/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Cliff
Veto: TBD
Noms: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


based Clff has the whole house Hogg-tied

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nick hogg hoh

aggie doin' the jonny manziel celebration
cliff knows whats up

Based Boss Hogg

between the comeback and hoh cliff told jack, christie, tommy and analyse that he wasnt coming after them till after the numbers got smaller and that they can trust him

they let him snort a huge line on live tv?

nick is trying to get cliff to nom nicole lmao

lmao nick acting like he is feeding hogg info and he knows all of it already

just shutup nick and go back downstairs

go back to work bbo

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>implying cliff isn't inevitably going to find the most obscure way to fuck this up.
this will be the jessica graf's HoH of bb21.

you're quickly becoming the worst poster here

nick so mad he couldnt tell cliff about christies power

hes been throwing jack and jackson utb the entire time what are you talking about

cry moar

nick wants cliff to nominate jack/jackson

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nick is snake just like his fat little waifu lol

I severely underrated how good Cliff winning the HoH could be.

literally nothing wrong in what he was doing there.
i don't know what you're on about

that convo made me hate nick less if anything

I don’t watch nick feeds

he spent all night literally crying to jack and analyse about how loyal he is then he went straight up there and threw them utb.... im not saying its a bad game move but you cant deny its snakeish. you kind of have to be a snake to win

they were doing the same shit for two weeks...
no one was taking it seriously

>based jack and tommy don't know how time works

>hey cliffy bro, we have a 9 people alliance and 6 people alliance that you are not part of, why don't you get rid of some people for us, so we can be safe and have less problems, k thnx bye ;^)

i have a hard time deciding who is dumber out of analice and the fat cow

jack is hilariously mad.

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Anal is dumber, she said that she doesnt talk game much because it exhausts her mentally.

It's called time, people, and if you don't slow down and realize what you're doing you might lose everything

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jack and tommy used that cleaning material and wipes on the counters then didnt wash their hands after. their hands are coated in cleaning residue and bacteria

time is just a number

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poovi’s ghost living in them

Yeah, while Jess is a non entity in this game, I feel like outside of the house she's probably pretty well put together, while Sis probably just sucks and fucks

she's thinking being a fat fuck is healthy

jack and analyse wont even go talk to cliff lol

he’s unironically right though

Anyone find it funny that the negroids got voted out first? Why are sjws not crying about this?

Cliff is just mothafucking Gen Xbased
Thats all this is, Cliff is winning this season

Jessica can actually have a conversation (albeit not about game), while Anal just stares lasers into walls and blinks for 99 percent of her waking hours. The most she ever says is just affirmations to agree with whoever is talking at her.

oh they are

Tone you believe dis guy? Hosted his own funeral. Balls on this prick heh heh

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She never said that. She said you can live a normal life while being phat

two hicks in the big house now

what purpose do gay shirts like this serve, exactly?

gives your Dad something to wear

lul, sam is dumb as fuck

analyse might be dumb as rocks but she was smart enough to realize 2 weeks ago that tying herself to jack was bad for her game and now she is going home for it lol

he'd think its gayer than i do though, fags make him seethe

he is clocking christie... thats pretty smart



Deciding Factor:


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Nom Christie and Jack
Get people to get hyped about voting out a powerful player who is a bully and tell Nick Bella they need to vote out Jack because Jack said he wanted to target them ASAP
Tell people Christie has a final 3 deal with Jack Offs so if she DPOV Jack everyone believes it and votes out Christie
If Christie tries putting up Nicole hopefully you can convince people to still vote Jack and tell people Nicole is not a threat

Thats probably the best move.
Christie has to DPOV herself if n

Hes got everything figured out but he wont do anything with the info, hes the white dayvonne

nm he is clueless christie is with jack lol

>tfw this wasnt even me
bbo is a retard faggot

this isn't true.
it all depends on who is on the block.
for example, holly wouldn't mind voting out one of the 6 as long it's not jackson

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3 people dont vote dingus

cliff has already decided its jack and sis

what a retard

I'm not talking about voting; I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand.

