cast them
Cast them
God I would fuck her senseless
On one hand it's a gross violation of that young boy and that womans proffesional ethics but on the other his mothers being a huge cock block.
>had cute teachers through all forms of schooling
>tfw never molested by one
It fucking hurts that it's literally impossible to get some /ss/ now I'm gonna kms myself
so what the fuck did she do wrong? I don’t get it. sounds to me like the cunt of a stepmother should get punished for invasion of privacy
those titties are shopped. the real picture they're much *much* smaller
i was a really cute kid looking back at photos but i only ever got molested by my stepdad, shit fucking sucks, my s1 english teacher was an 11/10 why couldn't i have got in on this
There's a place called Goodyear? What happened that the inhabitants of that place decided to call their place that? Good harvests? Successfully reppelling injun attacks?
the stepmother was already fucking the boy and got jealous
easy peasy lemon squeezy
Why doesn't that say 'Miami Nice'
20 years? That seems excessive
>this thread
Why are so many white people closet pedophiles
>13 years old
>6th grade
What the fuck
This is the real issue.
its just not fair.
This has nothing to do with race, you shitty fucking race baiter. Everyone from any racial group has pedophilic tendencies, white people are the least likely to act upon it and form grooming rape cartels though. Fuck off and die you Merkelian brainlet.
Jesus...My 13-year-old self would never even have been able to assimilate being wanted by a woman like that.
Scarlett Johansson and Finn Wolfhard
Literally the most immoral thing in this is post is that mom invading her sons privacy.
Even the Breitbart comments are disgusted by this. Because it involves a boy they gut feel that the relationship is harmless and possibly good for his development. The reality is that this can also be true for girls, and relationships are beneficial for ages much younger than 13.
I dont deny there a lot of pedophiles out there in all races but its obvious this thread is just damaged white boys that cheer on child rape cause the teacher is pretty (either cause they wanna be the one doing the raping or they wanna be raped). Only a damaged race does that 2bh
modern day 13 year old males can barely play fortnite without crying, they aint ready to get fucked by a person in a position of power lmao
FFFFFFFFFFFFF. Where were these teachers when we were in school?
Imagine being the CHI husband who was cucked and btfo by a fucking 13 year old
if you don't find this story hot then you don't belong on Yea Forums
In about an hour you're gonna make a thread calling someone a Jew shill or a degenerate on /pol/ and say that Hitler was right to hate all the undesirables. Just keep in mind that you advocated sex with 11 year olds before you do that
Oh, they were there.
It's just that they didn't pick you.
>cock block
She can also be extremely manipulative and could psychologically fuck up the kid for life. You wouldn't understand because you're a thirsty virgin.
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say it: it IS okay when women do it
Did all those things before the age of 20.
Where's my prize?
>Why are so many white people closet pedophiles
this is a joke right? over 40% of black girls are molested before they reach 18 and well there's no need to even mention what shitskins get up to
The state should execute adulterers
>women are for making babies
>boys are for fun
- The Prophet Muhammad, probably
she's hot why the fuck is she with some greasy beaner
when storys like these are posted I always remember that story about that fat teacher who would fart in the kids mouth and he said she would say stuff like she is going to make him lick her fart box
I have no problem pointing out that children have the capability and need for love, while also accepting race realism. I can make up my own mind.
shes not hot, shes a crazy CHI psycho bitch. Lookit those crazy eyes. Bitch is gone
What does CHI mean?
>20 years
Thats a bit excessive Tbh. She really just needs therapy.