Whats your favourite Bollywood film?

Whats your favourite Bollywood film?
For me, its Endihran

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I'm someone who can get into a lot of different styles, but Bollywood films are just the worst kind of schlocky cheese. Only good for comedic value.

I have never watched a complete film, just bits and pieces that include brown titcows.

And I LIKE schlocky cheese.

Bollywood films are terrible but Indians have bad taste so its not surprising

what's this dothead cunt's name?

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I know some really upper caste Indians in the art crowd with great taste, but the mass culture in India can compete with the worst pop culture anywhere.

Why is none rapping her?

Are they real Indians or just have Indian parents but weren't brought up in India


Real Indians. There are very distinct cultures of castes you know.

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it must be such a liability being hot af in India

Your chances of being raped is already like a solid 30% but now its almost guaranteed

I would give this the benefit of the doubt and assume he simply has super powers. In that context this seems no more silly than any capeshit.

I look forward to an indian boy growing up with these films going to america and making over the top action kino

oh wait I thought it was done before it actually was. He's a Terminator of some sort.

Good stuff.

For me, it's the Indian elephant

Attached: Grand Theft Bombay.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

My Indian friends wanted to move out of India so bad since they have daughters.

There's not THAT much rape in India and they built the Arjun tank upgrades comign fuck you

One thing I really like about Bollywood is the fact that most of the time a full vibrant color palette is used. So many Hollywood movies are desaturated brown and blue-grey messes. They tend to shoot with a deeper field of focus as well.

he's a robot

They should just move to Amritsar.

For me it’s Djedjuze

Talvar (2015)


yeah agreed, i dated an indian girl and we watched all of her old childhood favourites together and they were embarrassingly bad without exception. all one-note and completely bereft of nuance.

the only upside to it is india's proclivity towards wholesome male friendships. they love putting bros on screen and making them sing about how much they love each other, which, while obviously corny, is really sweet. there aren't enough western movies about genuine friendship.


We will never break our friendship
Till my last breath
I will not leave your side
We will never break our friendship
Till my last breath
I will not leave your side

Your victory is my victory
Your defeat is mine
Listen carefully my friend
Your sorrow is my sorrow
My life is yours
Such is our love
I will risk my life
I will take one for you
I will risk my life
I will take one for you
Enmity with everyone

Am I a basic bitch for liking this?

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Broes b4 hoes

I liked it too

Even the elephants are rapists

Attached: elephant beach.webm (432x432, 2.93M)

americans think this kinda stuff is gay sadly


I think some Bollywood action movies could be edited for western tastes and would not fair nearly as badly. The soundtrack would have to be altered, the most silly CG deleted or altered, and several scenes with floaty physics or slow-down sped up.

Question for Indians here, what's up with the villains being crooked cops so often? Or at least cops being consistently portrayed as unhelpful at best and evil at worst.

I get that India is a corrupt shithole but I'm kinda surprised that this plot point is so common, I guess in part because I assume the film industry would be run by elites who would want the status quo protected rather than challenged.

I watched Rome recently and have been reading about the history of that country and I really do think now that the lack of fraternal love is a massive issue in the USA.

There are no Bollywood films that show nudity because Indian women are pure.

>ywn show up with an elephant ready to rek
y even liv

tons of dudes will tell eachother "i love you", but they do it in a way so that you can laugh it off.

but yeah acceptance of homosexuality does hamper us a bit. in the muslim world dudes can hold hands and people dont think its gay, since that shit aint public, its one guy with a good gaydar seducing another man, since it has to be a secret. no relationship, no dropping hints.
thats why nazi germany and other anti-gay societies called gay people predators. they had to be since if they pull the trigger, they needed to be right or they either die or sent to prison/work camp

>any women

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Does poo milk come out of her tits?

Attached: apu_gib.jpg (778x512, 46K)

not worth it. they live for too long, and when they are older they need to be put down. the reason animals dying of old age go off on their own is so they die faster, they dont want fellow animals bringing food near them and being tempted to live another week or however long it takes for an organ to fail completely.

also male elephants would be a nightmare. theres a reason that castrate animals besides eugenics, male animals are fucking dicks, and during mating season even bigger dicks

and the shitload of niggers


This is the worst webm I've ever seen. Fuck you.

>tons of dudes
A few. Certainly not the majority.

who's you're poofu

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high praise

3 idiots and DDLJ are the only modern movies worth watching IMO

Other than that it’s mostly “historical” movies about as entertaining as Troy or King Arthur LOTS

she looks jewish

Charli XCX

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Imagine the smell

For me? It's Toilet, Ek Prem Katha (2017).

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Someone redpill me on why curry men are such memes on the internet. Also, it's great colonising Indian girls, especially the ones with sarcastic, dry humor and husky voices. A lot of a flirty banter where you take the piss out of her and her autistic family and she takes the piss out of you for being a poor white boy.

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Her massive ass has a gravitational field of it's own that's why it took forever to fall down and the whole family could do react faces for like 2 minutes

Must be one of the upper class areas. look at the street. While quite desolate it is at least not littered with garbage and people aren't shitting in the street. Almost civilized.

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Choco milk with a touch of caramel syrup.


