>dude subvert cultural norms lmao
why do jews want to destroy literally everything?
Dude subvert cultural norms lmao
It's their nature.
Cultural norms are for geeks
why are you so easily owned by a senile octogenarian and his trash show? Why are you a snowflake? Why have you become the thing you swore to destroy?
It's literally the funniest show in the US
he's autistic
Larry likes to subvert jewish norms too. That's why he's based.
Tikkun olam. They literally believe it is solely their duty to reshape the world for the unwashed masses aka goyim.
Jews are the fatherless kids of the spiritual world, God has abandoned them for their ways and thus they are so innately resentful they have to ruin the world for everybody else.
It must be horrible knowing even your God despises you.
kek, haven't seen this one
>"What's not to like?"
>"Ehhh, you're a Jew."
This will never not make me laugh.
What norms? Give me an example from the show
Why do goyim seethe so much?
Jews make them so with their constant whining.
This is honestly the best episode of the show.
>donates to israel
whoever started the thread is the bigger bitch desu
being so assblasted you can't help it
>seethes whilst whining
>Donates a nuke from above
there she is
the best part is when they are fuckin
>pisses directly on a painting of Jesus
Why are Jews allowed to do this?
>likes wagner
>Points out in live in national television that many of the accused in metoo are jews.
He is our jew though
you call him ben laden or bin laden?
Watched the episode of Curb recently where Bob Odenkirk plays that pornstar hosting a dinner party, Bob gave a great performance
because when they move into someones nation, they have no ties to, or interest in preserving that culture. a native person might have an idea for a movie or show, and think that maybe it'll have negative effects on the culture, and decide not to unleash it on society. the foreigner (jew) does not care about this and only wants to make money. they have even subverted the culture s much that the new cultural norms are complete degeneracy.
Cultural norms are responsible for me being a social outcast all of my childhood and my subsequent inability to develop social skills necessary to hold a job. Because I could not conform, because I did not conform, I was hated simply for being different. I say, fuck em. No, I am not on the traditionalists side, because they were not on my side.
you deserved it
And they will deserve the annihilation of their culture, their lives, and finally, their bodies and souls.
hating the good normal people, because you are a degenerate freak, typical sodomite
I'm a Jew. AMA.
kek you are no better than he is.
Why don't you guys thank us for saving you from the holocaust? All we get is shit on for it - it was whites that saved you from it too.
Hah, me a sodomite? No, I was hated just because I was awkward and had a speech impediment. I didn't use to hate people. I used to love them, even the bad people, until I realized they would never love me. I realized I had been lied to, that the world didn't give a shit about me and that it didn't think it owed me anything, not even human decency. Your world can burn and the jews can shit all over it, and you'll all deserve it.
why are you so slimy and vicious? you really think you are superior to everyone don't you? i've known a handful of jews, and they were all arrogant sweaty pasty cunts who stuck up their noses at everyone. why are you so horrible? honest question
haha pathetic. you saw the real world and instinctively knew you were too weak to survive, so you want it to burn. inferiority complex much? go lift some weights loser
nah the problem is capitalism it rewards creating a space for you to fill the void
Not peep show
To survive, one must kill that which threatens oneself. Should I not do the same? Don't blame me for wanting to destroy the things that tried to do the same to me.
>nu-Yea Forums will say Larry David isn't based
Peep show is British you faggot
lol you sound like a massive faggot with issues.
Yea Forums is a philo-Semitic board
What an achievement!
Except america has no culture.
They hate themselves but think they're better than you, which means they hate you even more than they hate themselves
but what you are doing isnt killing a threat, it's angsty self-destruction. instead of becoming stronger and overcoming, you have curled into a little ball of self pity and accepted that you are weak, and that makes you resentful, and now you cry like a retard and hope everyone suffers because you couldn't take a little teasing. you are a dead end, you fell for the jew propaganda.
Rent free
Rate my band from years ago, im the bassist
I-it's only Darwinism when we do it! If you do it you're being petty and not playing by the rules!
Wouldn't it be semitophilic?
the world doesnt give a shit about anyone or owe anyone anything. there are still better ways to interact with it than hatred and destruction that will leave you much better off, because thats a fight you cant win
is there argument in there somewhere?
I can take it down with me though.
Came to post this. A jew defending Wagner is based. Would save from concentration camp
>I can take it down with me though.
everyone who teased you was right
I hope that thought gives them some satisfaction as their world is destroyed by their own hands, guided by the jews. Because I'll be satisfied for sure.
honestly, I cringed
Because Christians won’t cut their heads off or shoot up their offices if they bash them.
But remember, violence solves nothing.
Its a comedy band btw, this was my favorite
you really cant, you can eat away at it but eventually people are going to stop being kind and just get rid of you
>stop being kind
Oh man you really know how to joke
that's a crock of shit. The only significant group of Jews in Europe to not assimilate were the polish Jews. German Jews, french, Spanish, and otherwise were largely well integrated into society. Even Mussolini was adamant against deporting the Jews on Hitler's orders, because they were part of the foundations of Italian society.
you're really arguing that the jews arent the ones who make subversive content? wew lad. go back and look at all the "ground breaking" films that introduced degenerate behavior on screen, and there is a jew behind the vast majority of them.
Thats not really what his show is doing
The humor is because people are violating minuscule cultural norms and then it spirals out of control. If anything it recognizes them as the norm. Larry david is a relatively based jew
Jews are the permanent minority in any culture. It is therefore ALWAYS in their interests to subvert and fragment the culture they're living in. ESPECIALLY if it's a Christian one
how does it make you feel that people who were literally born without limbs/midgets/retards etc. are more positive in their outlook and have made something of themselves, and here you are having a pity party?
Do you really think nobody in Europe was making subversive content besides 20th century Jews? And who do you think was watching these Jewish made films in the first place?
This bitch's uterus is haunted
They're just coping as hard as possible. I'll face the ugly truth and crush it under my heel.
it was mostly jews and people in jewish run cosmopolitan areas. it wouldn't be subversive if it wasnt appealing
Culture of Critique
>They're just coping as hard as possible.
admitting you are weak and can't cope
>I'll face the ugly truth and crush it under my heel.
by waiting for it to collapse and hope you end up okay, you arent doing shit. i'm just gonna assume you are trolling, because your existence is too depressing otherwise
Oh I'm gonna die alright, I'm just happy that it's gonna destroy the culture that beat me down when it happens.
yeah okay honey, we'll see how you feel after high school
Mock me all you want, but the west is dying and I'm gonna be laughing.
My grandfather was a soldier in the Red Army. He and his friends liberated the camps, not you buddy.
I don't care about Judaism and don't think Jews should really count as an 'ethnicity' or at least not a single one. I went through a phase where I was really into Russian Orthodoxy and thought about converting but decided not to since I'm American. I can't really differentiate Jews that much from other people honestly which is why I never got these stereotypes, but my family is working class, not middle class snobs, they're a bunch of MAGAtards too. Honest answer.
Jews can't help themselves. But Larry is so jewish that he subverts and makes fun of jewish culture too.
>I never got these stereotypes
i didnt notice them until recently, when i looked back on all the jews i've known, they all had what i described. i just saw the common thread recently. one of my best friends is actually jewish, and he is the same way. most of the ones i know are at least middle class and had Bar Mitzvah though, i havnt met any other kind.