Netflix reported an 11% drop in subscribers last quarter. What can be done to stop people from canceling their Netflix subscriptions?
Netflix loses $17billion in subscribers
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Buy and adapt lots of good books. STOP shoving Feminazi/SJW politics into everything!!!FACT!!!
I'm seeing a lot of movement at Disney+, their new service headquartered in NY. Hiring like mad. Spending all the Endgame money on it.
They really, really, really want to replace Netflix
and they're just as fucking jewish
There is a drop because lots of good quality shows have been grabbed by their original owners opening new streaming services.
Netflix is just a money laundering scheme that doubles in propaganda.
They don't really care about profits.
why the fuck do they need to hire lot of people for a fucking streaming service?
>what can be done to stop people from cancelling their netflix subs
Netflix can get on BTN and buy a seedbox and setup PLEX and just stream everything that's on BTN. And then their service might actually be worth the $10 a month.
How will they ever repay their debt?
You have no idea how infrastructure, servers, IT, and general electronics work, do you?
Invest inlawyers and fight piracy, of course. Imagine if we could sue everybody who downloaded anything or watched episodes on unlawful streams. Imagine the revenue. We wouldn't even need subscribers anymore.
>why the fuck do they need to hire lot of people for a fucking streaming service?
They need to pay people to post "have sex" whenever someone makes a thread complaining about their shitty selection.
>why the fuck do they need to hire lot of people for a fucking streaming service?
>streaming is magic and just happens!
>5000+ servers around the world just magically manage themselves!
more idea than you moron
Propaganda commissars.
This basically.
But it's a propaganda platform, it doesn't matter how much money it loses. Same with Youtube.
They really do just throw money at anything. I can't imagine Murphy being much of a draw today.
have sex
It's just going to be one long racist angry rant from the most overrated comedian of his time. Reminder that he fucks trannies.
barely anything decent on netflix...
the single movie i rem that was ok was i am mother.
and of course they had to add a token black person(used a baby for that).
yikes they really don't get it.
-Drop sjw aids
-Easy with the "whypipo bad, blax are dank " narrative, I'm a nigger btw inb4 Pol the problem is it's predictable and has been used countless times
-Cast good looking sexy actresses, no one enjoys looking at ugly women and ticket sales proves it
-stick to the source material if it's an adaptation
-stop shitting out horrible movies and shows all the time ,, quality > quantity
I don't think they lost that many subscribers but they are losing something.
Friendly reminder
More black dicks.
More white chicks.
Get on it, Netflix.
I do, and it’s genuinely hilarious that you think that’s where the expenses are and what the new hires are dealing with
People don't put stock in Facebook anymore. I mean obviously some do, but even normies are realizing how useless social media is for anything other than sharing meaningless memes and family photos.
>TV gets worse and worse with each passing year
>a lot of the most watched shows have ended or overstayed their welcome
>everything is spread across a dozen digital platforms you have to pay for individually
Eventually they'll just pay the government to pass a law to make it mandatory to have a minimum number of subscriptions and it will start to be like the tv license in the UK but internationally sanctioned and better enforced.
It's pretty interesting. Really wonder what made everyone decide to cancel. Cancelled a few weeks ago myself too.
The thing that ticks me off is they own hulu too
They literally don't need to launch Disney+ but they're gonna just to get more of my neetbux
Tell me how from start to finish you fucking hebraic abomination
Admiral Piett didn't deserve this.
I might cancel Netflix for either Warner or Disney's service. Why not pay for a service with a large catalog of known good content instead of Netflix where I'm paying something like $15 a month for access to mostly originals that I'm not even watching?
He finally got paid back for failing Vader at the end of TESB.
The world of comedy is not even close to being the same as it was when Eddie Murphy was working. There's literally no way in hell this will be good.
Use your words user
it's just going to be filth flarn filth flarn filth
So you mean put as many BMWF couples into shows based on books?
