But is it as boring as a John Carpenter movie?

>but is it as boring as a John Carpenter movie?

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Name 5 boring John Carpenter movies

i... I cant do it

The Fog
Ghosts of Mars

Ghosts of Mars
The Ward
Village of the Damned
Dark Star


According to the international boring index only 4 of those apply

Those 5 suck ass.

what movies do these fatfucks even like?

Evil Dead II, Raimi Spider-Man trilogy, The Rocketeer, Goodfellas, and once on a Pre-Rec stream I heard Jay, Rich, and Jack praise Shawshank Redemption

fugg its true

Hallowe’en is pretty fucking far from
Boring you plebian

Vampires is the best of post 90s Carpenter. You cannot be bored, it’s too fucking cheesy.

>can't even spell plebeian

Ghost Adventures starring the amazing Zak Bagans

I'm not even going to lie, I like Vampires.

How do you guys even still watch RLM?



they're my only friends

Honestly his boring film is Assault on Precinct 13. I don't count Dark Star becaus I think it was a student film or something.

Jay loves David Lynch movies
Mike likes the OT Star Wars trilogy and Star Trek tv shows not called Discovery.

Mike, Jay and Rich love Robocop

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Did Mike wear a fucking tie to Zak Bagans' Ghost Museum?

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Vampires is bad but I wouldn't call it boring.

Lots of movies.

mike is a classy fella

>John Carpenter bad
>Zak Bagans good

got something to say, bro?

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I like Vampires but it's fucking boring.
The first act is such a fucking slog.

Assault on Precinct 13 wasn't boring, it was just suspenseful.
A little girl gets gunned down in the first fucking act.

What a dapper fellow