Robert ?, he was fired due to verbal abuse,im the new worker here,how can i help you

>robert ?, he was fired due to verbal abuse,im the new worker here,how can i help you

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can i get you fired due to sexual abuse?

by fucking diving your face in the frying pan full of boiling oil

Please don't rape her.

b-but i was waiting for nyan

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Crablegs please

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One Alita ticket please

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fuck off to whore

I'll have a BathWaterâ„¢ Big Gulp and a crab legs, thanks.

1 strawberry shortcake, please

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that will be 100 dullars

bonbi's lusts over an ugly hapa and send nudes to him

absolute state of white bois.

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hahahah jesus christ

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how'd that get her fired i was talking about her molestine ME

the truth is that robert kept inadvertently prodding at the counter with his bbc and tearing holes

>I don't know what you mean by his 'BBC', sir. His British Broadcasting Corporation? Haha :)

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The same way Robert got fired for someone calling him a nigger. We live in a clown world. HONK HONK

great and now he's replaced by a demon tearing holes in my heart

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Are you saying Robert is nicer to have around than Bonbi?

Yes. Are you lactating at this moment? I need some creamer for my coffee.
I'll squeezing them myself, about 20 sqeezers should do