
Thread for those who've been watching cinema seriously for 25+ years and have advanced past capeshit, mainstream movies and the same old flicks.

Don't be offended, this is not meant to be pretentious, its just some of us have moved past IMDb-core, indie flicks and the latest hyped blockbuster and have more developed tastes. Do not troll or derail the thread with off-topic discussion.

What good films have you been enjoying lately?

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John Wick 3 was pretty damn good and I also enjoyed Child's Play

That's a dude, by the way. There's a picture of "her" with 5 o'clock shadow. Stop avatar fagging, you sad fuck.

Alita: Battle Angel is the best film of the decade

This (but unironically)

I have seen Ulysses' Gaze. It was very good but not top tier Theo. Keitel spoke like an alien, the dialogue was clunky. The camerawork was masterful and the beginning, the flashback sequence, the scene with the girl whose husband died and the sequences in Sarajevo were 10/10. There were some shoddy parts especially in the first hour of the film. Keitel was slightly out of his element but he became more convincing as the film went along.

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Those but unironically

Will Yea Forums ever be rid of pseuds? How much more Sneed posting do I need to do for fuck's sake?

Bro need for sneed looks epic

Not until they ban letterboxd generals and avatar fagging will you know peace. Get this, right? These *people* spend all their time watching obscure films and logging them after they've watched them (sometimes before, if they're cheating). They don't make films themselves; they don't even review them most of the time! They simply "watch films." That's their claim to fame. Knowing this is an inherently talentless exercise, they then create little discords and other such communities, comprised of three or four pseuds all jerking one another off, where they then proceed to shit on others for not having as many films logged - or for not having the "right" films logged. Again, zero real analysis going on here - it's all about the quantity and the age of the films watched. You could be a total mouth breather, but so long as you have hundreds of films logged prior to the sixties, and enough of them are in a foreign language, you get to feel like a big boy. It is beyond pathetic.

Not sure if this is a pasta or not but it's based and one of the best posts I've seen on Yea Forums

It's not pasta, but thanks. Feel free to make it into one, friend. It's yours.

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You are very upset over something that isn't important

Some of my favorite movies include soviet era existentialist movies (that aren't by Tarkovsky) and obscure experimental arthouse films like the Cremaster Cycle and I still find Avengers to be one of the most entertaining movies of this decade

>that aren't by Tarkovsky
>I still find Avengers to be one of the most entertaining movies of this decade
Jesus you've got seriously shit taste

Cremaster isn't obscure OR arthouse, they're literal museum pieces

what kind of poptart do you think she likes to eat whilst watching cinema?

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t. embryo


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I like Tarkovsky, he's just clearly the most mainstream

They are literally literally films

I've been rewatching Cronenberg's filmography recently with my gf, but also been fitting in some pink films (the Angel Guts movies), some Pinky Violence (Girl Boss Guerrila), and some of the lesser stuff on Unearthed (the American Guinea Pig movies, the Harakiri movies). Also finally blowing through some Thunderbean dvds of lesser known old cartoons that I've had for years but am only finally getting around to; one called The Hobo Hero really impressed me
>The full series was released in a limited series of 20 sets of DVDs, sold for at least $100,000 each, in custom packaging and as fine art, rather than mass-market movies.[4] In 2007 one disc (Cremaster 2) sold for $571,000.[5]
>The films are not available on mass-market DVDs, and according to the press release for the 2010 US tour, the cycle "is Not Now Nor Will it Ever be Available on DVD".[6][7] The films are primarily available via periodic screenings

literally nothing you said makes them NOT films

been awhile since I've seen amaranth

is this a stealth lbg thread

>Thread for those who've been watching cinema seriously for 25+ years and have advanced past capeshit, mainstream movies and the same old flicks.

>Don't be offended, this is not meant to be pretentious, its just some of us have moved past IMDb-core, indie flicks and the latest hyped blockbuster and have more developed tastes. Do not troll or derail the thread with off-topic discussion.

>What good films have you been enjoying lately?

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lmao the soiphoneposting schizo weeb after being bullied is now even here

Now go tell that to your local university's film club, infront of all the alt thots.
Then I'll respect you.