I would literally move there to be with her

bro just turn your brain off

Isn't that where the hockey puck popped her bob implant?

>the whole family could do react faces for like 2 minutes
I handwave this away in American movies too by thinking they are switching to the faces of other people but not in real time, you see; the faces were being done at the same time, but since the image was not split, it took more time than the real fall.

>Fuck your motorcycle
I'd love to fuck shit up with an elephant

>and being tempted to live another week or however long it takes for an organ to fail completely
Rational humans have ICUs and tube feeding.
Civilization is hell.

For me, it's the Benghal tiger

Attached: Tiger chase.webm (198x360, 1.3M)

Don and Don 2.


These are kino as fuck.

For me, it's the Mumbai leopard

Attached: Pajeet.jpg (620x388, 95K)

When I watched The Return of the King in the theater, near the end of the movie the crowd was saying "kiss him" in a scene with Frodo and Sam.
Movie makers are not helping.

Mmm, very nice. Let's see her milkers.

holy shit man, I would poo not in the loo immediately in that situation

>iPhone in India
This one is corrupted by Western civilization.

God, she's beautiful
why hollywood stopped casting hot actresses?

For me its Tunak tunak

>Pajeet likely beat the shit out of the elephant to make him slap white girls asses for Instagram

Who else would be down for a cute busty pajeet wife? I cant be the only one.

I’m dating and will prob marry a (imo) beautiful, 34 DD, thicc (a little chubby), 5’1 Indian girl

She’s really great but she’s Hindu so she’s a vegetarian which pisses me off to no end. Also her parents are annoying as fuck and too involved in her life. But otherwise enjoying myself

Well congrats man good on you. Currently going on year of three of being dateless.

Sorry, try to find a cute Indian girl some of them love white guys (because Indian men are fucking gross)

Also try hinge tinder etc? Other than that, just the advice everyone gives, just try and be friendly and confident and grills will like it. Good luck pal

Did he get scalped or is that his wig?

Sanjesh reincarnated

I literally cant find indian women attractive because when I think of them i just think of shit

Disgusting surgery nipples

>the only notable Indian director in Hollywood is M. Night "What a twist" Shamalan



I'm a poopie, rate my top 3 movies
>Hero (2002)
>Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
>Perfume (2006)

She looks like an Indian Natalia Tena with fat milkies

Sweet sweet Indian tomboys

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milk truck just arrive

What's with the discoloration on Indian faces
it's different shades of brown, it's not uniform.


i dated an indian tomboy (actually ftm but no transition at all) in college, it was the best sex i've yet had

>actually ftm
fucking faggot


1. They're not great at english
2. Indian men dont talk to women in general, and never learn to flirt or hell, how to even socialize. Their culture is very segregated even from childhood.
3. Men don't ever have to learn how to talk to women, since their family will arrange a marriage for them anyways.
4. Thirsty Indian men thus have no idea to how to flirt or talk to women, yet there are a billion of them. And they now have the internet. Be very afraid.


I could never get with an indian girl, I know how much women don't like indian men and I could never knowingly put that onto my son if she ever wanted kids

Cause their rhyming game weak, son

Not enough rape buses and designated shitting streets

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what the fuck was his problem?

This girl

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Those titties are my favorite bollywood film

Just abort your sons


By golly I'd holly those bollys with my wood!

Are you dating the same girl im dating?

>her parents are annoying as fuck and too involved in her life
This is why I'll never date an Indian or any other culture like this. I learned my lesson and will never do that shit again.

Most definitely. All those elephant tours in southeast Asia are only possible because those elephants had to be cruelly abused and tortured to follow orders

Tigers are poos natural enemies

bob an vagine

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why are indian women always so pleasantly thicc?

Sauce wow I need to see this

can't tell if they're being serious about this or not

could he defeat The Mask?

You all love it when some anime does it.

So i'm not the one who noticed this.

thats one racked thicc poo

You must have autism

I would assume it's a joke if it was from anywhere except India

You must have autism

t. pajeet

You must have autism

Generally from what I've observed, south asian women look hot as fuck with clothes on, once they come off, they are like meh.

I sure fucking hope not. But best of luck pal, this different culture shit definitely gets to me, so I’m pullin for ya

We’ve had a bunch of arguments about it, I think I’ve done well in telling her to set some fucking boundaries. She has two sisters too so hopefully the parents glob onto them and leave me the fuck alone. She’s the middle child too which is fucked, because she’s the unappreciated one that does (or did before i put my foot down) every fucking errand for them, and they show zero appreciation and favor their doctor daughter instead.

>pecking order bad
>fifth commandment bad

brainwashed fag

>dealing with an in-laws bullshit
>being a man
Pick one

>telling someone to act against the teachings of God
>being an underling of Lucifer
pick an even amount

2 curry milkshakes to go, please

No u

Absolutely mediocre

Satan's workers have such wit

indian girls fucked me up I cant trust then anymore

Elephants aren't domesticated, you can't train them.

They can only be "tamed" (beating the shit out of them as babies)

Holy shit you are retarded. And I'm not even the guy you replied to here.

Why are indian women so pretty?

thank you for your valuable input mister clinical psychologist

Pajeet here, JUST

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just b urself bro