Looks like KINO Supes is back on the menu, bois!
Looks like KINO Supes is back on the menu, bois!
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The CW is so based.
Who cares. His Superman is now regulated from the big screen to a one-off tv cameo. Don't be a thirsty fanboy.
Nah man it was a terrible movie.
Closest we’ll ever get to Reeves I guess
I mean it's not great but I don't think it's terrible. A little underwhelming in the action department but it's well-made and tasteful. I blame Kevin Smith for memeing his hatred for it until nerddom fell in line.
It's lack of action is why I liked it. It's about Superman as a character and how he tries to relate to Lois and humanity. I don't need incoherent scenes of buildings being pulverized to dust but that's an unpopular opinion I guess. The Superkid at the end was fucking dumb though.
isnt he too old now to play superman?
He's 39
That sounds amazing. You can tell these shows are made by fans.
Big, if true
Liked him in Chuck. Something is so charismatic about that dude it's a shame he isn't in more stuff.
OK this is epic
Holy shit does this mean Kevin Spacey is back as Luthor?
Superman isn't ageless you donkey.
Superman is immortal you twat
Slightly more possible now that all his accusers are dropping like flies
Lynda Carter plays the President of the US on Supergirl
Helen Slater plays Supergirl's adoptive mother on Supergirl
Dean Cain plays Supergirl's adoptive father on Supergirl
I don't think they would be hard to reach.
Dean Cain plays
He's younger in Smallville and older in Kingdom Come. I repeat, Superman isn't ageless you donkey.
Is Bale too expensive for Batman?
this are non-canon stories
>Is Bale too expensive for Batman?
They can get Burt Ward as Robin tho
He came to Earth as a fucking baby you retard
So? Being immortal =/= being a baby forever.
>It's about Superman as a character and how he tries to relate to Lois and humanity.
Only executed terribly. Also Lex has the same fucking evil plan from the first movie.
The other user is suggesting the wrong thing you dumb ass
how long does WB have the DC rights for?
WB owns DC ya noodlehead
funny tweet worth screencapping and posting
imagine the butthurt if they ran out and Disney out-bid them
WB is DC.
>The copyrights to Superman, Batman, Disney's Snow White, and early Looney Tunes characters will all fall into the public domain between 2031 and 2035.
Disney will own DC by then, and their lawyers will work the same magic that's been keeping Mickey out of public domain.
>Crisis on Infinite Earths
>that chad is Kevin Spacey
What the fuck happened
Pretty much. It was actually just a Superman movie made for an America that no longer existed at the time it was made. It was a Superman movie that was made for a pre-9/11 America. Post 9/11 America is a nation of masochists and nihilists. That film was too optimistic and cheerful. Its "eye" was too fixed on the future and it was too sincere. Americans all know in their gut that there is no future. They know something is horribly wrong, but they don't want to really spend too much time looking at it. The future by all accounts ominously seems like it should only get worse. Things will only get stranger. We need our super heroes to reflect that. They need to be strange, hateable, easily forgotten, flawed, dark, etc. We need our super hero movies to be like a shot of morphine to dull the pain of reality. They need to be cynical, snarky, and constantly wink at the audience. Superman Returns is interesting because of how anachronistic it was and it's hated as much as it is because it's a glimpse into a time you will never have ever again.
>from the a-lister to a minor character in a cw show
All stories are canon, fanworks and crossovers included
When the fuck was he a-list?
I can see why things from before copyright legislation need to be public domain but there's no reason why newer works with clear owners should
for one day LMAO dc is pathetic
eh, it's not that easy as it sounds
>The expiration of copyrights for characters like Mickey Mouse and Batman will raise tricky new legal questions. After 2024, Disney won't have any copyright protection for Mickey's original incarnation. But Disney will still own copyrights for later incarnations of the character—and it will also own Mickey-related trademarks.
Nah things didn't start feeling alternate timeline until 2012-2014. Since that time its just been one week more bonkers than the last.
still don't see why they shouldn't just own it all
there's no technical reason only ideological ones
A global corporation isn't a clear owner.
how is it not?
Oh you sweet innocent boy. If only you knew how bad things really are.
the movie was made in 2005-2006 you stupid fucking /pol/brain faggot, jesus. kill yourself.
>All stories are canon, fanworks and crossovers included
How that Morrison theory called again?
Does 2005-2006 comes before or after 2001? I know you guys play fast and loose with whether or not a dick dangling between your legs means you're a man or a woman, but I didn't think numbers meant anything different to you as well.
>2005-2006 is not Post 9/11
big honkin yikes and cringe
america was doing perfectly fine before the day I started browsing /pol/ in 2014
Is Yea Forums especially stupider today or am I just imagining things?
This is the only thing that DC has left, that hasn't been done by Marvel. Come on, WB. Make it happen. Michael Keaton is still alive, he could be Bruce from Batman Beyond universe.
She still looks very hot.
Who cares about that. Get Michael Rossenbaum as Lex.
This is CW tho. Don't get your hopes too high.
hotter than the current Wonder Woman
Fuck superman, I want another series of Constantine reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The poster said the movie was made for a pretty 911 america. It was made years after. The poster projected his own lunacy on a superman movie. I called him a faggot. Others called me an idiot. Yea Forums is a place for great discourse.
>made for a pretty 911 america
>a pretty 911 america
(ignorance intensifies)
At least we got a Constantine-centric season of Legends of Tomorrow.
Are you ESL by any chance? It was made FOR a pre 911 America. That doesn't mean it was made before 2001...There's even the clue of using the word "anachronistic" later in the post which basically means something that was made or is present in an era other than where it should have been. If the movie was made pre 911 and it was made for a pre 911 America it wouldn't be anachronistic. I really hope English isn't your first language.
kek that mask
Routh still looks good
Half those actors already play roles on DC CW shows.
>It was actually just a Superman movie made for an America that no longer existed at the time it was made. It was a Superman movie that was made for a pre-9/11 America
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. This was a by the books international movie to the point where Perry White says "Truth, Justice....all that stuff" instead of "Truth, Justice and the American way"
KYS mutt fat morbidly obese smelling stinky fags ..
yeah but can CW afford them all at the same time?
WB budgets the shows, so who knows
Maybe, since they always spend most of their budget on the crossovers, and not only that, this will be the last time Stephen Amell plays Oliver Queen.
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