Completely different

Completely different

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can already see the checkmarks calling fans nazis for not seeing how completely different these designs are


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honestly fuck star wars. Storm troopers, shock troopers, clone troopers, they're all the fucking same bro fr nobody cares

>Daily reminder that Sith Empire was rebuilding in secret under resurrected Palpatine's rule and they're the big boss of all three trilogies which will make Kylo and Rey team up to fight him.

Literally just so they can sell a new toy.

Like when they randomly gave C3PO a red arm just so people didn't hand down their old C3PO toy

Star Wars is for fat chicks


Attached: completelydifferent.png (478x992, 758K)

They look a lot better in White

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Doesn't look like anything to me

>I'm Excited For Product
>t. Matt Martin

A member of the Storygoup. He is contractually obligated to shill for DisneyLF's product.

He is also NDA'd from revealing how he got his job.



wow they look even worse up close, and what the fuck is wrong with that goofy guns iron sight


Attached: soyblo.png (505x451, 340K)

Fuck outta here

>woah dude look at all of the new intricacies!

>Just a load of needless etched lines in the armour

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Holy shit it's like dazzle camo

Attached: Dazzle-camouflage-couv-index-grafik.jpg (1800x1207, 768K)

It's a red dot mount, but the red dot is replaced with a retro AR front post.

It's completely different.

>completely different
The lines and aesthetic are the fucking same.
Is he pretending with jewish tricks or is it possible for someone in his position to be this genuinely dumb and not know wtf he's talking about?

except it's not, because it's not breaking up the shape or outline at all...

Reminds me of when the Porgs were being shilled in the lead up to TLJ

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I'd imagine it would work better in formation, but I could see it allowing individual soldiers to blur together.

I'm not saying it's functional or efficient, mind. I'm just noting that given the contrast in the detail that it almost looks like there is a perceivable reason for it.

Porgs are actually cute, good design for toys.

>like dazzle camo
>work better in formation
>individual soldiers

>is it possible for someone in his position to be this genuinely dumb and not know wtf he's talking about?

>is it possible for someone in his position to be this genuinely dumb and not know wtf he's talking about?

>is it possible for someone in his position to be this genuinely dumb and not know wtf he's talking about?

He's in the Storygoup, so yes, he is probably that dumb.

But even if he recognized the grift for what it was, he's contractually obligated to shill the product. He can't go online, with his blue check mark account, and yuck it up with the fanboys shitting all over the new toy line.
>Haha yeah, totally. It's just another reskin of the First Order trooper.
>I know, right? JJ's such a hack. In the pitch meeting, we had a ton of concepts that were actually way different, totally new.
>But then JJ comes in and pushed all that stuff aside, points to the etched trooper and says "that's what we're going with. But they have to be more evil, so let's make em red".
>Anyway, so that was that. We made 'em red and were told to build hype on twitter by insisting they were completely different.

Attached: Matt_Martin_starwarsdotcom.jpg (601x900, 58K)

>these new plastic molds are waaaaaay cooler! just look at all those sweet lines!

Individual soldiers in formation, I mean.

give me your best idea for a new stormtrooper-tier enemy in IX, something more than "scratch the armor and paint it red xd"

>tfw the jews at disney made these guys red for two distinct reasons: 1) gotta buy these toys now because you never had a red stormtrooper before! & 2) red dye is cheaper to process than white since white needs to essentially be free of imperfections while red dye lots could easily be masked and only the most hardline autists would notice after they already bought their fifth figure

Dark Troopers. Dark Troopers literally coming out of storage and fucking murdering everyone. Murdering everyone as Palpatine laughs.

>But they have to be more evil, so let's make em red
I'm surprised they didn't give them a little elephant insignia with the rate at which Disney shills.

Too late now, but...

Snoke should have been one of Palpatine's advisors.

Also, the First Order and the Imperial Remnant should be separate factions or, at most, uneasy allies.

>The First Order are Dark Side acolytes and Palpatine loyalists who survived the destruction of the 2nd Death Star and the final stages of the Galactic Civil War. Snoke leads the First Order which is organized as a Dark Side cult venerating the Emperor and Darth Vader. Much of their goals focus on recovering lost Sith knowledge. Ben Solo was a promising student of Like Skywalker, but was turned by Snoke.

