well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am gonna have to call it fake news if they're being literal
Probably because Disney shits out a new movie like once a week. I dunno. I'm going to see a non Disney movie on Sunday, though. Gonna go see Crawl with a girl from work.
Well no one went to see Captain Marvel.
Disney had to buy out theaters to make it look like it was successful.
Box office correlates directly with the volume of marketing, and NOTHING ELSE.
Because the rest are even worse
>not pirating it all
I really hope you guys don't give Disney money.
This has to be some kind of money laundering scheme because the numbers for this shit movies make no sense.
>Don't mind us, just pirating all these supplies
Because they own 90% of media now
Fuck Disney and their kikery ways. Hitting em in the wallet is the only way
cause movies are bad
>downloading a media file that can be copied and redistributed is the same thing as stealing limited supplies
Go be a brainlet somewhere else.
because they're all children
cause modern pop culture is anti-western and only humongous amounts of shilling and brainwashing can make people care about it. also because they are buying any intellectual property from boomer times if people still care about it
Reminder to support the Sony and WB coalition
Because the rest is pretentious A24 shit
Because western audiences are nigger cattle and chinese audiences are bugmen.
And of course, the Cultural Marxist have to show Captain Marvel in the Headline.
>giving your free time to Disney by watching their shit, for free or not
shiggy diggy
I have a Cinemark in town. It is currently showing:
>Lion King (Disney)
>Spider Man (Columbia/Marvel)
>Toy Story 4 (Disney)
>Crawl (Ghost House/Raimi)
>Aladdin (Disney)
>Yesterday (Working Title Films)
>Angry Birds 2 (Columbia)
>Stuber (Fox aka Disney)
>Annabelle Comes Home (New Line)
9 films. Four of them are straight up Disney productions. Another one is basically a Disney production (Marvel). Two are about talking dolls. Yesterday and Stuber star Indians who I don't know who they are.
Slim pickings all around.
Because Americans are brainwashed for three things: to pay Disney, to love Israel, and to hate their own race and racemix.
America must be wiped out.
Damn, I'd hate having such little variety at my local cinemas.
>actually four things
big yikes, who's the creatura now?
The only thing I can really hope for is that people get sick of seeing these big disney movies and disney is forced to start innovating.
>i get my knowledge of America from online interactions
you're literally one of the retards that you hate.
Racemixing is a symptom of hating your own race.
>big yikes
Ah yes, Amerimutt lingo.
Whatever you say, Jorge Gimenez Tyrone Ryan.
Then explain why these movies do well internationally butthurt slav
Agreed, fellow redpiller! We must stop racemixing at all costs, white genocide is real!
What are you talking about?
These movies make most of their box office comes from Amerimutts and Bugpeople.
symptoms or not, it's still four separate things. you're just as bad as those mongrel cattle.
It is real, but in America is desirable.
The future of, not only white people, but the entire planet, relies on spics turning the US into a country-wide favela and causing it to collapse.
t. jamal bergstein
Limiting access to information via money should be illegal. Disney and all media networks should go to hell.
based ESL retard
most of the money is made internationally
>giving them the runtime out of your life.
Reminder that literally only Amerimutts watched Black Panther.
The only Marvel movies that did fine outside were Avengers.
Then again, only Americans are stupid enough to, not only tolerate these movies, but try to make a religion out of them.
Aladdin made 66% of its gross international.
Please do even the slightest bit of research next time retard.
Media crash soon
this and unironically too
Please shower, seek sunlight, talk to a female (for a change), and stop obsessing over a country you don't live in
Are you telling me Americans always, at least, give it half of it's money?
Why do you keep watching garbage?
>corporate monopoly
>owns almost every major studio
>why do people only manage to see their films?
>66% = half
Yeah... gonna ignore the retarded slavshit now
>Black Panther.
it made half its profit internationally and you know that doesn't include china for obvious reasons
>The only Marvel movies that did fine outside were Avengers.
so the majority and source of this cancer did well internationally?
>Then again, only Americans are stupid enough to, not only tolerate these movies, but try to make a religion out of them.
uh okay there is a danishfag in this thread talking about how most of the movies at his cinema are mouse productions, why are you in denial? go outside
I take care of my hygiene and vitamin D needs just fine, and I can talk to women because no one here will accuse me of rape for looking at them.
