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Other urls found in this thread:


this is a painful interview.

nvm shit already ended, what t he fuck ? It seems trailer drops in 2 hours..oh well, if you all want we can wait here

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>all those women
>Cavil looking tired amd weary


confirned dead on arrival

That's Yennefer??? Fuck
I guess that jew on the right is to blame

I'm excited to see how they fuck it up

That's all i needed to know.

>Cavil looking tired amd weary
i didn't see it, in fact he was pretty based during that interview

Henry is pretty based, but that hairline must be fixed...

I guess manspreading is ok when chad does it.

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Well, looking at Yen, it could have been worse. Have they confirmed who plays Triss yet?

>that chad manspreading

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Full cast.

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I'd fuck that fatty up.

Could have been much better too. I for one just wanted eva green, not some indian looking chinlet.

What is that blonde slut looking at?

>Cavill's a big gamer
Is he /ourchad/?

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these sexy digits

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Of course. King of Manspreading is back. What a display of power. True Alpha.

He's a millionaire, so he can easily fix that.

where the flaming fuck are Dandelion and Zoltan???


It's just his big dick energy wanting to escape.

Im not really that bothered by the majority of this cast but why the fuck would you cast Fringilla as a negro when she is explicitly described as looking similar to Yennefer in the books. Just kind of baffled to be quite honest.

they will be faggots

Jaskier is Dandelion you dumb shit.

Fucking king

He can play Lambert in the inevitable reboot.

Damn, Cavill really is losing his attractiveness. We have to find another chad to worship. Cavill has officially lost his touch, went from a 9 to 5

user, I... Jaskier is Dandelion. The series is based on the books.

flix yennefer is unironically a qt, she's got dick sucking lips

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The series is made by Netflix, are you really surprised? also the directors are SJWs, so let's hope they don't change the way characters interact.

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>Baldvill: I'm a GAYMER

Yeah, she's super cute.

>dives deeply into social issues
Oh, god no.

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If he really played all the games he is though. Especially the first is quite obscure.

Not surprised I just dont understand.

So much ethnic vibrations

Nice try shill. Be less obvious in the future

>the racism against non-humans in the Witcher world says a lot about Trump's America, here's why


literally and unironically thought this was orlando bloom as legolas from the thumbnail

Place of BLACK POWER, gotta be.
There's nothing to understand. They seek to undermine every story (fantasy or otherwise) that originally was about European culture.

i will never stop cringing at you untermensch obsessing over hairlines

Only played the game. excuuuse me princess.
So no Dwarves then?

>her face when pretending the Mic is even half the size of supes hog.

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This. He's ugly as fuck now, it's depressing. Can't believe he looks as bad as he does in this interview

he was playing WoW when he got the call for Superman. I am sure he played all the witcher games since he said he's a huge fan

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When are they going to recast Triss with my turkroach waifu?

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>claims to have played the games
>doesn't recognize Dandelions face

i must be retarded, he literally looks the same to me...

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alphas don't care about their hairline.

>Place of BLACK POWER, gotta be.

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I do on a 2nd look. Its been like eight fucking years. only played the first two.

freya allan a cute.

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They actually did it the absolute madmen

>pogroms actually increase social adhesion, and that's a good thing

damn ciri is cute. CUTE

damn his hairline is real garbage, guess everything else makes up for it

>anya is for blowjobs
>freya is for anal
you literally cannot argue against this

Is this the first shill thread for this shit?

People have been making threads for years

>damn his hairline is real garbage,

Attached: fatty.jpg (820x822, 195K)

She knows this will be a shitshow

Chad gets do anything he wants. Women literally don't care, Cavill could burn down a kindergarten and women would lust after him, maybe even more.

like you wouldn't forgive a crazy pyromaniac if she looked like taylor swift

No trailer yet?

give name u fgt

when they gonna release the trailer lads?