>The Imperial Remnant are made up of Admirals, Generals, Governors and Moffs who survived the war and reorganized under a military Junta. They are explicitly anti-Force user, light or dark side. They remember being under the yoke of Palpatine, Vader and their various Hands/Inquisitors and are determined to not be ruled in that way again. In addition to standard military units, they field specialized teams of highly trained and equipped, cybernetically enhanced commandos who can go toe-to-toe against members of the various Force-using sects that have sprung up after the dissolution of the Empire.

If Snoke and Kylo Ren MUST be integrated into the Imperial Remnant, it should be as conspiracy within the leadership. So only a few of the top members of the Imperial command structure know that their faction is actually being controlled by Dark Side force users. That means Snoke and his fellow Force users would have to be subtle about how they used their powers. No force chokes. But lots of mind tricks and sensing of intentions.

The throw-away line from TFA about "conditioning" the Storm Troopers becomes important. The brainwashing was meant to provide the Imperial Remnant with loyal soldiers, but the Imperial Officers have secretly been using the conditioning process to install their own version of a "order 66" into themselves and their soldiers.

You want bonus points? Have Kylo try to rush Palpatine only for a Dark Trooper Phase 3 to grab him and spike him into the fucking floor like a football.

>draw lines on an existing design
>it's NEW and IMPROVED!!

Attached: 1517584031445.gif (413x243, 51K)

Ribbed for our pleasure.

>see, theirs goes 'dun dun dun dunununun'
>mine goes 'dun dun dun du-dunun'
>that little bit of change, it's not the same

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Why didn't the new SW films just use this design? Sith trooper from KOTOR. Makes a lot more sense than just slightly changing a Stormtrooper.

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Good post. You should work for disney

Bugmen won't immediately recognize it and basedscream.

Robocop copyright issues

Rise of skywalker is gonna be fun. Screw you guys

Dude they are copying the theme of KOTOR completely, even down to making some troopers red. They're just using their shit design.

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What tactical advantage do these lines on the armor and helmet give the sith troopers over the stormtroopers?

Attached: dracula-red-armor.jpg (500x741, 519K)

They really should have changed the helmet design. Not sure why they didn't.

Please stop spamming this thread though

Or when they "updated" the First Order Duck Trooper helmets and gave them a slimmer, clone trooper-esque mouth in Episode 8.



Attached: Shadow_Stormtrooper_figure.png (624x1311, 677K)

It's literally the same costume designer, Glyn Dillon.

Cross of Sith alchemy with stormtroopers. Not simple zombies but strange creatures. No two troopers should look the same and only be able to wear part of their armor sets. Mostly melee weapons and orc-like battle strategies.

Rian begone

Would have accepted this as a design for Episode 7 enemy troopers much better but the lines are truly unnecessary.
The costume designer for Episode 7 they wanted to make the troopers contemporary fiction and this tacticool/real life fused with sci-fi aesthetic fits that more than having Apple design the troopers but nothing else.

It seems that they were made to prune the trees of the First Order and take the cats stuck in them

Attached: Star-Wars-The-Rise-of-Skywalker-Sith-Trooper.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Westworld leaking


No, those clamps should be used as full body handcuffs. Just imagine two troopers with these things grabbing Rey and Kylo, pulling them around Sheevs throne room like dogs caught in snares on long sticks.
They need to go full on 80s Saturday Morning action cartoon with slight Anime influence. That's why I am hoping mostly for the time travel shit to be real and not just old shit they found on desolate planets.

how is he going to feel +10 years from now when he has a bunch of random cartoon characters and advertisements permanently tattoos on his aging flesh?

So he won't even mention the prequels, only Disney's clones?

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>those weapons
What in the fuck am I even looking at.

How come all SciFi settings tend to be come stale shit which just regurgitate the same aesthetics and stories all the time? Is there any original or at least interesting science fiction world left?

One is to trim hedges, and the other one is to help reach the groceries on the top shelf.

