Is it even rebelious or edgy to be anti-disney anymore, like even outside of Yea Forums...

Is it even rebelious or edgy to be anti-disney anymore, like even outside of Yea Forums, I feel like most people are starting to see that they arne't the benevolent company that they were treated like five years ago.

And seriously before you come at me, atually take a look at what was been said about them 5 years ago, everybody was treating them as I they were a family member, you would be attacked by piranhas if you said something bad about them.

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only to the most normiest of people

Has anything changed at disney in the last idk 5-10 years? A new owner, president, ceo or something like that?

Bob Iger, Acquisition of Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, nostalgia culture boom, tumblr,

Wouldn't surprise me if Disney started "anti-disney" merchandise to cash in on the reddit Disney hate.

Why is Disney stylized as Nazi when the Nazis were the ones against Jewish controlled media monopolies?

>people dont have opinions, they just wanna look cool
you're the guy that calls people /pol/ users in an attempt to discredit their opinions arnet u

Disney is a known antisemitic corporation. Walt Disney himself donated to the Nazi Party together with Ford.

Their mistake was acquiring Star Wars and incorporating it into their brand.
No one really likes Star Wars outside of turbonerds and it's on the polar opposite end of the Disney princess fanbase and makes them feel uncomfortable.

what are you talking about? Disney is run by Jewish nowadays

It represents authoritarianism these days

It has always been more mainstream than comic books, but look what they did with marvel. The acquisition was a fine move.

I'm actually Jewish and no they aren't. They specifically lobby against Israel. And most Jews boycott disney for being anti-semitic.

Because they are like Nazi now.
>Conquering other properties.
>Army of braindead followers who do anything for them, Disneymoms are basically SS.
>You don't like our propaganda bullshit? You are subhuman blabla something incel something.
The only difference is object of hate. Nazi hated shitskins, jews and negros or so, Disney hates white males.

>only hating Disney to be rebelious
You will eventually grow out of la choy too.

wtf I love Disney now

>No one really likes Star Wars outside of turbonerds and it's on the polar opposite end of the Disney princess fanbase and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Good post.

People didn't start to hate them because of their media monopoly, their shady business practices, or even because of the new Star Wars. People started to hate them because of the bad live action remakes. If they release a new original animated movie like Moana normies would love them again.

>why are they are they stylized as nazis when they are not exactly like nazis
imagine being this much of an autistic brainwashed /pol/tard
because nazis were trying to start an evil empire, and disney is also an evil media empire you idiot


that's tinny

Why are normalfags always so fucking slow?

It's frustrating.

Because they don't give a shit. Most of the time they don't know what studio/company/party/lobby is behind the product they pay for. Shit must hit the fan in order for the masses to notice.

Being anti-capitalist in any capacity is childish as fuck

Being pro-Disney because of capitalism is self-imposed ignorance.

There is a different between being pro capitalism and pro Disney.

It's possible to be pro capitalism while being indifferent to Disney, but once you decide that "da ebil mouse needs to be taken down because they own too much!" You are now anti capitalism

Substantiate that comment.

I'm anti-Disney because of the shit they produce and the shit attitudes they promote. Their size is alarming but it's not making money that bothers me. It's their influence.

t. dishill

Its just my opinion. I don't need to convince you of anything

What is the most evil thing Disney has done as a corporation over the years? There was that time when they made a butch of there best animators during the 90s redundant were they then had to move to places like DreamWorks, a more recent example would be the spiderman grave thing as well.

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There is also the Kimba thing.
More recently is mostly SW bullshit and the ticket controversy.
Personally I will never forgive them for what they did with Treasure Planet.

Objectively the Copyright thing.
That shit set back humanity for decades and made the world a worse place.
It's one of the most evil things of the last century.

>Is it even rebelious or edgy to be anti-disney anymore
What the fuck are you talking about about? Anymore? Was it ever? Disney was always the archetypal overbearing money hungry corporate conduit of satan on Earth. They've been an easy target for this sort of joke for decades. Why are you talking about just the past 5 years?

>police are bad guys
>masked antifa thugs are le good guys
I hate this poster.

I don't know if it counts as just a Disney thing but a while back there was a thing with Pixar and a host of other animation studios where Ed Catmull was the leader of a secret inter-studio regime to prevent artists and animators from moving from studio to studio.

>VFX workers who created animations for Pixar and Disney movies have won $100m in an out-of-court settlement of a wage-fixing lawsuit.

>The case not only closely parallels Silicon Valley's own wage-fixing cartel, in which Pixar and Apple founder Steve Jobs was described in court as a "ringleader", but the same judge also signed off on both cases. Lawyers for the animators and engineers had deposed George Lucas as part of the discovery process.

>The class action was filed on behalf of staff at several studios including Disney and DreamWorks who alleged that they operated a Silicon Valley-style, anti-poaching pact to suppress animators' wages. DreamWorks settled for $50m in October, the Hollywood Reporter notes, while this week Disney and its subsidiaries Lucasfilm, Pixar and TwoPic followed suit with $100m.

>Plaintiffs made three serious allegations. Firstly, that the animation studios agreed not to poach staff from each other. Secondly, that when an animator applied for a job at a rival studio, the rival would notify the animator's employer. And thirdly, that the company making a job offer would not enter into a salary bidding war for the employee. The suit alleged that the studios engaged in "direct collusion" to maintain these practices.

>Sony and Blue Sky Studios had already settled, lobbing $13m and $5.95m respectively into a damages fund. However, Disney's $100m contribution dwarfs this.

This all came to light at the same time Ed Catmull put out a book called "Creativity Inc." all about Pixar's wonderful business practices and ethos regarding their artists, which made the whole thing all the more delicious.

People don't care about the monopoly. People care when they start producing subpar content and they get returns that they don't deserve. These live actions are clearly lazy and the quality of their franchise films have gone down the shitter. Marvel and Lucasfilm are producting subpar "incomplete" content. Dropping 2D due to bad sales and lengthy development cycles also got to the bad side of some people.

Rent free

Bob Iger’s reign has been considerably better received than Michael Eisner was in his latter years.
