TIL The soldier at the end of Saving Private Ryan Corporal Upham shoots is the same one he tried so hard to save at the...

TIL The soldier at the end of Saving Private Ryan Corporal Upham shoots is the same one he tried so hard to save at the radar station where Wade was killed

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tewt tewt
stembot villiee

Reminder that Upham in no way redeemed himself at the end. He executed an unarmed surrendering POW. He had no right to shoot that German soldier and should not be celebrated for it. That doesn't bring back his dead friend or do him any justice

It feels good to kill a Nazi, though.

>he remembers the name of characters

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Reminder that that was obviously the point, you mongoloid.

Fuck yeah nazis are a bunch of fruits and hitler was a tranny fucking neo nazis on suicide watch suck my ass white boiiis

How stupid are you that you didn’t notice that the first time?

Fuck yeah. Nazi fags must die.

it's not I thought it was too but (((Speilberg))) gave all the nazis extras skins heads.

Look it up

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how new are you?

I always thought he was the one who also killed the jew and that was the reason he spared upham

Pfft I'm supposed to believe these are nazis soldiers? They don't even have any swastika tattoos.

It's Steamboat Willy at the end. That's how he knows Upham's name.
However it isn't Steamboat Willy who stabs the Jewish guy. Different actor.

Kr*utoids must be annihilated without mercy

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Long live the CSA

Where are the tiki torches??


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dumb fuck

Was he a tranny like all the rest?

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Being unable to distinguish faces is a sign of autism OP.

Reminder that krauts killed millions of whites to make fake pictures for the Jews to invent the Holocaust

Uphams character arc goes from naive civilian who believes in rules to realist who knows some people just deserve a bullet.

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this image radiates mental illness, good god

Doesn't change the fact that they must both be slaughtered without pity nor mercy.

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>when the crew comes into a thread trying out their latest gimmick, this time it's "nazis were actually trannies"
Isn't pretending six bajillion jews died in gas chambers enough fake history to satisfy you faggots?

Except who the fuck is Upham to say that soldier deserved a bullet. He didn't really do anything evil.

>Except who the fuck is Upham to say that soldier deserved a bullet.

he was the guy with the rifle , that's all the license you need.

>He didn't really do anything evil.

He's G*rman, that alone is justification.

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>this is your brain on bleeding heart liberalism
Wew lad

Too based for 4channel desu

two different scenes retard

>it's mental illness if you want to save a pregnant Jewish girl from certain death

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Technically, you don't see which soldier Upham shoots at the end or if he even kills anybody. You just see him firing his garand,

>wehrmacht soldiers are skinheads