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hope anal lice leaves

it's so people stop calling their friends faggots

remember when jess got ramses out? LOL

that was a bad move in context
ramses was an outsider and jess needed a shot at the circle
a ramses move for cliff would be getting out jess

bella here to ruin the plan

someone cap that analyse changing panties?

no. getting out a useless player is getting out a useless player

she’s a number for the majority alliance retard

can't wait for the chink to spill everything to the 6 to weasel herself into their graces again

so is jack, christie, tommy, and michie

people who can actually win comps and are strategic. if you take one of them out, you take out a real player and a number... genius

If anal leaves thats four poc out in a row.

I'm done watching if she does.

and twitter wont even care because they think shes white


Just because analyse is a boring player who sucks doesn't mean she can't win big brother comps. Angela won a ton of comps

Dude, getting out Sis wouldn't be the best play for sure, but it isn't at all comparable to getting out Ramses...

it’s been 30 days, we don’t know for sure if anal can’t win comps. kacey did the same thing

ya seethe

she wont win a comp all season if she stays

it’s a good thing you’re not on big brother user

angela was almost an olympian.
analice is a dumb hoe that kicked a ball few times and cbs ran with it as her thing. she doesn't have an athletic body and a fat ass

anyone can win a big brother comp

leaving 5 real players in the game to come after you for revenge is a solid plan. you would do really good at bb. you should apply for next season

sis is going home this week :(

obviously. but you're comparing her to an actual successful athlete.

>2019 wanting to go on Big Brother
>still doesn't own one of these

what are you doing with your life?

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>5 real players

what comps have Jackson, Tommy, and Holly won?

I didn't compare her to anyone I'm not as dumb as either of you

jack is target #1 for everyone lol

>angela was almost an olympian.
not really but she was very good

>only people that have won a competition in the first 2.5 weeks can be a real player
weak mist

that’s literally your argument about anal tho

she was literally on the olympic team for training

>/bb/ is only you plus one other person


jackson is all bluster but he could easily when the most physical comps like slip n slide. they are built for guys like him. tommy and holly are both playing really smart strategic games

analyse is dumb as rocks and not as physical as people are pretending

that's something her parents paid for her to do. her best pole vault was almost half a meter out of what would qualify her for the olympics. still a very good athlete.

based zipper pushing hard to get christie


>the it wasn’t me argument


sorry to burst your bubble


t. can't follow a string of posts

you should seriously feel bad about yourself.

>that's something her parents paid for her to do
that's not how it works

>tell them jack and analyse were never your target
>put them up

lol cliff

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lol christi mad she couldn't tell cliff about her power herself
shouldn't have told literally everyone about it

>you can't reply to a post without addressing all previous posts
tommy is the worst player in the game he hasn't even won a comp!

she told him last night

that's exactly how it works. the US national track and field team doesn't have a designated "olympic team for training". the name of the team she was on might be "us olympic team", but that's not a title it's a brand.

>poor nicole ;( evil bullies got to her. thank the lord we were there to save the say
mate, not even analice would have bought that

she was probably just in odp and this fag is retarded

hi showfag

she was just complaining about it though, maybe she was complaining regarding last night

jack's talk with cliff is so full of shit i would laugh in his face and ask him to leave

real ass dude

you're literally retarded, it isn't that hard to follow a conversation...
you basically replied to the person saying what you're saying while disagreeing with them, due to your absolute retardation.