Netflix CENSORS (yes, censors since these corporations work directly with the U.S. gov't) their old TV shows. Watching a 1960s Twilight Zone episode where a gun is shown to be used for protection? Not so fast, citizen. Netflix is just propaganda, not entertainment. Buying VHS, Laserdiscs, DVDs, and BR's is the sanest choice.
Stop taking down everything good and replacing it with horrendous originals.
In that^ they admit that the U.S. government works directly with media outlets to censor what you say because doing so would be illegal without going through the private corporations. They're circumventing the Constitution right out in the open now. So the next time you're told that it's only censorship when the federal gov't does it, remember this.
This. Capitalism doesn't really exist anymore. Global wealth is essentially "pooled" and it's functionally infinite so if you have something of value to the Bilderberg elites, they invite you in, set you up if you agree to play along, take whatever it is you created, and then use it for their own purposes. Netflix can go up, down, whatever, it doesn't matter. The people that matter already are set for life as a result of it and at this point it can just be used as the valuable propaganda tool that it is.
You're confusing capitalism (which is only for rich people) with the free market, which doesn't really exist.
>Watching a 1960s Twilight Zone episode where a gun is shown to be used for protection? Not so fast, citizen.
Sauce on this claim?
He’s right, though. Even if you think most Disney content is shit (you’re not wrong), their library is undoubtedly better than whatever Netflix has left at this point which is made for pennies by nobodies and is just as pozzed
Let me fix that image for you
>try out the Netflix free trial
>they don't have fucking Conan the Barbarian, but they do have other shitty Conan movies
Canceled that shit immediately.
how is that even possible? there are only 8 billion people
What's qb?
It's a fucking fact. I used to have Netflix and I noticed some odd edits, then bought all the original Twilight Zone DVDs and I was correct. They edit out "problematic" parts. The episode in question was one where a man used an axe to destroy his bosses equipment, so the boss used a gun to defend his property-gone in the Netflix version. And they do it to other shows too, although they're not coming to mind because I cancelled their propaganda and never looked back, besides, I buy anything they put out uncensored if I just use a bit of patience.
you conspiracy guys would be funny if I knew you weren't armed and could vote
You're an idiot,(shill) plain and simple.
it's not funny, they're mentally ill and need help very badly.
>Electricity comes from sockets
I think it's sad that many newcomers to classic TV shows will watch them on Netflix and not even realize that they're getting the soi'd versions. What they're doing ought to be illegal too since they advertise that they essentially selling the originals to watch, but they're edited and censored crap.
>Source on this claim?
>Just trust me bro
He probably has a mark on trading algorithms, so whatever he does, the algorithms do too. He could cause any stock to dip simply by selling it.
>What's qb?
They didn't need to zoom in on everything to get the joke in that image.
ITT" Netflix shills desperately calling their prospective customers crazy because they had the gall to tell the truth.
Guys, I'm never giving another dollar to your tribe, get over it.
I just explained it, but you predictably are playing stupid. Go spin your dreidel.
>US repeals net neutrality
>upstart companies like Netflick are losing huge subs to big corporations like Disney and Comcast.
You're not an upstart anymore when you spend billions on programming.
the only reason i subbed was for house of cards, but they ruined the final season with a kneejerk reaction to apparently false claims
none of the other original content interests me
other services have better libraries
i'm guessing a lot of people unsubbed because they cancelled all those marvel shows
>So you mean put as many BMWF couples into shows based on books?
Sadly that's exactly what (((they'll))) do. This is why I have never subscribed to Shitflix. They've literally got the perfect studio for the modern era. Have an audience of tens of millions across the world. Able to make anything they want. Put the money on screen instead of paying some asswipe 20 million to stand in front of a camera saying shit other people write. No censorship. Can make one off feature length movies. Mini series. Tv shows. You name it. Seriously, it would be my fucking dream to own a company like Netflix where I could get whatever insane shit I wanted made!!!FACT!!!
>What can be done to stop people from canceling their Netflix subscriptions?