This is going to be a fucking shitshow lol. Also, how will they handle the monsters? The cgi is gonna be so cringe, and wtf were they thinking with yennifer?

Taylor is an obnoxious walking stick, of course I wouldn't

>Triss is black
>Yen is indian
>Ciri seventeen years old

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Trailer drops in an hour. In the meantime, new interview:

Elçin Sangu, cocksucker.

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I'm going to try my best to enjoy it. The sjw quips will likely be too much to handle though.

>Geralt is /ourchad/ who knows both the books and the games
Makes up for it

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>female showrunner
Give me ONE example where this has ever worked

Lol no, he doesn’t

OMG cupcakes!

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>don't have fun! no fun allowed!

More like /ourbald/, amrite, bros?

is there gonna be a trailer

1 hour, read the thread.

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I take it back. Yen is fucking adorable.

no duny?

Renfri got recast. Does anyone know who replaced her?

take what back you fucking nigger

It' old news that when he got the call for the role of Superman he missed the call because he was in the middle of a raid in WOW

I don't like the casting because of how young she looks, but she's so cute I'm letting it slide

I thought they casted Vilgefortz?

I didn't like the casting. I was pretty annoyed because she's so wrong for the role, but that actress is adorable as fuck. I want to love her

>you have to be miserable and immerse yourself in the depressing tone of the world for every waking moment during pre-production to write the story properly!

>how dare you have fun with your co-workers when mine won't even talk to me outside of official business!

She's too meek and demure top play Yen.

Wasn't it some arab?

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Utterly diseased. Witcher will be a skinwalking vessel for propaganda.

Wait so is there a trailer soon or what?

Read the thread cunt.

What a dumb fucking bitch. New gam of trons xddd. Kys you dumb bitch, those are dumb fucking questions.

your question has already been answered in the thread you stupid lazy spoonfeeding nigger

How bald is he?

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Where is the trailer boys?


What's he thinking aboutt ?

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Bunch of fucking niggers.

"I fucking hate pakis"

Why didn't they cast antje as Yen? Her and Henry already have sexual chemistry.

>It seems trailer drops in 2 hours
source? keen to be even more disappointed

Too white and too blue eyes. Also too sexy. And German. Jews hate Germans.

I'm gonna ravage that cunny's asshole

why the fuck am I standing in the back when im the protag of this shit while this pajeet is sitting on my place

Does Netflix recycle their actors?

>fill the Game of Thrones-shaped hole

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>the girl in the middle is supposed to be a mother figure to the one in right

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yeah that's what I thought
fucking shill

>keep families together
Stop encouraging them to cross the border and work to minimize border crossings. Problem solved. You break the law, there's consequences. When did the left become so retarded? I swear they were semi respectable a decade ago.


That Yen's pussy is going to get ripped to shred by his cock later

i worked on this show and there is a lesbian sex scene between yen and triss

>fill the Game of Thrones shaped hole in your heart

I hope this flops hard.

Who cares about that ugly nigger?

>cavill: what are you saying about my hair

>God I wish I was sitting down so I could spread my legs wide

do they think /ourguy/ fucked the actress who plays ciri?

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What do you expect? He's sitting on a fucking mushroom in what looks like a kindergarten classroom.

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I hope so, at leas then he'll have gotten something out of this shitshow.

The girl that plays Yen looks like the Brazilian I lost my virginity to. I will never be able to watch this and not think of her.


possible panel stream, can anyone confirm

Not as bald as the producer. Yikes. It's bad enough to be a balding man, but I feel bad for women with horrible hairlines.

Cavill doesn't even have the worst hairline in this picture

WTF? I thought Cavill was playing Geralt of Rivia, not Mario Man in Mushroom Land

>3.10 PM - Netflix's The Witcher

Do they look uncomfortable? Especially Anya, she looks not in her shoes, looking down and even says she went depressed after filming day. Do you think actors not happy with their work?

