Historical Kino

If you could make a movie about a historical event what would you pick?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Vietnam-style horror movie about Teutoburg Forest

vanilla choice but the fall of Constantinople 1453 or Cortez's dealings with the Mexica c.1520

teutonic order, but I would merge all the important events together, despite being several years apart

baboons raping tiny blondes in Rome

Majorian. The most based emperor you never heard of.

The Battle of Cybertron

movie based on the future events of muslims raping europe.

A Biopic about Oda Nobunaga

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The official Christianization of Rome under Constantine. Also something Byzantine too. Practically nonexistent.

Mel Gibson's The Camp of the Saints when?

Literally anything in Greece the past 200 years

There’s not even a second best event

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>Teutonic Order

>Battle theme starts playing


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Amoeba race war

>Dumb europoor doesn't know the first event was actually historical

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First Punic War

The conquest of Mexico.

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The execution of Joan of Arc. One hour of build up and 30 minutes of the execution itself and everything leading up to it with every single detail in frame without stupid cut aways.

Kubric biopic focusing on his directing of the moon landing.

Rhodesian Bush War tv series when?

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>Jackie Chan [disputed]
Holy fuck please tell me there's more of this

Lost in history, much room for interpretation

Is make a movie about hunting the Bismarck in ww2, either from the British perspective of hunting her, or the German perspective of trying to evade the Royal Navy

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Give GoT style type of show for the 3rd century crisis, i got war and stronk womyns, perfectly suitable for today audiance

If it was historically accurate then critics would be calling absolute bullshit about what happened.
Anyone who hasn't should read The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz, totally fucking insane.
The only event to match it is Xenophon's march to the sea. Xenophon's book isn't as good though, half of it is just how Xenophon is awesome and all the other generals are poo poo heads.

Let's see, here are the events that are ensured to take in a billion box office.

>The Grand Condé by the end of the Thirty years' war
>goes from being one France's best generals to one of her strongest opponents when he goes to side with the spanish
>interlaced with the story of the Fronde in the background

>war of the third coalition told in one movie (if you can't have a whole Napoleonic trilogy)
>stunning capture of Ulm
>deception at the bridge of Vienna
>preliminaries of the battle of Austerlitz
You can even cut away in the evening leading up to the battle of Austerlitz, with the french forces already confident in their victory and celebrating the anniversary of Napoleon's coronation

>start of Barbarossa with all the confusion and contradictions rampant in the soviet army at first
>Stalin's complete collapse at the news, and all the hilarities that followed when he tried to send men on the ground to assess the situation

>Congress of Vienna, with the shenanigans between Metternich, Tayllerand and the British ambassador

And then of course the classics that will get mentioned down the line in this thread: Aurelian, Sextus Pompey, Xenophon's march to the sea, etc...

I've also always thought that a mini-series on the July crisis of 1914 would work really well.

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>i want see baboon fuck wuman! wuman fuck baboon good!
dios mio..

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>Congress of Vienna
Wasn't that just a massive drinking party with tons of whores?

It would never happen but Haitian Revolution followed by the Haitian Massacre

>Inspired by American revolution Haiti revolts against French to become independent nation
>Shortly after gaining independence Black Haitians massacre all white people, sparing some women and children after raping them
>After all white men are dead, 2nd massacre is carried out specifically targeting remaining women and children

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Yes, everyone was throwing lavish parties, not least of which Tayllerand, to petition support for their country's cause in the peace treaties to be etched out. And everyone going behind everyone's back to secure better clauses for their side. It's not everyone's kind of movie, but the Death of Stalin highlighted that it could be done.

I’ve heard of him. Kicked German ass 10 years before the western empire collapsed. On the verge of deporting or killing all the scum German invaders. Gets assainated by the imperial senate because he was going to pink wojak them.

>Poles defected over to the Haitians during the revolution, because the struggle of the Haitians reminded them of theirs in Europe
>Haitians therefore let them live, since to them the "Poles are the niggers of Europe"
>the descendants of these poles still live in Haiti to this day
Pretty humorous.

>Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism.[5][6]
How will poles ever recover ?

Food crisis in Zimbabwe.

