Do all young nigger girls have mustaches?
Do all young nigger girls have mustaches?
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my 9yo sister has that but you can hardly see it because its blonde
ya its embarrassing not even peds like black lgs they look like they smell
Unless they have them removed.
proud to be part of this racist community, white brethren. Keep up the good fight, and reminder to praise Kek
This is MAGA country now.
Deus fucking Vult
Ask your mom lmao
Kill yourself you stupid kike lover
Why does this nigger always look so fucking smug, I haven't even watched any of the season yet and I don't want to now
their inferior to us of virtue and anime
I watched this video and I couldn't figure out who this nigger in the red was with originally. I thought he was with the girl on the right but in the end he started attacking her too.
Very confusing.
this poor hysterical retard in here trying so hard with this wimpy incoherent sarcasm. Why do they do this to themselves?
Who woke up and said "I want the most annoying condescending nigger in my show as a major plotline" ?
They are simply hired by Israel to make us look bad just because we are racists. Well, the tide is turning. Soon we'll send them all back
At least they portrayed the nigger as obnoxious, which they all are. She was smart, though, in reality they are morons
wait till she you hear her talk about capitalism
Some ethnic kids do. They should really shave it. It looks very gross.
They're called niglets.
A [Black Person/African American/Negro/El Escuro] of course
They're called darkies.
Damn her acting is fucking TERRIBLE. Everyone else was kind of annoying but she is truly untalented.
Most girls have some facial hair, they just get rid of it.