Why is Dave always ahead of his time?

Why is Dave always ahead of his time?

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wow a black man that's internalized white jim crowism, so based.....

comedians often posses superior observational skills, which is why they're so good at their job to begin with

dave is 100% right and i can't help but feel jaded for him. lgbtq made a quantum leap since the late 90s to present day and that is definitely because there are gay white people. dick fucking cheney for christ sakes was going against his party because he had a lesbian daughter and was considered the minority opinion within his party at the time

There are a metric shit ton of minority trannies though. Last I checked they actually outnumber white ones, it's just they're in shithole countries so nobody cares. What a horribly ignorant and retarded comment.

He's right but it doesn't matter. Leftover, low-status white men figured out a way to game the oppression hierarchy they accidentally trapped themselves in. Now we all just have to grapple with it

Mexicans unironically make cuter trannies arguably, than most whites.

>cute trannies
no such thing unless if you're into goblins

how did you put that sentence together and think it somehow was not what dave was saying? Fucking schizo

There are and have always been more minority transsexuals. The difference is that white men started doing it and figured how to leverage it to social power at an opportune moment wherein they had accidentally walled themselves off from access to influence. Black trannies have been a thing since forever, but everyone thought they were freaks. Just when wokeness was creating the opportunity, White trannies seized the moment for themselves.

Yeah, that's kinda his point. Trans was just some weird fetish for the longest time but now that white guys has really gotten into it, its suddenly exploded.

He is right in only as so far as white ''men' listen to and enable white women who have no logic or reasoning and run on emotion.

White women got rights and now use that to give space and voice to all these genetic aberrations and inferiors. There has always been beta s0i strata of manhood and if you don't correct for that first than women and minorities will always have allies and advocates.

How is this not just the case of the world getting more progressive as a whole? White trannies didn't magically just show up, there are tons of old white trannies or older white men that didn't transition until recently because of stigma and fear. This is a retarded ass comment no matter what you say. The world as a whole, off this shithole website is now just less likely to openly shit on trannies now so more are coming out.


Shemales and ladyboys were seen as a fetish and pushed by porn. Trannies have been documented in history as far back as the earliest natives. It's nothing new.

Where did he say this?

>How is this not just the case of the world getting more progressive as a whole?
It isn't. Travel more. Just because you have visibility doesn't mean you get respect or rights.

There are more trannies in Thailand and Indonesia than in the full west

Why do I need to travel more when only the west matters? Wow some tranny gets killed in a third world shithole because it's a third world shithole where people get murdered hourly. Sure proved me wrong.

>Why do I need to travel more when only the west matters
Yikes, stuck in adolescence

Chappelle is a has been who can't stand when other successful black comedians become as popular, if not more so than he was. Key and Peele had to deal with his shit when he was spouting how they copied his whole schtick and how they should be thanking him for their success. I think chappalle is funny but he is full of himself

is he saying blacks and mexicans would tell trannies to shut up, or that white men would?

>moves goalposts
uncultured AND dumb.

He knows he's considered one of the best comedians of all time, of course he's full of himself.
>Key and Peele
Weird to even bring them up when talking about Chapelle

>As an American, I'm happy about the transgender movement. But as a black man...

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The reason why we're talking about transgenered people now is multifaceted.
1. The advent of the internet has given smaller, usually (and understandably) maligned communities the ability to communicate and organize.
2. It's become popular to support in the media because it's profitable or a good smokescreen to keep the lower and middle class squabbling.
3. In america's case. It helps further destroy and destabilize the family unit, which is a distant goal of the ruling class to keep us unmoored and latched to the teat of materialism and manufactured outrage.

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you are a zoomer. Fuck off. Key and Peele did jack his format and there is nothing memorable about their several seasons. Not once has this board just have threads riffing on lines and skits that chappelle gave us
>can't stand other successful black comedians
you know he settled the beef between the kings of comedy when bernie mac died right? Oh no you didn't because you are a faggot and was born yesterday.

Why is it weird to bring them up? For a while he was spouting non stop about how they took his gimmick and how they would be nowhere without him. He had a weird hard on for them but it seems to have calmed down

Isn’t the black tranny from Orange is the new black the most famous tranny in the world?

I’m pretty sure I read that blacks have a higher proportion of trannies than whites do. It’s just white people have a higher population.