Plus, i'll actually feel like looking at them since they are not either bald, or blue haired feminist scum.
Last year Disney had a string of huge flops though.
>bbbut this year
Ehhh gimme at least 5 years in a row
Because Based Disney is the only one making good movies
>US alone is 44%
The US promotes and supports cancer alone.
I'm not going to any movies, least of all "Disney."
>I live less than 5 minutes from a theater
>it's extremely nice and clean and comfy
>barely has 10 people arrive at any non-premiere showing
>ticket prices are $5 if you go on, like, a tuesday or a thursday, any movie
>shows at least 12 different movies
and I still don't give a fuck. I don't even remember the last time I went. This was easily 5 years ago and I don't have a clue what it was.
idgaf about movies or Disney
>that doesn't include china for obvious reasons
Why, because Chinks don't worship niggers like burgerclaps do, who at this point, even talk like them?
why are you on tv then stupid fucking retard?
How to pirate?
What about Universal and Paramount pictures?
>string of huge flops
literally 2
>gimme at least 5 years in a row
They have that. Disney has been making AT LEAST $5 Billion a year since 2014
address the point and stop seething
you watch capeshit and live action disney garbage, proven by every top 10 box office in europe, not art films
you eat mcdonalds, not cordon bleu, proven by your soaring obesity rate
your top 10 and most streamed on spotify isn't refined classical compositions it's just nog shit (and in slav hovels wiggers who worship black american mumblerappers)
to cry about black people duh
>the STATE of you math skills
browsing the catalogue in case there's some cute celeb nudes before a mod deletes it
Also, I like films just fine, but not modern movies. Fuck modern movies. I'm actually in a big production movie, myself.
>being wrong
Even Doug Walker is asking this question and it is driving him crazy.
Wow you know what? I think I'm going to go see a Disney movie now. Thank you. Now I can finally be normal and get laid.
>you eat mcdonalds
Not really.
>it's just nog shit
No, it's actually local music.
Only Amerimutts listen to nigger rap because an American is creature brainwashed to worship niggers.
Even the far right in America is anti-white, wants to racemix and speaks like a bunch of hoodrats.
America is a country of rabid dogs that needs to be put down.
And in fact, if America died, everyone in the world would be better off due to the cancerous influence they have everywhere that makes the world a worse place.
>American projects
Now i'm sure you have to do one of your 5 daily donations to Disney.
Been a while since I've seen a poster this seething
Go back to /pol/ lmao
Well it helps when you buy literally every studio
Where do you live in the U.S. that makes you think that? Some coastal city? Fuck off, dude.
Get some new pics JIDF
>No, it's actually local music.
no it isn't
>Not really.
yes you do
>Only Amerimutts listen to nigger rap
yes okay keep living in your fantasy world where stockholm, paris and rome are some refined cities of elegance and not refugee hovels
Why would I?
/pol/ is full of Americans.
>get some new pics JIDF
you're on an american website sweetie
Is that Rich Evans?
disney owns >40% of the market what the fuck do you think
Gee, I wonder who is trying to convince people to fill their countries with refugees.
And I wonder who kickstarted the pointless war that caused all those refugees in the first place.
>Gee, I wonder who is trying to convince people to fill their countries with refugees.
Liberals which your country is full of
Here's a list of things you can do about it:
my gf forces me to watch it
I don't have to do anything, just sit tight, wait for a democrat to get into the white house, let them fill the US with more spics and await the USA's demise.
That will save the world.
Because they cast beautiful white guys like Tom Holland in them, everyone not doing that can fuck right off.
brazil superpower by 2040
hmm how strange
Jewids propaganda?
Carolinas here, same exact shit playing. I love how normies and film sites pretend Far From Home isn't Disney, like you said. It's sick. This landscape is a nightmare. It's mostly due to Hispanics being addicted to spectacle, blacks can't into kino, and Internet Zoomers were raised in a Mouse House panopticon by their arrested development fat, divorced parents.
It's crazy that shit like MASH, To Live and Die in LA, Terminator 1, Die Hard, even Observe & Report used to play in theaters. And A24 is the smuggest faggotry, they basically turned indie kino into Pitchfork.com SJW signalling.
And I don't fuck with Drafthouse or B&B Theaters, I don't want artisan flood and shit. I want to pay $3 for a ticket, get beers for $2/piece and watch some violent action on a sticky candy floor in deep chilly AC. I'd even just pay $3 to see a "mystery meat" action movie from the 80s. When it starts you see what it is.
