How do you feel about Doctor Who?

How do you feel about Doctor Who?

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I'm so glad i dropped this show after Matt Smith left.

It was an odd choice to cancel the reboot after only one season. I'm sure there would have been more great stories to tell, but I guess if anyone had to be the final Doctor ever, I'm glad it was Christopher Eccleston

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Nigger nigger kike faggot roastie nigger that's what I think.


10th doctor and some 11th was OK

Show for fat chicks who want to be british. The most insufferable cunts I've met in my life loved this show. Really makes you think.

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Honest question, how can you be a man, and still be a fan of Dr who past the age of 14? It just seems really childish.

This post is right

People who watch this after the age of 14 are either women or puffs.

It's one of the worst shows ever created, and also one of my favourites.

Ahh... Nothing like denying a people it's own history.


I have never watched it and that one scene posted in the OP is the only bit I have seen.

Isn't crazy how much this she baboon looks like Giant Bomb's Ben Pack?

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now this is epic

Garbage post

It's pretty gud with this guy as the doctor but it goes downhill fast.

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Stopped watching in 2008? I think the scottish guy was still the doctor when I was watching. It's just boring and I haven't heard a good word since the woke brigade got involved. Something about Rosa parks idfk

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Not even the fans are watching it anymore.

>brits are constantly deaming americans are ignirant retards
>they've been successfully gaslit to believe the continent was filled with niggers
Its a hilarious show and i watch it for a laugh regularly

>they've been successfully gaslit

Also it's "gaslighted" since you're not actually referring to a room being lit with mechanical gas lighting

the sauce is britain 2019

one of the most accurate yet unconventional assessments on a show's fanbase that I've ever witnessed. Holy shit dude, you've nailed it

The BBC has been successfully using 'lol look how silly Americans are' to deflect from our own problems for decades.
It always works too, more people in the UK have complained about Trump than anything happening in our own country.

The cheddar man meme

I love Doctor Who.
Pic related isn’t Doctor Who.

Real Doctor Who fans hate 80% percent of Doctor Who

I've posted this before but here in England It's just a comfy family show. There are a few god-tier episodes here and there but for the most part its pretty mediocre (the early seasons that is, it's all trash all the time now) and not to be taken seriously.

But for some reason though it (along with things like Sherlock and Harry Potter) has become a favourite for some subculture of American teenage girls who obsess over British shit. They're like English weebs.
Problem is Doctor Who noticed this and started pandering to those people and now it's just another dogshit American sci-fi show set in England.

It was pretty fun cheesy stuff, but over time with Capaldi the show's quality felt like it took a nosedive. Might've been an issue of Moffat not knowing how to let a character be put to rest, like with River Song or the Angels. First episode with River was great, a couple more episodes worked alright, but then bringing her back around and treating her like the daughter of a couple of the companions and even abandoning the whole "doctor meets her earlier and earlier each time" bit after finally coming across her initial incarnation.


Dropping this show felt so good, it was complete trash even before the SJW stuff overwhelmed it.

>Christopher Eccleston was KINO, but you could tell they fucked the budget and they wouldn't last with him
>David Tennant was enjoyable, but his companions were insufferable cunts
>Matt Smith is whiny mellienal faggot, and the only reason I watched was for Karen Gillian, and after she left i dropped it like 3rd grade french

I can't believe this shit is still going

I could never get into it. My dad talked about it when I was a kid so when they were remaking or continuing it I got pretty excited told my dad. Mostly disappointing I've watched occasionally with my dad but I'm never that into it.

There was this one episode I think in relation to OP's pic and how the show has changed. It was when Martha was the companion and they got stuck in a similar time period. And Martha just had to "eat shit" and be a maid. And at some point someone told her flat out she was forgetting her place. And she played it that you could really see how frustrated she was by it. Like that was really well done, Somewhere between obvious and subtle and matter of fact, yea you're going back in time as a black woman you're not going to get any respect. But it didn't glorify anything, or either side it was just this part of the story that Martha had to deal with and overcome.

