Name a more satisfying death scene

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John Turturro's death in Miller's Crossing

Why was it satisfying

nice teeth

Because the pilot for striker eureka was bleeding out next to him while the german guy slowly drove a bayonet through the Jews chest

too easy

Attached: actually died.gif (498x353, 1.15M)

joffrey in got.

A Jew dying is always satisfying

Attached: Jay Simpson.png (236x324, 172K)

I know he was really pushing Chandler, but I thought they crossed the line here

Extremely disturbing to watch actually

>See you at the party, Richter!


Who was the guy who stabbed him? Was it the prisoner they let free earlier or was it the guy who Upham executes during the surrender?

As a kid I always thought the cowardly rat faggot who didn’t save him was the kike and not the guy being stabbed. What did Spielberg mean by this?


I still don't know what the German was saying

two guys you mentioned are the same person, knife dude is someone else

does this count as one of the six gorillion?

Curbstomp in american history x

I always thought all 3 might have been the same, it would make sense and not just have a random soldier kill the Jew guy.
>Upham spares prisoner
>Prisoner comes back to kill Jew, spares Upham because Upham previously spared him.
>Upham later kills prisoner for revenge

How often would this actually happen in a combat scenario? I read and was told by veterans that most close quarters contact involves either firing wildly and then running away or just running away from each other. I’m sure most people must not just think ‘knives out lads’ and proceed to start trying to stab each other.

i recall the knife german having a different facial scar though all the germans having the same haircut makes it really hard to tell them apart at times.

its a different one. the prisoner they let go is the one that shoots tom hanks on the bridge.

This scene horrified me as a kid when I watched this but now I’m all grown up and aware of the Jews and their Lies this scene gives me immense satisfaction.

>The One Where Chandler Murders

based and redpilled

you know it's fiction right
this scene never happened in real life

Much like several other famous Jew-killings we could name.

Attached: right.gif (219x186, 1.76M)


That is borderline experimental

Hahahahaha same

Stannis Baratheon

Apparently hand-to-hand was quite common in Korea when the chink waves eventually flooded into American positions.