I'm on s2 and this is my favorite character so far. She's so likeable...

I'm on s2 and this is my favorite character so far. She's so likeable, and everything about her story is so interesting and unique.

Will she become the queen eventually?

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she cute!

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read the books

Is there anything she can't do?

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no, she sadly suffers a serious brain damage in season 5 that prevents her from feeling emotions and acting

*steals your emmy*

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>Is there anything she can't do?
Find jeans that fit well, apparently.
You would think an actress on a hit TV show would have a hookup who could help adjust clothing to fit.

That's a shoop right?

The eyes are nowhere near aligned

What’s wrong with eyes?

Why would it be a shop? Nobody is perfect, Ryan Gosling has the same problem


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dude ,stop watching this ...its bullshit at the end

There’s something wrong. Her eyes are off.


She's a beautiful actress, you're just jealous

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She sails to the 'west of westeros', kind of like the namesake of her direwolf, Queen Nymeria, a warrior queen who sailed with her people and established in the new land to rule it over, Dorne. So it implies maybe she'll become the warrior queen of whatever place she discovers.

Her surviving siblings, on the other hand, Bran and Sansa, become King of the Six Kingdoms and Queen of the North.

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She becomes a faceless assassin and then she ends her journey by giving up her revenge and live her life. Her arc was derailed because she had to do shit Catelyn does in the book after some point, so she turns a bit too killing machine-y. She goes full Christobal Columbus (or Nymeria) and decides to explore the unknown lands at the west with a sweet direwolf ship.

Robb and Rickon die (though Rickon is still alive in the books, he's kind of irrelevant). Jon goes back to the Wall (but the ending suggests he leaves with the wildings as one of the freefolks), Sansa rules the independent North while Bran the rest of Westeros with Tyrion as his Hand.

She's a princess, so is close? She might rule the land she discovers in her journeys and won't need to comfort the westerossi ideal.

Tywin will rape her in S3

No but she gets what she wants.

Lol something aint right

I don't follow

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Her face is not symmetrical. You see it the most in her eyes. She's basically a real life goblin.