Right Wing Comedy

Is it just me, or is right wing comedy much funnier and more unrestricted than left wing comedy? The right wing has Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder and Norm MacDonald. Meanwhile the left has a bunch of late night "comedians" and ChapoTrapHouse or something.

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Other urls found in this thread:


b-bill burr h-here w-with the lovely nia e-everybody!! *forces a smile*
Today we're talking about g-global warming again!

>steven crowder

Ya boilin' /leftypol/? Those crazy bitches handing the election to Orange Man got ya all out of sorts

>the right wing
>Norm Macdonald

He's anti-abortion, christian and hates faggots. How is he not right wing?

Best right wing comedy is laughing at right wing comics.
>Owen Benjamin
>Sam Hyde
>Steven Crowder: youtube.com/watch?v=EeiNtLRAxxo
>Gavin McInnes

Bill Burr and Norm aren't right wing at all.

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>he said a no-no thing
>h-he’s just like me
Anyone worth their salt knows you can’t trust anything Norm says and that he despises politics. Saw him live less than two months ago.
Maybe you’re confusing him with another comedian?

It's just you. Bernie 2020.

Reminder that Owen Benjamin is a schizophrenic crazy person

I guess they're better at this point because they don't care about "punching down" and they aren't delusional enough to think that anti-christian and anti-white jokes are still edgy in the current year.

none of these are new.

>bull prep burr
>Steven “dress like a lady in all of my skits” crowder
>right wing or funny

>the reddit candidate

At the very least vote for Biden

Sam Hyde and Norm are the only funny ones

no it's just you. crawl back under the rock they let you keep, scum.

Don't forget Ben Shapiro

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Misnomer fren

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>he thinks Norm is Christian
>he thinks Norm genuinely has a disgust for homos
>Norm publicly and frequently comments on his disinterest and apathy towards politics
>but he shares one belief with you
The absolute state of “politics”


>Gavin McInnes
you mean the man that sodomized himself on his own show for views?

let me guess, you listen to chapotraphouse while you dilate?

Right wingers suck at comedy.

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He did it ironically to own the libtards. I bet you got triggered.

What the fuck happened to Sam?

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No but I bet you listen to virgin anime songs when you can't have sex.

keep believing this, bugman. kek

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> (OP)
>Right wingers suck at comedy.
Uh huh you were saying, pleb

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Daily wire is good for puns

>no argument

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This is an example of how the right absolutely suck at comedy.
They can't do nothing but repeat the same old tired jokes without getting any new material.

Bill Burr isn't right wing and Norm is apolitical at best


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Right wingers suck at comedy. That's what I say saying you dumb retard.

classic right-wing wit. always a derivative no u
good thing MDE got shitcanned since you cant build a show that transparent

>being funny

Gavin is hilarious, and nothing will change that.

Fuck off with these boomers. Nick "The Knife" Fuentes is the new face of right wing comedy.

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i'd be really triggered if you'd let me fist you

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>This is an example of how the right absolutely suck at comedy.
>They can't do nothing but repeat the same old tired jokes without getting any new material.
Nah, no lefty comedians does that. None at all

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>bill burr 2019
>Right Wing Comedy

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You’re a dumb ass. There is no such thing as “right wing comedy” because to be right wing at its very core is anti-comedy, anti-fun and anti-freedom of expression.

>homos are faggots
>niggers cause crime
>Hillary Clinton should be in prison
>there are only two genders

In right wing comedy, the punchline is always "I agree with this". The message of the joke is prioritized over the comedic timing, structure and payoff. So, what you get is just a series of jokes where the desired response to every one is "Haha I agree with that haha"

>the piano guy who thinks we never went to the moon
>good comedy

Owen Benjamin isn't funny. Same Hyde is hilarious sometimes, but hit or miss. Gavin McInnes is too one note, the CopperCab shit was funny but otherwise he's kinda lame. Steven Crowder I've never watched. Norm is great.

post something funny by him

>right wingers suck at comedy
>shows pic of deranged lefty comedian as a rebuttal
>woosh went right over the summer fag heads
Cope your fucking idiot

Same with any overly political comedy.