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based Haitians

every thread

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I really wish someone had the balls to make a Spanish conquest of the Aztec movie. If you had an ensemble cast of Hispanic actors and had the entire movie spoken in spanish and a modern approximation of the aztec language it could be kino as fuck. Hype the movie up in Mexico and Latin America, to be the penultimate Hispanic movie of all time.

You can handle the critics and political correctness by citing the book stating that the movie is based off of the first hand account of a guy who was actually there.

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Posts like these make me believe those shitty bait posts are bots more and more because itt there's only one or two posts about these

This preludes Gaugamela battle plus it heavily inspired this


History channel is just WW2 muh Nazis were evil super geniuses, narrated by a tranny

>Teutoburg Forest

Quick rundown?

Superior Germanics slaughter manlet meds.

The sinking of Atlantis and destruction of civilization during the antediluvian age 10,000 years ago.

A story about the life of the biblical Daniel.

*brings the righteous retribution of rome to your lands*

Nothing personal barbarian

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Yep, I'd watch it. Have Mel Gibson direct it as like a sequel to Apocalypto.

If Rome and WWII are the pleb filters of "History Buffs", what is the patrician subjects?


I'd suggest a movie following Hannibal and his life, but you just know they'd cast the most charcoal black nigger they could find and shit it up with things like everyone having an English accent, and excessive dramatizations.

Gilgamesh or anything set in the dawn of civilization. Such an unexplored theme.

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Lol our whole legion died due to disease.

Post collapse Europe to the early middle ages (500-800)

Mithridatic Wars would be something i would enjoy

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The Siege of Detroit
directed by Peter Weir, written by Taylor Sheridan
Christian Bale as Isaac Brock, Paul Giamatti as William Hull, Zahn McClarnon as Tecumseh
music by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis


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Battle of New Orleans would be cool.

Biopic of Constantius the great, Basil II, Justinian I or Justinian II.

Eastern Rome in general is just an under exploited kino rich environment.

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That battle was fucking boring though

>t. salty *nglo scum

That would be based af

>Nighttime raids
>Us fucking winning

A biopic about this based fucker en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Charles_Louis_de_Lasalle

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>nighttame raids
>Us fucking winning
what else is new

the only interesting line infantry battles were in Egypt

A multi-generational epic saga where the number zero is the main character.

Anything from the time when giants were still around

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Fidenae stadium collapse:
>In 27 AD, an apparently cheaply built wooden amphitheater constructed by an entrepreneur named Atilius collapsed in Fidenae, resulting in by far the worst stadium disaster in history. At least 20,000 were killed and many more injured out of the total audience of 50,000.[5][6]

Does nobody cares about the mongols rekting shit for fun?


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The battle of leuktra 371 b.c, the end of Spartan hegemony and the beginning of the theban confederate hegemony

a real (gtfo kingdom of heaven) movie about crusades, especially the first one

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That would be amazing. What a character

this por favor sempai

This. You'd have one of the best cast of characters.

The Nuking of Niggasaki by the Coward Harry Truman

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Ottoman successfully capturing Istanbul

Truman did nothing wrong

A film about Philip Augustus outwitting the Plantagenent kings of England and reconquering France.

The Battle of Blood River. Would have been the most kino battle scene in cinema history.

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Mesoptamia/Greater Middle East at any point
Byzantine history (seriously, telling a normie that Rome fell in 1453 blows their mind)
Any ergot-induced religious epidemic from Renaissance-era Europe (see Munster Rebellion, Dancing Plagues, etc.)

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the original kino.

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>migration period
>American civil war (or any regional civil war of significance)
>interwar period
>bronze age civilizations
>pre columbian exchange americas
>late medieval/early ren SEA

Holy fuck, the Zulus suck ass, what the fuck is wrong with them? Not even one kill?

What would really be kino is some inter-generational depiction of Portuguese sailing around conquering shit. "The First of Many" or something

4th crusade, with Charles Dance as Enrico Dandolo

>interwar period

Russian civil war. I've always found the nature of it really interesting, and the way it developed and stretched across the whole nation, with stuff like sections of railroad being their own little sovereignties, the way it stretched into the boonies in mongolia, and the whites in the far east out in vladivostok/the far eastern republic, and the death of the romanovs

i mean it depends on the country, sure the usual suspects are pleb tier but stuff in some of the others is completely glossed over usually

Why are romans always depicted to look white when they were likely brown.

based post

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like 3 legions got killed by germans who were sick of the romans shit

>Let's maje a blockbustermovie but it's just peasant starving

any Napoleon general would do desu

Bro movie with Gilgamesh and Enkidu would be kino.