More high quality content, also do more to increase catalog available to foreign subscribers
Show us a comparison you dumb nigger, did you forget that Yea Forums is an IMAGEboard? What’s the point of making these statements if you don’t show us proof?
jesus christ zoomers are dumb dickwads
Also boohoo Netflix is going to go under. Good. Unlike the poltards in this thread think they don't deserve to fail because they have some liberal leanings, they deserve to fail because of their shitty business practices. Instead of hiring mid range Hollywood directors to make stupid movies and shows with lower tier A list/B list actors, they needed to keep making shows with practical unknowns. House of Cards was created by a playwright that nobody outside of some fart sniffers in New York and LA knew about, and the Duffer brothers had basically done nothing before Stranger Things. There's lots of talent out there being gatekept by the retards in charge of the current film/television industry. Instead of scooping up all that potential talent for cheap, as soon as they got a taste of Original success with some household celebrities in them Netflix wanted to start making awful shit like the Bird Box, which cost a lot of money (for them) and was such a bomb they had to both lie about viewership numbers and force a cringey normie meme challenge.
They were going to fold as soon as the first real competitor came along, and that will be Disney. Everyone else taking their prime shows away is just so many more nails in the coffin.
>compare deleted footage with undeleted footage
Uhhhh ok.
>streaming literally comes from the cloud so companies don't need to do anything
>the state of this board
Also take my word for it or fuck off. I've told the truth in an effort to prevent others from being duped into thinking that they're paying Netflix to watch the complete episodes of classic TV shows. Buy the classic Twilight Zone DVDs (you can't refuse because your kind is always saying how rich you are) and then compare them to the "safe" Netflix versions if you think I'm lying.
You think I'm going to take the time to find that episode, load it up, rip and image and explain that it's not in the Netflix version just for you to say "Nuh uh, it's in there! Heh heh heh"? Get fucked.
This is inevitable. I'm sure you're gonna want to blame netflix's politics but the reality is that online streaming services are growing every year and the market is already oversaturated.
Combine that with netflix's dwindling catalogue and it's actually kind of impressive they've made it this far.
They'll sell all their films/shows to someone like sony and file for bankruptcy in the next five years I'd guess. The department heads and executives will leave with their extremely high salaries they've had for the last ten years and go into high level positions at other companies. All that debt will never get paid off and yeah.
>Show us a comparison you dumb nigger
This. I'd like to believe it's true, but since literally nobody on the internet has said anything about it, I'd like to see some proofs.
It's kind of genius that they've managed to set up a company where no one is accountable and still get billions in loans. The people at the top are really fucking clever and I'm not being sarcastic
>streaming sites that have everything are more prevalent than ever
>small boxes that can pull from these sites cost $30
why would anyone put up with netflix or similar services?
>You think I'm going to take the time to find that episode, load it up, rip and image and explain that it's not in the Netflix version just for you to say "Nuh uh, it's in there! Heh heh heh"? Get fucked.
You could just name an episode and provide a time for the start of the scene, instead of sperging about how we're all jews out to jew you.
Reduce the total number of exclusives.
Additionally, i imagine a lot of those lost subscribers came from Netflix losing the office.
They literally have programs and technology for companies to do this automatically the micro second they detect a lot of stock being bought/sold.
Wall street is a scary place but this isn't unusual or weird
>small boxes that can pull from these sites cost $30
I'm pretty out of the loop as far as using my TV for torrenting goes. I just watch stuff on my laptop, or connect my laptop to my TV if I want to watch it there.
What are some equipment you would recommend if I want to be able to watch torrents directly from my TV without bothering with a laptop?
>This. I'd like to believe it's true, but since literally nobody on the internet has said anything about it, I'd like to see some proofs.
Do you realize how difficult it would be for me to find the episodes in question on the DVDs? The episodes are like 5-7 per disc and you think I've memorized which season too out of five seasons? Hey, go on and doubt me, but you are getting cheated, and I tried to warn you. The best I can do is refer you to my description upthread. Otherwise what you're asking for would take hours--just so you can say "nah". No thanks.