*skits that key and peele gave us

>In america's case. It helps further destroy and destabilize the family unit
Yeah, all those 0.3% of trannies sure are out there destroying family units and ruining the west. You delusional retard. Might as well act like albinos are doing that too since they probably have the same impact.

The only thing they have in common with chappalle is they are black and comedians. I am the same age as Chappalle so not a zoomer. Also fuck Bernie mac

K-Brad used to be so badass

What part of his format did they jack. Do tell

The only reason we're talking about this is, because Jews hate white masculinity and will do anything they can to undermine it.

If you think you can just hide behind their extremely small population but forget their recent disproportionate pull in the media (and rapidly growing numbers) you're choosing to look past what's obvious.
Trannies have successfully piggybacked on the LGB(T) movement, which is a surging interest group that is repeatedly pandered to by the media.
Albinos don't have anything like that. What a silly comparison.

black guys know how to deal with this shit

simple as that...

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Yeah, okay, Jew, I'm sure you're totally not angry for being exposed and are just acting like this because...

This is fundamentally true but untrue at the same time. It's not white people who are pushing it. Notice the ones "glorifying" this mental illness are those that run the media and social media. They are seeking to destabilize the white family unit and emasculate men so that we do not rise up and take our country back from (((them))).
The reason why we don't listen or care about blacks and Mexicans is that they don't care about their own family units to fight for them. Black men avoid responsibility like the plague and Mexican men are too busy trying to run from Mexico instead of fight for their country.
Transgenderism is just one way to placate white males. Just look at how disproportionate males are to females when it comes to this. 75% of trannies are male.

>dick fucking cheney for christ sakes

This is the same type of hate campaign /pol/ launches on Jews. I'm sorry people just wanting to live their lives threatens your fragile little baby mind so much. Grow the fuck up and take your meds.

>prefacing skits with stand up and background of where the skit came from
>having the live audience with stand up the skit with real time reactions

>30 years ago: Let's not count homosexuality as a mental illness any more! This is not a choice! It's natural!
>Today: DON'T WORRY! Transgender and transsexuals aren't mentally ill! They are normal! It's not a choice!
>10 years from now: Guys it's totally cool to fuck kids! If you aren't letting your child get ass fucked by my Jewish and Muslim friends here you're not the normal one!

No, it’s because jews think that they can get away with it now. They tried it in Germany and we burned the books and put them in camps.

That's nothing new. Try again

t. Breitbart reader

>da jooz dindu nuffin

can i get some proof on the ancient ladyboys

It is. have you watched both shows?

You're a legitimate psychopath. You people are more obsessed with the notion of fucking kids than anyone in the LGBTQ community. Almost feels like projecting sometimes.

I'm sorry facts are causing you to lash out. Take a break from this board and come back when you're ready to contribute.

Keep in mind this was the same "ideology" that was introduced in Germany back in 1918 by Hisrchfeld and it led to the rise of Hitler.
You want another Hitler? Keep on this transgender and homosexual rights path. Eventually the people will rise up and protect their culture and lifestyle. At least I hope we will.

fuck off untermensch mutt

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I've seen the same format on shows before and after chappalle did it. Its not something he created. Yes I have watched both shows. They are both good

I'm not the one in charge of Good Morning America who thought it was a great idea to bring a DRAG KID on the show and parade him around like he was a stripper.
It's not projection when you want to kill the people who put children through this.

yes i'm the problem

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>10 years from now: Guys it's totally cool to fuck kids

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Thread has been thoroughly taken over by middle aged /pol/ schizos and edgy teen incels. Abort.

I think trannies are crazy.
If it was just blacks and Mexicans that did I would be less concerned because I am not black or Mexican.

This should be fairly obvious.

considering the average height of mexicans is like 150 cm they all are more like to pass for a woman than some 200 cm white guy

why did Dave marry an asian?

they copied his pacing, meter and style of interaction, especially around race and topical politics. Chappelle could have made an entire special from the outtakes and interludes between skits they were that good.

nah he's right, if mexicans and black people started doing transgender shit instead of white people we'd be like "see that's why we want to kill them all, that's fucking weird."
Transexuals would have had it easier if they were more representationally black, it's twofer and white liberals love seeing which identity stamps people have collected.

Dilate. You've been bumping the thread more than anybody else here.