Shapiro is HILARIOUS

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Leave the basement, pleb

>right wing "comedians"

haha ok, thats a funny joke OP.

Bill Burr talks about white privileged and sucks Kaepernicks dick in every podcast

niggers are gay but at least they arent women

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They are all wrong and not funny though

You forgot Milo Yiannopolous. Motherfucker is genuinely hilarious.

She looks so unnatural in this pic. You can tell she has never held a cigar or whiskey before.

Nick DiPaolo and Tim Allen are hacks but
The reason it seems funnier is right wingers are unconcerned with being a little meaner. Liberals are more sensitive to it because their audience is and they don't want to get cancelled

>right wingers
>not being jewish puppets
Checks out desu

Is a lesbian a homo? Homo = homosexual, so it fits. Now is a lesbian a faggot? I'm not so sure, it's usually only applied to men. So I'm not sure homos are faggots.

Libertarians are funnier than cuckservatives. Liberals aren’t even in the discussion

He does crack me up.

he's apolitical you dumb homo

Oh, boy. I don't know where to begin with this dumpster fire of a post. Comedy is a left wing phenomenon, the right/Christians hold ALL the social power and stand-ups are the ones who critique the powerful.

People like George Carlin are considered not just hilarious comics, but brilliant thinkers and, in a way, philosophers. They started the comedic tradition, now right wingers are upset that they are being made fun of and are trying to insert themselves in a medium that was never meant for them. But, hey, as Carlin himself once said - "Some people are really f*cking stupid!"

It seems right wing humor revolves around the obsession of thinly veiled hate and contempt, disguising it as comedy while knowing full well their problematic beliefs are genuine. "LOL WOMENZ ARE SO STUPID RAPE IS GOOD I CAN HAZ CAREER NOW? ITZ JUST A JOKE SNOWFLAKES". Oh, how I wish Carlin was still around to put these amatuers in their place, it would be brutal.

>this one cherry picked example proves I'm right!

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Is this pasta?

>Crowder won't do a video about Confederate pregnant Anne Frank memes

What a fucking nigger.

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When I saw Gavin McInnes force a dildo into his own asshole a realized just how foolish I was to be a liberal and that immigrants were destroying this country. Like how he destroyed his asshole for attention.
>6d Shogi

libertarianism means pedophilia, so no.

>Steven Crowder
Not even a troll would make that claim. Are you genuinely retarded?

Facts don't care about your feelings, loser. Your argument was "right-wingers comedians aren't funny". Posted a self-important left-wing idiot comedian as a rebuttal but that's cherry-picking. How did you survive High School last year?

The only thing libertarians are able to consistently do is think themselves better than anyone else
thats hilarious

Sam Hyde, BG Kumbi and Nick Fuentes are the only funny rightwingers.

>Your argument was
Not me user. Try again. And one example of a bad left wing comedian does nothing to address the point you were trying to argue against anyway. Have sex user.

Gavin is funny as fuck when he's not doing gay political shit

You summer fags get worse every year.

>Gavin McInnes
I dont think Bill Burr is right wing, seems more like a mostly apathetic centrist. He opposes racism and defended Kaepernick

The left-wing itself is a joke desu.

Being apolitical is fundamentally right-wing. No one else has that privilege

It's just you.

> (You)
>She looks so unnatural in this pic. You can tell she has never held a cigar or whiskey before.
The femnazi was probably coached.

well that's pretty wrong of you to say, centrists are the apathetic ones

>Did you hear about Trump?

>Being apolitical is fundamentally right-wing.
Imagine being this desperate for having random celebrities on your team.

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Thats lotta guys who aren’t doing shit right now.

>People who share my beliefs are funnier

>>Your argument was
>Not me user. Try again. And one example of a bad left wing comedian does nothing to address the point you were trying to argue against anyway. Have sex user.

No need to post a list when you could just look at any Netflix special, Comedy Central or White House Correspondents Dinners over the last 10 years. Schumer is the Queen of overrated libtard comedians. Keep living in denial, shithead


Owen Benjamin is astonishingly unfunny

>he thinks Yea Forums is his little community
>meme replies
thats precious
you've memed yourself into the pol-anime-hivemind

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>Only one person itt has mentioned based Milo


His delusional rantings can be funny, but it's only half intentional.