You think this NPC cares? Consumer drone, nothing more

Reserved for the KOTOR films

>Just imagine two troopers with these things grabbing Rey and Kylo

That was also so Disney could maximise profits for themselves from toy sales.

>Stormtroopers were always white with some black bits
>Disney comes along...
>white stormtroopers
>chrome stormtroopers
>black stormtroopers
>red stormtroopers
cool, how long until a blue one, let's go all out, where are the green ones?

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (894x1311, 177K)

>How come all SciFi settings tend to be come stale shit which just regurgitate the same aesthetics and stories all the time?
Because fans become pissy if you try to deviate. Or you get fuckers like Rich Evans who can't accept that you can expand on the original concept and still be the same series.

>Or you get fuckers like Rich Evans who can't accept that you can expand on the original concept and still be the same series.
I thought Rich's complaint was that they dont expand.

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>There is more differences between clonetrooper armor phase 1 and 2 than between FO troopers and "Sith" troopers despite having slightly more time to design them
Let that sink in

It's a combination of both points being made. They won't expand because people won't accept it not feeling like Star Wars

No he think Star Wars can't be anything but Jedi heroes journey with rebels, Empire and Skywalkers because that is what Disney is doing and because the Prequels were shit.



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new armor who dis?

take it easy man

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>Dude they are copying the theme of KOTOR completely
You're assuming KOTOR was original in the first place.

I lol'd


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you're goddamn fucking right

>why yes sir, I do have five (5) commando units awaiting your orders sir, how could you tell?

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it was cute when they used real weapons as props in the OT because it adds to the campy feel, but Lucas had the good sense to avoid doing it again on modern superproductions

cant wait to stream the dvd rip when it has been out for 4 months, Im a hardcore star wars fan

So this is what happens when a stormtrooper and a red shirt have a kid?

He misses every shot and gets killed by anything?

I've heard from reliable sources that this will be a brand new design for a storm trooper introduced in episode 10

Attached: water trooper.jpg (806x1029, 509K)

every new iteration in every form apes the originals with jedi, sith, some faceless trooper legion and british officer commanded space navy, and it's all the fucking same.

uwu whats dis?

Sith Troopers with carved Sith designs on their armors intead of just lines. Like Sith letters or symbols.
Black suit with dark red symbols. Basically more Samurai armor-like.
Idk, I don't really care about SW that much

these people were not bullied in school and it shows.

Sithborg Troopers in Lightsuit
Force-user Sith Cyborgs wearing a suit similar to bamboo reed samurai armors but with small lightsaber blades instead of bamboo reeds!!!!

JJ is King Hack.


>top ten experiences you never thought you'd be thankful for


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Big fucking shame the first order just isn't intimidating at all. No interesting or complex characters. You don't even see them conquering any alien worlds, they just sit there in space with their one million stormtroopers of every colour of the rainbow fucking each other in the asshole.

Unarmored cyborg super soldiers.

so he's literally just an "ideas guy"?
well, i mean, that's not a bad thing if your ideas are good (ie. making money), but... i don't think that the new toys are even selling, which mean idea guy's designs suck.

Hot off the presses, episode 11 storm trooper

Attached: jungle_trooper.jpg (812x1029, 402K)

>abrams says all that when you can clearly see its just a first order trooper they painted red

You know these sequel movies dont get shit on enough for how much lack of creativity they share. Just complete lack of anything even remotely cool, interesting or creative.

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Someone post the podcaster that admitted to shilling for Disney

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I don't see anything

hey that's a pretty good shoop

These are the same people who shit up nu wars threads and act like TLJ was some masterpiece only we just didnt get it

episode 12

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>Is he pretending with jewish tricks
Its all nu wars has now since even normies hate these shitty movies

Should have posted the clip i remember as a 6th grader watching that and thinking "is he really not seeing the similarity?"

Did all the people with actual talent die after 2012?

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Yeah but this ones red..

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He looks like he's his grilfried's bitch, she's bigger and taller than him. His tattoos are the least of this guy's problems.

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I would bet my left nut that I could crap a better design for a SW trooper than this OC donut steel. And the best part is that I am not even good at drawing or design.

