I would
Are you implying you find this sexy?
you don't?
Bit boney for me. I like thicc.
wonder what xeno pusy feels like
*blocks your front window*
They don't have one.
How did they make it less scary? Everything good gets shit on.
The design has been seen too much, I liked some of the pale white designs made for Prometheus, at least they would've been a bit different.
When will we get more embryo kino?
What makes the Xeno scary is its femininity. Compare both your Xenos to the one in the OP and you can see the difference. The one from Covenant is too muscular and bulky and the Prometheus one is too androgynous. Giger's design is memorable because he was a master of blending terror with sex i.e. two of the most primal human experiences.
The alien isn't even supposed to be scary in the movie. David's all
>here comes my perfect babby angel
while uplifting piano music plays. Ripley kicked the og alien out of the escape craft with a fucking harpoon gun, so much for that terror.
Hey I’m a horror writer and I don’t write sex scenes because I’m afraid children will get a boner
*grows earth crops*
David was a mistake.
Disney owns Alien now
It has to wait for some window in their overcrowded schedule of cartoons/capeshit
Five years?
>The Space Jockey belongs to a giger-like race!
>lol no they are just white dudes and they live in roman temples
>The Space Jockeys created the aliens!
>lol no Assbender created them
I like this guy
>Mr. Giger
I want to fuck a cute xeno so bad, cumming inside her little alien pussy
>Ripley kicked the og alien out of the escape craft with a fucking harpoon gun, so much for that terror.
This, if anything Covenant's Xenos were far more threatening since they were actually fucking impervious to regular ammo like they were supposed to me.
Play Teraurge
Don't get it
Then you better not knowing
Now i really want to know.
Then google it
there's a random H.R Giger sculpture on an unpopulated island near me in Finland, of all places.