My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends

>My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends.

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literally me

>At least they would if I had any friends.
Well you don't get to bring friends anyway.

Meg, when I'm with you, I-I don't feel so alone.

Sometimes it's better to be alone.

What do you mean?

Nobody can hurt you.

This is a trick that bpd sluts use to trick men. They feign vulnerability to trigger your protective instincts and lower your guard. In reality there are 10 other guys she's pulling the same trick on.

But Meg was just screwed over by Hades.

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What makes her voice so sexy bros

I wanna understand the reality of what makes a female just sound sexy


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When did Yea Forums get invaded by shitskins?

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>Her ex is half horse
Imagine how stretched out she'd be

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Your new is showing

Meg was one of my first crushes

Best Disney girl by far. Actually the best Disney movie ever. I can’t wait for the live action remake where they cast an Asian as Meg and a Brazilian as herc

Who should play her in the live-action version?

What the fuck?

Idris Elba

Phrases like 'dude' and 'bro' are used by virgin newfag wigger shitskin fucks

Idris Elba

Uh, when the entire developed world did? Keep up just posted crunge bro....

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Seek immediate counseling before things get worse

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Nobody knows how to party better than a redneck wigger.

Go back to r/The_Donald

Or you'll do...what exactly


But will she say she's in love?

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I don't understand what type of female she was supposed to portray
the accent
the body language
the weird snarl thing she does
some sort of New York thing I'm sure but whatever type of strong female bs it was really irritated me

>Doesn't know what a femme fatale is

I loved meg but my mom hater her. I think the only female character design she approved of was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

I don't feel like she was a strong female character. More that she jaded cause she got crushed by a previous boyfriend.

Jewish New Yorkian self confident maneater

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Oh god, I've stepped into the edgy depressed lesbian 14 year old white girl thread haven't I?

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Here’s your Megara, bro.

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uh yeah no
femme fatale is not a personality/cultural subtype
I think YOU don't know that that is
all a femme fatale is is an attractive love interest that will ultimately bring doom to the man that falls in love with her

Ezra Miller

is that really what that was?
I was thinking more Italian
but the snarl/raising the upper lip thing... that's the main thing I don't understand
was that just a quirk from the artist or is that mimicking something from that Jewish New York woman thing

The scene where Herc is trying to come up with smalltalk and asks Meg how she met the horse dude she says "pinhead with hooves" in the English dub, apparently. In the Finnish dub she asks "you mean the breeding/insemination stallion?" Took me fucking years to understand what she meant, especially since her intonation was a bit weird and she kinda rolled the words together.

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If I had to guess, it was just a design choice they went with and nothing more.

10 years ago, whoever was the model for this picture
Today Lupita Nyongo

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