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Remember the official reason why Porgs were created?

Attached: Progs.png (869x182, 35K)

What's the problem here? It doesn't seem implausible that that's the actual reason.

Ruffles TM stormtroopers have ridges.

>You can't physically remove them
[Laughs in helicopter and JewJew]

Attached: aiportraits_1563517904.jpg (512x512, 16K)

now you have to draw something user.

Corinthians helmets

Attached: SWTotsDiff.jpg (800x600, 72K)


Ask and you shall receive, in beautiful potato quality no less.

imagine being such a shill

Why didn't they just update this?

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>good ideas

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Because they need new toys that pop.
According to /toy/ the set with Rey and Praetorian Guard was selling real good, so they decided to shit out more red things.

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TOR is great, I'm happy it exists. All the lore is good, it's a good addition to the EU. All the money spent on TOR lore, expansions, books etc is great. I could care less about Kotor 2s sith empire and revan at this point.

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Friendly reminder that Top Gear, the TV equivalent of shitposting, managed to have more originality with its various Stigs than this.

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I appreciated the garbage fire that was its release. I'll always miss the Bioware forums.

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Because its unironically generic enemy armor #134414. KOTOR was good, far better than the Shitquel Trilogy, but let's not pretend it didn't have its own flaws.

that will always be a nostalgic period for me, I started browsing Yea Forums in 2010-2011

ding dong bannu

Designed to fight in sewers

looks completely different

why do their guns need fucking red on them?
the old stormtroopers didn't color their guns to match their armor for no fucking reason

it's totally different


>"sith trooper"
>"completely different"
>it's still an evil trooper
Doesn't matter what colour you paint 'em, they're still the same basic bad guys in the same roles from 40 years ago. That's the big problem with Star Wars in a nutshell; old shit painted to look new.

Finally Shitlords from the Shit Empire have a worthy troops

holy shit where do they get those ideas, this is genius

Microtransaction skins for Battlefront 3

Like I said I'm not really a drawfag but if you insist ok... This might take a while and just expect the bare minimum to be better and more different to the FO stormtrooper than this shit which isn't a lot really

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I'm imagining it like darth maul

>so he's literally just an "ideas guy"?

Fundamentally, Kiri Hart is a political officer. After the Disney purchase, Kathleen Kennedy invented the Lucasfilm Storygroup team and appointed Kiri Hart as its leader. Previously, she was a Nobody writer with no official Star Wars credentials. The same is true for most members of the Storygroup. But they were all in agreement with Kennedy about the new and diverse direction they want to take the franchise.

The Storygroup was officially established after the Disney purchase to make sense of the extensive Star Wars lore and determine the Universe's continuity. They completed this task very quickly when they canonized the Films, Clone Wars, and Rebels, discarding everything else. Despite having served their primary purpose, the Storygroup persisted and now acts as an arbiter of every creative decision made by writers involved with Star Wars media.

minds want to know: how does one get a spot on the Storygoup? [Open]

Instead of giving a standard, nothing-answer about being passionate about Star Wars and excited about working with a creative team of dynamic and diverse writers, both Kari Beck and Kiri Hart get weird and evasive.

>The ultimate prize is Revan's pants.
Truly the deepest lore.

I preordred 3 of these
2 of these
and 12 of these

so are these like Kylo's SS troopers or something?


Kewl. Around the time of TLJ, I was also saying that there should be an uneasy coexistence between Snoke and the military officials from the day of the empire who remembered the inane decisions made by the emperor, always in the search of a new apprentice or such, and who did not greatly care for Sith worship.

Rebels v. Empire is so mind-numbingly boring.

I noticed a lot of the latest SW props are specifically streamlined in order to make toys that are cheaper to make and movie-accurate at the same time.
This one takes the cake though.

Star Wars actually has a very narrow aesthetic that fits in the universe, basically everything inherited from Macquarrie. Swerve too hard into other unique designs that don't recycle the motifs of the first two movies, and you're either "generic science-fiction movie #29267" with your designs soon to be outdated (see how "well" Star Trek has aged), or you've become incredibly corny (see ewoks).

