ITT: Villains who turned out to be the heroes

ITT: Villains who turned out to be the heroes

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>Snoway in Michigan is on the phones.

>Gets left out of the bit and doesn't quite understand what Ant and Jimmy are talking about
>Moves the show on out of spite

Ah yes the chatter about pedophilia and transexual desires. Great radio indeed

Everyone loves to jump on the Opie hate bandwagon, but the fact is someone had to steer the ship.
Ever seen that show with Cumia and Artie? Yeah.

Calm down Gregorio

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Or how about Jim & Sam? Unlistenable

>Rich Vos: (Opens mouth)
>Opie: Hold on... *Screech**Crash*

He's one of the most bland, charmless people I've ever seen.

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I listen to it because there isn't really any alternative, it's basically zoomer O&A.
Most other radio/podcasts like Your Mothers House, The Fighter and the Kid, JRE etc are all trash.

Sam has no place being an on-air talent. It's one thing if you have a nasally, cackling voice, but if you're not actually an interesting or funny person then why the fuck even get into radio?

I like Sam. Hes a genuinely rotten person and i hope he climbs high before he falls.

The only thing annoying about Sam is his voice and i dont trust anyone in their 30s who has never been drunk or high ever.

I despise Tits. Wanted everyone to treat him like radio Jesus and eat his pussy, even though he cannot take a joke and is otherwise insufferable to be around. He should have quit the show when he got married and turned into a fucking woman.

He'd always throw people under the bus when he argued with Ant and Jim, and also fake-claim some responsibility on the surface, but never ever meaning it. Fucking hack.


I'd love to see Sam beaten to death for all his backstabbing transgressions.

>Louie Beans

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>Where are we at with the Hick Venley? *sniff


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I never hated Opie, back when I was in High School and I listened everyday I thought Opie was hilarious because he would do mean shit to people just to make good fawking radio.

Sounds like you're a little fawking tense brothaman, maybe you need to chill out and have a few grapefruit IPAs, check out the empties man

Leave it alone. *sniff

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>Hold on hold on we got cigars and scotch on the line

Podcast zoomers will never understand how great early XM Opie & Anthony was

boomer queer

nah i do (t. born in 2000)
early O&A shits on anything Rogan puts out

Reddit is here. Haha same ole jokes lol tits sinff leave it alone snowy lol

what do you do for a living character ?

that aint hard since no one ever laughed at a rogan joke

to be fair, his genetics already did that

I went back and listened to the old podcasts, it was mostly average and only really great when comedians came on or when they were making fun of others.

>this flower company sent us one bouquet for valentines day. only one for me AND anth?
>well just give it to erock
>erock would you girl like these flowers?
>yeah she'd love them
>opie proceeds to cut all the flower heads off with scissors

oh wow you sure got him opester

>that time the opster told the rock he would never be as famous and successful as him

In hindsight, he did nothing wrong. All he did was accept jobs that NBC offered him.

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Or when he gave out Erock's number over the air, getting his phone locked up; then giving him half of the money that he owed him and then giving it to him in giant boxes of quarters. No wonder every one of the staff hated him.

I look forward to his inevitable podcast on GaS Digital.

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Wait. Are there staff stories of people hating Opie?

We all would, Patrick

Well considering they staged an incident to get him fired from SiriusXM, probably

Granted, Opie took the bait willingly, but they still set him up.

Also, post peak Opie

During Ant's 'Greggshells' shows, it was inferred that none of the staff liked Opie and his constant brinkmanship on every two year contract. Jim also said something similar last summer when he unloaded as well. Supposedly almost everyone stays in touch, apart from Tits himself.

>antithesis of humor is the hero on a comedy show

It's a shame Ant could never get him on TACS, even at Louis' lowest ebb.

It's a shame none of the old crowd give Ant the time of day anymore. The guests on TACS are fucking awful.

>GaS Digital: The Capital of Culture

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Yeah, he gets a really good guest every once in a while. Gilbert's been on, Richard Kind was on this week, and any time Johnny Sack (forgot his real name) is on the show it's a great episode.

Because Ant is a woman beating pedophile and what kind of person with leverage would want to listen to Ant spew his garbage political views every day?

Even Jim barely does five TACS shows a year and never fought Ant's re-banning at SiriusXM. All while he uses Ant and his fake laughter for that Chip shitfest. Some friend the Worm turned out to be.

didn't he record roland taking a shit in the sirius bathroom and post it online? Pretty sure you cant do that in a public bathroom anywhere.