>Owen Benjamin
kek, the second i saw the word 'unrestricted' i knew it was gonna be a faggot bear.
Daily reminder all his 'unauthorized' videos are on youtube and havent been taken down because they are all within TOS.

Try fewer crayons before moving on to paint chips.

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>no Nick Di Paolo
fucking state of these reddit zoomers also if you have to rely on politics for your most of your stand up then YOU SUCK

>white couple names their child denzel
>white father goes to jail
>because he's white

>Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder
All terrible m8 and norm isnt right wing, he transcends politics

>unware of filename bait
maybe be less preoccupied with google searching for meme images, seether

I still don’t understand why Gavin shoved a dildo up via ass on camera. It was surreal without context, and in-context bizarre.

>>unware of filename bait
>maybe be less preoccupied with google searching for meme images, seether
Damn, that's really the best you got? You already lost. Go play video games or something

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Post more


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>after swallowing all my shit
"Damn, that's really the best you got? You already lost. Go play video games or something"

i guess now i say i win - up until you just have to post again
getting the virtual last word is killing the enemy

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>BG Kumbi
never heard of him before. this is some funny shit thx for the tip

pol and the alt right are genuince cringe in 2019


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>im a little girl and when i grow up i want to be the president
>im the first woman president! oh no my period!
>nuke all the white men that said i was fat

right-wingers are the funniest blokes on the planet. Can't open their mouths without spouting some genuinely retarded bullshit.

> (You)
>>after swallowing all my shit
>"Damn, that's really the best you got? You already lost. Go play video games or something"
>i guess now i say i win - up until you just have to post again
>getting the virtual last word is killing the enemy
Hence why you keep posting, loser. Keep stocking up your make-believe internet points. I'm enjoying watching you self destruct

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the "funniest" right-wringers are just shitty pundits because they're too stupid to actually say things of substance and they're too shitty to be actual comedians

damn, you take Yea Forums posting seriously

In what universe is Bill Burr right wing

That's some nice mental gymnastics there.


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>political “comedy”

Nick Mullen > gay faggot boomercore nonsense

>Bill Clinton killed a guy
>I like George Bush
>intentionally non-pc humor
yeah, no you're right
he's definitely not right wing at all

> (OP)
>right-wingers are the funniest blokes on the planet. Can't open their mouths without spouting some genuinely retarded bullshit.
>In the land of make of belief

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The only explicitly right-wing person on there who's actually funny is Sam Hyde.
Cum Town is left-wing, unrestricted, and hilarious.

Left wingers like the guys from Chapo Trap House and Cum Town are funnier than anything the right wingers have.


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> (You)
>damn, you take Yea Forums posting seriously
You're breaking down, pleb

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This. m.youtube.com/watch?v=LlZCiGU7GA4
Get out

jfc why don't you just suck his dick if you're gonna hang onto his every word. I swear you pol-faggots can't even understand conservatism with your mental insufficiencies

Political comedy is never fun because idealists are autistic weirdos incapable of being fun, they are all the kind of people who would get beaten in school every day.
The only thing idealists and activists deserve is mockery for the pests they all are.

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Brainlets like you literally watch norm and still don't understand his schtick


It's funnier because all you need to do is report on the lifestyles and activities of left wingers and you have your skit right there.

> (You)
>jfc why don't you just suck his dick if you're gonna hang onto his every word. I swear you pol-faggots can't even understand conservatism with your mental insufficiencies
So youre same fagging now. Go outside man. You keep humiliating yourself

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the only one of those I like is gavin and it's because he's a hipster fag so he knows how to make fun of them

too bad he got (((blacklisted)))

Damn that's a lot of posting for someone not obsessed

Burr turned into the worst kind of person. Fiscal conservative and social liberal.