The 1683 Siege of Vienna.
Draw viewers in with increasing tensions and internal rifts between civs trapped inside the walls with dwindling food. Set this against the tension of the undermining of the walls and the efforts to rally the polish Lithuanian army in time. The obvious cinematic culmination of the final battle with the largest cavalry charge in history as the winged hussars crest the hill.
Pure Kino.

The Spanish Inquistion

Queen Isabella played by Eva Green

tv series when?

He would have a pretty good biopic, I'm sure the french have done that already

>mini-series on the July crisis of 1914
great idea

>When Gilgamesh returns to Uruk, he is empty-handed but reconciled at last to his mortality. He knows that he can’t live forever but that humankind will. Now he sees that the city he had repudiated in his grief and terror is a magnificent, enduring achievement—the closest thing to immortality to which a mortal can aspire.


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China 7 kingdom

9/11 on the Mudslime /CIA side

I think if you know anything about African or Mesoamerican history that's pretty patrician because nobody cares about any of it (besides Mansa Musa) unless it is in relation to European colonialism. Medieval China too

>ultimately insignificant battle in an insignificant war the only remnant of which we have is the national anthem
user that's not a good movie idea

Battle of Waterloo

3 legions went into tbe forest in Germany and never came back. It was a massive military disaster that essentially halted Roman expansion into "Germania" and was such a big deal that Augustus basically got PTSD just from the news, for years after the fact he'd randomly shout "Varus, give me back my legions!".

>I ain't no Senator's son

the trekkers had a really good fortified position, used buckshot for maximum casualties, and this was after the zulus switched to short stabbing swords instead of the throwing spears. So if they got within any distance they got mowed down, then in the space where the next wave would come up, trekkers could rest and reload. I imagine the bodies piling up also made it even more difficult to quickly get to the walls of the camp and actually do any damage

>capture of belgrade by fritz klingenberg as a 70s war comedy

rize of the nazis is a cool subject

Yes please

hollywood whitewashing


Feel with me bros


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Battle of Berlin where Germans get rekt(raped)

If I could produce any film I'd have Neil Jordan direct the Leonardo da Vinci biopic with diCaprio as Cesare Borgia and Matt Smith as the artist/inventor. John Logan is attached as a screenwriter but I don't know who is directing it

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when a bunch of aliens crashed on earth somewhere in the middle east and created the first humans to work in their "garden" until one nice alien helped us escape

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I read Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs by Buddy Levy based on a suggestion from /tv last week, great fuckin read and would be an amazing miniseries

FYI: 37 Days

Not bad

Madre Mía

Follow Chuikov and the 62nd army from throughout the second world war.

For those who don't know, this is the army that stopped the Germans in Stalingrad and then fought for another 2 and a half years to be some of the first forces in Berlin. I feel like this thread might die so I won't get too much into it but the eastern front from the soviet perspective is literally the most cinematically epic thing to ever happen in history.

There's already a few kinos about /ourgirl/

looks like someone really doesn't like G*rmans

I mean i wrote "second world warwar" first time. Ain't no psyop here.

I know we already have movies about the Alamo, but I would kill to see a new one with a modern cast. Get Diego Luna or Javier Bardem to play Santa Anna, Chris Evans to play Crockett, Tom Hardy as some crazy bayou-born captain of the Louisiana Grays, maybe Dacre Montgomery (or anyone young like that) as Travis, could be pretty kino IMO

If not that, then definitely the Christianization of Scandinavia, specifically the crackdowns of Olaf I in Norway; you'd get some political thriller shit, Pagan v. Christian battles, etc.

Russian civil war is top tier kino with stuff like the Czechoslovak Legion. Problem is almost no one could pull it off.

The happenings in Polish controlled Ukraine were pretty interesting

Charles Dance looks too Aryan and healthy to play a 90 year old blind Italian nobleman.
He would be better suited to play one of the french crusader leaders.


They actually did make a movie about this.
It's called Day of the Siege.

Not sure how good it was. Can't really trust critics these days especially when it comes to /his/ films.

