All the normies are hating on Cats, but can we agree that it will be probably KINO?
Every year we have these generic movies for manchildren, and when we suddenly get something extremelly different and unique, people start complaining. I don't get it.
Take the catspill, user. You know you want to like it.

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post your feet and I'll think about it

You just posted this for furry tiddies and I absolutely agree with such reasons

furries yiff in hell!

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Cats is literally the most normalfag musical in existence. It's basically the MCU of theatre

furfag shit


Judging by all the other movies Yea Forums has called "Kino" yes it will probably be in the same league as those

look at how crazy /trash/ is going for this, that really sums it up.

>he doesn't realise we ARE in hell

Thats some creepy shit

Someone hasn’t seen the Dear Evan Hansen fandom,

>something extremelly different and unique
oh please. Nothing is more normie tier than modern Broadway. Faggots belting out show tunes about how they're going to fall in love or be someone.

You want something different and unique, look at Long Day's Journey Into Night, or Waiting for Gadot. You won't find those playing in New York for 20 years.

I want more of the THICC cat

Who here getting cheetah flashbacks

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>different and unique
more like horrendous and by the numbers

AND unique.

it looks like shit lol

Taylor Swift plays an naughty mean cat named "Bombalurina" who has the hots for a bad boy cat named "Rum Tum Tugger" who is now played by a black guy named (Jason Derulo). He rejects her during his musical number, but than hooks up with her later on in the movie. Taylor will get BLACKED in CATS.

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>now played by a black guy

He's a cat. The role is literally a cat.

> look at Long Day's Journey Into Night, or Waiting for Gadot. You won't find those playing in New York for 20 years..
Maybe not for 20 consecutive years, but if you add up all the times they've been staged, it's probably 20 years.

tay love interest

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>You have my respect, Old Deuteronomy. When I'm done, half of the Jellicle Cats will still be alive. I hope they remember you.

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Rebel Wilson? eww gross
me too

>extremelly different and unique
>the longest running musical on Broadway
>extremely safe
Wew lad.

Shit nigga, they need to do an adaptation of Great Comet. That was the bomb and tanked after 8 months because Josh Grobin's replacement was supposed to be black, but they changed it last minute and SJWs reeeed

...w...what if Batman and Cheetah entered into a respectful monogamous relationship?

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I'm just enjoying the comment section. they buried the steve buccime quote from spykids after a few thousand likes.

It wouldn't have been that hard.

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Poetic how hfy is literally the equivalent of muh white power
Pale furless needle nosed christcuck monkeys with piss colored hair giving the rest of the planet a hard time

they fucking the cheetah up too aren't they...
dammit hollywood..

One needs money to continue her revolutionary research, work that could literally enhance humanity for the better
The other, has a fuckton of money
They'd be an unstoppable force

Literally this

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>can we agree that it will be probably KINO?

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is it wrong that I unironically want to go see it?

>will be probably KINO?

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Why would that be wrong? How fucking young are you people?

Fuck off taylor.
It's furry trash and the play was just ok to begin with.

His name is Bustopher Jones.

you can look at the "cats" face and clearly see its a big gumbo lipped squished nose nigger

imagine it is literally this

Khajit have wares, if you have coin.

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>implying cats can't be black

Isn't taytay in it? Normies will at least see it

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Taylor looks so sexy it makes me question my sexuality. She's almost creepily beautiful

But then the others show up and my dick retreats to my abdominal cavity. The others look *bad* like shitty deepfakes from worst nightmares What the fuck is going on here?

I will masturbate to Swiftcat.


Wicked exists but yeah. This is still just normalfag nostalgia exploitation, it's just the people this is exploiting (middle aged women) don't have a very large presence on the internet.

Sure is furfag in here.

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Excuse me, but would someone please explain what the FUCK is up with this bitch's eyes? Fucking bitch has got Chinese eyes. Open your goddamn eyes already!

she's stoned

I like these threads because there's always someone to put down the furgins if they get too rowdy

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>be a furry
>not really into movies, especially new ones
>laugh at the horrifying shit they put into trailers
>go jack off to some sergals

the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse

Holy fuck, swiftfags are just such pitiful creatures right now

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im not sure whats worse, the faces or the human hands and feet, like they couldn't even give them paws?

>All the normies are hating on Cats

Well no the musical has some nice songs. What this abomination is who knows.

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