Yeah but it's quite interesting to see that 6 months later we learn that Netflix isn't doing so great.
fire sticks are probably the cheapest right now at $30. i use a pi myself since it doubles as a small emulation box.
>You could just name an episode
I forget the name of the episodes, but one that springs to mind is one in which a man uses an axe to destroy a machine/computer, then the boss uses his gun; later the man recovers. Compare that to the one on DVD and there you have it, but they have done it to other episodes as well.
Right on brother. I too want movies that prove the superiority of the white race.
What about abos, they're like the niggers of niggers
abo male x .....norwegian female? Albino norwegian female. But nice looking, not one of those weird albinos.
The only thing Netflix can do is improve the quality of it´s originals. People is not going to pay for 20 services, they´ll either pick one, rotate or just drop every single one and go back to torrenting. Which service people picks will depend on what they want to watch. SJW will pick Netflix, the massess will probably pick Disney+ because of all the capeshit and live action remakes and pixar, the rest will probably pick Amazon Prime.
It's impossible to properly enforce insider trading.
>netflix person notices that the rate of subscribers increasing is decreasing
>does basic maths and figures out that numbers will start decreasing altogether at a certain point
>as numbers continue to line up with predictions, he gently encourages friends not to invest anymore money
>rumours spread
>Soros hears this and makes a judgment call
Does that count as insider trading on Soros' part? He never talked with the netflix employee or saw the numbers in this hypothetical.
It could even be as basic as doing your own market research. It's not weird to think that 3rd party companies might have surveys across the country that monitor things like netflix subscriptions along with other shit. This wouldn't count as insider trading either.
The problem is they can't make as much as they're making and enforce any type of quality control. If you care, there's a lot of diamonds in the shitheap (imo).
But they've gonna with quantity over quality because the average person doesn't appreciate the criterion collection for example
>paying for Jewflix
lol faggot
-Censored classic TV shows to bring them more in line with current sensibilities.
-Deletes things often, making it just like a crappy understocked video store. Yay.
-Pushes SJW "values".
No thanks.
Someone told me that Netflix edits out moments in their TV shows, especially the old one, to save server space, which may be true, but there's no way they needed to do that in order to have the space. The time and energy needed to selectively delete non-PC moments eclipses the space savings quite easily.
SHOW *Clap* the *Clap* footage *Clap* you assert is being so constantly changed.
Give an episode name a screenshot of the scenes or a summary of the episodes from Wikipedia page even.
>Inb4, lol Wikipedia! More like Jewdipedial zit’s all lies!
As if this moment your keyboard autism has as about as much value as the electricity used to light those blocks of screen text.
>Source on this claim?
>Just trust me brolotrololo.
“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”
Oh boo fucking hoo. You can’t ‘find’ the scene because you are talking so far out of your ass that the shit is actually pouring out of your face.
why stop it?
You work for Netflix for sure. Bye.
What he's saying is that if this were a real phenomenon, other people on the internet would be talking about it, which they are not. So yes the burden of proof falls on your shoulders user.
“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”
Fuck off you chucklefucking gronk. I’m probably one of the oldest oldfags on this whole fucking site. The kind of oldfag who makes 2005 oldfags look like newfags. Now please reread what I just said above ‘fuck you’ to start appreciating the ‘why’ behind people who ask for evidence. I ‘am’ an oldfag of the eldest caliber but I won’t ‘prove’ it by choice. Meaning that by default you cannot actually know for sure if I speak true or false.
You however can’t ‘prove’ your claim here because it is pure bunk from the start.
Now prove us all wrong show the evidence of this tampering of twilight zone episodes to the world. The ball is in your court now as it has been from the very start of these exchanges user.