>end of WW2
>Hungary has been defeated and Soviets now occupy it
>Hungarian troops know if they surrender to Soviets they will be sent to labour camps
>fight across occupied Hungary and Austria to surrender to Americans in Germany

Absolute kino, but it will never be made because of muh evil white men

Fucking cool Poles.

You know it was a humanitarian travesty beyond imagination but what Cortez did is possibly histories best lesson in staying cool when you're completely out of your depth and unqualified for the insane situation you've somehow got yourself into.

20,000 or so Roman soldiers got slaughtered in a prolonged series of ambushes while marching though a very cinematic, darkly imposing forest in Germany.

May well be the single reason Rome never conquered modern Germany.

Figuring out what the fuck capitalism even is and how it started.

One of the most fascinating eras to me are those last few decades leading up to WW1.
The world looked completely different right before WW1. It was truly something else.

The Conquest of Mexico

>ywn see Armin Mueller-Stahl as Otto von Bismarck in a biographical miniseries
why even live?

An HBO miniseries about the US submarine war against in Japan. It would cover the state of the navy at the start of the war, the torpedo problems they had, the older incompetent skippers and everything they did to overcome it all the way to end of the war, from multiple perspectives of submarines and crews

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Probably the most detailed but concise video on Teutoburg forest.
It's one of the most important events in human history, even though; let's be real, not that many Romans actually died.

I think people in this thread are suggesting events that would be impossible to turn into movies due to the research involved

>The Ten Thousand
Some Greek mercenaries were hired to fight in a civil war, they won the battle but the guy who hired them died, leaving them stranded in a foreign country with fuck all and needing to get home

Historia Civilis is based. Look up Raoul McLaughlin for more Romekino

here's your pacific theater bro

One of the mercenary officers in the ten thousand wrote a book about their trek back to Greece that possibly inspired Phillip II (and later Alexander) to invade and conquer Persia.
The book is called Anabasis and it revealed a lot of severe internal weaknesses and tactical disadvantages that the Persians had compared to the Greeks.

Xenophon. An Athenian who was exiled and moved to Sparta.

The biggest catastrophe happened years later during the Cocoliztli epidemic, which killed around 15 million people. Cortez was indeed a megalomaniac, but for other reasons than causing the epidemics.

He is both a horrible and grande person. I really hope such a movie would be made, but honestly I fear it will end up being even more comically than Apocalypto. With Cortez either being potrayed as an outright hero or monster. And the aztecs wearing goofy ahistorical costume.

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Mongols during Genghis Khan's time with historically accurate battles and campaigns especially centered around the four loyal dogs of Khan.

Subutai and Jebe in slav lands and later (Subutai) during western europe, slapping around yurop and slavs outnumbered at least 3 to 1.

Muqali, The most loyal of all and had never tasted defeat, BTFO of the Jin dynasty with the least resources among the mongol armies.

Jelme the mad lad who was allowed 9 crimes. Sucking out the wound in the Khan's neck shot by Jebe and then nursing him back to health.

Kwarezmid, Jin, Slavic princes and western european shennanigans abound!

This drunk fuck getting BTFO by warrior Monks. Then humiliating his general and then wonder why later on that general killed him.

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Battle of Karánsebes

>was a friendly fire incident in the Austrian army
>The army of Austria 100,000 strong was setting up camp around the town
>Hussars, bored, buys barrel of schnapps and starts drinking
>Infantrymen come along and asks for some to share
>Drunk Hussars say no and set up fortifications around their schnapps barrels
>Someone shoots someone, fight ensues
>Everyone panics thinks it's Ottomans attacking
>Sporadic fights break out between the allied army
>Holy Roman Emperor Joseph falls off his horse into a stream
>Ottomans eventually come in and take the area wondering what the fuck happened

People will think it's a Monty Python movie.

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the Thirty Years War. it was hellraiser that lasted 30 some years, left most of europe dead, and we still feel the aftershocks of it today. the atrocities committed during that time were so bad they were chinese bugman tier. like the Sack of Magdeburg.
patrician as fuck fraetor.
druid ninjas, monsters, murder rape lolis cutting roman throats in honor of the gods of the groves, werewolves, strigoi, witches, being hunted by all of them while being starved, sleep deprived, terrified, wounded, and lost as fuck.
there is a reason the druids were targeted to be exterminated.

