What films do arthoes like?

What films do arthoes like?

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she's the cure for fascism

Pulp fiction
Blue valentine
Requiem for a dream
Train spotting

>tfw no braindead commie gf
why even live


a serbian film

I believe in Fascism because it's the only thing that can save promising young girls like her.

i think art ho actually means a nigger bitch that aspires to identify as mo' like smart' an shit than ghetto

Nah, it's homely middle to upper-middle class nerdy girls that were reserved in highschool and then try to find themselves in college.

quite the contrary. she convinced me that aryans are the finest specimen on earth and that they must be protected.

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no. that's maybe an art girl or something. i know that's a type but 'art ho' is specifically a p.o.c thing. It means ho thats arty not an arty girl that happens to be a ho

>'art ho' is specifically a p.o.c thing
Uhhhh, definitely not. In fact I've only seen it used on white girls. For example, the white girl in the threads OP is an "art hoe".

quoting yourself as evidence of corroboration good fuckin job

Is that literally shit on her nose?

90s and 80s teen movies, laika, and the most surface level french new wave

400 Blows

Not me

I bet you feel silly now.

I don't know how crimson your shits are.

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Thermonuclear cringe.

looks like a tranny

Why do americans speak like niggers?

why did Yea Forums have to bully augg frog? she was a cute

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You have it all wrong

I think that user is actually a nigger.

can we make one of these for Yea Forums?

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cringe at yourself

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Looks like a massive cunt.

Yea Forums

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shut up kike

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Can I get a goth or emo gf instead?


I started one years ago, but gave up
Anyone wanna try finishing it? The all need at least 3 entires
on a few do and are stuck with just 1 or 2

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>it's 1 and 4 on both

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I don't think she got blacked. There is some pictures with her and some black guy but I don't know if that was her boyfriend or just a friend

Real art hoes do heroin and watch trailer park boys until they passout

Reminds me of that ginger dude who used to rage over everything and used to be famous on Youtube in the late 2000s and early 10s.

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He's a tranny now lmao

bit of a problem if you just throw entire genres in there, it needs to be directors. There aren't enough art hoe genres for even three girls, much less 10

Princess Mononoke
Whatever by Wes Anderson
Whatever else by Paul Thomas Anderson
Sometimes Coen Brothers maybe
Sofia Coppola shit cuz she's the only female director they know
Sometimes if they're super fucking bitchy they'll pretend to be into Bergman, Kurosawa, Fellini, old faggots like that but they're rare

by 'yourself' i mean another board user. i know people on the board think it means generic tumblr looking cunts. but, for example, google image search art ho
you dont get these bitches. it's nigresses

ok thats definitely a tranny

what is it with new england and girls like that


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lmao they would NEVER be into Kurosawa, they don't get any girl cred for being into Seven Samurai or Rashomon

fine then revise it with specific directors

I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "cancelled" or "this is a bop," I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto their contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY.

>Hidden Fortress

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Blessed pasta

why do you assume they're on drugs and fuckedup?

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Prove it.

They like him ironically to show you how little they care about girl cred.

i can't believe that fucking already forgotten loser from like two days ago was so fucking stupid he didn't even try to taste the dressups thot after going to all the trouble to kill her and throw his life away. like how hard is it to slice of a piece from an unmoving body. it's just meat, cover the face if nec. this stupid thread reminds me the world is full of worms who hate women for how they're attracted to them but just sit around looking at their pictures and saying 'bitch' instead of getting out there and gonging their head with a hammer and eating their buttock which would take like a day's effort

have sex

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Yes, didnt remember his name.

where are you getting these new pictures from?

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im gunna dilate the fuck out of u, sweetie

Missing being into astrology which is HUGE for them

i frequently have sex with my gf who isnt a tranny unlike that "girl" youre posting

Dude has a Twitter, hes not a tranny.

Why yes, Amelie is my favourite movie. Is it yours as well?

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Art hoes are just goth girls who suffered from a söylent overdose.

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do neets really delude themselves into thinking those bitches actually care or understand art?

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No he didn't you retard

i don't say this often but imagine the smell

oh, how cute

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cornflour, latex and fish

Giv Zoey gf

God I wish i could see Auggy in person just to tell her that her art sucks

Is this the girl who got her throat cut after trying to insult a former boyfriend


"Zoey" is actually the youtube video maker, poet, and author Savannah Brown

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They all look like stupid immature spoiled daddies girls. I don't want a child, I want a woman.

no she is the girl Yea Forums thirsts after because she was filmed an anti-trump protest by prisonplanet

You shall get neither incel dab


Both are beta pussy shit.

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They like the feeling of my nuts dragging across her face.

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post moar

whats with all the scars?