Remember in TFA when it looked like stormtroopers were being potrayed as actual humans instead of 'evil guys who are easy to kill' and then they dropped that like a third of the way into the same movie

Ooh I want one that looks like a disco ball

Shall we drink to the trooper in the red armor?

They've released conflicting information.
1. The Galaxy Edge's tie-in book says that they're not associated with The First Order but with the Sith only.
2. The original plaque at the costume display said that they're a result of The First Order changing its ways and turning towards an ancient tradition, it was erased from the Internet.
3. New plaque says that they're just new stormtroopers, no details.

>knee guard upside down
do they understand basic armor design?

i don't see anything

Huh, it's almost like nobody planned anything out and everyone is just making shit up as they go along, with last minute changes to address fickle director/producer sentiments...

Attached: Kaplan.jpg (633x479, 45K)

If the knee thing was orientated correctly, it would look too much like OT stormtroopers. They wanted to be Completely Different, you see.

wow, thanks user

But it has a new color!

Attached: BbjjFtLIMAAoy-6.jpg (500x367, 31K)

They don't understand weapons either. The blaster rifle has 2 stocks.

Attached: First Ordah weapons.jpg (2560x1529, 707K)

Except the toys look nothing like the porgs and the porgs do nothing of note within the movie. They just fill space to annoy through their contant shrieking.

All troopers report in. Red Adidas standing by

Attached: vDoxbZQ.jpg (600x900, 106K)

>insert "who could be behind this post.jpg" The one with the shadow with the huge nose

JJ Abrams brain must be broken if he thinks thats new and different

Honestly I'm keen to believe that they just spilled the beans on the fact that Sith are going to be a separate thing from The First Order too early and now are trying to damage control.

Oh, I agree. The plushies are adorable nevertheless.

Kinda shitty and maybe a bit overdesigned by OT and PT standards but here it is my attempt at being a drawfag.
The arrow like decorations on the limbs are supposed to be like the ones from the Sith Empire symbol which would also be printed on the shoulderpad/armpiece and front part of the helmet (assuming Kylo's raging boner for that era he would commission such design). I even left some of those stripes mouse marketers are so hyped for.

Kill yourself.

Wow these guys are up there with Toriyama in terms of character redesign!

Dropped the pic

Attached: 1563550252352946595198.jpg (3120x4160, 2.94M)

> action cartoon with slight Anime influence
And this is why nobody fucking listens to crusty autists on a fucking cambodian hand stitching forum

>painting your battle suit to give a giant red target

Were not the Snoke's guard shittroopers?

No, those were also Completely Different.

It's really cool, thanks user.

All /pol/tards are redditors.

>actually looks good
>can't laugh at you
>tfw when I tried do draw something like this I failed

it's not fair

Attached: 1557979690835.gif (570x537, 58K)

This should be what the normal stormtrooper in the sequal era should have looked like minus the shitty lines

Talos undercity. Great memories

>Sith Trooper
>Serving the guy that said he was to end the Jedi/Sith bullshit
Bravo JJ

>literal palette swap

Looks too clean.

It's fresh from the Apple Store.

>I started browsing Yea Forums in 2010-2011

Attached: 1556173576234.webm (720x336, 2.44M)

I got a Delft posse, you got a bunch of dudes....

Phase 2 clone design>stormtrooper>phase 1 clone>nu-stormtrooper

oh shit now I get why they had this amour set in witcher 3 blood and wine

They already had that tone in TFA and TLJ, they just forgot to include good action scenes and instead of doing a good score they recycled one from some old 80s movies.

Red Clone standing by

Attached: BC2D46E7-5890-40FD-879D-C79BEEFB6554.jpg (453x879, 40K)

black Stormtroopers were already a thing in the 80s Marvel comics.
Chrome were invented by Lego and the Force Unleashed video game in 2007.
Red was invented by a lore autist writer for the very last sourcebook/guide book released for the old EU canon.

The difference is only that they now produce movies based on material obviously only meant for comics, video games and toys.

What purpose do theblines serve? Military equipment is never designed for aesthetics except for dress uniform.