Idiot, globalism is what killed movies. The Rock is the future, could be black, could be Indian, or Mongol, could be Spic. At least Arnold used to understand irony and was patriotic
What's at your theater? They're all the same?
Who caused the wars in the middle east?
The US because Israel told them to, and said that they were after the ones who caused 9-11, even though they burned every single country except the ones responsable, AKA Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
The war in the middle east was a ploy to fill Europe with refugees.
The US must be destroyed for their treason towards western civilization.
This is your brain on /pol/
>inb4 "I'm not le /pol/ tourist!"
I only go to the cinema to see big action films because that makes the best use of having a large screen and ear bleedingly loud audio.
For actual kino I watch in the privacy of my own home.
If you're on Yea Forums you don't need a literal TV because you already know what's going on. Haven't been to a movie theater in 15 years.
/pol/ is borderline leftists in disguise and it's filled with Americans, so no reason for me to step in that shithole.
Sure thing /pol/rat
Stealing from Jews isn't stealing.
Because this is how your average moviegoer looks like today
I'm not some centrist retard nor an Amerimutt, so I can't be /pol/
They are a bunch of cowards who will never be truly right wing.
The internet equivalent of America.
You'd better make her crawl on top of your dick after the movie
These too. Probably the oldest still running studios.
The typical /pol/rat cope
>random usage of "cope"
American detected.
Ya seething, /pol/ster?
This is the most pathetic thing I have seen. And I’m on Yea Forums.
Hollywood is shut down thanks by the Me#too sluts
I am, and I will be until spics destroy your 3rd world shithole.
But everything he said was correct want to try to make a real argument retard?
Based motivational user
Because Audiences are braindead sheeple and only want to see what is safe. They have conditioned themselves that Marvel Studios=Good, Pixar/Disney=Good, and that Nostalgia=Good and thus only care to see MCU, Live Action remakes of Disney Cartoons, and the occasional animated movie.
>inb4 maybe Disney just makes good movies!
Disney’s movies are no more shitty than any of the other dreck that Hollywood produces. Even Critics have shat on them. But Audiences have tricked themselves into believing otherwise and that Disney is their religion.
>But everything he said was correct want to try to make a real argument retard?
>this is what a leftist utopia looks like
What happened, did I offend your failed experiment of a country, American?
The nazis were a joke, weak and didn't have what it took to win.
It's pathetic that Hitler said he didn't want to destroy the British because
>t-they are my people
No one who has mercy for an enemy deserves victory.
That is one shitty movie theater. I can see why you don't go very often.
>posts le meme pic
Still no argument
Nice essay loser, lmao
WW3 can’t happen sooner.
>posts le meme pic
>Still no argument
I understand that without explosions and shitty CGI your mind is incapable of paying attention to anything, Americlap.
No user we need a Pandemic like the Spanish Flu an only the strong survive
Disney is giving theaters a higher cut of the ticket proceeds do theater owners are only issuing tickets for Disney movies, no matter what you actually say.
rent free
You pirate poorfags are the reason only Disney is making money in movies
>trannies are so sick of being told to dilate and that they're trannies that they're started to call Nazis trannies to question themselves
this keks
>they keep spamming the same 5 pics to anyone who disagrees with them
Watch foreign kinos a billion times better that mutt shit
Stop pretending to be me you dumbass Americlaplet. Nazis were based.
i-it's okay to steal from people I don't like!
Cause you idiots keep giving them free press with your pussy outrage
Fuck, your ancestors conquered the planet through sheer force of will and balls of steel and you jackasses wig our when a half fish girls skin is darkened
You know 1 in 3 film tickets sold belongs to a Disney movie.
Disney have had the top 3 films of the year in 2017 2018 and 2019.
Disney seem to be allowed to buy literally whoever they want and nobody stops any of their acquisitions.
And also, everyone that controls Disney now is jewish
>if you don't go see our movies you're a racist and a bigot!
>Only nazies see non Disney movies!
>Alita is alt-right!
>WB is alt-right!
Yeah, I wonder why people go to see them
Oh look, he has to falseflag now.
Americans are literal animals, lesser beings who hate everything about western civilization and will always try it's hardest to destroy it.
>I-I'm not the falseflagging jew, I swear!
