/AMG/ American Psycho General

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Check em

book is better

also Bateman has the big gay


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We’ll see about that.

So what the fuck was his job? How did he get it?

This is my favourite film Of all time

check my numbers lads

based and checked

for you

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This thread is pathetic

Based and bookpilled

Dubs and nobody ever gets dubs again



Dubs and my life gets better.

Impressive. Very nice

Paul, listen. Dubs.

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Here’s hoping.

Thanks for trying. Dubs and I kill myself instead.

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This counts.

the 2nd was betterer

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Call me.

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Cringe thread

It's very cool, Bateman, but that's nothing. Look at this.

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No, Allen!

Cool it with the cringe remarks.

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My need to engage in dubicidal behavior on a massive scale cannot be corrected