>you just don't get it
>look, he SAID he's apolitcial
>and then shat all over democrats
>but he SAID he's apolitcal
>and never rags on the right
>but he SAID he's apolitical
>and constantly makes fun of SJWs
>BuT hE sAiD hE's ApOliTiCaL

>when your country is such a distopic shithole that even political causes and ideologies are only used to sell you stuff

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Hes publicly talked about how he hates abortion, believes in god and dislikes political correctness. Its right wing even if he considers himself apolitical you tremendous faggot.

Are you this disengaged from the real world and current political trends?

Try sentences.

That's it

>mistakes reply for obsession

Dimwitted tourist usually cant make the distinction. Keep outing yourself, pleb

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I think Sam Hyde felt like a paradigm shift until 2016. He was on track to becoming a legit celebrity too, too bad he was stopped by lame as drama (hint: it wasn't "racism" that brought him down but catty behaviour from other as characters)

I hope Sam can rise again, but his comedy worked because it was literally ground breaking, now that the ground is broken, it will be harder

Also world peace was kino

Started in 2014 - Special in less than a year.

He beats all the late night shows in the numbers.


Bill Burr was never right wing. Occasionally criticizing democrats and making of the Clintons and their secret satanic orgies doesn't make you right wing.

>can't even understand greentexting
you could at least TRY to pretend you're not a shill

>Costanza vector
I'm absolutely sure i've been here longer than you but time spent here doesn't really justify your screeching obsession kek to prove your an oldfag here forever
all this triggered by MDE being called true shit.

I don't think any one of the comedians OP mentioned has ever said anything even similar to any one of those statements

being left of stalin makes you right wing these days

what a badge of honor
im sure moot would be proud, boys

>He's anti-abortion, christian and hates faggots.
It's amazing, you managed to get everything wrong about Normie MacDonaldo.

i like how there are 0 examples or links to good right-wing comedy bits in this thread.
because they're all shit

there are people in this thread that think its not possible to be a Christian and liberal-leaning

those people are americans

Not the other user but they are right. He is clearly conservative even though his stuff isn't very political. He's an old chuck of coal, of course he's conservative.

Norm doesnt bring politics into his comedy because his only concern is being funny, and he believes politics arent funny. A smart move as he'd alieanate half his audience at least and become branded as a political comic. Only hacks like colbert crowder benjamin and kimmel rely on politics for their material. That said, if you listen to any of norms stand up, or even his twitter it's pretty obvious the guy isnt left wing as per the modern description. He shames sexual liberation and advocates common sense and decency in his work, it's also no secret that he's Christian and is fed up with Hollywoods blatant vitriol towards christ. It's part of why hes so funny, he speaks the truth.

>he speaks the truth
to those that believe what he believes, sure it seems like the truth

too true

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:

And Bill Burr is a cuck. Tho the only real comedian that OP mentioned is Norm.

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I think that as political as Kimmel has gotten, he's still okay with people he disagrees with. He and Adam Carolla are still best friends, he used to know Gavin McInnes, and Gavin just recently mentioned what a great guy Kimmel is.

>Owen Benjamin
>Gavin McInnes
>Steven Crowder
Not funny at all.

>Own Benjamin

>Bill Burr
>right wing


> Bill Burr
> Right Wing

Pick one.


Sam Hyde used to be funny but World Peace and everything after that was dogshit and he is now a loser who hangs out with other losers like Eggman and Brazilian teens on Twitter

Comedy is by far the most lowest form of art.

Source on them being best friends? I doubt they hang out anymore


That's just being funny

Bill may vote Democrat but he has nothing in common with the progressive wing of the party.


FPS games are the highest/final form

Adam talks about Jimmy on his podcast all the time. Adam knows that he owes his career to Jimmy and he's very loyal. He watches sports at Jimmy's house all the time and he's a very frequent guest on Jimmy's show. Right now they're working on a reboot of Crank Yankers together.

Attached: jimmy and adam.jpg (1024x704, 105K)


You're stringing a bunch pleb talk together to form your bait soup. Yea Forums obviously isn't the place for you since you are easily triggered. Try Roblox or Minecraft. You should be playing with kids your own age anyways

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He's a beta.


like most people
similarly, i doubt most conservatives identify with far-right fundamentalists

>Owen Benjamin
LMAOOOOOOOOOO he wishes he made something half as funny as this


lmao chill out spaz, the first post is refering to Michelle Wolfe's start in 2014 and her special a year later
learn to ip check if you're going to be faggot

He's probably none of those things. Sorry.

