Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
Oh man, I hope it comes off.
literally who?
hes out of pracice
its going to suck
And i truly doubt netflix will greenlight any new jokes about faggots riding on the roof of a car serving as police sirens.
He hasn't been funny for decades.
This, he needs to hit the comedy club circuit though I doubt they would allow is old type of offensive humor.
One of Rick James' stoner friends.
Yeah. Im thinkin he's black
Chappelle was gone for a decade and still dropped great specials(the texas one was meh tb h)
as long as he gets the Wayans to help him out he should be fine
he never left
People said the same thing about Sandler but his Netflix special was comedy gold (assuming you like his early stuff in the first place)
Chappelle was still working clubs. He would pop into places unannounced and do a couple of hours and he did that for a few years. You don't do comebacks cold, all of them popped up randomly.
>New Eddie Murphy special
Where's that Twins sequel with you as the third brother, you black cunt?
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s black.
He needs a prison colony sidekick
Well, the entire reason he did the family friendly thing was so his kids could watch his movies. His kids are grown now.
>Packing up laptop at work.
>Forgot I had Pandora opened in a tab on a Comedy Classics channel.
>Pull out the headphone jack.
>That bit from his first album is playing at top volume.
Jesus christ I'm glad everyone hated that job and nobody gave a shit.
His first set of specials was great. That second one where he just ranted about Emmett Till and told some long meandering story about a pimp that wasn't even a joke sucked.
I actually quite liked the last one, especially the Iceberg Slim story, but yeah, I can see why people may not like it. It's more of a rambling rather than a standup set and I love Chappelle so I could listen to him ramble for hours
Will he still be a bigot???
>Yeah, I'm thinking he's black.
What did OP mean by this?
All these years he needs to be sitting on some gold. It won't be Raw or Delirious though, PC netflix sucks dick.
Chapelle's netflix specials are shit.
>leans into the microphone
>Well no I think the Comedy Store would love to have Eddie there, are you kidding me, he's one of the greatest stand ups of all time. But you're right comedy is like a martial art, it's like Jiu-Jitsu, it stays with you forever, but you have to practice it. It comes back quick, but you can definitely lose it if you don't practice. I think if Eddie came to the comedy store for a few nights, he could be as good as ever. I mean Eddie Murphy Raw good? I don't know, could be. We'd just have to see.