Why is she so perfect, bros

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because you cant have her
girls only

Literally all dykes need is a good dicking to be cured

Quads and I get a hot perfect girlfriend next month.

So close.


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Not only were you so close, but you’re now cursed by the devil

Oh, another dykechad I see, share with us some of your un-dykying tactics...

Singles you'll wank to the next picture posted itt


I will save thee

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She looks homely.

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I want to lick clean those dirty toes! haha

imagine the smell

Holy shit, God's just twisting the knife with you now.

It's not right for a girl to expose her sexual organ like that!

It's been a while now. I just failed my exams and my average was 9.97.

close to greatness

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are there nudes?

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There will be, she looks like it if you follow my catch.

Dubs and everyone in this thread will get a gf and live happily ever after

Dubs and you become our girlfriend until your boipussy explode.

I had no idea uma thurman's daughter was gonna be in ST s3 , didnt know she has a daughter, it was interesting seeing her on screen and wondering why does she look like she could be uma thurmans daughter haha turned out she is.

imagine if she was your roommate or something how weird it would be haha

imagine if she stuffed your mouth with those toes lol!

>chief you're
>says a cuck

Why is Yea Forums obsessesed with this chick? Does she get better? I've only watched three episodes of the new season and so far she is just annoying. She isn't even that cute either.

average Yea Forums poster with the backpack

I sometimes forget how effortlessly hot I am until I see a guy like the dude on the left. Thanks guy

her mother is more perfect

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She gets better once they're inside the base.

She gets a little better, I didn't like her at first either

The extra 2 digits represent the two testicles "she" will have

Why does she like showing her feet off so much? Did Tarantino get to her?

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you meant her

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Hell, Tarantino probably babysat for Uma back in the day.

Manic Pixie Dream Girl

i never noticed under the sailor costume but she has a pretty nice little set of titties

She's not though.

you're retarded

Dubs and we all get a gf
Singles and we'll all die in the next 48 hours

god I hate incels, especially girl ones. if i see her in real life i'm pushing her in front of traffic

>Mom tells me "aw, she'd be perfect for you user"

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Back to r9k it is

Is it finally happening?

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I actually know a guy who had sex with a dyke, it happened when we had a game-night one or two years ago. We were playing this board game and got drunk and after a while me and my buddy notice that they are gone for a while. Next day he said that they talked a while and then they banged, she even stayed over night. Apparently it wasn't even his first un-dyking. Was pretty impressed by the fact that he pulled it of, she wasn't to attractive though. Dykes like the one in stranger things are in most cases bi anyway, only the ugly ones go for female only and even they would take a dick, they just never get the chance.

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Got a handy job from a lesbian friend of mine once. She isn't full blown butch dyke, more of a tomboy soccer lesbian. She was just curious about penis, she seemed to enjoy it as an adventure of discovery rather than being sexually aroused by it.

What a weirdly wholesome handjob.

Nice quads.

Imagine how long she had to wear the same costume for to shoot a whole series.
Must have smelled pretty bad, ewww ahaha


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>ywn have a threesome with mia and uma

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not true actually, for me it was her smile. I literally never found a smile so hot before i saw hers. I wish i made webms but i couldn't at the time
dirt actually smells good

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Selective breeding. Eathan Hawke x Uma Thurman will produce beautiful creatures. It´s Gattaca all over again.


her toothy smile is thrilling
I saw a webm of it and now I can't find it

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why did they make her a lesbian?
America be like lol fuck Steve for being white. i bet if a black character showed up she would jump on his dick instantly.

>why did they make her a lesbian?
Because expectation subversion GOOD.

it's about steve the high school peaker who has to realize life isn't a fairytale anymore

Load of bullshit, my school's "peaker" got depression and fucked off backpacking in South America with the rest of the fuck-this-shit squad before he even hit 18. A Rotschild's 15yo daughter got herself murdered riding a quad bike on her family land just recently. Life's not a game for anybody. They decided to smear the successful white male and that's all they cared to do, while you're the usual apologist.

Where the fuck did they even find a mall to shoot in?

She's a 'highschool' lesbi.


It was for steve and that's what is being portrayed, they constantly reference it, "steve it's not highschool anymore", "steve, you didn't go to college and you're stuck in a shitty job", "steve you can't get girls anymore like in high school".