Why does this never happen with Disney?

The Birds of Prey film has been sabotaged by MEW's ex husband

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Sure Riley, but... the SCOTTISH WANKA still used his Big Ginger Dick to fuck MEW, regardless of what’s in the movie, so...

Fucking hell WB

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Imagine if the villain was Poison Ivy being flamboyantly lesbian and the macguffin being picks of her tiny tits.


I'm gonna go see The Art of Self Defense today for /ourguy/ riley
I hope it's not shit

The slowest of burns. Well done Riley.

he's destroying capeshit from the inside
truly /ourguy/

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>yfw you picture Ewen accepting the changes and becoming a gay villain, maybe even considering it more artistic

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Is this real?

>Here write the script for this film that stars the guy who stole your ex wife

this isn't funny anymore

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too be fair: MEW was was more attractive than Riley
did he really think she wasn't going to leave him?? what a pathetic loser
I get that he's joking but he should probably just move on and focus on his flick that no one watched

it's not real

>le anti-toxic masculinity filmmaker

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>he deleted the tweets
It's fucking real

Because the mouse will send a hitman after you or worse

Holy shit this is the most based movie I've seen in Hollywood in a hot minute. Our boy Riley playing 5D chess on these disloyal adulterers.


Riley should serve as a cautionary tale as to what happens when you love these hoes. African culture has it correct: fuck a bitch then dip out

Based. How can PUTA ever recover lads?

Holy shit I'm laughing so fucking hard.

PUTA is such an underrated meme. I don't know why mexican housewives were so invested in their relationship, but I love it and genuinely think Riley posting is the best meme to come out of 2018.

Is this real? Can't find it

I agree. It's this and toretto posting for me

Fake, unfortunately. 10/10 for the effort though, OP.

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Memes aside, it'll be garbage. It's supposed to be some sort of ironic comedy that wrestles with Riley's idea of fragile masculinity. It's good that it isn't airing in my country because if it was I'd happily waste money on this crap.

Already deleted

yea, all the reviews I'm reading are very much a case of he thought "endearing weirdness" is a substitute for meaning or artistic integrity.

When will /ourriley/ get his revenge bros?

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What a fucking weak cuck. No wonder she left him.

Well which is it? How can you tell a deleted from a fake post?

never deleted, always fake.

It's probably real, Riley is genuinely disturbed

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Wait. Art of Self-Defense stars that scumbag Andy Samberg. Eesh.

Ayyyy puta, ayyy caramba lmao

Is this real? How fucking petty can one man be?

It's pretty funny...

Wait so she destroyed two marriages only to dump the guy she ruined them with, but thinks it's unfair to be called a home wrecker?

These are the people trying to tell you YOU'RE privileged

Didn't she cheat on him? It's fucked up. If you're going to leave someone then just do it. Fucking around on them is cruelty.

>Haha, you put your real penis in my gf lots of times so now I will write your character to have a small penis and be gay for which you will receive millions of dollars. Now who is laughing?

they were married 7 years

That's a lot of dicking.

Holyshit. Riley wrote the dick pick plot? Either he just trolled WB or destiny has sided with him and trolled Ewan and WB


Bitches, man

Fuck me. I just realized it was an attack on Ewan (MEW was just the vehicle for the bomb).

>tiny dick
>wife leaves him

Writers really do write themselves into their art, don't they?

Just don't let her leave the house.


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no fuckin way this is real

>get fucked over by women
>become a feminist

Not sure if that's the ultimate chad or the ultimate beta thing to do


Nah. MEW pretended to dump McGregor so Riley wouldn't kill them both. Throwing him off the trail, like he said. But it won't work.

She left him BECAUSE he's a feminist. I've seen it happen many times before.

Nahhh. Same thing happened to me. Gf left me and I became a soym.

You were always a weak beta you just started self reflecting after she dropped your whiny ass

riley is better looking than her now no homo

So is it real?

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Well played riley my boy, well played

Ewan here. Riley is a cuck.

>I believe things posted on Yea Forums

Why not?

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who knew the average journalist is ten times more retarded than the autistic virgin 4channer

why yes

Weak beta or not, that bitch has my dick on her lips for eternity. Try recovering from that.

Could someone give a quick rundown on what this is about and how it's revenge

Not really a good analogy, people like tiny tits. A better one would be pictures of her roastie vagina.

The way he talks about the Black Mask stuff makes it sound like he knows how fucking terrible that idea is but he also makes a point of claiming that idea as his brainchild.


>married for ten years
>did not put a baby in her

I don't know what the fuck he was expecting.

Post yfw you will live to see Riley Stearns redemption arc.

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>married to MEW for 10 years
>she starts an affair with McGregor on set of Fargo season 3
>Mcgregor's and Riley's marriages are ruined
>Riley goes ballistic

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To be fair there is nothing funny about adultery

this but unironically. end the fucking relationship if you want to fuck around instead

I bet he is one of those guys who cry about NTR doujins


What i don´t understand is why its so important to be told this a year before the movie comes out. I guess its because you can´t visible tell they are virtue signalling with a gay character, as you can when you cast a black person

Also, is it meant to jab at Milo?

unless you're fucking a clown on the side

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>Hollywood drama

Proof that Yea Forums is mostly fags, trannies, and women

Sounds fucking hilarious to me.

