ITT: The worst of film Reddit

ITT: The worst of film Reddit

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Why not just watch the original?

So this is the average Disneydrone thought process. Disturbing.

>life is hard in 2019

We need to bring back the draft, make it 10 years long and for both men and women.
Lets see if they complain about how hard sitting on your ass is.

The new one isn't that bad. Hating on the lion king is the easy, biased and no-thinking route everyone brainless takes.

Enjoying it and criticizing it on its own merits like the original broadway play is the honest route.

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The braodway play actually had SOUL, the remake doesn't.

If you can't tell the movie is total dogshit from the footage we've seen so far then you just have a low IQ.

pic related

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this. it’s actually quite kineaux

>on its own merits
It's a 1:1 remake with worse visuals, voice acting and music. It has no merits, it's a direct downgrade from a movie we've already seen and charging for it should be considered fraud

no one can name a single character or quote from avatar though

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I like to talk about reddit

>Life is hard in 2019

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>how many quotes make it to the front page of /r/memes daily is an indicator of quality
Who gives a fuck? The movie was about the visuals, I haven't seen Avatar since I saw it in cinemas in 2009, and some of the shots are still easy to recall.

Can an MCU fan point to a single impressive shot in their movies?

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>life is hard
I bet the worst he has going for is a made up depression.

The one memorable quote from Avatar is that one fake quote from the Colonel saying you might win this battle and go back to being savages but we will rule the stars above you. Which is the best comment about the movie/

That's from a Warhammer 40k crossover with Avatar.

I know. Still sounds miles better than anything in Avatar, to the point where when I think of an Avatar quote, that's the first thing to come to my mind.

Nostalgia drones aren't human

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jesus fucking christ

this, they ripped it off line for line and scene for scene, but with shittier voice actors because
>muh all black cast

like the guy drinking coffee as they fly into battle for the "un-obtain-ium"

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Raimi 3 was unironically the best spiderman

This isn't that hot of a take. The original Bond films were very campy, silly, sci-fi lite affairs.

anti-xeno banter is the best

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the colonel was the best part of the whole ride

I don't know I think he has a point.
2019 isn't physically, mentally or emotionally hard.
But it's spiritually hard, very few has a purpose or meaning anymore.
Imagine being a normie, what do they have to look forward to, a divorce and their kids turning out to be homosexuals, trannies, and liberals?

Life without purpose or meaning is always pretty hard.

ive never actually met a genuine MCU dicksucker but good lord

But the human race’s space plans required the magical metal to go forward.

nah nigga they just wanted to sell that shit

Because they don’t exist. It’s all shilling.

... to who? Other aliens?

yeah nigga; smart ones that can do space shit

Is the $2.7 billion dollar revenue part of the marketing scheme as well? It must be nice to be wilfully ignorant.

>practical sets stunts and effects please
>james Gunn
>Tony Stark “emotional gut punch”

>only 2.7 billion after 11 years and 22 movies
Holy shit that’s pathetic

oh stop pretending to be so silly

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I legit feel the same way (I have good tastes in film though). My life is completely unfulfilling and nothing like I thought I'd be so I just watch kinos to cope. It's the same as going to a bar everynight.

Stop being actually silly

Yep. They’re cutting theaters a larger percentage so theaters are selling tickets to Disney movies to get a few more scheckels.

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It’s actually depressing. I’m a fuckin faggot but I’m not even that sad

not him but still hard to believe they invested around 20 billions, I'm sure some executives have gotten some fat bonuses along the way

It's literally an upvote grab all. A word salad of milquetoast opinions.

It’s fine but the emotionless faces of the animals is shit. CGI good doe

>life was harder 50 years ago, stop trying to improve your conditions!

literal facebook boomer tier post

You have literally no challenges.

This is one of the most desperate and obvious attempts at astroturfing I've ever seen.
Holy shit, kill yourself.

>is making a ton of money part of spending a lot of money on marketing?
yes you retard

Jake Sully
"I see you"

I have always despised the emotion of nostalgia and i am glad life has proved me right


From the same user

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I'm happy this meme never caught on

Yet the movie is objectively better than the entire MCU, what a world we live in

maybe if you keep saying that it'll come true

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When do we start putting this guys against the wall ?

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>2016 is the year of Avatar

not as bad desu

Avatar won the Best Cinematography, Visual Effects and Art Direction oscars and got other countless awards.

As today the Marvel Cinematic Universe is 22 movies in and has only received a few irrelevant pity oscars for their negro pandering movie.

Stop using that word. It doesn’t mean what you think it means.

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>Cameronfag still thinks the Oscars are relevant

I know what it means, I only use it when a movie is superior to other using a numeric metric that can be compared objectively. When a single movie gets more awards than an entire franchise, I can safely say the movie is superior to that franchise and I'll only receive COPE and ad hominems from its shills

No, the honest critique of it is lambasting the shit play it originated from, Hamlet

And like clockwork comes the COPE, I predicted it here

>Hating on the lion king is the easy
It's easy because it's garbage with zero redeeming qualities, you should work on your shilling

Honestly, why not?

remember when it was going to be 2015?

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I make my own challenges faggot. Who the fuck needs other people to give them goals?

Eat shit, they ruined Venom. Sandman was cool and that's about it

what is your life like? and what did you think it would be like?