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Why the fuck would they be happy about this dumpster fire of a show?
Raging SJWs making it about race politics and immigration despite being a show about a guy that kills monsters with his friends.


Lmao cavil isnt your friend retard. Dont get so upset when ppl shit on his piss poor hairline

Netflix is a high pressure work environment. All the insane behavior rules about how to look at whom for how long and how to talk and where to stand in a group. Bound to tear people's psyche down. Think it's exactly designed to do just that.

It seems he's hairspreading as well!

Yeah, it's about friendship being more important than prejudice but I guess that's not political enough of a story.

They are stuck in the holywood liberal limbo: gotta inject modern woke but it spoiled the original matterial, but its important, but it spoils the original matterial, people were worried it would happen, even though we told them not to, we had to because its important to prevent the next frumpf, please like it or else you are a racist who hates women.
They are trying to keep it positive but they saw the abyss they know whats coming, they can feel it.

I have no idea who most of those characters are. Book shit I guess?

Doesn't matter. You're not the target audience anyway.

Live action one punch man has been casted

That Yennefer actress looks even weirder when talking.

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did you even watch the video moron? its a fact Henry plays games a lot

The Yennefer casting isn't even the problem.

It's the Triss casting. It's fucking horrible.

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Well it's true but I thought the tv show was filmed mostly for normies who don't give a shit about source and only care about sjw quota. But I guess even them won't cover a future shitstorm.

Is the Fringilla "Actress" even human?

Yeah, sure.

Triss and Frangilla are unforgivable. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this

I can't even begin to imagine Henry Cavill and Chalotra in bed

panel starts soon, any streams available?

Where the fuck is the trailer? I'm trying not to eat my brownies so I can do it while the trailer plays AAAAAAAARGH.

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She is part of the problem why it's gonna be shit

REMINDER that game Triss was fuckable enough to be in playboy.

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>God, I wish I didn't sign that contract

I wish I could dominate space like that. Both of those girls just wilted next to his manliness.

So was Marge Simpson apparently

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>tfw you lived long enough to finally get all the Witcher books translated into English
>tfw you then had to witness the entire brand get flushed down the toilet by a Netflix series that will get cancelled after 1 season

Holy fucking Christ I just want to die

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The Netflix shows wishes it could look half as good as this.

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That's why the choice for Yen is so pathetic. She shouldn't wilt away but stand next to Cavil on even footing.

>Danny D and Ella Hughes
These two always star together. Do you reckon they're fucking?

Honestly I won't be surprised if this fan movie will end being better than Netflix series.

Okay, this actually looks based as fuck. Holy shit.

>low budget fan trailer

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Imagine waiting over 20 years for Game of Thrones to end only to get that shitshow of an ending


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Right? It's not even about her skin tone, nothing about her says 'Yennefer'. Even her voice is all wrong. But you can't criticize the casting choices because of muh racism.

reminder that if you read the english translations you experienced a vastly inferior knockoff version of the witcher
you need to read the original or at least a slavic translations to really get the atmosphere and appreciate the prose, if you're an anglo it's just some generic grimdark fantasy with a slavic flair

Imagine waiting over 20 years to see Mark Hamill reprise his role as Luke again only to... fuck it still hurts
Every fanbase goes through shit

>big budget with black and brown folks because jewish executive felt that way

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you will never be fucked by all these girls during a writers retreat.

>the panel is already starting
>no live stream

When I hear or read the word "racist" it may as well be another person saying "wifflewobble".
Criticise who you like.

More than one thing can be shit user.

That's a lot of big guys

>She shouldn't wilt away but stand next to Cavil on even footing
Exactly. Which is why you can tell they've never even read a summary of the character.

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Seriously. Race baiting is always used to peddle cheap shit quality. And then deflect all valid criticism with "alt-right nazis" blog posts in the "news" media.

Yes. The show is an adaptation of the books, not of the games. Doesn't excuse some of the weird casting decisions though, like Triss and Fringilla.