>learn to ip check if you're going to be faggot
>ip check an thread post
You should think about whether the words in your head makes in any sense before you decide to share them.

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>t. confident idiot
kek how wrong can you be

>have you heard of that Netflix show Orange is the New Black?
>well not in my apartment block
>Kevin is the new black
nobody afraid of alienating the left would make this joke

owen benjamin is mentally ill. it's been weird watching his psychological decline over the years, he used to be pretty funny.

>the internet is for formal discussion between adults. thats why i have a folder of just reaction images

>Bill Burr
Nah, he's even more frustrating to deal with because he's just cynical. The MM podcast is based, but any time he starts getting political its cringe. He always talks about how everything is controlled and ultimately there is no way to resist it or dampen it in any way. That style of thinking is just annoying.

Who cares about these boomers? This kid is funnier:


It's pretty sad watching him slowly turn on every single friend he has.

>kek how wrong can you be
This isn't even my final form, pleb. What happened? You had stones earlier, you fucking faggot.

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> (You)
>>the internet is for formal discussion between adults. thats why i have a folder of just reaction images
>resorts to "I know you are but what am I" argument
>You have four more years till you are legal
Stick to video games and Tumblr, pleb. You cant hang here

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Go outside.



don't forget Adam Sandler and Kevin James


Looks like nobody likes your thread. 404 is coming, asshole

>Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder
all of these are shit though

It's inevitable because it's the opposite of whatever the establishment is pushing. If we had right wing academia, corporations, and bureaucrats, leftists would be funny.



>anti-abortion, christian and hates faggots
this wouldve been acceptable for a leftist just 15 years ago

He's actually pretty funny.


>steven crowder

You mean the guy whose idea of humor are random movie scene interjections?

>"and these libs just cant face reality!"
>*queue movie scene*

Yeah really good stuff there

89 unique posters! not a single convincing argument of right-humor

>Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder and Norm MacDonald.

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see you on page 1!

Why do people suck Hyde's dick so much?
He had a middling web series and a mediocre TV show that barely had any punchlines and ended after one season because he's a sperg. The best part of the show was the music.

His TedX talk is one of the funniest things on the internet.


Nice Dreidel

Mumkey Jones.... Nevermind

Mumkey Jo-


That's just humanitarian. The fact that it's become associated with "right wing" is a downright shame.

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>Right Wing Comedy
it's ironic "subtle" racism....nothing more. it's shocking humor that relies on a fanbase of virgin white boys who are scared of black men irl so they can only say NIGGER online.

is really is no intelligent...

>thought policing
you're specifically why these people are funny

I encourage you to have sex at least once

>bill burr
>right wing

Do you faggots share a dumb brain or something

Burr is literally whipped by his bonobo and defends islam the fuck do you mean right wing

>right wing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''comedy''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

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You have shit taste.

political comedy is pretty shit desu

You tried a bit to hard there buddy. Tone in a bit for believably, otherwise no one is gonna take the bait.

The left has norm MacDonald and bill burr

They just don't give no fucks about left pc filters

His bipolar Bernie impressions are top notch.

>The right wing has Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder and Norm MacDonald
god damn, absolutely brutal self-own

>Right Wing Comedy
right wingers aren't really capable of expressing themselve creativly, except for a few rare exceptions. most artists belong to the left side of their time period, thats just a fact. you don't have to like it, but you know it's ture

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the right wing literally opposes evry semitic cult. christian, jew and muslim you shitface

He's a deeply closeted gay man

Pic related's twitter feed alone blows any right wing 'comic' out of the water.

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the right is making heterosexual pledges and the left is getting nervous

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gavin is genuinely funny. the other 2 are very bad.


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imagine actually identifying as liberal/left wing in 2019, holy shit

bill has screamed at her to stfu before

Didn't you forget someone?


