going through the scavenge and eating that food but became shit as soon as she started talking
>No Ellen Ripley. No Leia Organa. No Lara Croft. No Wonder Woman.
Feminazis dont see those as stronk womin ask brie kek
>female from old movie GOOD
>female from recent movie BAD
Please do not be an Anti Semite on this subreddit ya'll
low qual b8 m8 try better K
Oi Vey lel
>on this subreddit
My nigga!
Imagine going weeks without cumming and then walking down to your basement where you have her chained up, splashing her with a bucket of cold water and then fucking her face before blowing a magnum sized load on her angry little face.
>gets into the top position in six years just with bachelor degree
fucking boomers
same with her
Being this utterly disappiontted in his life serving coffee with that shit degree to boomers with loadsamoney , pro tip an hero
>Imagine spending weeks on a forced march without cumming and then walking down to your amphorae cellar where you have her chained up, splashing her with a bucket of cold Ouzo and then fucking her face before blowing a Atlas sized load on her angry little face.
>ITT: incel-approved """"strong""""" female characters
>Posts a pic using a non human (anything but English) language
1. Get a green card
2. Have sex
Keri nailed russian spy role pretty well.
Imagine how much commie cummies this slut took after the Red Army took Berlin.
she kills herself in the movie
Lurk moar new summer fag
thats her battery pack ffs lol
None based killed self from savage white scum ape
Connor annoyed the shit out of me when I was watching it live in my teens. As an adult I'm not sure I'll be able to even get through an episode with him. Miserable little fuck.
Ten sexo
Two on the left are what I consider "strong" female characters done right.
I also like John but obviously he's not female.
that swedish goth chick from the girl with the dragon tattoo
Looks like Glau posters are back on the menu boys
>You will never get to chill in a comfy Siberian base tracking military satellites with Natasha
Why even live
right here beesh