But it DOES make it clear that you don't know what "arthouse" means

thoughts on capellani?

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Not until they ban letterboxd generals and avatar fagging will you know peace. Get this, right? These *people* spend all their time watching obscure films and logging them after they've watched them (sometimes before, if they're cheating). They don't make films themselves; they don't even review them most of the time! They simply "watch films." That's their claim to fame. Knowing this is an inherently talentless exercise, they then create little discords and other such communities, comprised of three or four pseuds all jerking one another off, where they then proceed to shit on others for not having as many films logged - or for not having the "right" films logged. Again, zero real analysis going on here - it's all about the quantity and the age of the films watched. You could be a total mouth breather, but so long as you have hundreds of films logged prior to the sixties, and enough of them are in a foreign language, you get to feel like a big boy. It is Sneed's Feed and Seed.


Feed and seedpilled

>this is not meant to be pretentious
You could have made a good thread.

Well, OP. Did you have a nice thread?


Far From Home was great

last really good film I saw.
wish i could find some new kino to watch desu.

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Anyone here watches Roy Andersson?
He has a very distinct style
I've been meaning to look into his Living Trilogy

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I have seen Songs From the Second Floor.

does anything happen in these films or is it just people talking and sometimes getting emotional

>unironically enjoying visual media

I thought this was a satire board to mock incels. Fuckin have sex already

Yes lot of things happen in those films.

daily reminder that amaranth watches films at 2.5x speed

any nudes of amaranth?

> Posting the wannaba larper

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>trying to have a serious discussion in the Television & Films subreddit
also sneed

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faggerts still falling for this pasta

sorcerer is better

Is that a picture of Butterfly from Yea Forums from 30 years ago?

lol poor amaranth becoming a meme

Le monkey

Ok Amaranth explain me how the Satantango book is only arround 300 pages but the film is like 7 hours long.
Like what the fuck Amaranth whats wrong with Bela Tarr?

what do you mean 'but'?
film adaptations of 300 page books are shorter than 7 hours because people set out to make them shorter than 7 hours not because 300 page books don't have enough material for 7 hour film

>this is not meant to be pretentious
Wow, so it's become effortless for you, huh?

You mean broken glass: The Movie?

Tarr is great. Werckmeister Harmonies is a masterpiece. I like Satantango, i'm not huge on it but it's an interesting film for sure.

>this is not meant to be pretentious
>OP's pic is a pretentious bitch that is only famous because betas orbit her


my friend says old movies sucks because they all talk/act in a "different" way that makes it unwatchable. Also old films are slow-paced and the photography is stiff and lacks fluidity.

How would you guys set up a chart with around 5-10 movies from each decade from the 30/40s to 80/90s. What films would u use to demonstrate that some art transcends time?

Here's a few films that I'd add:

After Hours
Repo Man
Top Gun
A Better Tomorrow 2
Invasion U.S.A
Three Days of the Condor
The French Connection
Death Wish
Dawn of the Dead
Slap Shot
Psycho (though this one was mentioned by my friend as an example of a slow/bad old movie)
The Battle of Algiers
The Night of the Hunter
Los Olvidados
Paths of Glory

The Wizard of Oz
Black Narcissus
The Thief of Bagdad
The Invisible Man
Modern Times

Any more suggestions for fastpaced films or older films that still feels very "modern"?

Even better

>my friend says old movies sucks because they all talk/act in a "different" way that makes it unwatchable. Also old films are slow-paced and the photography is stiff and lacks fluidity
Your friend is stupid.

When do you become a film buff? I feel it was when I watched my hundredth movie last week.

how do I unstupid her?

have sex

is that a tranny?

got to have watched at least 80% of the top250 and at least 70% of the 1001 and at least 60% of the last decade winners of cannes, venize, berlin, shanghai, toronto and sunny c

Sorry, you can't.

100% correct. It's the same with music and books.

Hit the nail on the head. Bravo.

You are being pretentious by claiming to be advanced, the view that you can only enjoy one type of film is so utterly plebeian and clumsy. You could have introduced your thread so much more endearingly with intelligent wording rather than with effete pseudo babble.

This. OP must feel very important though.