Fall of Singapore
Destruction of Force Z

1960 Sink the Bismarck. Stars Kenneth Moore and a smoking hot Dana Wynter. Ludendorff is somewhat badly portrayed as a stereotypical nazi and they rush the ending somewhat.

Official Soundtrack by Sabaton

>Queen Isabella played by Eva Green

Does she get her tits out?

That never happened you absolute memespewing reddit tier retard. Its the result of 19th century yellow press making shit up half a century later

I like anglo saxon history, although i suppose it has been turned popular somewhat by the last kingdom, as well as alexanders conquest of asia minor but again i feel those arent really that patrician.

i read some of that conquistadors memoirs(cant remember name offhand) and that whole fucking ordeal seemed wild as fuck.

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>andrew jackson
fuck off cunt

1970 Waterloo starring Rod Steiger as Napoleon and Christopher Plummer as Wellington. Filmed on location in the Ukraine with 17,000 soviet army soldiers as extras. Worth watching, but not outstanding.

Bubonic plague set in a nondescript european mainland village in the year 1348 through the eyes of a young man coming of age. Borders on the surreal as he watches society nearly completely collapse

Halbeschlacht, ending with one soldier not crossing the Elbe, just slings his rifle, grabs an MG and wanders into a burning sunset
specifically focused on the absolute horror of soldiers not fighting to defend a lost cause, but an almost vain attempt to get out alive with thousands of civilians trying to escape along with them

>british have rocket launchers

The rockets were used effectively during the >Napoleonic Wars, the War of 1812, and the First Anglo-Burmese War of 1824–1826.

brainlet detected

Would rather a big budget series then a film on Alexanders campaign and the Napolenic Wars

Merovingian France, especially with this lovely setting.

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Congrieve rockets are referenced in the US National anthem

Saddam Hussein's Iran-Iraq war and venture into Kuwait (except he's the good guy (which he historically was))

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It would make Master&Commander pale in comparison.

I want to see the White Death BTFOing a bunch of commies.

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Read the eagles of Rome
It comes with Gorgeous artwork. You will probably never get a better visual depictions of this event

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>>OP leads with Caesar's invasion of Britain

From the moment i set eyes on you...

literally just wikipedia that shit, retard. This goes for anything.

Was there ever a point in history where the Roman Empire thought against both middle eastern, European and African forces in the span of 40 years?
Because the story of a Roman soldier going from one continent to the next over the course of his life would be an awesome backdrop to show how huge and mighty Rome was at its peak

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>Eastern Rome in general is just an under exploited kino rich environment.
Been going wild reading about these lads lately. John Kourkouas absolute madman. There are so many stories to tell but I don't know who you could even market it to. I doubt most people even understand that the empire still existed at this time.

A biopic on Charles the 2nd of Spain would make for a great movie.
A film that focused on the battle of grunwald would be cool too.

Honorary Negro Master Race

that picture is not by "Helloss" or whoever, it's by the legendary father of digital painting Craig Mullins.

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A big budget series about the lives either Horatio Nelson or Napoleon. Netflix can fuck off, they'll probably make Collingwood and Davout black

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>but not outstanding


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Some Byzantine kino. Doesn't matter what point in time. They were always in the middle of some crazy shit and politicking that makes Game of Thrones look like little children playing with sand castles

>Hype the movie up in Mexico and Latin America, to be the penultimate Hispanic movie of all time.

Yeah, let’s sell them a movie about how they were buttfucked by conquistadores and their culture destroyed. Surely people will be hype about it.

I see you’ve never been to latin america, user.


that happened in the hbo rome tv show

the first anglo-afgan war in particular and the great game in general.

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travels of marco polo could be kino

they made some shitty show about him that actually was mostly about Kublai Khan. Didn't see it though

> that KD

menu march still shits over everything else

someone needs to make a comedy about the russian baltic fleet

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>Does she get her tits out?
its eva green we're talking about do you even need to ask?

albuquerque in the indian ocean

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one of the best /his/ images
it's long, but worth it

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Oh god yes

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The great game
That British agebt who followed the russian army into turkestan

Anything bronze age

Anglo afghan war would be kino too

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This is already a movie though.

It's called The Warriors

Several times.