He doesn't talk about politics as much anymore. I think he realized Ronnie was right, and he was getting way too angry over politics. He's much more mellow now. It still comes up but not nearly as often.

Love Johnny Sack, even if he tells the same stories all the time.

I cannot bear Gilbert's laugh, I'm afraid. Richard Kind was amusing and high energy, even if he did almost shit himself over Trump, calling him a criminal, which was never going to go over well with Ant.

I wish Ant wasn't so obsessed with guns, race and politics. Be more funny, Ant.

Rich Vos will be performing this weekend at the Brokerage Comedy Club in Bellmore, New York.

>Most unexpected anime crossover

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Yeah, he talked about something of a realization he had on Rogan that he was basically doing a politics and current affairs show, instead of just being funny, which was what we loved him for in the first place.

That was probably the one good thing about that disastrous A&A Show; Ant was forced to drop politics for a while, but you could tell he always wanted to get to it when the repetitive junkie was out.

It's a shame that the visual element almost sabotages TACS. After five years, Ant is still so self-conscious on camera, it's not even funny. And his fake laugh has come back with a fucking vengeance.

>You were the funniest out of all of us, but you got lost somewhere along the way.

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When Opie got fired, Norton threw a party that was basically him and the crew.

Cause Cumia is awful now.
Didn't post it online

He was right. Ant barely accepted it, then later disregarded it. He surrounds himself with fucking idiots and leeches the rest of the time. 2008 really changed him. I'd have hoped that Trump winning would have calmed him down, but now the batshit left and their endless shenanigans have kept Ant locked in politics mode forever it seems.

He hasn't hadvRon on since then and has said that Ron is too sensitive or something like that.

You must be from the faggy subreddit. Just because ant and jim are shitty doesn’t mean tits is any better. Unironic Opie love is so unfunny


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That was a later time, but that was indeed Ron's last appearance on the show. Ant hated having to boot Colin from the show out of sheer loyalty to Ron. Even Colin hasn't been back since.

When Ron appeared on the show, he always negged Ant on his ultra-political mode and while he definitely had a point, people usually don't like the friend who always points out your shortcomings.

Still, Ant could do with another Ron-tervention. Anything to stop that fake laugh, droning on about video games he is terrible at, how much he hates his commute and people in general, and constantly mentioning that fucking idiot Geno Bisconte.

Ant had a ton of goodwill in 2014-15 and he pissed it all away, with his denials of bombing at Fat Jay Oinkerson's roast and the Sue Lightning situation. Ant ultimately fell into the same trap as Tits; he got overly sensitive and surrounded himself with yes-men who need him, while his bad habits go unchecked. Not to mention entrusting your entire company to a dumb, incompetent ex-cop, who is seemingly unfireable and a total roadblock to any success CM could have had with the likes of Gavin and the Skanks.

The Manhattan studio has ultimately been a failure. He couldn't get Jimmy on board by 2016 (and he will never leave SiriusXM now) and they hardly get any guests worth the admission prices (Matt Holt? Derek Richards? Pfft). He doesn't even let Landau do any more bits, like the 'Gotti' review; that should have been a regular bit. Landau has to fight to be let into an interview and gets stepped on when there's a couple of guests in.

That 4-6 slot doesn't help for guests either; they always said that mornings were best for getting guests. Even a lunchtime slot would be better than nothing, not that Ant gives a fuck anymore. He had great talent, but he squandered it.

It's really annoying to me that all the parts of the show I thought were genuinely funny I can't remember anymore. Other than that one were they are shitting on Bobo and Patrice can't stop laughing. But I remember thinking like 4 different times were mindbogglingly funny but I just can't fucking remember where they are or what they were about.

Anthony needs to pay Joanne a little more to do the show in less clothes.

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New Chriisie Mayr show on CM, comment?

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I watched a little bit of the second episode with the bagel manlet. I don't have sex, but I think it's kind of interesting listening to sluts talk about having sex. I enjoy the Call her Daddy podcast for the same reason. Like peeking into a different world.

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Amen to that.

Couldn't give a shit. The other shows on CM are garbage.

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Not all of them, my friend.

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That's about right. He could only be funny by being cruel to underlings or retards

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He was recording an episode on GaS with the prime minister of some made up country today.

He's shit