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Why didn't we live in this timeline?

>NuWho is a show for fat chicks who want to be british.

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I stayed in England for a couple weeks recently and our president got more airtime on the news than brexit.

How many blacks were in London at the time? I imagine you would see a few negroes down by the wharves.

>I can't believe this shit is still going
BBC don't have to cancel things because of bad ratings

It's spelled poof, ya poof.

Try watching the classic Who, it's very different to the new programme

"With hands like those, how can you tell when the floor is clean?"
Made me laugh recently.

I actually really like those scenes in that one episode though, these days the companions of the "doctor" would go on some tirade about racism or some other nonsense, Martha actually being an educated woman. (A nurse) knows they're products of their time and doesn't bother wasting her time.

Almost none

I couldn't even make it through Smith without giving up. The Weeping Angel recon/Dalek Power Rangers were too stupid for me to justify continuing to watch.

Arguably the worst major sci fi TV show, and the sonic screwdriver is still the worst get out of jail free card ever invented.
That time Shakespeare wanted to colonise Martha.

The screwdriver is usually just used to open doors and 'scan' shit to get some exposition out the way. But some writers (chibnall especially) loves to make it a magic wand.

Its the most frustratingly inconsistent show in terms of quality.

You never know when you're going to get that golden episode among the pile of crappy episodes.

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>Arguably the worst major sci fi TV show
>the sonic screwdriver is still the worst get out of jail free card ever invented
Good thing it was sparsely used in classic series (and destroyed eventually because writers hated it), and used to keep the more interesting stuff moving in the new series. As says, Chib is a supreme offender of sonic bollocks

I remember that incredibly cringe thing where parliament went on about banning trump before he got elected. Incredibly hilarious in hindsight.

I'd agree with that honestly.
That being said Steven never should have gotten the job as showrunner, he's great at writing. (Usually) but he's terrible at overarching plots.
Well... at least he was better than Chibnall looking back, but he makes anyone look good.

1st and 4th are great, hated the modern stuff and tepid towards most post-4th series. 2 and 3 I've not seen an awful lot of.

Cast the 14h Doctor when Jodie leaves next season

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It'll get cancelled


I love him in Peep Show

they'll go back to their roots and cast a nerdy twink

Chibnall can't write, and Jodie can't act.
Sprinkle in some woke politics and it's the perfect situation to ruin Doctor Who permanently.

If he didn't sell his soul to marvel he would have been the perfect Dr who

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>have to cast a new Doctor for Diversity Who
>pick some random slag who can't act over Richard Ayoade, Natalie Dormer or Paterson Fucking Joseph
The BBC was a mistake. Although I guess no big-name actor will ever come near this show outside of a minor cameo.

I feel bad for Peter, his only good episode was Heaven Sent and that was because he had no retarded companion to steal the spotlight off of him. I wish we had more of that Doctor then Doctor Claria and Socjus Bill
He had Husbands of River Song and the S10 finale too. But yeah Clara was a mistake.

>be David Tennant
>be big Doctor Who fan
>get to live your dream and play The Doctor
>have a bunch of likeable companions to work with
>meet and act alongside your favourite Doctor in a Comic Relief special
>marry his fucking daughter for goof measure
>bang Sofia Myles along the way
>be remembered as one of the most popular Doctors of all time

>Be Peter Capaldi
>Be HUGE Doctor Who fan since it's very beginning
>get to live your dream and play The Doctor
>play second fiddle to Tumblr's self-insert character
>finally get rid of her, only to be replaced by some annoying creatura who won't stop yelling about how lesbian she is
>ratings constantly dropping, all your fellow fans jump ship
>get an episode to play alongside (an impersonation of) your favourite Doctor
>watch Moffat obliterate his character in front of your eyes, turning him into a raging bigot for no reason
>nobody remembers you because nobody could make it to the end of your run
>regenerate into a woman