Honestly Aurelian seizing back the Empire after it collapsed into three parts would be pretty kino. The only problem is it would get too caught up in 'muh Zenobia.'

>statue of gilgamesh.jpg
>is a statue of Ashurbanipal

Coronado's expedition

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If anyone is a fan of turn based tactical RPG games, check out this underrated gem, Expeditions: Conquistador. Besides having women in your party, it does away with political correctness garbage. One will find it refreshing to delve in an era seldom explored in gaming.

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seconded. the vikings one good also.


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shame the new midway movie looks like shit

BLACKED shills infesting Yea Forums now

Akhenaten's reign, Battle of Kadesh, or Sea People's invasion of Egypt

Basically cool stories from ancient Egypt other than Jewish exodus and Cleopatra, which are done to death.

Kino set in Mesopotamia also sounds fun

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Is Rurik the one who was such a Chad that the Slavs asked him to be their King?

Vlad the Impaler murdering turks and destroying fortresses along the wallachian border


You know based Vlad would be a bad guy and they'd censor the part where the Turkish Sultan raped his brother.

Reformation and the Papal Army

Angolan Civil War clusterfuck would be fun

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just give me mush morton machine gunning japanese survivors in the water

>Foreign support: China

>Foreign support: China

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There is a couple of movies about this



Anglo Jewry and WW2


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>Sea people
>Mighty bronze age empires get completely btfo by the sea people
>Sea people vanish after destroying them

Pretty spooky. Who the fuck were they?

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>Planting a new king

It all makes sense.

Anyone post Verdun?


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>always see street named "Puente de Alvarado" (Alvarado's Bridge) when visiting relatives
>always wonder who Alvarado is and where the fuck this bridge is at
>years later read in Visions of the Vanquished that Alvarado was Cortez's right hand man
>Helped accelerate the conquest by supposedly having all the nobles massacred in a festival
>everything went to even more shit when the emperor was killed
>Cortez decided to escape the city with his men to rebuild his army
>Everyone tried to sneak out with s shit ton of treasure though the canals on a rainy night
>some Aztecs saw them and alerted the guards
>huge chinese firedrill ensued and several spainard soldiers drowned in the shallow canals because they tripped and couldn't get back up from all the treasure weighing them down
>Alvaredo supposedly used the drowning soldiers as a foot bridge over the canal to escape a barrage of arrows
And that's why there's a street named Alvaredo's Bridge in a part of the city filled with cars and concrete, but no water

Fuck this dumb meme.

jesus christ

silent victory pretty good if you want a comfy boardgame

All i ask for is one good atlantic war film thats not das boot.

some shit about pre-islamic middle-east since i dont know anything about it but i reckon theres some interesting stories to be told

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>the Chimp Destroyer

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yes. Most people don't know this, but he was a Finn, like the picture depicts with many details :DD

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also this image deserves a miniseries or a comedy sketch at leasten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwedentrunk
Swedish troops force feeding their diarrhea and piss to Germans, name a better era in history.

would love to make an episodic series following Napoleon from birth to death. Plenty of literature to go by even some first hand accounts.

Either that or the Munster revolution with all the anabaptists gathering for the end of the world

too bad television would never touch the subject of Byzantium since it has to do with Christianity

I'd love to see something with Avery/Madagascar pirates, as well as an actually historically focused account telling of Nassau


The Barbary Slave trade.

We have hundreds of movies about the Black Slave Trade, but not one about the Barbary Slave Trade.

That's probably why a lot of people refuse to believe Whites were ever slaves.

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hence "the rocket's red glare" in our (murrican) national anthem,which references a battle in the war of 1812

I always seem to find the tail end of epic threads like this fuck..

>white people can't fight

The breaking of the Siege of Viena, you know WHEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED

redpill me on Majorian pls

LA Riots. Watching gooks shoot abunch of niggers would be cool

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yeah no way in hell they would make an historically accurate movie about La Conquista. As always they would paint the spaniards as the bad guys and the aztecs as "noble humble people who dindu nuffin" instead of the fucking bloodthirsty cannibalistic assholes they were.

In all actuality fuck the Aztecs and this is coming from a Mexican

Base it around La Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España by Bernal Diaz del Castillo (who may or may not actually have been Cortes under a pseudonym) and I'm sold

the red river rebellion

Probably people from the Greek Islands

He nearly restored the roman empire. He'd returned large swathes of lost provinces to Roman rule, but greedy senatorial shits and a couple of romanized barbarians betrayed him at the last minute and killed him.