We can see through your tricks, Schlomo.
>oh shit, calling the nazis trannies didn't work, I guess i'm going to call him a jew
Your obsession with false flagging will turn you into an unironic nazi.
Lock your doors.
Yes user, a jew wants to destroy the US, it's most loyal servants.
>corporations are people
>DURRRR what is a falseflag
Go back to plebbit, the adults are talking sweetums.
Because Disney know the general public is full of simpletons who only want CGI explosions & ‘bad ass’ scenes with famous actors. Also they spend a fortune on advertising.
t. american
i dunno, is a mystery
What's with Americans and their obsession with destroying the English language?
Why can't you speak like normal people?
Are you brain damaged?
>no, you are the bad guy
lmao, the leftist is so confused that he doesn't even know what to accuse others of being.
He's incapable of processing someone who isn't some generic american nazi.
calm down sweatie sweetie sweetum tumtum
Nice deflection, amerimutt. Now explain why you are falseflagging me and obsessed with posting nazi trannies.
>Americans doing faggotry
>No-no it's not us I swear it's those jews!
>Those American jews
>Noooooooooooo America is not jews! America is whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttte
It's the only argument leftists can.
Just spout shit constantly and confuse everyone because they can't act logically.
EASY DONT go PAY watch Capeshit , Disney crap. Open your eyes to foreign tv an films ok
lol. Nobody cries about this shit more than americans. If you aren't american, this is even worse.
Who but an obese, blue haired, racially ambiguous Amerimutt leftist would type something like this unironically?
Americans are programmed to watch Disney shit, they MUST watch it, it's not an option for them.
>about this shit
What's "this shit"?
And yes, I talk about this because America is cultural cancer, it's the source of all the wrongs of today, it's the enemy of every single decent person.
America is a dystopia that represents everything wrong with humanity and it deserves to be destroyed.
As long as America exists, the world won't be good because it will still have this cancerous parasite latched on it.
wait if you both insult americans then i don't know what i'm doing here
I can imagine being brainwashed from an early age that Mutts life is Great an Disney/capeshit the best
Bit like a country in a horrible soul destroying religion.
That all Americuck Kike cult
That's what happens when a nation has no culture and religion and focuses entirely on material goods, that they start worshipping corporations.
Are you sure you wanna show her a Sam Raimi movie?
Only rural and suburban retard believe in god.
Your excuses from acting like a nigger are literally nigger-tier. If you act like a nigger then you're a fucking nigger.
People will always worship something, it's human nature.
Thing is, while some countries grew up worshipping something that embodies good and kindness, Americans grew up worshipping sociopathic CEOs who want nothing more than your money, and drug addicted rapist actors and actresses.
That's why America is a culturally bankrupt nation.
It's why everything Americans do or think or out of malice, even when they try to help some they are more focused on attacking others.
In fact, I wonder how long until Americans start making laws protecting these products they worship from criticism (something that you can already see in social media) because doing so is evil, and how long until fanaticism over these products will result in actual violence.
How long until an American kills another over a dispute regarding some ebin Avengers movie, and has people who support such behaviour?
disney way to make movies
shuttup bootlicker, you have no power here
Yeah, enlightened urban people believe in Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Wacky Nigger Twitter account #5139075319875109
who gives a fuck
Mutts to a tee lel,
Desperate clones wanting to keep in the herd , maybe dropping ebola flea ridden rats would save them from themselves , kek
>who gives a fuck about my country being full of worthless, shallow scum who care only about shitty movies and think they are saving the world by discussing them
Seething christcuck.
Tehran will nuke them soon .
It's not about being christian, it's about following people who will teach you to be a decent person, whoever they are.
What did Disney teach you?
That your happiness relies on the box office of Marvel movies?
already had mutt capeshit kinos shootouts only niggers dies so nothing of value
The Yankees treated Lee well, providing even the food he needed; that stopped dragging the Civil War.
Because other studios are putting out crap like Alita: Battle Angel, or as I like to call it, Alita: Battle Incel, the worst movie of the last decade and possibly one of the worst flicks of all time.
smug cunt will Never work again
Have you never wondered why your country is a shithole where every single man is a scrawny feminist manchild and why every single woman is a disgusting, blue haired landwhale?