Get fucked.
add big anime tiddies
>servers, IT, and general electronics work, do you?
soo like 200 people at the most
>Netflix reported an 11% drop in subscribers last quarter
Uh... 126 000 people was 11%? Are you sure user?
run kodi on a firestick or raspberry pie
idk about this twilight zone shit, but netflix censorship is real, even with netflix originals
two second search you absolute faggots
they edited out "straight outta compton" when ice cube makes lyrics about some jewish manager; it's funny because it makes the next barely understandable
yeah. sadly liberals are to stubborn to admit or even realize that not everybody wants to be bombarded by their propaganda 24/7
>still paying ANY of these giant jew corporations money
That's just in america, worldwide they increased their subscriber base in 2 million instead of the 5 they were expecting. That's 20 extra million every month
Disney has literally no new content announced for its streaming service though, that's less competition than HBO
>fire sticks are probably the cheapest right now at $30
I'm looking at this, but it looks like I have to upload my movies to the amazon cloud before I can access them? Am I reading this correctly, or can I stream directly from my laptop
>haha dude who needs cable lol cut the cord
>gonna end up paying just as much for a handful of streaming services
looks like the kikes found a way
you use kodi addons to stream from random sites. there are torrent addons but i don't use them. if you want torrents only a pi might be better since you can plug in a usb stick or hdd with your files and play them that way, thats how i usually watch things in higher quality the first time. alternatively some people use a plex server and share the files over the network, haven't tried that though.
it will never touch them. they will ride around in cabs and expensive planes eat at expensive restaurants and sleep in expensive neighborhoods send their children to expensive schools and promote open borders and every degeneracy imaginable while selling the western world their vomit and fart in a bag.
>if the Internet isn't talking about it a lot, it isn't happening
Retards, retards everywhere.
Provide the evidence, user.
>they edited out "straight outta compton" when ice cube makes lyrics about some jewish manager; it's funny because it makes the next barely understandable
That's the worst part, their edits have no regard for the rest of the works. Not that I care about rappers, but it's wrong to falsely advertise "the shows" when they're incomplete shows and movies. Thanks for chiming in.
being able to stream the office to all my devices was the only thing keeping my sub
Funny fact: the creators of Magic the Gathering are two gay guys,(they later sold it for mega millions) one a horrific shemale, but they had the decency to not ever talk about their pronouns or whatever and we all called one half of them "she/her" out of respect.
Nothing. Netflix is on its way out without some kind of model change. Everyone at this point has realized the power of streaming TV, and now every channel wants their own website so they don't have to share the profits.
Is Dark worth a watch?
put porn on it
>Is Dark worth a watch?
Haven't seen it but everyone else says it's good.
Look in the mirror.
>banning free vpn/proxy users
>making shitty remakes with black cast
>growth of other streaming sites
>having strong political views and doing business never went well together
they need to fix these issues. i believe free vpn / proxy is big one because netflix gallery outside US (and maybe canada) is laughable
i had that idea 20 years ago. Pornflix.
oy vey pump up the diversity
>they edited out "straight outta compton"
Are you sure?
how stupid are these people?
who greenlights this garbage
Try again, but this time use ALL your reading comprehension.
>they edited out "straight outta compton" when ice cube makes lyrics about some jewish manager; it's funny because it makes the next barely understandable
user didn't say "they removed the movie from their list of available titles"; he said "they removed a line of spoken dialogue".
Not actually a terrible idea at all. It would need to be somewhat separate from the main service so as not to turn off families/parents who let their kids watch netflix unsupervised for hours at a time.
But it would also need to be implemented in such a way that consumers didn't feel they were paying extra for porn (cause no one sane pays for porn in any capacity)
He very clearly says "straight outta compton" in that preview video though.
God, I fucking hate the Raiders.
Based dubs of verbal smackdown.
yeah, weird one. not funny
be based
dammit Satan you need to crawl out of that hole every once in a while
very underrated post. I am preparing to short Netflix
I cancelled netflix recently although I've only had it for a few months. The selection of movies was really bad and I don't have the time to watch a tv series with 100 episodes.
>which cost a lot of money (for them) and was such a bomb they had to both lie about viewership numbers
Netflix used to be great until about 2015. That must have been when Soros took over. Or at least that's when I started to notice. My parents watch their stand up comedy specials every night. It's nothing but Trump-bashing and other liberal talking points.