Being Capaldi is suffering

Post favourite Tom Baker story. Unoriginal, yes, but it really is the best. Michael Wisher as Davros is the single best performance in all of Doctor Who

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Absolutely spot on (although I think Capaldi was miscast)

>Hey Genocide Man, what if Daleks but Microscopic?
>>I would possess a power that would put me above the gods!
>Huh... I expected him to change

The new season was so unbelievable bad, holly fucking shit. Jodie had all the potential to be the new 4th doctor, but Chibnall can't write SHIT and ruined her character forever.

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Now that I think about it William Hartnell WAS a bit of a nerdy twink.

There are clips out there of Chibnall criticizing Doctor Who while in that Doctor Who society. I wonder if I can remix them so that it's Chibnall criticizing Chibnall Who?

Over here in my part of bongland it's for young women who try to act like cool wine aunts and eccentric uni lecturers that are three times their age.
Seeing a girl barely into their twenties wearing fezs and bowties and calling them 'cool' as they fiddled with them at conventions was Chris-chan levels of cringe.
And each series make them more insufferable and forthright smug know-it-all.

I'm convinced that this putrid heap of dogshit as well as Sherlock are paid for by the British tourism board

On Youtube, someone's already done this with 42

>Oi luv, I want you ta shake my spear.

>Make a Doctor that I get to objectify now since fangirls got the last 10+ years to objectify their Doctors
>Can't because the new Doctor is literally just a walking talking body with no rockin tits and with no personality

Honestly, in my headcanon, when Matt Smith's Doctor was going to die, having used all his regenerations, I like to think that he never got a new lot and he died peacefully on that world of old age, knowing all the good he did for the universe and quietly going into a final slumber as a Gallifreyan sunset closed his times.
By all rights his final episode was where the show would have ended on a (relatively) high note.
Capaldi's era was when all the shit came on in force.

I know only one person from the UK who continued to watch it after david tennant left and he said it got really bad and only did because he was so deeply invested at that point, he was never the brightest lad

For the most part you didnt miss anything with Capaldi. Hes a fantastic actor but was given straight shit 9 times outta 10 to work with.
Was like watching Picard in drag trying to pretend to be Janeway levels of bad.

Smith's first season was pretty great tbf, it was after that it started going off the rails

Shame they cancelled it after Capaldi's run. Maybe they'll bring it back in a couple of decades.

I loved Series 5, but eventually found Series 6 completely tiring, is it worth it to finish up the Matt Smith run?

Come on.

It's 70% tops.

Fuck, this is why I don't watch the videos and stick to audio. Can't deal with Ben.

It just gets worse

Tenants companions grew on me.
>Rose being his waifu
>Mickey the whiney one that ultimately steps up
>Martha Jones being the most boring of the bunch but nowhere near as bad as later does companions
>Donna Noble starts off the most grating but ends up being the best friend you could ever have
>Wilfred being A+

I always liked this episode. Kinda reminded me of the Thing but with plants instead.

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>t. 14 year old girl

Oh but user, THE THICK OF IT, I love The Thick of It, here, let me post the same gifs from this show over and over again while talking about how brilliant he is. That time when he was announced as the new Doctor was suffering cause this place was filled with these retards

Watching Smith era stuff is bliss compared to Capaldi era cringe

Capaldis first season is manageable, 2nd season is when the Moffat shitshow really kicks into gear and his last season is just mostly gratingly bad, though he does have his shining episodes.

The actress that played Missy and Capladi had real chemistry together

Seeds of Doom is good, John Challis is hilarious as the henchman

i was really hoping there would be a deeper plot to his casting in relation to his Pompeii character, but it just gets swiftly brushed aside like they did not even try to think of something interesting. uninteresting like the majority of the writing in his run

>dey wuz colonizers
how is this reconciled?

sneeds of doom

>The actress that played Missy and Capladi had real chemistry together
Never should have had Danny Pink, killed Clara off as a cyberman at the end of series 8, spent the rest of his run on Avengers style adventures with Missy but with an underlying competitiveness and hatred of each other

Best Doctor coming through.

