What did Nolan do that Snyder completely failed at copying with his films?
What did Nolan do that Snyder completely failed at copying with his films?
Everything. Snyder is a hack.
Nolan is not a pretentious asshole hack
>he thinks the nolan films were good
yeah they just spawned tons of memes because they were so unquestionably kino
Batman Begins was the only good film. TDK would have collapsed without Ledger's performance and TDKR is just cringe tier.
Snyder at least took the character's mythology seriously.
They were decent crime thrillers, but terrible BATMAN films. Bale's Batman is the weakest character of all three movies.
stay mad Snydercuck
Nolan made a billion dollars TWICE with batman alone, Snyder couldn't even make that with batman, superman, AND wonder woman
There's a reason people still talk about TDK 11 years later and BvS is forgotten everywhere but on Yea Forums meme threads
The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rised are better than the Snyder films in almost every way. Good action scenes don't make up for character assassination.
Good script.
Great performances
No CGI shitfest battles
Snyder embraced all of the weird and fantastical elements of the comics instead of shying away from them like Nolan. He didn't copy anything.
Snyder just has terrible taste in screenplays and scripts. When he has source material to directly recreate, (300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead), he's talented.
if these movies werent called batman
they'd just be crime thrillers
The guy who wrote the screenplay for BVS (Chris Terrio) is now writing Star Wars IX.
nolan read the comics
Nolan drastically changed the characters to fit his realistic setting, which is something you don't while setting up a cinematic universe.
The only redeeming factor of TDK was Ledger's performance. Narrative-wise it was a complete clusterfuck. I actually think TDKR was an improvement in that regard though everything else sucked.
Nolan wasn’t attempting to make a comic-book movie. He was adapting it into an ostensibly real-world setting, essentially asking, “What would the Batman be like in actual reality?” The answer to his own question was “rich guy with a large support structure utilizing his wealth and allies to look a lot like the Batman.”
Snyder didn’t make that Batman, and he didn’t set him in Nolan’s “real” world. He brought the actual comic-book world to the big screen complete with all its normie-repellant weirdness, a place where Bruce Wayne and the Batman aren’t really the same person, and the Batman is subtly more than just a guy in an expensive suit. In a very real sense, he’s a lesser god as are his villains.
This guy gets it.
>The only redeeming factor of TDK was Ledger's performance.
So let's remove a crucial part of a movie and then call it bad.
Marvel changed nearly everything about their original characters to fit their routine but nobody cared because they weren't as iconic or well known.
I remember when box office revenue wasn't considered at all on this board and nobody liked capeshit outside of containment threads.
Then make a movie called The Joker (oh wait..), because Batman was sitting around doing jack shit for most of TDK.
Nolan's use of practical effects and technology somewhat grounded in the real world made Batman feel believable. It was a strong nod to his Detective Comics roots, and made Batman cool instead of campy and dorky. That's why they were so successful. As for why Snyder failed, he made Batman into a cartoon again, but instead of making it fun like Schumacher or Burton tried to do, he made it into a bleak, depressing cartoon that had no redeeming qualities.
Another bad argument. "The Dark Knight is bad if one removes the primary conflict in the film." Retarded argument.
I'd argue the batsuit (and by extension the Batman character) felt cheaper and more unrealistic with each movie. By TDKR it didn't even look like he belonged in the same universe.
oh lawd. It's hard to say how much of the problems with the new Stars Wars is bonehead corporate decisions or whether Star Wars as a universe is limited.
The Dark Knight Rises is shit
>Star Wars as a universe is limited
Are you kidding me? The Star Wars universe literally has more untapped potential than any capeshit ever.
It's only limited by a lack of imagination.
Yeah but the memes were worth it.
It’s almost like that was the entire point
I saw the redlettermedia vid too
Show me a meme from the Snyder films.
You can’t, every scene from any of them are all an embarrassment to quote.
People hate what they don't understand.
Superman is just a difficult character to write because he's overpowered
Nolan has Batman. Snyder had to work with Superman. He never had a chance.
Stop, my invincible son.
seethe harder artfag
Nolan was smart enough to rip off Steve Englehart.
>implying any of them failed and aren’t just two sides of the same Kino Coin
I'd say it's moreso that the people are still obsessively attached to Reeves' version of the character - something that simply wouldn't work in today's context.
literal NPC. I’ll leave you to celebrate jews making more money than other jews.
>What did Nolan do that Snyder completely failed at copying with his films?
Grounded feeling. You don't have to be capeshit retard to enjoy it, it works as a crime drama movie. CGI is used to enhance something, still keeping it as real as possible, not to render lasers shoting from asses or aliens destroying city.
I celebrate artfags and their enablers being financially ruined for making faggy art
>What did Nolan do that Snyder
I hope you realize the only reason why snyder was hired was because of nolan.
NOLAN PUSHED SNYDER to take over DC universe. the execs listened to nolan because of the huge success of batman films.
do you understand how insane you sound posting this on a board about film (an artform)? By the way, there’s lots of films that aren’t capeshit and also aren’t arthouse.
Do you realize how homosexual you are by being an artfag?
Never used that word and never will.
>b-but u homo
Literal brainlet
Why do """"people"""" think that being an artfag makes them smart?
define artfag.
The Nolan movies are just so embarrassing and cheap looking, he has no idea how to direct action. That first scene in TDK when Batman bends the barrel of a gun and slightly touches the criminal with his elbow as if he's supposed to knock him down is hilarious.
Do you known how the suffix -fag works?
Nolan’s Batman movies are all trash.
Batman is in all of them for the bare minimum and was only really active for a year because Nolan has his head up his ass about what a person can stand for as a symbol and completely neglected what people have to do to become a symbol.
TDK had it the worse with Harvey Dent who made a heel turn into becoming Two Face out of nowhere because the last act needed more padding and some nonsensical justification for the conclusion that his crimes would somehow acquit the guilty criminals he put behind bar.
It’s ridiculous, Nolan is a nonsensical hack.
you consume capeshit like McDonald’s meals — the cgi and quips going in one end and out the other — then post on a board about a medium you know nothing about. The most ironic thing is you likely consider “artfags” posers and yet you don’t even like film; you like products masquerading as films.
Nolan ONLY acted as consultant because he refused to direct Man of Steel, so WB keep pushing to consult him, don't spread lies.
>Snyder at least took the character's mythology seriously.
I haven't seen any super hero film newer than the TDKR and none of the MCU films from before that either. Why do you spread misinformation? Do you hate truth?
He directed his actors a little bit.
>inb4 TDKR
There's a difference between what Nolan does and what the MCU does, Joker and Bane would be comiclike if the MCU was in charge of them.