I wonder if they'll have the balls to actually do Shard of Ice with a black Istredd. The outrage should be fun if they do.

>Even her voice is all wrong
What is Yennefer supposed to sound like?

For you.

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I want to watch this instead


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you just KNOW it's happening, and the whole sequence will have a racial subtext behind it with yen hinting bbc is superior to witcher cock

She's so fucking perfect

It's going to be utter shit and everyone here knows it. The only thing people here will watch it for is to see how much they gonna shit over slavic culture with nonwhites and modern SJW faggotary.

not like a teenage girl?

A strong as fuck British woman. RP dialect

Like an arrogant cunt.

I must have missed the part of the books where they talk about Yen's British accent

Should I replay Witcher 3 and its expansions on a brand new game, or a new game+?
I finished a while ago but really want to get into it again

stop being a twat, you know what he means. yen isn't a 23 year old girl, simple as

Where is the fucking trailer?

Your balls should be squezzing when the most talented witch is demanding to lick her feet

The books are SJW as fuck though, most fantasy books are.

the gameplay is shit at its core and not even mods can fix it

It's going to be great publicity for the show. HuffPo and buzzfeeed will get to run "Racist Incels are Triggered by a Fantasy TV Show" articles and a decent number of people might tune in just for the woke points

>The entire dichotomy of Ciri is that she has grey hair because Geralt has white hair and Yennefer has black hair and she's their adoptive child


Wow Netflix so brave

Yeah, play it again and double the amount of time you just wasted. Great idea.

Why bother? Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube.

kino inteview.


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They're just ignoring all of that and inject Trump, racists and immigration instead.

The girl playing Yennefer is like Indian or something right? Wonder if they'll be upset.

See? This is two actors standing next to each other without one fading into the background.

>Should I replay Witcher 3
No. That’s pointless.

>The show has real relevant themes like racism and social justice
Surprisingly Cavill said this and not the showrunner. Guess he's dead to me

i haven't read the books but i thought she wasn't his biological daughter.


tweeting clips from the panel

God Imagine the musk coming off of that. No homo.

She's not, it's a metaphor because neither Geralt or Yen can have children

The books do the exact same thing. Was everyone expecting an adaptation of the game, where Solid Snake with white hair kills monsters with bombs and fucks every woman he comes across?

Guess what's in his contract. Every interview is scripted. It had to be him saying that and not one of the women to make it more acceptable.


We didn't expect it but we fucking wanted it.

Why would they drop book themes from the show?

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Rather watch some good polish fairytales while waiting

I couldnt get that Bad Cancer playing it again with the shit tier button mashing Horrible roll spin an drop an HIT , roll roll Hit , roll an roll an an Hit an Boss dead , YES THAT WAS A GREAT WIN !! sees every other on kike tube is same roll an spin an spam spam an spam rubbish ..
This was why witcher 3 was shit


Combat was so console rdr2 easy as fuck ,

I posted same in V an they have a proper cult that RDR2 an Witcher 3 is GODLY

I kid you not ..
Just hope Cavvill who likes fucking actoress gets to do some with the NON nigs mains .. extras are all blonde eu lookie likes who will get nude for films like sparatcus .

Apparently they just showed a clip with a trump-esque villain and the crowd booed and s chanted “sjw” until the moderator calmed them down. Hahaha people are pissed already

You do realize actors are under contract to say certain things.
They all hated it but legally couldn't do anything about it

Well, that's what the books were about as well most of the time. That was the soft 90s liberal/ex-commie version of those themes though.


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holy shit........................witcher is finished.


What stream?

>they all hated it
Except for Sophie Turner, who really liked it and got mad that the fans didn't feel the same way

judging from your writing, you seem to be an actual retard. Sad.