It also detracts from actual economic issues the regular person would care about like why is the cost of living rising while my wage has stayed stagnant for 40 years, why am i working longer hours under greater pressure, why is my community more atomized and stressed and unhappy. And why can we never seem to vote our way out of this mess

yellow fever

asian girls are utilitarian and easier to negotiate with on infidelity. You just need to be always earning though

Imagine being this schizophrenic about duh white mane. Thems whiteys only care about themselves shiet, if it was just nigs and messicans than like maaannnee nobody would give a fuck my niggas!!
>still listening to chapelle in 2019
the black George Carlin
>you fucking old whiteys and not caring about us minorities ya'll only care about transpeople cause ya'll white devils care about ya'll selves
Sorry not every community can be as homophobic as the blacks and mexicans chapelle.

what is this type of formatting called? Where do I find it in the DSM?

You left out a big one

4. Shekels its all about the shekels, oh you want a vagina? ok goyim that'll be 100,000 shekels, I mean dollars, on top of all the hormones and medications they have to take for life, which doesn't come cheap

If you watched I am Jazz every single Dr except the Asian one was jewish, from the Dr that put him on puberty blockers and hormones when he was 5 to the surgeon that made his vaj explode and become mangled

No rebuttal nice. It's only in chapelles twisted victim complex mind where there exists a scenario where "duh ebul white manneeee"" shieetettt *sucks teeth* be like fuck ya'll BLACK TRASNGENDA NIGGAS SHIEEETTTTTTT.
Unfunny washed up hacks whose bit is bitching about imaginary white people.

This whole thread makes me hate America. I hope Russia and China nuke your ass with this retarded race and sexual perversion bullshit that you try to spread all over the world. Fuck your politics, fuck your celebrities, fuck your disgusting culture, fuck all of it. You deserve extinction motherfuckers.

i think i agree with you but you type weird

do you need to take medication?

Whenever i see a black person on a comedy set i just change the channel. I'll literally pay for comedians that are white though, even if they're losing their spark like bill burr.

Nobody wants to pay money to go listen to a moon cricket whine about their burned skin

Don't forget how Estrogen tablets were found to cause cervical cancer at a fairly high rate. You spend millions on R&D, you're going to find a consumer for your product somehow.


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> ahead of his time
indeed, his little hissyfit about not being hailed as a malcolm x figure because of comedy sketches laid the groundwork for all the "woke" anticomedy we are seeing today

nigga you don't have to consume it you can create your own and stop coming to a vietnamese gravestone making forum to yell about america

What is this rich faggot so fucking bitter about?

When Dave Chappelle quit his show, Comedy Central LITERALLY hired Key and Peele and told them to make a Chappelle Show copy. Chappelle's show was unique and the first of it's kind. Key and Peele was a copycat from Day 1 because that's what Comedy Central wanted it to be. Maybe don't speak on things that you are ignorant on little zoomer.

>meaning more Trannies

Why is this necessary? What civilization has need of more freaks?


A tolerant civilization

Care to elucidate what is wrong with my formatting? I emulated how the retarded black person spoke so now I am like schyzotypal or something. It's so tiresome how chuds or this site all think they are psychoanalysts. Five lines of text. I am going to diagnose you now.

Tolerance is a virtue of a dying society.

you don't know how to greentext

the quicker we get nuked the quicker ((they)) move to leech and undermine your shithole country, if they already haven't

Her smile reminds me of pic related

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I literally never watch TV, I only come here for the memes

Is he a spastic, brazil and thailand have most tranny, not even white.

Shut up, nigger.

No retard, they control the world by controlling your mutt shithole. Once you are gone, their power will be greatly diminished, especially if you manage to nuke Russia while getting nuked by them.

See what I mean every chud thinks they are so smart but they are just dumb bitches. I'm not aware >shiggy diggy chapelle 2019, and then quote what he says with his stupid black face minstrel act >shieettt fuck yo couch niggaaaaa
tone is an indication of mental illness, you might want to talk with your pop psych 101 teacher about that. Are you an ESL by chance?

>greatly diminished
That's not even close to dealing with the problem. You lack the brain for seeing the larger picture.

>takes a race neutral issue and makes it about race

Unsurprising from a hack like Chappelle. His entire stand-up routine/show revolved around making fun of ghetto blacks. Then he realized he was a token negro being used by his predominately white writing staff to make fun of blacks so he quit the show. He can't accept that he's no longer relevant so he's trying to get political.

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I thought Temple OS was ok. The music was cool too. Keep up the good work Terry.

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Honestly I don't care. We'll think about getting rid of them after their big, stupid mutt bully lapdog is gone. We don't fucking need you, you just make it harder for the rest of us

You forgot to mention that he married a Gook. Truly a house negro.