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it's a generic run of the mill scifi show now. from An Unearthly Child to the End of Time pretty much feels like the same show. after that it's all t3h penguin of d00m humor sprinkled around average scifi plots.

Capaldi could have been amazing as he's a talented actor and has more to him than most who've played the Doctor over the years. The scripts were just fucking shit and the sonic glasses thing was ridiculous.

The 'black actors' thing is a joke though. I'm not even sure it's a PC thing though, more a case of a Londoncentric issue and like the rest of the media/politics/economics/entertainment it tries to reflect what it thinks is 'reality' but doesn't reflect the rest of the country.

Didn't watch any of the last series because they're just trolling now.

Shame he had some pure shit stories

Fucking perfect.

A black hole inside the Tardis would destroy the Relativity Differentiator.

>in Regency England nearly half of the population is black
>modern day England is about 12% black
what did Moffat mean by this?`

He was Sherlock

I swear that Trump has had more attention from UK media than from American media
This is the only correct opinion on Doctor Who

Which Doctor didn't? He had some of the best too.

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>History is a whitewash
But of course. Take this webm for example. Only niggers.

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>there are people that defend the Crapaldi era

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Best girl coming through

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i tried to start from the early stuff (60s i think) but somehow never really got into it. as for pic related and modern stuff, its sad that they use it to brainwash qt birtish cunnies

It was like any other era. Some great stories, some shit ones.


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I just started season 10 with the new companion Bill. Holy fuck, how could they go from Clara to this this ugly mutt? I'd even take Ashildr/Me over her. Should I even continue?

Does Clara ever come back?

I noticed that here in america, Doctor Who fans tend to be the most insufferable and annoying types of people out there.

Bill wasn't as bad as I was expecting. She wasn't great, though.

I quite liked the Pandorica and Silence overarching plots. He dropped the ball with Hybrid and the afterlife though.

I'd love Redmayne, but he already sold his soul to the wizarding world cinematic universe.

I was on holiday in Florida when the first Capaldi episode came out, and my family and I had gone to the cinema to watch a film and they were showing the episode there. Americans had dressed up in costumes gone to the cinema to watch an episode of a tv show that had aired the weekend before on regular tv.

>How do you feel about Doctor Who?
You mean Nurse SJW? Dunno. Never seen it.

I loved Doctor Who. Shame it ended when Capaldi left.

>people shouldn't go out and have fun at events

I bet you don't get invited to a lot of parties.

History is written by winners

and whites are anything but the winners

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>tfw Bradley was 100x better in a Sarah Jane adventures episode playing a double role than his shit tier performance in Chib Who
Chibnall knew Bradders was a character actor so why isn't he playing a character rather than himself

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Why is everyone shittalking Bill?
When she was announced and the first teaser released I was mad, bud if you ignore that in every episode she has to mention her sexual orientation and race at least once, she's pretty enjoyable character. Sure the actress isn't pretty, but I quite liked her interactions with the Doctor.

The Capaldi season up to that episode was great. It was good seeing a pissed off badass for the doctor. In that episode they started his whole woke persona and it all went down the shitter after that.

The de facto series finale

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>The Pleb Filter Doctor

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But you're discounting based Nimon in the process

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I really like Capaldi as The Doctor, but his episodes were pretty bad. Clara wore out her welcome, and Me was ultimately pointless.

Ironically the best episode of that era is the one where he's trapped inside the confession disc and talking to himself.

yeah, but it worked in reverse
all the plebs kept watching because they were retarded enough to believe unpopular = good

Did anyone honestly believe that Capaldi and Jenna had any chemistry that warranted the complete nonsense that was series 9?