I'll agree that the design isn't new in any way, but I like how the blaster looks.
Just saying blasters look better when they're modeled after real guns.

How stupid can you be?

Red ARC reporting for duty

Attached: Fordo ARC Wilson.png (720x400, 337K)

Jesus Christ man it’s literally a ST painted red. Anyone could do something better lmao

The worst part is this photo was taken before the movie came out. Fucking drones.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (950x1400, 209K)

There are way too many shots focused on them that are clearly not covering anything. Also removing the puffins is absolutely feasible nowadays.

Did you forget that the Praetorian Guards and Snokes throne room was already embarrassingly anime?
The Sith Troopers look like a cross between Stormtroopers and modern Gundams or SSSS. Gridman.

>Not a power gap between phase 1 and nutrooper
c'mon now

Ya, and it was SHIT

>attacks/compares it to clone armor out of nowhere for no reason
>instead of comparing it to their own previously used armor
That's suspicious, it's almost like they tried their hand at triggering special fans of the clone wars for free publicity/controversy, with them making such a big deal out of the new outfit

what a butterface that chick is. why do women think that drawing on their retarded trapezoidal eyebrows is attractive?

>It's so dense, every articulation has so many things going on

>There are way too many shots focused on them that are clearly not covering anything
What? Covering? You clearly haven't thought this through.
>puffins a constant presence in the background
>Rian: fuck, we can't have puffins in Star Wars!
>okay, so we introduce some alien bird-mammal in the scenes on the islands, lets call them porgs
>so the assumption by the audience is: the puffins we constantly see in the background are Star Wars-y porgs, rather than regular Earth-birds
but then
>hey these are cute, I like them
>hey I like them so much, lets do more with them, lets have them do silly bird antics
>hey, lets obnoxiously market the fuck out of these! It's gonna be great!

>Also removing the puffins is absolutely feasible nowadays.
True, nowadays anything's feasible. But at what cost? You could say "oh but the amount put into the porgs themselves surely cost a lot", and I would agree, but at least that's money spent on something that people will see, spent on reinforcing the Star Warsy-ness of it all, not to mention spent on something that's marketable. Whereas if the money was spent on removing birds, then it's just spent on removing birds. You can say Disney has infinite money, but they'd still rather save or recoup money when they can, let alone time and resources.

I mean, I don't know, my cost argument may be flimsy here, my main point is that you shouldn't just make assumptions about them lying about the origins of this thing just because they flipped it around into something marketable.

Yes and that's the moral to be taken away from So-y Wars, if you do something wrong, at least commit to your mistake with all of your heart and not haphazardly like they have done for 4 years now.

Indeed, I think so.

I refuse to believe that "guy" isn't a FtM tranny

Honestly the most intriguing part is the arrow on the forearm. Makes me imagine there's some sort of special computer there for something and this is like a Spec Ops trooper.

Attached: 1561666711081.png (708x506, 311K)

Blue ARC responding, in this image

>2. The original plaque at the costume display said that they're a result of The First Order changing its ways and turning towards an ancient tradition, it was erased from the Internet.

I've never heard this. It would be really shitty for JJ to shit on Kylo's character by having him be suddenly obsessed with Sith. But maybe it's Palpatine's doing whatever. I just can't believe how fucking shameless JJ is.He cares not for writing at all. Can't call himself an artist.

Would be lame. It's cool to give him new troopers, but not if they are SITH troopers. JJ is hack.

All that hype for a """"""" new"""""" type of hostile decoration that will be terminated like nothing by the Mary Sue heroine

ohhh cool now they have over sized garbage pickers as part of there le iconic melee weapons. very cool jj

it is funny how the original empire looked scrapped together in a way in the original trilogy. Now the first order is meant to be remnants of them but all their corridors are perfectly clean metals and plastics, their weapons look like nerf guns out of the box and their armour is spit shined to a mirror gleam. Doesn't look like remnants of anything.