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I don't understand why people always say this unless it's just their america fixation when euros and specifically scandinavians are much bigger faggots. Is the claim just that idiots from american universities initiate retardation before euros take it and go all out while suppressing any resistance?

Wow... wypeepo be crazy... what a fresh and innovative take from a black comedian

Because Europe doesn't have cultural indipendence since WW2, when they lost a war that made them subservient to your mutt shithole. The amount of retarded ideologies in a country is directly proportional to the amount of people that can speak English and absorb your venomous propaganda. Sort your shit out or just nuke yourselves, faggots

>literally chapotard from plebbit
>calls other people dumb bitches
Imagine lacking all self-awareness like this...

Native Americans must really hate trannies. There aren't that many of them but 5% of murderers.

By all means though, keep using our inventions, consuming our media, and talking on our forums.

What do you actually think the jews are doing? Are they secretly controlling the world? How far does their influence go? How far back does it go? Was Hitler right?

>quantum leap
kys brainlet

based drunk black men taking home trannies and then beating them to death when they see the dick

Fucking kids is OK now? Sign me up!

He’s also a muzzie, not exactly common for african americans

Dont you dar sexualise that 17 year old, shes a child and shes pure! Pure, i say!

All the "woke" blacks are Muslim what are you talking about?

less than 1% of the population


He's such a racist chip on the shoulder piece of shit.

>Black trannies have been a thing since forever, but everyone thought they were freaks.
They are freaks.

He's wrong, though. Transexualism/transgenderism is a Jewish creation. Every major figure in that area is Jewish, and it is the Jewish controlled media that promotes it.

>He knows he's considered one of the best comedians of all time

how can white women compete?

>His entire stand-up routine/show revolved around making fun of ghetto blacks. Then he realized he was a token negro being used by his predominately white writing staff to make fun of blacks so he quit the show.
based and correct. Dave thought he was above niggers.

the film 300 has some

I got to open up for Dave Chappelle AMA

The truth never gets a proper reply

>it's OK to fuck kids
>he doesn't know how many times NAMBLA has unsuccessfully tried to infiltrate the LBGT community

Your average homosexual doesn't want to fuck 10-year-olds, sorry, user.

So are we just going to gloss over the fact that the biggest kiddie diddling ring in the world involved high level members of both Republican and Democratic parties, and that so far all those implicated have been rich as fuck, old, white dudes? I mean, shit, man. It seems pretty goddamn clear that the kiddy shit has nothing to do with transgenders or homosexuals and everything to do with creepy motherfuckers with a lot of power and no impulse control.


>3. In america's case. It helps further destroy and destabilize the family unit, which is a distant goal of the ruling class to keep us unmoored and latched to the teat of materialism and manufactured outrage.
But wouldn't destabilizing the family unit lead to less materialism? People raising fewer kids means fewer diapers, clothes, formula, titpumping machines, loans taken out, cars bought, etc...
Also what good is it to keep people on manufactured outrage? Most trans people want bathroom rights and protection against discrimination. People in "outrage" lead to political pressure to pass legislation that protects minority groups

liberals still talk about this though

There was a great concept i read that occupy scared the higher ups so bad due to the bipartisan complaints of the economic system based around traditional ideas of i want to be paid more, i want prices to go down, i want the rich to stop gambling with our money and lives to only enrich themselves while we suffer. In response the first painted occupy as confused in terms of their message and then put assets in that promoted sjw nonsense to split apart the unity.

Subsequently we’ve been arguing against all this rubbish while not demanding action about how year on year our lives increasingly suck. The current crop of politicos promising socialism? No going to happen, socialism would get you a house, a job, healthcare, education (the quality of all that would be questionable but an increasingly thirdworld population wouldn’t care), but what the current crop will give you is even higher taxes to choke you, greater government reach to micromanage your life while being in bed with global capital meaning that you’ll still have to compete for jobs via certification, pay out the nose for housing, education and health, and have no community spirit because that doesnt earn money.

Why do you think now the whole pro illegal mess is coming to a boil? Cesar chavez is rolling in his grave.

And remember, we’re likely never voting ourselves out of this mess, its just going to get worse until it potentially becomes spicy.

You will never be allowed any kind of national socialistic policy, only globohomo 'socialism' that leads to more looting by international finance. The Left are dupes for the same system that the Right are dupes for.