I don't think that Capaldi played second fiddle to Coleman any more than Tennant played second fiddle to Piper or the lady who played Donna. He was still the main character in all of the episodes of his first season.

I also think you ought to mention that he nailed the role initially and put his all into his performances. But then the writers decided that writing a cantankerous old man as a cantankerous old man wasn't appealing to the fangirls so they made him a rehash of 10 (which he still tried to do as best he could) and totally sucked the soul out of the character.

>Regular on a panel show thinking his opinion matters in any way shape or form


>How do you feel about Doctor Who?
That it's dead. It died with season 11 and i will never watch any new season ever

THE QUEER PAEDO WRITER , an His sad writer who let him ruin WHO !

Fact is faggot is screaming cannot get work ,

Keep it Family Frens ..
NO LESBIAN /trans whatever /sex at pre watch shed ./.

lesbians controllers now sacked an living in tent

But Lets do the that Every SJW MEME .. DO ..

a few episodes ok

the girl in fireplace the rest , REST IS ...IS HATEFUL /CHILD ABUSE

since then kids .. Ruined

That faggot is getting attacked on the street , I dont agree but understand ,
Other guy mention he tried to Stop the
I loved that girl in fireplace .. but if he could die now Yes

Obviously dont an we all where he lives ..
he brought it back Ruin an shit ..

i'm a fan

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hey he went to school with the best so what if he's resolved to being only a guest on panel shows while Richard is actually directing

Delet this. It hurts my soul to watch

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they dont

We wuz dr who n shiet

That guy was already in S1

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The doctor will finally get to be a ginger!

We are all in the same boat.
Take a break sometimes from Yea Forums.
Stay strong.

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Drew McIntyre

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Everything I know about it comes from nerd-osmosis and I'm not interested. All its fans that I personally know are fucking obnoxious though.

He's objectively the best modern Doctor.

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History is literally written by the Jews. Not even memeing.

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Who would you have cast? Before they announced who it was I wanted Hayley Atwell.

Yeah, she has a brief cameo in Capaldi's final episode. It's just a one liner on a shitty greenscreen though, she doesn't interact with anyone.

>Heaven Sent
My personal favorite episode that immediately led to me dropping the show after hellbent.

Damn, I was hoping she'd show up more often as she has her own tardis and can literally go anywhere.

Season 6 is always nice to revisit

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Martha, Amy and Capaldi were all in episodes before their characters too

Julian Rhind-Tutt will always have my vote

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Based Nimonanon

I want to see this framed and placed on the tombstone of that Scottish cocksucker.

Mark Rylance would have been my pick to replace Smith but he is too big now. Would have done a great a Troughton/McCoy but less wild and animated. Such a shame.

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>tfw you'll never experience this
We exist in the worst timeline.

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Fuck Capaldi, he could have put his foot down when the woke crap went into overdrive in Series 10.

I think it's hilarious how eurocuck media knows they can get away with telling everyone "little white history lies" in their tv shows, since everyone over there is an uneducated fucknut who doesn't know any better.

*blocks your path*

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It's way worse than that, Moffat said he knew it wasn't true but by 'imagining it' he could retroactively 'improve the past' or some shit.

Man I loved Harry Potter growing up but the fandom ruined it for me

Oh and Rowling stupid retcons and shitty fantastic beasts movies. Not just the fans.

>We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.
>We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'.
Is the exact quote.

>By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'.
That has got be a quote from 1984

>trying to change a country's ancestry for a better future
And people will think you're a conspiracy theorist when you even mention that the media is aiming to subvert our culture.

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I had it bad for that little chipmunk

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Craig Ferguson

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Holy fuck I never saw a single one of the Capaldi episodes wtf? I used to watch it a few times back when Tennant played the Doctor.

Nimon is the ultimate Doctor Who pleb filter.

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There's some really good ones and some really really bad ones.