>this goddess isn't part of the main cast
kinda retarded desu

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nice bait

How Rude
are you old enough to be here , Mods

>Should I replay Witcher 3

>implying the books didn't deal with racism
Geralt literally dies in a race riot

>longtime fan of the witcher saga, really understands the sentiments and themes behind the narrative
>his company created the CGI intros for the games
>really wanted to direct a witcher film
>spent a couple years trying to make the witcher movie adaptation to happen, talking to different studios, securing funding and filming locations etc.
>netflix picks up the project and things are looking up
>initially supposed to direct the whole thing but in the end he won't get to direct a single episode
>his project has been hijacked by some B tier agenda driven hacks
>constantly shills the show on his personal social media despite the fact that he no longer has any creative oversight
can there be a more cucked existence?

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Not him but I’m starting to see something similar popping up on twitter. I think it actually happened. Also apparently lots of booing whenever the brown girl starts talking and I guess she just puts her mic down in the floor now

>mfw /insecure general/

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She’s not even part of the cast.

Plus Ultra kek if actually true.


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Awww yeah, the boys. Justice league is fun just like marvel

alright then

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Insiders are saying they are keeping a lot hidden until the last possible moment because it looks so bad and low budget. Netflix is reportedly extremely unhappy and even told the show runner lady they will no longer be working with her

>We saw a scene that shows Cavill's skills in sword fighting. The training was worth it !!
>The second scene shows Yennefer in an exciting moment. A monologue after a shipwreck in which she recounts the difficulties of her journey
from the twitter guy

Witcher will be based as Cavill he wont play those silly PC/Pol games
CH 4 tv news last week
he was talking about the response on ... the Trump hate an how can the witcher be a man ? this from a paki bird reporter .

Its Dreadful
Gotta sign up more4 ..

go search

They showed two scenes so far. One of Geralt fighting and one with Yennefer near shipwreck or something

It says she's playing Renfri. Oh god did they fire her? fucking retards.

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That's why they renewed the show for another 2 seasons?

he's literally an executive producer for the show retard

i thought they already greenlit more seasons?


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other seasons were dropped after the last round of reshoots. The pilot was bad enough to take 9 directors to fix it

Your mom is not an insider

Reshot her scenes but she wasn't available anymore, so they had to replace her completely.

Yeah, she got dropped. There are rumors about her replacement but I can't find anything official

right, and sapkowski is a "creative consultant"
meaning neither gets to decide jackshit in terms of the creative direction and the script

he actually said he lost interest when the whole show became “about fighting trump”. contractually his name has to stay in the credits

Christ, I was ready to laugh at how awful this would turn out, but now I honestly just feel embarrassed for everyone involved.

give me a source before you make that claim nigga

The replacement actress is some kenyan super model chick. She has crazy eyes but who knows if she can act

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>Asking a shitposting poltard for source

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Good in the Last Kingdom, but like Henry probably wasted on the Witcher.

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>show has nonwhite cast so it will be shit
you guys are racist

It's not. She's white, and actually really cute. Not quite as cute as the girl she replaced, but still cuter than Yen or Triss's characters

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The whole panel is so cringey. It's just actors who barely know the source material telling fans who know the character what the characters are like. Who cares what these idiots think about it? Dance for us, monkeys. You're not there for your unique insight.

Literally as soon as I saw the words "Witcher" "TV Show" and "Netflix" in a sentence together over two years ago, my brain instantly went "SJW nonsense"
Do you guys need help in pattern recognition or something? I know some of you obviously knew this is going to be trash, but some others seem surprised. (somehow)

Lemme help you guys out, if it's made by Netflix, with literal who's as writers and directors, especially female writers, it's going to be terrible.

Why are slavs so soulful?

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He obviously doesn't care,
which makes him even more Chad.

did you expect something different?

Damn, she's even got big teeth like my ex.

>people genuinely believe the rumor that a show greenlit 2 more seasons after its first one before even a fucking trailer of it dropped

how retarded are you people?

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>I don’t know what comic con is

casting nonwhites is emblematic of how the showrunners don't give a shit about being faithful to the source material

Look at how fucking cute she is. They could've carried the show together, now it's up to Cavill.