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Back to Redddit with you fag baboon

Yes, you all need to return to reddit

It’s not Margot Robbie’s Birds of Prey, she isn’t directing it

Because Disney movies are written and directed by an AI to maximise profits. That's why they all look the same movie.

Based and putapilled

She's a producer so its hers in the same sense of those other "(producer)'s" movies.

>One more SP reference in my comments and I’ll fucking kill you

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Can Yea Forums get Riley to dump 10 years of MEW nudes?

mew and mcgregor are still together

can't believe we haven't made MEWs life a living hell yet. I mean I know we can't doxx or plan a raid or anything like that on here so I wanna be careful what I say but jesus it seems like she and evan got away scott free with just Riley suffering. Isn't there anything we can do for /ourguy/

of course not you fucking retard

She deleted all her social media because that’s exactly what people were doing. Also
>caring enough about minor pedowood drama to bother doxxing someone

Really? I only ever see that happen with directors. My bad if you’re right.

Let's be honest. This shit is dead on arrival without her. It's going to make a billion because of fake nerds who love Harley Quinn.

is it "me and Mary" or should it be "Mary and I"?

Worst part is how well it works. Now these movies have directors nobody has heard of who’ve made maybe 2 movies beforehand that the production companies can get for cheap. These movies don’t even feel like they were actually directed or had cinematographers, too. Could probably program a robot to shoot these movies. Complete mockery of filmmaking but hey, it’s an extra billion dollars in the bag so who cares

hoMEWrecker! If this thread stays up for a long time and gets lots of unique traffic, the Google Analytics botnet will begin to associate Mary Elizabeth Winstead A.K.A. "MEW" and her face with the word hoMEWrecker when people Google hoMEWrecker!

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Disney doesn't need help sabotaging their films.

Yeah there are over half a dozen "Wes Craven Presents" that he didn't direct himself.


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No it's marketing department

Even he’s like “oh shit they are going with my draft”!

You fags really need to stop bullying Riley.
It isn't his fault he's a beta numale cuck. It isn't funny that his wife left him. And he is actually a really nice guy who did not deserve to be humiliated in front of the whole world. So I'll say it again. STOP. BULLYING. RILEY. Or else we are going to have a fucking problem douchebags.

Imagine being Ewan in that scenario and having to be all like "damn, Riley, you fuckin' alpha, all scary with your borderline dyel body and carefully trimmed beard. I would totally shit my pants from the sight of you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room because he dropped that old mew hag before tabloids even knew about them. Like seriously imagine having to be Ewan and not only stand there while Riley flaunts his $2 Walmart sword in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the Jesse Eisenberg signature and tears in Riley's eyes, and just stand there, minute after minute, attempt after attempt, while he perfected that stab. Not only having to tolerate his testesterone-deprived fucking visage but his pathetic attitude as everyone on Yea Forums tells him he's GONNA MAKE IT and DAMN, RILEY LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch his girlish fucking beta face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fighting nothing but a healthy diet of begbies and siths and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the mountains in Scotland. You've never even seen anything this fucking sad before, and now you swear you can taste the swaet that's breaking out on his fivehead as he tries to cover it with the hair from the crown, smugly assured that you are terrified of the prospect of getting killed with his "lightning-fast (for that is what he calls himself)" moves, the moves he worked so hard for in the dojo for his entire life. And then the security comes in, and you know you could laugh your fucking face off before dying of a heart attack, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Ewan Mcgregor. You're not going to lose your future directorial career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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based, already better than The Art of Self Defense

>ewan sitting in the rain
>sad and broken after mew left him for margo robbie
>all of a sudden he sees a shadow
>looks up
>riley is standing there holding a katana
>bloodlust in his eyes
>ewan merely closes his eyes
>"just do it. I've hurt so many people, I have nothing left. just end it."
>sits in silence for 30 seconds
>he opens his eyes
>riley's katana is sheathed
>he's extending his hand
>"join me"
>"join me and together we can have our revenge on this succubus."
>after what seems like an eternity of deep concentration ewan grasps rileys hand
>as riley helps him stand lightning crashes in the distance illuminating their silhouettes

The punching bag villain being a homo is one of the least concerning things about this movie. Even in terms of just culture war stuff, they cast Jussie Smollet’s sister as pic related and some moonface as Cass. Why even bother caring about this one, it looks utterly Marvel-tier

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absolute kino

dont boomers actually come here?

Maybe they thought Riley and MEW got back together after the ritual pornstar killings

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Based Vily Riley

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How do you go from a high ranking thot patrolman to a petty script doctor?

This thread proves that Yea Forums is in fact the gayest board

takes one to know one faggot

Bitch redditor BTFO

Puré quinoa, Riley is a madman.

Soon my brother, soon.

It is

women will only leave their man when they've got a new one fully prepared to take up his slack, morals are for people without options

You can still check the archives somehow iirc. Not there = fake


Does Hollywood know how to write a non-flamboyant gay character?

>Does Hollywood know how to write