Becareful Muts worship the $$$s an being wage cucks for t.Master like a good goy
lol America is one of the most religious countries in the West you dingus
all you see is pop culture
if you REALLY want to see culturally bankrupt, you should check out Christian media
oh no
That has nothing to do with you being a seething christcuck, kek
No you aren't, you are a corruption of it.
Everything you took from Europe you ended up turning into an abomination.
>if you REALLY want to see culturally bankrupt, you should check out Christian media
Or just check out any American media in general.
Love this
when can we see Iran nuke the mutts
I have never heard of an office that actually does anything for this. Hell, I've never even heard of it. There's a holiday for everything.
They look like they fuck dogs.
That's not a christian festivity, it's just a local tradition.
Something that America lacks, your only tradition is watching the latest Marvel movie.
And you are in no place of calling others "christcucks" or anything religious when your worship of Disney is cult-tier.
Because the market is dominated by single moms.
Women are retarded and drag their boyfriends to see nothing but Disney shit
Yes, dogs and black men, right Amerimutt?
I forgot that the moment an American male sees a woman he automatically thinks of zoophilia and interracial cuckoldry.
>religious people aren't actually religious because I say so!
the real moral decay inherent in Western society can be found in Western Europe, where they're so bankrupt of anything that matters that they allow outright invasion
at least spics are Catholic and have some kind of white ancestor lol
What did you expect, my child?
Trying this hard all the Other sad mutt incel fat lard buckets who post shit here, ran away like tard Timmy was beating them again Top Keks
No, some go to Church and mention God, but that's it.
>the real moral decay inherent in Western society can be found in Western Europe
Says the Disney worshipping, west and white-hating racemixed American.
that shit b8
you need to go back for upvotes you silly tard .
Learn to speak English you inbred shitskin.
>assumptions galore
whatever dude
at least my mom took me to NASCAR
Yes, because you are an American creature, you are a degenerate and can only thing of disgust, because that's all you see in your life.
And probably because the females that live in America fuck dogs since, after all, they are American.
SO should be Blacked porn .. 87% Mutts watched =Fact .
It's funny how fast Americans attack white people.
As if it wasn't obvious that American has always been the enemy of whites.
I have no idea why Europe still sees an ally in the US, when Russia and China are much more alinged with what's best for Europe.
tell her how you feel about disney
Of course they do America, everyone fucks dogs like you.
Or even worse, niggers.
Probably why by 2050, you will all look like this.
reminder that the French started the Libya conflict
Because mid-budget indie productions so rarely get wide releases anymore.
wow imagine being this retarded
I GAVE YOU the RIGHT to Use The Queens Language , OK soiboy
Now go back to upvoting an chattering like cock hungry apes
That's kind of backwards.
The reason why everybody and their brother are scrambling to assemble anything that even slightly resembles a cohesive universe is because the average person only sees three to four films a year in the theaters now, and the trend exploits that by making the potential audience invested which will make them more likely to watch the next film in succession.
Look, the American is ashamed of being an America, what a surprise.
here's your russian top ten bro
so trad
billie eilish, lil nas x and azerbaijani rap kek
He's just mad because Americans get irrationally angry at the sight of white people since it's what they wish they were.
Pic related is what appeals to them, their beloved blak kweens.
Why are you projecting? Are you American by chance?
That's Estonia.
A country that, of course, since it was too white, it's know that the US is working to brainwash into making them accept the "benefits of diversity".
>even pirating this garbage
Cope nigger
Amerimutt, you've already tried that.
Lets see the path you've followed
>nazis are trannies
>n-no, you are american, that will confuse him ha
>I swear all religions are worse than me worshipping Disney
>oh no, white women, uhh they fuck dogs haha...
I wonder what's the next in the list of fascinating Amerimutt arguments to defend your dying nation.
dios mio...
La luz extinguida...
El ogro de las americas...
>mid-budget indie productions
an the point from the /Pol point Is , they will Never get funded again an so MUTT film making is Finished as a medium , imagine paying 1 million for film school an Hollywood is shut , kek
We need netflix an the streamers to fail now reimagining ,where Nig gandbangers rapists in central park THAT NIGHT didnt Rape they were Gud boys , But other weeks before they did . TV can change folks opinion with those clever manipulations
what the fuck are you even saying
That's the effect of the death of distributers but who can blame then when just one single flop will shut your doors for good.
That's what Netflix is fore now. It's the direct-to-video of our time.