Honestly .. these upset on set .. an watch SPARTACUS , Given the Context we not modern stop the issues women were worthless /rape an families died so ..
But in the show he is to save all dark women of rape an then cucked by them as he not worthy then ..
this is the first episode draft ..

Cavill has said No he would save then fuck deeply an tits an fanny , an they would worship him as he mounted an rode off .
Director Nah he saved Yes , but she she was too sly for him an his witch, she ran off the lezzer tree folk , an Hates him

Its this ^


blond girl seems to be a little stuck up

Well its netflix so anything is possible.

you do realise that the books are technically SJW by today's standards?

it's happening

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Yeah, I was criticising comic con's as a whole too. I don't really get the point of them. I understand ones for older films though.

It worked

what does teeth feel like on your cock?

Cunt Director Getting Fired for Based Bloke

pam param pam pam param

Wasn't the trailer supposed to drop like an hour ago? Where the fuck is it?

>show has nonwhite cast that were casted to play white characters despite showrunner promising she will stick to the book AND WILL NOT change characters background or race
there, fixed for you

no idea, I’ve only ever face fucked your toothless mother

Netflix will multiply it by a factor of 5, or 10.

user, you're having a stroke. call an EMT.

wrong thread. cry somewhere else

Like nothing. If your girl is good you wont ever feel them, if she's bad you will

It's netflix. The people who believe it are less retarded than the people who don't.

pajeet here had the wrong tab open

Who is Jaskier you dumb idiot

They're keeping it because it's so bad. They don't want the bad press at ComicCon while everyone is still there

Rumors going around in production forums is that the showrunner is being fired. All of the PoC actors are being executed and replaced by 100% bavarian phenotype actors, and Idris Elba will be playing Emhyr Var Emreis

Fukken based!

Panel is supposed to take 1 hour and it's been said that teaser/trailer will be revealed at the end of it, so 20-30 minutes.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

what's funny is that the writer herself is saying
>dude it's fantasy it doesn't need to be internally consistent
>dude the books don't mention skin color

Warwick who stars first has said its a joke , He is the forelorn burnt dwarf an tells Witcher about the the Demon , But has spoke on fb its sh8t women who does not know this is male fantasy , If Henry goes Im out as same actor ..

I'd unironically prefer an all black, or Indian cast than a random multiethnic one.

Apparently the trailer just played and it was horrendously bad. Lots of trump references and at one point ciri fights off 6 or 7 huge armored guys with ease

90% of posters are either bots or hardcore basement dwellers who definitely don't pay for netflix.
The only reason you should ever care about the opinions of this board is when they bleed onto the impressionable minds of kids and then into popular zeitgeist

It's bait, reddit, calm down.

Actually looking forward to this train wreck. I would laugh at the fact that the guy who cucks Geralt is played by a black guy, but this Yen is a poo in loo so he's actually doing Geralt a favor here.

Your standarts are really low dude, have sex, you are pathetic

I disagree

>the showrunner literally just said that she decided to do the show because its about ''family''

I'm pretty sure it's obvious by now that she straight up lied about being familiar with the source material.

>paying for netflix
>not sponging off someone else's account
Redditorurists are dumb as shit.

>the show runner also revealed she is a juggalo

Rude an reported to the FBI about your Hidden folders
ARE YOU Both PAEDOS HERE , is this a thing , MODS
I will investigate . I know you freaks group , your IP / expect the swat tomorrow .

We catch Monsters here !!

the books are literally just geralt, yen and ciri attempting to form something of a family

>dude the books don't mention skin color
The weird thing is the books explicitly describe one character as being extremely pale. So naturally that's the character they decide to cast as the blackest woman they can find.

Contrary to what the /pol/-dicklets on here want you to believe, the girl playing Yen is very cute.

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>its about ''family''
It is, but the family doesn’t exist until the last book.