>it's a 45 minute apology for all his best bits from delirious and raw
shut the fuck up you fedora tipping freak
There was one movie that was basically softcore child porn. Some foreign flick about sex addiction. It had kids in explicit sexual situations. The opening scene was a 10 year old girl masturbating.
I'm curious about all of this and am in the 50/50 camp. Do you remember anything else that happens in the episode? I'll try to look for it and provide a comparison if possible.
I feel like you're intentionally acting like a retard.
What's with these newfags incorrectly using the fedora meme
I'm rewatching all the episodes, so I'll get to it within a couple weeks or much sooner. I can just make a thread with a screenshot and say Netflix edited this. I know it's not season 3, so one season down.
nice thanks fren
You're welcome, polite and open-minded user.
They should honestly switch tactics. Buy the rights to Spiderman and let him do Spiderman 4: Jewhunter. Do a series called Dear Niggers, in which skinheads drive around slaughtering blacks. Or maybe a series called The Corrector, about a guy who goes around raping dykes and feminists to straighten then out.
Bring back House of Cards with him. It'll draw dimes.
found the autistic guy
Issuing more shares to pension plans desperate for yield. When this new IT bubble blows up it will be glorious.
Why you didn't wrote "Get it on Netflix?"
Maybe fucking Soros dropping all his shares pushed the price down?
Netflix never did well.
So, they will call this American Streaming Corporation and enforce payment like in Airstrip One?
he didn't say they edited the line "straight outta compton" he said from that movie they edited a specific line about jews out
holy shit, read the whole broken sentence before you sperg out next time
Normies would only see a funny baby without that.
Torrent the said episode, compare the running time.
to all the people saying it's because netflix shows are garbage
most people (aka retards) watch on netflix mostly shit shows like the office
and netflix doesn't own them, obviously.
There's not much to explain. The execs have been given billions in loands to fund netflix.
This money has gone to funding their incredibly high salaries as well as funding a slew of television shows and feature films - many of which star very famous actors.
This has happened due to their ability to gain subscribers and become such a large part of popular culture that everyone associates them as a super successful company.
When the company does eventually default and declare bankruptcy (because their debts are unpayable, they can't afford them so will go under when their investors lose any amount of faith), none of these execs will have any liability. Assuming they haven't embezzled the money (because that would be fucking stupid on their part), they haven't done anything illegal. So they get to walk away with their millions from their salaries across the years and a wealth of experience at a very famous company. They're rich and can get pretty much any job they want when they leave the company.
To sum up, they've managed to build incredible portfolios, have made a huge dent on popular culture, have managed to realise basically anything they want to see in film form, have made a buttload of money and will suffer no negative repercussions.
Who in the fuck will pay for this shit?
Sure they have lots of movies, but most people don't get streaming services for movies, they get them to binge tv shows.
If Disney+ had gotten Friends or the Office, I would say they have a chance.
you're grossly underestimating the number of people who treat disney like a religion
my sister in law moved to florida specifically so she could be close to disney world
my coworker does not have a single linen without mickey mouse on it
they're more obsessed than weebs
get woke go broke
Nothing. let them sink and die
Have you never met a Disney Mom?
>most people don't get streaming services for movies
If they can let their kid watch Zootopia on an iPhone, they're going to pay for it, straight up.
>my coworker does not have a single linen without mickey mouse on it
Holy shit my aunt does the same thing!
The only other cult this bad is for Pokemon. As I also know somebody obsessed with Pikachu.
Cosmically based and astronomically redpilled
GET (clap) WOKE (clap) GO (clap) BROKE (clap)
I quite enjoy Netflix but if they dont stop with the diversity aids i will be cancelling as well.
when was the last time you saw an antagonist or bad guy on a Netflix show/movie that wasn't a white male? when was the last time you saw a Netflix show/movie that didn't have unnecessary race mixing? when was the last time you saw anything on Netflix that didn't involve female empowerment and inclusion?