Why was Mark Hamil the only one not afraid to speak out about how terrible Retarded Rian's ideas and writing was in The...

Why was Mark Hamil the only one not afraid to speak out about how terrible Retarded Rian's ideas and writing was in The Last Jedi?

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Because they're younger and don't want to fuck up their careers?

Fisher's dead and Harrison Ford has never criticized any of the movie's hes been in. The rest are relative newcomers

This. Hamil is famous for Joker and other voice acting jobs. Daisy Ridley will have no job after Star Wars. They have no reason to fucked up their peak of career. SW is career killer.

He's financially secure and was never firmly established in Hollywood anyway.

Because he is based.

What about others like Oscar Isaac? He's not a newcomer and has a fairly big name

Isaac still has years ahead of him and likewise doesn't want to fuck his career by biting the hands that feed him. Hamill doesn't need Star Wars so he just says whatever the fuck he thinks.

Why would he fuck himself over like this? I have a feeling Boyega is dumb enough to do it once the last one is out though. Will be kino.

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Oscar and Adam are clearly keeping their heads down for this shit and going for the professional angle so they dodge any fallout.
I can't really blame them.

How can people say Daisy is an ugly dyke when pics like this exist?

There's nothing you can do to kill your career more than speaking out against the studio that hired you. Directors have been blackballed for something as commonplace as complaining about reshoots making a movie worse. Oscar Isaac is not nearly big enough to survive something like this, and he wants to keep getting million-dollar paychecks.


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Because they don't give a fuck. It's like me working at Domino's and "speaking out" about the quality of the products

Because they arent trying to pander to Redditors
Star Wars movies were huge success
Redditors will watch successful movies and whine about them, and praise movies which lose money and never watch them

He's partially Luke Skywalker IRL and making Luke act uncharacteristically enraged him. Rian fucking up his other characters probably wouldn't have bothered him nearly as much.

what are they going to do, continue to not put him in movies like the last 30 years?

>no young and handsome Jedi main character

Bc it was personal for him

Close enough.

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He'll probably make comments about how racist Star Wars is and how it lacks aliens of colour or some shit. That's why he banned GoT from his household. Life must be difficult for him.

He literally looks like a wwe custom character

Ugly camel face so he's not handsome.

Or this

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That's not what your mom thinks.

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1 - Mark really cares about star wars, so he cared about how Rian was fucking it up - the rest don't really care about star wars the same way
2 - He was the one most fucked over by Rian's choices
3 - Disney needs him more than he needs them

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Absolute qt.

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What are they gonna do, fire him? Also, Ford hasn't given a shit about acting since he got rich

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Dominos pizza is great, go back to 1990 when your "Dominos is shit" meme may have had weight.

>Dominos pizza is great

He is the only one with nothing to lose.
Ford too, but Ford got a bonus for not talking about the movie, and that's why there are no citations from him about star wars or his character besides "i don't give a fuck"

It's consistently 6/10 whenever I have it.

It's a shame. I liked Last Jedi very much and thought that Hamill gave a fantastic performance. I'm very sad he can't be proud of it. He should be.

(and that's a good thing)

nothing happens with the character