>Fri 2:59 AM PT Jackson is in the room as Christie explains her feelings. Christie says her secret she can tell it, she would not tell others secrets

>Christie says she has the power She says has the Diamond power of veto. She says she had to ask the DR 3 times What it was

I responded to saying that your post is retarded. stop having a hissy fit about making a dumb post

if you’re not black, you’re white.
welcome to 2019 fampai.

yes i have the medical papers right here in my underpants come and get em

idk how other sports work but for track and field i'm pretty sure you can pay to train at the OTC in san diego. you still have to be pretty good, but that's not what the top athletes do if they want to qualify for the olympics.

thanks, but yeah she was just right now complaining about how jack already told cliff about the power

>family, i got you

lol kat is a retard


>that look at the camera
yeah Jack's going up kek

The dude was making the same point as you though using sarcasm, you would have understood this if you read the conversation... I'm done with you now, goodbye.

i'm not the one you were responding in the beginning, and i know there is no 'olympic training team'.
i'm saying it doesn't work the way your parents pay for it and you do whatever.
you only get to train.
you get to take part in olympi tryouts on your merit and good results.

your posts are based

shes just being christie, never happened.

aww you have hurt feelings for making a dumb post

you have to pay for coaching that level. those aren't sponsored athletes or coaches. and no, you don't get to take part in olympic tryouts. you have to qualify for those.

I miss these. Cliff is so based.

disregard the last part.

this but unironically

why doesnt he want to go after jackson? lol

That wasn't even my post and I'll explain it one time for you.

Someone was saying Analyse is bad to get out because she's a shit player because she'll never win comps

So, somebody replied asking what comps Holly, Tommy etc. has won, to make the point that it's so early that you can't rate a persons gameplay based on comp wins.

You completely missed that point, thinking they were actually shitting on Holly/Tommy etc for not winning comps, when he was using that to make the point that comp win stats don't matter yet since its so early

But you couldn't understand that, and you never will, and you'll probably say tldr in response, you absolute blubbering fucking retard

wait >I'm done with you now, goodbye.
lmao look at all you just typed

Yep, I was right, you couldn't even take the information in.

I'm genuinely sorry for you. Pathetic brainlet.

>has a hissy fit and says I'm done responding to you
>responds to me 2 more times

because he semi wants to work with him and holly and knows he's not going for him. his problem is, he doesn't know how badly jackson wants to suck on jacks pee pee

you can tell cliff really wants to nominate jack and sis
sam pretty much said christie will vote out jack over sis lol

based /bb/ bro

>i will talk to you later
>i want to go to the DR anyway

cliff getting production to help him lol

Jack and Tommy as a pawn LET'S GO

he just told kat he thinks analyse is irrelevant

jack and christie will use both powers this week and one of the 6 will still go


the majority is acting like a bunch of whiny faggots

welcome to big brother

>still cant comprehend simple logic
Sucks to be you, yea i am mad that i have to post alongside braindead retards, got me there. You cant even refute.

>cliff wants to nominate christie's best friend
you asking for trouble old man

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3 more replies after saying goodbye. maybe go outside and take a walk

L6 wasn't like this last year

6 people isn't the majority. and rachel was like that.


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I wish Ovi was here to see his buddy win Head of Household

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is that all you have? not even that guy but he proved you wrong, all you can do in response is count posts?

rachel was. 6 was the majority alliance and they knew it.

6 is not the majority of 16.

the outsiders pretty much saved christie from being nominated

>majority alliance
you know what i mean by that. you can split hairs over a word if you want it doesn't change the sentiment.

that would be a red flag to me. everyone coming to me and saying they trust christie.

holy shit sam is retarded.
he wants to get rid of jack this week and then cliff......

where do they get these people from....

you're a beta little bitch that said goodbye to me in a hissy fit but then couldn't help yourself but to reply to me again and again and again. You were so desperate to win an anonymous internet argument that nobody cares about that you completely sperged out

the first post did not say majority alliance. also 6 is not the majority of 16. it's not a majority alliance. it was the strongest alliance.

>who told him that?
uh logic

Who would you rather work with in the game /bb/? Ovi or Analyse?

bella poisoned him

Hey its me again
Funny how now youre typing so much to me to justify you being hilariously wrong :)

dyke is going to go full mental illness soon

do i get to have sex with anal? cause her if i can.

you responded again, after saying goodbye. I'm sorry for your parents

i'll be much more specific for you last time i know you have a hard time making obvious connections

anal. we would just bone, because i'm a chad.

so when you say majority you don't mean the majority? how is it obvious to know that?