Those ladies look classy, I doubt they would ever fuck an American.
what movies are not disney movies at this point
ask mom
Go get your momma off leroys mambo cock , has he made you suck him yet ?
>obsessed with nigger dick
>can't type a coherent sentence
Yeah... it's a mutt.
The tards are getting folk banned , I glad I reporting those cunts to US LEA for posting HCCP .
Im EU bro
based pedant
Luther was right about Jews, they should be driven out and their property seized. Pirating is the least you can do.
>not wanting grungy tallboy-chugging dad rock gf
brand royalty.
>I pay Disney
>I love Isreali guns
>I don't hate white people, but despise yankees
>Married to an Asian
Nice list.
Because most normies wait for shit to show up on streaming, so theaters have effectively become an amusement park ride where people only see the biggest, most familiar shit.
Yea Forums unironically sucks James Cameron's dick even though he helped create the modern blockbuster and turned theaters into a theme park with modern 3D gimmicks.
well you can either watch a disney movie, a wannabe disney movie, or a movie that's better watched without screaming children in a theater
Spanmish Inquistion with Queen Isabella is based mussies an kikes out in 6 months of spain in 1400 , most left a few stayed then the kike finder general tortured an burnt this filth alive nakek on a sunday afternoon after mass for a Great day out for all the family .. Rid moors and they called them then the evil /filthy Jews who ruin towns in Spain . 1400 times they sorted these greedy hateful scum out
sorry my english I EU
ahmed you're not from the EU and we're gonna get rid of you too.
>he thinks he can spread his mental illness through parroting insults
oops you'll have to just keep touching kids i guess
I don't get why you wouldn't want to sleep with girls of other races
For the same reason I don't willingly go for fat, smelly girls?
Girls from other races are ugly as fuck.
Imagine needing a Semitic mythos to teach you basic compassion and humanity....couldn't be me
Yikes, I bet her pussy couldnt be any dryer when you suggested a non disney movie
Imagine being this much of a poor loser
>I cant spend 7 dollars on a movie ticket I need that to buy ramen!
But Americans would kill each other in a heart beat over these movies, or even by political pettiness.
They do not understand anything about humanity and compassion, which is why no compassion should be offered to them, they are a plague.
I thought Americans loved jews, what with most of your government and rich people being jews and you sending trillions to Israel and putting your own kids on the line to fight their wars.
$7 for a ramen pack? The hell, America?
t. Incel
Rent free.
seething zoomer
> I want to pay $3 for a ticket
Can you still do that anywhere in the US?
Go back.
Seethe level: 100%
>three things
>posts four
when basileus Jeb! breaks your lines with burger cataphracts you will regret this post leaf
it's a pretty strange line of attack. many different militaries have weird historical traditions involving crossdressing (the US included).
Not me, i dont know who the fuck they pay to see that shit.
>those baggy jeans
oof, thats a yikes from me
Because anti-trust laws aren't enforced and through a billion mergers and acquisitions 90% of films released to theaters are owned by Disney.
Are you saying all militarycucks are trannies? Makes sense
based and accelerationistpilled
continue acting like a retard that's going to help your case Muhammad
Those movies are not even worth a torrent...
I'm American and I despise both Disney and Israel (we waste way too much money on them among, other issues with their illegitimate "nation") and I have a white gf (although I wouldn't be opposed to fucking women of different races, I've only been with white girls.) So you can go cope and suck off a Muslim in whatever non-american (lol) shithole that you're from.
Just imagine the smell
I have no interest in that happening.
America will always be the enemy of white people, so please, produce mutts and help collapse your 3rd world nation if you really care about whites.
you sound like a biter faggot. did some american fuck your girlfriend? cope and seethe more i love it.
>Stealing kike brainwashing materials
Nigga what?
in my case its because they bought out all the theater time for Captain Marvel so I had no choice
>muh white genocide
Do something with your life and stop being racebaited by the media faggot.
I have never met an American, and I don't know anyone who's ever met one.
And it's not bitterness, it's a fact, the US is sabotaging all of western civilization for some reason.
I don't care what that reason is, or if it's civilians support it.
America is the biggest threat we are facing right now.
Lets hope the Chinese and Americans nuke each other, it would end all commies in one shot.
I'd say the biggest threat you're facing is your schizophrenia.