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there are always challenges, the metrics show greater wealth inequality, falling life expectancy, and lower purchasing power for everyone, this boomer meme needs to die, it just shows how out of touch you really are with society at large if you think we arent in a dire situation now, and whats more people dont have fucking meaning in their lives anymore, most people are spiritually bankrupt

this cant be real

>life is bad because reddit told me orange man bad

literal twitter zoomer tier post

Iron Man 1 > Avatar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every other Marvel movie

>because of the obligation

remember, it's always white people that do this kind of shit.

lol fuck off monkey nigger

>muh quippy dialogue
>muh bright colors
>muh comic book villains
literally more autistic than anime
how do people even take MCU films seriously

why not just watch the original

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it made money therefore its good
neck yourself cunt

Honestly not a bad idea

Because of an excess of peace.
Bring war back and all of that will be fixed.

>spiritually hard
go back

so they want men in black?

r/moviescirclejerk is a hellhole of TLJfags running jokes into the ground. HAHA, GOTTI IS A MOVIE HAHA! Not quite as autistic as Gamingcirclejerk, but close.

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>movie's worth is based on its quips
Avatar is shit but holy fuck kys you zoomer mongoloid

But Drumpf is president!


Redditors are truly trash

Reddit would be better if you could call people faggots without getting banned and downboated.

100% of people who say "hating on" are wiggers, trendy inner-city millennials, and general trash who needs to be curb stomped.

Why do they talk like this?

Soi poisoning.

it's boring, I failed college, I do shitty freelance jobs, still live with my parents at 23, no friends, I can't tell you about a single interesting thing I've done in the last 5 years; I spend most of my days lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I tried to make it better but nothing seems to work out, in fact each time I try something different it makes my situation worse.

I thought by that point in my life I'd have found something I like to do for a living, maybe some hobby, a gf and maybe a couple of friends, or anything somewhat fulfilling really.

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"You're not in Kansas anymore!"
also procede to have sexual intercourse

I think you lost your way, here let me help


what are you "improving" tranny
hint: you are not oppressed because the government won't give you free tranny pills

>greater wealth inequality
stop selling tranny she-ra art and get a job
> falling life expectancy
because of trannyism
>lower purchasing power for everyone
not being able to buy the new iphone is not an issue, tranny
everything wrong with your life is your own fault

friggin spoiler that!

>not being able to buy the new iphone is not an issue
what the fuck are you on about retard, no one can buy a house anymore unless they earn USD100,000+ per year
>stop selling tranny she-ra art and get a job
see above retard, enjoy working in a warehouse until you're 70 all the while living in a closet

It worked for Die Another Day

they could just make movies about side characters like spider man's "sister" who is a spy

imagine being on a website filled with plebs exclusively talking about capeshit and blockbusters. it sure would suck.

>running jokes into the ground.
pretty sure that's the point of a circlejerk its meaning is literally people sitting in a circle jerking each other off which is what you just described

>enjoy working in a warehouse until you're 70 all the while living in a closet
this does not apply to normal people which is why it isn't a widespread issue, will you kill yourself when bernie loses and dies in 2020

I'm not even American retard, and certainly not a fucking commie. But you can't really believe the average person lives better now than 50 years ago

disney drones in a nutshell

>Make artsy shit man
I hate Reddit so much.

>growing up in negrofied, spics infested post white america isn t much worse than what boomers went through.

You wasted paradise boomer.

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A co-worker is first in line for literally every marvel and anything Disney. He non-stop talks about them all and wears Marvel fucking clothing including beanies and thermals. Great guy, but yeah, these people exist

>pretends to force choke people around the office
>Pretends to 'thanos snap' rubbish and work away

Can you guess his age?

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Okay, I shit you not, that's his age. I'm in the camp of, 'you do you', but my god

>world and plot driven movie needs memorable characters
it is not capeshit movie where all that matters are powers of the characters

ITT: Closet redditors pretending they don't go there

What does spiritually hard mean? Plus if life is physically, mentally and emotionally easy than i think you're nitpicking. Please tell me this is bait.

Why would you pay $12 for something that can be easily achieved by watching youtube clips for 5 minutes
Nobody's watching The Lion King for the long-form, slow burn drama, they just want to hear the songs the recognize and get that dopamine rush

>low budget indie

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I knew you fucking faggots were going to defend that trash the moment people start criticizing it

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user i go on Reddit at work because Yea Forums is too unpredictable to be trusted and this is how they talk all the fucking time. I highly recommend avoiding it. Also if anyone can recommend a better sfw time killing bullshit site I'd like to hear it.

People who bring their 3 year old to a movie theater should be shot

>full house

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well no shit
with how much marketing went into marvel altogether, along with the stock fraud, and all other kinds of pathetic forced marketing, not shit it made tons of shit

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Well it could be worse. I’m 27 and in the same position

>Hating on

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Under the Silver Lake looked like it cost a shitload to make, what is this redditor on

“one life ends, another begins”

100% down for moore-style bond films to come back in fashion

I remember the helicopter pilot saying "I didn't sign up for this" and turning her helicopter around when they bombed the Navi but I only remember it because it was such a cliche.

oh.....ooh my.....oooh my oh my

The widening income gap is an objective fact, you retard.

locked. ya'll can't behave

You are so mad

I'm spiritually hard right now, I think I'm gonna fuck you