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Only Norm is a comedian in that list, literally every other decent comedian has been liberal or left leaning

sam hyde isn't funny except for that one time when he went on Tim Heidecker's podcast to cry and beg Tim to help get his show back after it got canned only after a few episodes

he unironically posts here applauding himself and has done so for years

not a comedian

that whole e-sphere of uninformed rednecks jacking off on each other and talking strictly about each other is literally the GAYEST thing I've ever seen and I've been on this site for YEARS

Political "comedians" are all trash. The only time political comedy works is shitposts.

Bill Burr voted for Bernie Sanders

Hateful zogged out commie devils hate art and especially hate comedy. It doesn't even have to be right wing, they've completely lost the plot! Men pretending to be women?!? Sad!

>posting a known cryptofacist

Every comedian ever hates censorship. I bet you clap at "jokes".

Him mocking Cenk uygur was great

This. Never found any of the people OP listed to be funny other than Norm MacDonald, who is not right-wing.

He did a serious podcast where he talks religion and politics with 0 jokes in the podcast.

bill burr isnt right wing the u retard OP

>Every comedian ever hates censorship.
nah theres plenty that have a list of jokes you can't make take any female comedian any rape joke is not ok

I have 2 kids

I'm right wing and I think the entire human race should be delivered into an incinerator at the moment of birth.

I think this fixation on brand representatives is bad. It seems to stop individuals from forming their own equations and reduces people to repeating disingenuous positions others made with possibly ulterior motives.

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I don't want to pay for your abortion or hormone replacement therapy. I want to pay for you throwing your newborn to lions in a youtube Colosseum.

i dont see the connection to my comment.
aside from that, im not a tranny and am too much of a social failure to reproduce

Right wingers suck at comedy. None of these comediants are rightists, they're just people who don't care about feelings


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75% of right wing """""""humor""""""" is just
>aaaa help something bad and unrelated to immigration/race/gender is happening
>what are you, some kind of bigot?

I audibly cringed

So is it all but confirmed that Owen is paying people to come here and shill for him? Theres been a big push for him lately even though he's literally a Schizo. Then again knowing Owen theres a good chance it's him doing it.

Owen, you're getting a divorce.
Gavin, we know you're a closeted gay, it's very obvious.
Crowder, that kid anally devastated you on the 'socialism is evil' video.

Stop shilling here and stop forcing me to act like a PSA faggot.

So tell us, Amerimutt, what's your beloved leftist humor?
Lets see what your "entertainment media" is.

>'socialism is evil'
Spaniard here.
I can confirm that claim is completely true.

pedophilia is against the nap

No shit, the left is the kind of people who unironically believe in "powerful statements" even though words mean nothing.
This is why peace and diplomacy is cancer and never achieves anything.

Crowder did a live debate on it where some random student came in and destroyed him. I'm not saying Socialism is good, just that Crowder acted like an asshole here and never apologised for it.

Begins at 7:24

>owen benjamin is mentally ill.
found the jew.

Owen very clearly is. His wife isn't leaving him over nothing...

>Steven Crowder
Maybe if you have the IQ of a chimpanzee

I have no idea what this Crowder is, and I have no intent in discovering it.
Worshipping Youtubers for talking about surface politics must be an American phenomenon, because honestly it's fucking retarded, and smells like American millennials trying to find a father figure or some shit.

Idealists will always be human trash.

His insta is pretty golden


I dont know why Bernie Sanders as Gilbert Gottfried is so dumb yet so perfect

Norm MacDonald is the funniest comedian of the past 25 years. Shame he'd rather get a check and then disappear from the public eye until he gambles it all away and comes back for another check. He's like the Floyd Mayweather of comedy.

He called Sarah Silverman’s comedy collective a bunch of commie gobbledygook on that YouTube awards show he showed up to in his sweats. He did the whitehouse correspondents dinner during the Clinton regime ffs. He called Bill a murderer on the View. He gets political occasionally. He’s pretty clearly right wing bruh.

>mfw I see the threads where people discuss that Scizek commie and that Jordan Paterson guy
It's fucking hilarious that burgerclaps unironically think these stupid, idiotic boomers with no political power are somehow relevant to politics.
They even go saying

It's a fucking joke.