I think the answer is quite simple. Movies are expensive these days so why take a risk on something you may not like when you can go watch some safe predictable Disney fluff that wont challenge you in any way?
But there's proof that America wants to destroy whites.
Pic related.
The US deserves a country-wide nuclear strike and ensuring the lands that now form the US won't be habitable for a few thousand years.
>even wasting your precious time watching that filth
soon enough Disney will have bought all theater chains and the few studios that have not been bought by DIsney will have to re-release it directly to video
you're so cringe the only thing that needs eliminated for the good of the world is you. off yourself you freak.
Notice how all Disney movies are reboots? It's pretty obvious they're trying to capitalise on the nostalgia and it's clearly succeeding as people can't handle news things nowadays.
And you think the average American is responsible for everything our fucked up government does? Guess what? Your government is just as bad. There isn't a government on this earth that works for the good of its people anymore. Get a grip faggot.
Disney payola is real.
Angry Birds 2 isn't out yet
How much is Disney paying per post now?
>And you think the average American is responsible for everything our fucked up government does?
Yes, you support everything as long as it's the party you voted.
All the infighting in your country is because your favourite people are not in power.
I'd say other countries should fuel those conflicts until the US implodes into a civil war, and extend Venezuela's fuck ups all over South America so more spics invade and the US dies fast.
If the US hasn't been disbanded by 2040, humanity is doomed.
Because they're based
Only WBcuck DCdrones disagree
didn't say any of the above, so...
>when Russia and China are much more alinged with what's best for Europe.
Whatever you're getting paid to shill on-line is too much, user.
DIDF out in full force today
lol speak for yourself you smelly nigger you don't even know what you're talking about. making generalizations like you are is the mark of a true brainlet.
based, fuck humanity and fuck wh*te """"""people""""""
What are you talking about?
It's what's best for white people, the US is the biggest enemy whites have right now.
hahah imagine unironincally being a nigger. or i mean you probably don't have to but holy shit it seems frightening.
Not China, they are a bunch of communists, but Russia is right wing and doesn't seem to have any interest in seeing whites go extinct, so they are far better than the US.
Where are you from?
>tfw got a ton of (You)s from baiting the raving incel in this thread
Thanks fella, it was a pleasure. Oh, and fuck Europe.
Oh no.
>pirating shit movies
i sure hope you are not wasting yout life on watching absolute garbage
t. Burgerclap
Do humanity a favor, grab a gun, and kill as many other americans as you can.
Then off yourself.
Disney bought all the people who make movies
all the movies a Disney movies
Based, but even more based is not watching the shlock they put out.
Perhaps has to do with the fact that some cinemas almost exclusively show their putrid regurgitated shit like if they were being paid extra to do so by the semitic rodent.
No fucking joke, I noticed in the past two months that one of the cinemas in my city has always between a 60% and a 70% of its rooms with that crap, last month they had like 5 or 6 rooms dedicated exclusively to Toy Story 4, plus the additional Aladdin movie and now almost half of the fucking cinema is showing The Lion King alone, so with previous releases like Spiderman and others Didney crap takes up to almost a whooping 75% of the entire cinema.
It's fucking disgusting, and one of the worst parts is that you could think that they at least would make room for new movies and blockbusters when they appear as well, NOPE. Case in point Godzilla began to appear in there abour a week or two after its release and didn't even have more than one room.
Wouldn't even waste my time pirating it, disney will never make another product I have any interest in as long as they exist
Good. Only real men go in dry, women don't deserve to enjoy sex.
I would but my fucking friends insist in going and being good goyim to the mouse. About some weeks ago I had to endure Far from home and in December some friends want to go all together to see The Fall of Skywalker. I honestly don't want to go and at best torrent it and watch it all comfy and shit at home but I don't think I can change that idea despite the fact that after some time they too agreed with me saying that TLJ was shit.
El Gollumo
Americas are all truly honorary niggers.
To show I am not making this shit up here is a badly taken pic of the movies shown in said cinema. If you look at the second plane of the pic you'll see that out of the 16 rooms, 7 approximately are taken by Toy Story alone, another one by Aladdin and Godzilla (which was literally released the same day as Toy Story) barely has two and iirc they weren't even there on June 21st, this photo is from the 26th.
I'll take a pic this Monday but if things haven't changed too much from what I have seen today (which probably is the case) the scenario is much much worse.
kys kike Disney is based