Well, what film?

Well, what film?

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All of them

Your favorite film

Baby Driver. Fuck that movie.

The Inkeepers, i want to light the director on fire for that shitfest

The Godfather. Easily the worst film I've ever seen.

One time I watched 12 Monkeys and Brasil back to back. I didn't feel so good after that.

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Hard eight

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Arrival, no idea why it's praised so much.

12 Monkeys is incredible WTF?

Reservoir dogs

I don't even watch TV, I just come here for the funposting

Now you see me 2, I went to see it with a bunch of friends and we were making jokes and being so loud in the theatre due to its true awfulness

I assumed we were talking about horrific films, as in depressing/disturbing ones, not "bad movies".

Warcraft. The worst movie I have ever seen.

Make no mistake, I'm not some dork who spends six hours a day playing World of Warcraft. I played Warcraft 3 a little, which makes me the most casual of casual fans. I'm not going to firebomb the studio because my favourite character didn't get three hours of screen time. This move was just awful, from any angle, whatever your expectations going on, to all audiences young and old.

(nudged) Apparently it did well in China. Go figure.

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t.literal retard

The orc shit was good.

Because it feature too much on shitty CGI orcs. Warcraft has literally the worst and most boring ass depiction of Orcs I've seen in any fantasy setting. Not to mention they tried to make them sympathetic and "the good guys", which they clearly aren't but hey, that's Metzen's faggotry for you.

Seriously, fuck Orcs.

Oh god, it's another one of those pleb pride threads.
Fucking faggots.

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In 2010 there was a weird vampire action movie called Daybreakers. I went and saw it with my friends and it was so fucking bad we still talk about it 9 years later.

Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor, last night.

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Every single MCU movie

Lilya 4 ever

Being interested in playing the new Alien TRPG I decided to watch Covenant last night because the free campaign you get deals with neomorths which are from that movie. It was probably the worst movie I’ve seen in a long time and I was angry watching it. I have never seen a more stupid movie try to sniff its own farts so hard. The last 20 minutes are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Prometheus was better for all its bullshit

The problem with Baby Driver is that individual bits in the film are excellent.
It’s the entire film and the way it was put together that were awful.

You can be put in a dumpster, covered in gasoline, and lit on fire.


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Why do people force themselves to watch something they don't like?

I like some truly terrible shit just for laughs, but this was me walking out of the THEATER from 10,000 B.C. My friend who chose the film that night lost his movie picking privileges for about 2 years.

Not film but I watched the Chernobyl 5 episodes waiting for it to become good.

Only thing it managed to do is simultaneously frustrate me with the inaccuracies as well as somehow bore me at the same time.

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The Wailing

Why do zoomers treat watching films as if they are getting engaged to it?

90 minutes is a very long time dude. You'd be able to watch 3 streamers and play 10 matches of fortnite in that time.


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The Godfather 2 for me. The first one is ok, maybe a bit too drawn out. But the second one is just boring trash.

Shin Godzilla
didnt know a film could be both headache-inducing and a bore
never mind the awful effects

Justice League destroyed my soul



I thought the problem was that it's just Drive?

>oh god people are having opinions i dislike again *posts selfie*

>and then Superman came in and solved the entire plot in 30 seconds, the end
I thought it was funny how awful it was though, just like Suicide Squad
Now Wonder Woman on the other hand has no redeeming qualities whatsoever

Every MCU, Every StarWars including the older ones. Avatar, Alita, Ready Player One.

Every movie with this "feel" is extremely boring and bad. How the hell do people actually enjoy this shit?

Wonder Woman is top 5 capeshits of the decade, then again TDKR is in the top 3 easily so not a high bar

>TDKR is in the top 3
and no

Table six is ready to order, sweetie.

The Evangelion Rebuilds

Evangelion in general actually. It's clear the director had no idea what he was doing.

The assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

percey jackson 2