You don’t know shit about bill burr if you think he’s a rightie. He believes in white privilege, social welfare, women’s rights, police brutality, black rights, gay rights, trans rights, he’s a cuck, he just did comedy about hating women, that’s the only right leaning shit he’s done.

Holy shit lmao

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he's clearly to the right of the center, he just tries to avoid being drawn into conversations about it. norm is always the smartest guy in the room, it is funny to watch him play with these idiot interviewers and hosts with everything he says going over their head

Centrists are the best

They are Americans, they are inherently stupid.
They grew up fighting console wars on the internet, and since American millennials are still mentally teenagers, they needed a replacement for it.
That's why millennial slactivism is a joke.

at least we're not complete retards like huemonkeys

I take it back Owen is funny

Even Brazilians voted for an actual right wing candidate instead of choosing between which Israeli puppet they prefer.

Centrists don’t have critical thinking skills

And idealists can only say

If only at least you started killing each other already, but you are way too cowardly for that, so you stick to Internet shitposting.
Democracy was a mistake.

Brazilians voted for the law and order candidate in a country with a skyrocketing homicide rate

nick mullen is my favourite right wing comedian

Why does he make such a big deal about gay people?

Who gives a shit about faggots?

I’m an agorist buddy, democracy is retarded

It pains me Nick is so close to the light yet gets caught up in DSA bullshit. He should take Dave Smith up on his podcast invite and get his lefty ideas smashed.

There is no such thing as left wing comedy desu

>the right/Christians hold ALL the social power
Did you fall asleep in a coma in 1985 and wake up now?
>People like George Carlin are considered not just hilarious comics, but brilliant thinkers and, in a way, philosophers
I too was 16 once and thought he was brilliant.

Reddit vs Yea Forums.

This site regularly has me in tears, Reddit makes me want to kill myself and take my country with me.

I don't see the point of siding with an ideology that literally no one else supports.

Because I’m not a collective of people and can think/support myself without using tools of compulsory force

faggot or woman

I want the Jews and trannies here to explain to me how women and neolib SJWs are funnier than those who roast them.

So, you are irrelevant.

Not him but I'm a minarchist and I hate democracy.

To political discourse? Yeah that’s kind of the point retard

Please, only reply if your ideology has an actual chance of having a semblance of power or influence.

bolsonaro is a literal zionist


Literal idealism

It does.

Ron Paul was close to winning.

All we need to do is end central banking.

Nope lol

>wanting power over peaceful people
Big yikes

Ron Paul was nowhere close to winning.

I swear minarchists are some of the smartest retards I meet. Just take the black pill already and join the good fight. The state will never curb to your will, the only option is to work around it.

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What other libertarian humorists other than the guys at South Park?

Tears of laughter silly burger.

Reddit makes me want to commit genocide to cleanse the lefty scum.

Civilians are all potential terrorists, specially activists.
You don't keep a tight leash, and they all sperg out, just look at millennials and their decade of cultural terrorism.

Not to mention the guy unironically supports Bernie Sanders

>Political comedy/politically charged comedy

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Imagine being this person

They’re sperging out specifically because the leash is tight retard. Without a mechanism of compulsory force these people are powerless to affect your life in any way. The problem stems specifically from the fact that the state model forces everyone to live the same way through the avenue of the best organized minority.

i'm english

No they aren't.
They are sperging out over completely trivial shit that nobody cares about.
You just have to see to their complaints to realize that it all boils down to

The idea of comitting to something and putting effort is called fascism by millennials.


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I don’t think you comprehend what I’m saying.

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I'm 21, actually.
If you can't get a good job is because you are fucking useless.

I'm 18 and I've probably made more money than you have

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I don't doubt it, it's easy to make money if you are not brain damaged like millennials.

Go to bed Xi Ling

Poo in loo confirmed

No, i'm from Norway.
Currently in England because of my job.

Lmao that makes much more sense, enjoy your nanny state faggot

Nanny state?
I work for a private military and security contractor.

what part
if it's norf i'll fucking hang you