>jackson thinks his pawn idea is gonna work

lol why does he think it's going to work?

>still obsessing over the word goodbye
Thank you for admitting you were wrong at least. If the goodbye is literally the only thing you can reply with, you clearly know you were wrong.
Glad you can admit it.

because it is his idea

you're an autistic sperg that made a dumb post and got made fun of for it. goodbye.

what would be the next closest comparison?

lmao analyse told nick christie is safe if she use the diamond veto (without winning it herself)

You are a retard who still can’t follow a conversation, got proven wrong about it by multiple people, and decided to move the goal posts to save face. Oh and that original post wasnt even me. Goodbye.

what are you comparing to? you said the majority of people are being whiny this year and I said that happens every year. the majority of the house are whiny when having to deal with the game

pls go back to your own country

How the fuck is Sam so stupid?

his job is doing what most people do once they turn age 16. is job is just what you do to get to your job. it's pretty easy to figure out

holly jackson FIGHT

just look at that ass on 3.

the mentally ill is going down the spiral

>I take it for a grain of salt
how are multiple people in the house dumb enough to say that

can these zoomers get BTFO already?

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god i fucking hate chrstie so much she is so annoying, i would totally chimp out on her

a fucking lockdown when it's actually interesting for once....

hahaha time for slop

when the hambeast walks the whole house shakes so they have to adjust things around the house for camera angles more often this year

that's because they were literally never in a position of weakness because the other alliance was pant on head retarded

the few times they were in trouble, rachel winston and angela were all annoying enough that they cut the first 2. dyke was furniture and tyler and brett were based



>samefagging yourself to pretend you got replied to
holy shit these threads suck

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based kat

That didnt happen, take off your tinfoil hat

christie is running the house
christie evicted the person with the power in week 1
christie won the 3rd power
christie made cliff the #1 target and got all her enemies evicted prejury
the outsiders prevented christie from being nominated this week

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it happened

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anal, she'll help ingratiate me into the chad alliance, can be manipulated and easy on the eyes

Oh its the tard who cant follow a convo. Kek, still replying and seething I see

I would rather work with anal for sure because ovi probably smells bad

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her fucking facial expressions are great

post your favourite instagram models while the feeds are off

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>christie got told by the DR to not backdoor kemi
>christie was gifted the 3rd power by grodner

its easy to run the house when you are grodners pet

apparently she is friends with someone in production

nice cope

jackson did a spot on imitation of her with holly the other day

i forgot to mention the real mastermind tommy is also there to protect her


Damn i wish i caught that

he's so fucking gay lmao

its insane how tommy is getting nominated before holly

very cute bimbo

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I miss her bros

me too.

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was jack listening outside the door when that happened?
cliff was literally yelling lmao


why do the NEETs argue so much during work hours? you need some well adjusted people to keep these threads readable

at the top of his lungs


oh I thought you meant figuratively

ya finna seethe boy?

Lucic traded to Calgary for Neal

dan ghee$ opening packs of trading carts is more entertaining than almost the whole of this season

I don’t watch furpuck but the real sports news today is that based tyreek isn’t getting a suspension so the chiefs are going 19-0 this year

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>implying something new won't arise in the upcoming months
N-bombs do as N-bombs do

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Sam is so fucking stupid holy shit

will you two please kiss and get it over with already?

lmao boomer actually said dont tell me what i cant do

i wonder if the rest of ya'll know when I durn to yah

imagine if you read the threads

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yes, he also thinks dyke was never really lying to him and is a straight shooter and he trusts her


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listen, asshole, just shut the fuck up right now.
first off, it isnt a requirement to read every single post. second of all, i did read the thread, and this post doesn't even say that Cliff said the line, I thought the poster was saying it himself. that is why i said "actually".

just stop being such a stupid fucking asshole already, nobody likes you, and you're never ever correct or justified about anything you complain about

