Name one kafkaesque, poesque, lovecraftian film

Name one kafkaesque, poesque, lovecraftian film.

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Dumb anime poster


Con Air

Spider Labyrinth.

I am Jazz

Get back on your containment board you ugly creep

what do I win?

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The pest

The patrician award for not picking the cronenberg version

>not kafkaesque
>poesque only on a very superficial level
>maybe the most un-lovecraftian film in existence
Here's your participation medal.

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I'd say that's more Lynchian

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i like that one but the over the top splatter gore disqualifies it
i think you missed the part where he found the necronomicon

but is it kafkaesque, lynchian or lovecraftian?

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>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

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Can we regard this as the least of all the three? He finds the necronomicon but tonally it’s a beautiful farce

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True Detective