This will never not be fucking funny.

lmao no they are not


Pick one

Why is every female actress in almost everything never familiar with the source material?

It was the recent UK/Bong CH 4 report on site then the reporter went SJW .. an he shut her down an made her look a cunt , its on CH4 ..

Based as Fuck actor wont play rubbish ...

yes they are?
literally the whole saga is about geralt setting out to find ciri and reunite with her but he dies once everyone finally gets together

The best actors are completely blank canvases of people who are good at absorbing direction without outer influence

but yenn is not supposed to be cute you fucking retard


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Women can't read.

so you saying Henry Cavill will suck dick?


Nah, they can, but they only read children's and teenage fiction, or romance.

this is how Foreign film /tv works ..

I’m saying not only would he. But he would love every minute of it, Jerry

negro you do know that shit is in the books and games right?

Based poster.

He loves cunt to much an he built for it


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youtu.be/cSqi-8kAMmM TRAILER


your a nigger

even female driven shows are written by gay men. this will be a glorious disaster.


5 more minutes or so


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Literally the worst thing I have ever seen in my life

lmao look at all the niggers


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>ballsack nilf armor is true
Oh dear god.

cant stop laughing whenever I see brown people in the trailer

well it's better than the cats trailer for one thing

>the Nilfgaard armor from the leaks is real
lol. Shame because the rest doesn't look bad.

>All of the elves are black

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>those Netflix plants in the comments

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>every one is black
I wanted to turn it off when I saw that


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Nah he blasted the SJW Director , an that ilk bone first set , He Made its his own StaGE , AN WE PLAY AS i DID PC.. i KID YOU NOT!

director after lunch ..
I going to see the Money men as I dont like you ......saying that

Back all scene saw that ,

Right Henry How are we going film this !

they loved sparticus hopes same ..

Bloody hell, looks like it’s proper kino, innit?

Holy shit I barely noticed besides the middle one. They're going to take the racism against elves stuff from the books and just make it white racism against blacks. How fucking lazy.

i am laughing at the replies, butt it looks better than i expected. I somehow expected it to look more low budget

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holy fuck that image is beautiful.

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This fits because the elves are fucking niggers.

then wipopo came and killed us

ugh. well at least we have the games.

>those comments
Holy shit. Shills are real

I think those are the Dryads that Ciri stays with for a while, not elves.

Fucking hell, this is going to be bad.

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top kek

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didn't they put a tranny in playboy recently?

Looks like they're going to end the season with the attack on the sorceress academy with Vilgefortz beating the shit out of Geralt

If there was no audio I would agree with you, but they're shown right as Istredd is talking about the elves.

Seems like geralt is side character. Jesus it's gonna be bad.

Yeah, Triss.


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Thats probably true, but my point still stands, elves are fucking niggers.

My boypussy is quivering again how does he do it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19 The Witcher Official Teaser Netflix - YouTube.png (1327x964, 971K)

you know how trailers are nowadays man the scenes dont need to match what the characters are saying

Yeah I was confused at first myself, but it fits too well, those are 100% the Dryads, not elves.

There's still niggers though, there shouldn't be.

haven't read books, what's wrong with Yen ?

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It's fucking garbage, Jesus Christ. This teaser is supposed to show all the good stuff, but it shows all shit. The costumes, the CGI, the writing. Fuck me.


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She's a hunchback, but alters her physical look through magic. Basically all sorceresses have a habit of altering their physical look in order to become much more attractive.

lmao first scene we see is a ooga booga wakanda tribal nigress. Ciri looks retarded. Yup looks like all the rumors were true its going be shit. None of the actors have synergy with each other.


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She was born ugly and deformed. All the mages, men and women, alter the shit out of themselves with magic as soon as they're able to, which makes them all extremely attractive. Yen is actually 95 years old but she looks like a 25 year old supermodel. Triss is in her 50s, same thing.

with synthol, contacts and a wig apparently.