What went so right?

What went so right?

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JOI never loved him.

You tell me

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I didn't think I'd like the movie but I ended up liking more than I did. In proper fashion with the first movie, you have no idea what's going on at any given point. Sometimes you can click in and get an idea of what the dialog is getting across, but most scenes seem disconnected and have absolutely no explanation as to what's going on (or more importantly) why. Didn't care for Harrison ford just based on how they wrote the character but all 3 of those other characters in that poster are pretty cool imo. I also never thought I'd actually like or even respect Ryan Gosling, but this movie and a few others made him as cool as bringing back dicaprio after all of early bullshit. Same with Keanu or even Liam Neeson. The comebacks are fierce

Luv is the Best

Plebs gonna pleb

A lot of the right circumstances happened
>Ridley giving just the base ideas for it for years with the original writer
>Ridley being busy with Covenant so he had to find a different director
>Ridley being the executive producer and giving the director absolute 100% full creative directorial control over everything
>the director being connected to the best cinematographers/production designers/sound designers/editors etc in the industry
>the director actually understanding the previous work and making the sequel out of the passion to do so
>absolutely immaculate casting
>the studio being braindead enough to give them all a 150 million dollar budget to do whatever they want with it

It's just a big industry anomaly which we won't see again for a long long time.

get the matte print for the ultimate kino experience, 2:31 aspect ratio

I thought it would be uninspired garbage, but it wound up being better than the original. It truly is an anomaly.

Nothing, as the box office showed.

Only plebs from reddit like this trash.

>I ended up liking more than I did

>as the box office showed
ahhh yes, and The Force Awakens and Endgame are the best films the medium has seen am i rite my fellow tranny capeshitter

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captain marvel made 1 billion, and it's objectively shit, BR2049 is pure kino.

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yeah, everyone knows it's an edit. well done for proving yet again that reddit runner fans are sensitive babies

Calm the fuck down

Use more buzzwords.

It being an actual film.

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I just recently watched both BR movies recently and they far exceeded my expectations. Especially 2049. Fantastic movies.

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However the box office didn't see it that way. Apparently everything was wrong with it.

Blade Runner has a great setting and atmosphere, but the plot is mediocre. Harrison Ford didn't give a fuck either. Blade Runner 2049 is better in almost every way.

if anyone hasn't seen them, here's a link to the 3 shorts that were released before the film.

Perfect score, perfect cinematography, perfect casting, perfect acting, perfect feel.
It's the perfect movie for me save for one thing.
What the fuck was up with the out of place 'robots rise up, scene
What the actual shit


it's covered here,

its present in the film from the first time we meet the hookers


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>he didn't watch the original movie


Reddit has ruined this board just by existing.
Every thread has an user like this calling the OP post/joke/topic/media Reddit.
Do you not get tired of being this person?

I liked it but there's this huge misconnect I feel, it's like it doesn't feel like a full movie. Same thing with all the films I've seen from Villeneuve. I hope Dune won't be like that.

You will never be a woman. kill yourself

>you have no idea what's going on at any given point.
But by about halfway through you DO, you retard. The movie slowly reveals the story to you in bits and pieces, but there is ZERO ambiguity left by the end about what's going on. In fact, this movie is more straight forward with it's exposition than the first movie. You just have to actually WATCH it, not throw it on in the background while you shitpost on Yea Forums.

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What went right is that the film focused on ideas too intelligent for most people rather than focusing on quips. It put artistic integrity in front of money.

Is this the same version that leaked on r*ddit?

refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan

Not much. It's kind of okay visually but that's about it.

Reminder joi was a roastie slut and he stopped loving her at the end when he realised how pathetic and artificial it all was

>box office determines quality of a movie

is this place serious?

Nothing, it all went wrong:

>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
These are the eight cancers of neo-capeshit, 2049 indulges all of them repeatedly, its fans are proof of its disease. Watch better movies than post-marvel junk, IMDB.

>When you're retarded by try to act smart

Can't wait.

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... what scene?

Seriously, whats wrong with his eyes

He's seen too much kino with them.

The replicant rebellion was set up from the opening text of the first movie. It's the most pivotal scene of the film. They claim to care about the freedom of replicants, but stripped K of his free will and used him as a weapon/tool.

Normies hated it, therefore it was good

Seen things you people wouldn't believe.

On the contrary. The moment he upgrades her she seems to become a lot more aware and interested in reality. I also think it’s funny how the replicant rebels are reviled by humanity but those same rebels will happily shit on JOI for not being “real”
It’s quite the rabbit hole and a hint that replicants definitely aren’t saints/perfect and that K was right to feel devastated at her death. She probably was the only thing that truly loved him.
People took the “real joe” scene as some subtle implication that it was all fake but it’s really just to drive the point that he let himself think he was special because people told him he was

Villeneuve, all memes aside. He's a very solid director that has yet to make a bad film.

It bombed just like the original, surprising no one. The average person did not like this movie, nor did they like the original. Nowadays that doesn’t actually mean anything when 60 IQ flicks like Avengers and Avatar are fighting for the top grossing films of all time. I would be very surprised if the production team actually expected to turn a profit on BR2049. It’s too niche with a high budget. It was probably just a passion project.


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