How stupid it is to resurrect palatine just to have him stomped by Mary Sue and her Goku powers. Also having him as the main baddie is retarded, basically he becomes more important than Vader in the story (Vader is cooler and the main character of the first six movies) palpating works better as a cypher, a plot device for Vader's arc. Don't understand all the fan boys obsess ING over him


they had to do something to be fair after what Rian did with Snoke, Kylo couldn't have put the new order in place when he's such a petulant childish villain. They needed an emperor figure and that's what Snoke was there for, he needed some kind of story with him but Rian just up and went "nope, doesn't work for me" and just shit the bed story wise. Not sure how Disney approved that script without having a solid plan for the 3rd film
I hope this one goes off the rails and sets the franchise on fire for a few years just for a laugh, might as well give the crowd a smile when you're jumping from the gallows.

>they had to do something to be fair after what Rian did with Snoke, Kylo couldn't have put the new order in place when he's such a petulant childish villain
Make Rey the villain, she’s already steeped in the darkside and audiences generally are more forgiving of OP villains than OP heroes.

>death troopers are just shadowtrooper ripoffs
>sith troopers are literally ripping off sith troopers from KOTOR
>they recycled Palpatines royal guard but made them look like lady gaga dance extras
Holy shit can they do anything original? lmao

>TOR is great, I'm happy it exists. All the lore is good, it's a good addition to the EU
NO NO AND NO TOR was a abomination before Disney all the lore in that shit doesn't make any sense at all, it make Kotor 3 a impossible and was never considered canon in any way in the old canon now go and rope yourself

Literally just read books if you truly like sci fi

Quality bait

aaaahhh the new SuperSocker

Can't wait for Disney wars to make a camo trooper and claim its original

Attached: 1db8fd4de50f2693a0a0814acfafec5f.jpg (432x600, 34K)

Ol Roundhead proved that Disney management don’t read the scripts.

What does this mean?

Go download LOOMIS and practice nigger

they had that one interesting story bit in TLJ of him wanting to join forces and abandon the jedi and the sith and make their own path. That was shit canned immediately back to good vs evil having Kylo take control and kill starwalker and Rey make a backdoor escape for the rebellion survivors . The one tease that might have made something interesting happen and they just stomp that in the next scene. Goddamn that film was bad.

Because modern writers are hacks ripping off what was popular in the beginning.

Weird to see what Charles has become since MDE

Kek. To be fair that's more o less as best as I can be both drawing and original design wise with some effort after drawing clones since I was a kid (although not constantly). Practise makes "perfection"
Honestly I didn't think of it as a computer but like a decoration based on pic related as said in the other post. Although I must admit that somehow merging an arm-keyboard ala clone trooper (maybe with a couple more gizmos like with ARC trooper forearm armor) with the arrow relief is a great idea.

Attached: Shit empire.png (1600x1847, 71K)

Reminder: she's Christian

No they don't. At least with the red color the lines evoke bloody sinew giving the whole thing a skinned man look.
The lines on the white ones evoke nothing and are just visual static.

Mech troops that are the size of 40k marines

Given that Star Wars if fantasy if the Stormtroopers started wearing tabards and putting feathes in their helmets like ye olde knights it could actually be pretty cool.

Super Sentai Stormtroopers when

People tattooing porgs before even seeing them in the complete movie.
Porgs aren’t even used in the movie for more than three comedic scenes.
They don’t have any purpose. Ewoks fill a story purpose and are more a key part of the SW universe. And they’re a joke.


KOTOR1 was basically the plot of ANH.

And ANH has the plot of pulpy serials and pulpy serials have the plot of ancient myths and legends. You can call every piece of fiction ever created a copy of something else if you're autistic enough, hence my reply.

>only the most hardline autists would notice
this is a star wars thread

Rich is a fag who hasn’t played KOTOR. It’s more Star Wars feeling than the prequels or sequels. Also many comics and RPG materials from the 80s and 90s had wild stories but felt just right.

It’s really not that fucking hard. Maybe the Mandalorian show will get it. Just capture that junk future aesthetic and land on adventure with with a dash of mysticism. It’s pulp fiction from the 30s.

At long last, indians get representation in the SW universe.

The term "Storm Trooper" is a direct reference to the Third Reich.

What fucking gun is that? Looks way too modern