Byzantine-Sassanid war of 602

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they killed every mulatto too

Battle of midway.

Unironic political comedy about the CIA failing to kill Castro with more and more ridiculous gadgetry

>tfw cancer pants is used in kino

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I'd love a movie on the Nika Revolt.

The "aztec language" is used even today, it's called nahuatl. Same for a lot of other native languages in former Mesoamerica.


probably gonna be shit

movie about boudica?
>rome conquers Britain
>some roman soldiers , rape the daughters of some queen or something (boudica)
>she forms an alliance with other villages and revolts against rome
>attacks roman cities filled with romans and britains alike, kills everyone pretty brutally
>defeats a roman army
>chases another roman army around britain
>eventually they turn and fight her despite terrible numbers
>wreck her shit

Im sure I butchered the story but I like movies where people debate who was right/wrong

If it were historically accurate, Boudica would be portrayed as a madwoman who only murdered civilians, and when faced against a proper roman army in an open battlefield gets completely BTFO (even though she had much more troops) and gets trapped between her own wagons with civilians to watch how she would "defeat" the romans, and get completely massacred:
The most famous female "general" being BTFO like this in a movie would make feminist screech.

The battle of Hürtgen Forest is extremely underrepresented on the silver screen even though it was the bloodiest land battle ever fought by the US military - Likely because it was a total defeat for them and goes against the victor's narrative of ww2

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she certainly became a madwoman which is why I think it would be interesting. It starts off with her being a victim trying to get vengeance against the "evil romans" but they end up being the good guys. kinda like that dragon lady from game of thrones I guess.

Siege of Salmeniko Castle, the last Byzantine stronghold
>1461 - Byzantine general Graitzas Palaiologos honourably surrenders Salmeniko Castle, the last garrison of the Despotate of the Morea, to invading forces of the Ottoman Empire, after a year-long siege.
>Whereas the former fled to Modon, Corfu, and finally Rome and the latter surrendered outright to the Sultan, Graitzas maintained his position, holding his redoubt until July 1461, long after the surrender of his lords.
> Mehmed the Conqueror personally oversaw the attack.
>. The elite Janissaries managed to subdue the town by cutting off its water supply. Its remaining residents (approximately 6000) were sold into slavery, with 900 children chosen for the Devşirme.
>Graitzas and his garrison continued to hold out in the castle citadel.
>Gratizas agreed to surrender the castle to Mehmed in return for safe conduct and immunity for his troops. Following Mehmed's departure however, two successive subordinates disregarded the promise, arresting the first soldiers to leave the citadel and then renewing the siege.
> In July 1461, with Salmeniko now isolated and surrounded and, as the last garrison of the Roman Empire, no hope of relief, Graitzas, leading a sortie of the remaining garrison, escaped the besiegers and sought refuge in the Venetian fortress of Lepanto
>With the Roman Empire he served now defunct, Graitzas accepted a commission as general in the armed forces of the Republic of Venice.


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Biopic about Roy Benavidez

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Peru is the most indigenous place in the Americas. The rest got conqusita'd pretty hard. I'm sure there are plenty that identify with the Spanish over the natives.

I would make one about a Civil War event that was mentioned in the Ken Burns documentary.
>Confederates have incredibly strong defensive fortifications
>Union decides to dig a long tunnel from their base to the fortifications in order to detonate explosives
>they do this and set up the explosives and blow it up
>holy shit, it fucking worked
>Union officers don't want to wake up drunk commander, so they order the charge themselves
>Union soldiers run right down into the big hole that the explosion caused
>hole is so deep that they can't get out
>Confederates surround the hole and kill them all

>waaah why do so many people like the most fashionable and professional regimes in history

Whichever one you fucking like, just because Rome and WW2 have more widespread appeal doesn't mean there is something wrong with it.

They were based and all, but it just doesn't have that much entertainment appeal
>20k riders graze, btfo scouts, rekt shitter armies, sack cities, repeat

Only the Late Republic and the Principate are plebeian.

Who should play the eternal dandolo?