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i dont understand how you can have 3 outsiders come to you and say christie is trustworthy and you know the bitch embellished what she overheard you saying in the boat room and still trust that cunt

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is the asshole i responded to, yes

mccrae is streaming on twitch rn

have a nice day aggro

tommy said last night that his first season and what got him into bb was bb14


he doesn't trust her
he just thinks she's not the most important target. also, there is no actual way for him to get her out. maaaaaaaaybe with her and tommy on the block, but that's a big maybe

>it's a /bb/ becomes /lost/ thread


its never been clarified if christies diamond keeps her safe if she converts someone elses veto

it doesn't, why would it

he said in the preseason interviews ian was one of his favorite hgs. get with the times

her power only converts the regular POV to a DPOV, it doesn't keep her safe if she doesn't have veto, that is confirmed

you are smart enough to be on bb21 how did you not get cast?

well there you go then... cliff can absolutely get her out this week if he plays it right

analyse and nick discussed this morning that they think she remains safe. they need to go ask the DR. see above

analyse and nick aren't bright, theres the explanation to that

i remember when the fanbase had morgans power twisted. christie has not clarified it with anyone afaik but i dont stay up till 6am waiting for someone to go use the water closet so it possible i missed it. everyone needs to calm down right now before this gets aggro

*have a nice day
t. aggro

stupid autocorrect

chinky eyes quarky

hundo p. just saying if cliff and the others knew for sure she wouldnt be safe they might try to use it to their advantage. its easy to sit here and see what is allegedly the obvious

it was explicitly defined on the episode ya dumdum

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you're the only person that isn't calm. the second half of your post is retarded

i only watch the live evictions besides all im saying is the house doesnt know how it works, it doesnt matter what we know


there is no way to use it for their advantage.
the only thing they can do is win the veto over 6

oh okay, you mean some of the houseguests dont have it clarified, i understand now

if they ask Christie what her power does she has to tell them exactly

sam could tell her he will use it to save one of them and backdoor jessica then when its time to go he puts christie up instead

with 2 of the 6 OTB they are cooked

she had to go back to the DR and retell them 3 times and yet none of them have asked if it keeps her safe if she converts it... again, maybe they did and i missed it but then why dont any of them know

she would trust him, for sure.
it's not like she was a basket case a week ago over nick saying 5 words.....

dyke needs a POV that converts her from homo back to normal

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some pills for her head would do better or a bullet

didn't they make most of those illegal

i agree she is too paranoid and selfish to use it on anyone but herself anyway so its kind of moot. if she never goes otb and wins the veto its not getting used... again

feeds have been down too long for just noms

they did noms and have nots or another former HG visited. brett?

if it did she would have had to tell them

then why didnt she? when analyse and nick were discussing it, sam and holly were in the room and didnt chime in

feeds back. cliff talking to anal in HOH

it's an HOH lockdown dumdum


back slop on the table


she didn’t tell them that it keeps her safe because it doesn’t keep her safe

they did not do noms


post the one where she's waving at the camera

Your sperged so hard you can't even type.

jackson, tommy, nick have nots


i need a quarky and hogg 1 on 1 please

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>nick: even if you have shrinkage its still bigger than mine


cliff sounding like hes not gonna nominate tommy


its a good move, nobody will vote tommy out if he is still up there. he can replace jack with jackson or mistie

it's gonna be anal/jack
bella is probably going home

yup hes putting up jack and sis

Would you pay $186 for this shitty ring that Angela is shilling?

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cliff saying hes ok with christie using the power to evict bella and nick
>no blood on my hands

he just talked to anal and it didnt sound like he was going to put her up. im thinking its jack and jackson.

>im gr8ful for that

tommy is good

its not really shilling when its your own merchandise but no

no, but i would pay $186 for one hour with Angela

fuck no. that shit looks like a cracker jack prize

Post poll pls


I didn't make it yet I was busy at work today. I'll make it later tonight probably

i can't even with the moronic things she's saying

Appreciate it. My autism loves that shit.

new thread

can't even what?

just can't

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