100%, you can rape that chick and get away with it even if her pussy's full of your cum and three people saw you do it. Trust me.

If you tried to rape her she would probably orgasm faster than you.

the way she is dressed is really hot, for some reason.

she'd bring the rope and knife

Finn Wolfhard?

She likes cutting herself.

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she needs someone to help her

You forgot “idiot slut”

No I didn't

And then she calls you pathetic and laugh at you to your face.
>tfw you will never be dommed by your rape victim

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All of these arthoe girls are gonna be stereotypical middle class moms in 10 years. All of this shit is just a cringy rebellious phase

These kind of girls are too far gone.
Look at her, she barely looks human.

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Please sauce me and please don’t say you got it in that Yea Forums thread

>not wanting to make an arthoe mommy

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>not looking like tranny
>isnt a tranny
this is not how this works

trasshkitten, with two "s".

>tfw no Lynchian gf

You sullied Claire with those trash tastes. I'll never forgive you.

Maybe not a tranny, bit that ginger faggot did have a drag queen phase apparently


Wrong. My girlfriend is an arthoe and a full blown national socialist.

You're welcome to correct it as its not finished and needs work

She's so cute but would look better with her head decapitated


And in my car


Cut her head off with a knife


She would really pretty then



You’re retarded and you think you’re right which makes you even mote retarded, negro.

Rolling for based Olivia


is there a problem user?

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>natsoc arthoe
You know she's probably crazy as fuck, right?


Literally nothing wrong with crazies.

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for pitybux

She absolutely is, but we’ve made it work for three years and i’m probably gonna pop the question soon. Nothing hotter than a pale cutey with bangs saying “put some white babies in me” while she locks her legs around you, forcing you to nut inside her.

If you are not making it up, then don't fuck it up user, you won't find any other like that.

>my friend messages me asking for pictures of decapitated Blanca Devins
>ask him why
>'just my gf's weird kink'
Should I be worried about him?

If you aren’t memeing how did she develop her views and break the conditioning?

Dating any of them sounds like a chore

rolling for claire
i’ve never even read DFW lol

Which one is into Primus?

>people who disagree with me have been conditioned

They don't, you just add your own conditioning

Chloe is into Grunge and Noise Rock
Heather is into neo-psychedelia
so one of those two

need some help filling this out bros

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why? all you know about them is what artists they're into

Women as a whole vote for political parties on single issues (abortion mainly) or appeals to emotion (oh those poor refugees!). Both of those are easy to manipulate with propaganda. As a whole, 85+% of women are Liberal because they have been conditioned to be Liberal. Otherwise there would be a more even split between Liberal and Conservative (the way it is for men).

Hope that was helpful.

I pray every day for a Chloe gf. I hope she doesn't shave her armpits

do you prefer your arthoe to be free range or enclosed?

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>the Asian girl is into Asian directors

Damn. Upon closer inspection her cheeks are saggy as fuck.

>if you don't support trumps immigration policy you're a cucked good goy globalist
>women vote on single issues

I added some

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>women are Liberal because they have been conditioned to be Liberal
people disagree with you because they have been conditioned to disagree with you?
don't you think that's a bit of hubris?

I meant that particular girl, not arthoes in general

>if you don't support trumps immigration policy you're a cucked good goy globalist
>women vote on single issues
There you go, now you're getting it!

no they aren't

you went way too deep on some of these, these are still art hoes, not actual cinema nerds

A girl I used to really like suggested I watch La Belle Verte. Didn't work out and I never got to watch it. Should I?


give patrician jodorowsky gf

>single issue
I count 7 here

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From the thumbnail looks like ladybird

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>100% renewable
enjoy paying 10x for electricity

Interior Semiotics

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>As a whole, 85+% of women are Liberal because they have been conditioned to be Liberal.
Didn't 55% of white women vote for Trump?

Not me in particular. A person who isn't very experienced using critical thinking, or well read when it comes to current events. Yes, i do think they are easily swayed by whatever agenda is pushed the hardest and seems most beneficial at the surface level. Which is basically a huge portion of the female population (15% of women said politics were an important part of their life compared to 85% of men).

Brie called out niggers and is now retiring with her gf, Jessica. See ya, nerds!

>what if its not cost effective to have an inhabitable planet to live on?

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Shit why not. Inb4 homosexual jannies delete it because they never had sex

you're confused. the "single issue" where is yaskweeen. easy mistake tho I guess, only someone who understands women could spot it

If only women voted, every state in the United States would've been blue/Democrat in the 2016 election.

what do you do when the sun runs out?

where is the yaskween? I see seven solid policy platforms.


>>If only women voted,
That may be so but says nothing about races, just the gender.