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>Latin America
>Thinking their culture isn't western

Based retard

Maybe even some Charles the Hammer curbstomping the mudshits back into spain

americans truly are the greatest warriors

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Was there ever a point in history where the Roman Empire fought against both middle eastern, European and African forces in the span of 40 years?
Because the story of a Roman soldier going from one continent to the next over the course of his life would be an awesome backdrop to show how huge and mighty Rome was at its peak


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Cromwell and the revolution in the 1600s

>It was truly something else.
Try to explain it please?

never even existed.

That was the case until recently.
People were hiding their 1/3 aztecnigger ancestry. But the bizarre white self hatred mind virus is going strong in some parts of Latin America and now people are proud of being 'native', the same people whose grandfathers larped as Spaniards.

Look up the Biafra War

>Supported by

>Supported by

>half of it is just how Xenophon is awesome
But that's what I love about classical Greek writings.
>Wow Socrates, u so smart!

>>Supported by
>>Supported by
This one isn't exactly surprising.

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caesar with a med looking actor for him (orlabdo bloom ,antonio banderas or oscar isaac)

>Likely because it was a total defeat for them and goes against the victor's narrative of ww2
The common pleb conception is that WWII was won the night of D-day and the rest was maintenance.
Patton (1970) is perhaps the only big movie showing the US having major difficulty against Germany and being victorious because they had an absolute madman in charge that commanded the weather by praying to God.

>As the dancing plague worsened, concerned nobles sought the advice of local physicians, who ruled out astrological and supernatural causes, instead, announcing that the plague was a "natural disease" caused by "hot blood". However, instead of prescribing bleeding, authorities encouraged more dancing, in part by opening two guildhalls and a grain market, and even constructing a wooden stage. The authorities did this because they believed that the dancers would recover only if they danced continuously night and day. To increase the effectiveness of the cure, authorities even paid for musicians to keep the afflicted moving. The strategy was a disaster; after those policies were applied the illness underwent a dramatic growth. Performing dances in more public spaces facilitated the spread of the psychic “contagion”.

Very fascinating subject. I really enjoyed Taboo with Hardy, it is very atmospheric and mysterious and I would expect something similar to come out of this incident. Maybe it was ergot, maybe not. Not answering the question is more entertaining in my opinion.

Arminius/Teuteburg Battle
Battle of Vienna


a movie about the actual holocaust

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Why is the door wooden?

The Battle of Midway

3 legions got wiped out because the cavalry commander and his German auxiliary BETRAY the roman infantry because Arminius wanted to become Germany king.
>"Insert italians betrayal meme"
Arminius then got killed by the Germany tribes probably through Roman's gold.



Chink kino
>China warring states
>Qins wars of unification
Genghis khan uniting the mongol clans and btfoing the chinks.

Charles Dance

A two parter 5 hour epic of Genghis Khan's conquest

A William the Conqueror's biopic from his youth avoiding one assassination attempt after the other to his ascension on the british throne

Based Germans

>Germans are temporarily successful after committing an act of treachery
>get btfo right after
How come they didn't change at all in 2000 years?

ITT: New Sabaton albums

Siege of Szigetvár
>less than 2000 Hungarian and Croatian soldiers hold the fort of Szigetvár for two months against 80 000 Turks
>they manage to kill around 20 000 of them in the process
>when the gate is breached, Croatian commander orders the biggest canon the fort had to be aimed at the breach, killing dozens of janissaries
>as the final fuck you, he ordered the entire citadel to be loaded with gun powder which is then blown up, killing another 2000 Turks
>only less than 20 defenders survived
>Turks were so impressed that they let them go
basically real life Helm's Deep

I'd make a movie set at the end of WWII that featured Germans desperately trying to provide supplies to the Jewish refugee camps while the allies bombed the rail lines transporting the needed supplies.

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Seven Years' war in Europe. I think there is only one movie about it, the Nazi one biography of Frederick II.

Germans have been successful for the last 2000 years.

At behest of satan himself

>The Last King

It talks about the Anglosaxons Last stand lead by king Harold Godwinson


>Battle of Stanford Bridge

>Battle of Hastings

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Fuck it man, make it a big series about him, william and hardrada.

Hope The Last Kingdom Guys produce it
And hope Cornwell writes the script.

Jews were used for slave labor and of course they had to cheap out