That episode of star Trek where the transporter chief's asian wife accidentally got turned into a child and he wasn't...

>that episode of star Trek where the transporter chief's asian wife accidentally got turned into a child and he wasn't sure if he could sleep with her

lel this is hilarious

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lol what if he fugged her and put cummies inside and then they turned her back into an adult and the cummies grew up too lol wouldnt that be funny

frustrating episode
o'brien could've had prime keiko but fagged out

> Tearing the mask off yellowfeverfag's closeted pedophilia

O'Brien proved he was the gayest being in the galaxy in that episode. A fucking genie couldn't have given him a greater gift.

I just noticed the sculpture behind them is a kimono opening suggestively.

why is the transporter chief the only one on the whole crew with a family.

they act like picard is unusual for not having a family, but no one else does either. Though I guess beverly has that one little demonspawn


In the grim future of Star Trek it's unusual to have a family, rather than strong single mothers who don't need no man raising half-klingons while all the human men shoot their loads on the holodeck.

Most of the ship is for the family of the crue is it not?
Wesley was the doctors child, data had a child.

I just thought it was a vajina

>Why you no rant to naparm my lice fierds Mires...?

The flower in the foreground is a white yuri flower which symbolizes virginity and innocence.

this cunt has the biggest head I've even seen on film

you know why he drove a convertible in con air? because his head wouldn't fit in a normal car

Everytime you take a child's innocence, sexually or otherwise, you lose a part of your soul.

you know there was an episode where the enterprise participates in human trafficking? this was in TNG mind you.

How many parts does the soul have? Can you be specific?

Worf had a son
And hated him

>Everytime you take a child's innocence
the fuck


To be fair, Alexander was very unlikeable.

so Pedo's are just running around making horcruxes?

>Its a Barclay overwrites holodeck security protocols to cum inside underage Troy episode

He was too good to even accept gifts from the universe. Instead he suffered for his belief in right and wrong. Misguided but noble in his willingness to suffer for what he believed.

Still a wasted opportunity of massive proportions.

>tfw no K'Ehleyr gf

She would have ended up hating him once she turned back normal. O'Brien understood it was not worth destroying his marriage.

worf and crusher have a child and their partner is dead
geordi is just an incel
troi is a whore

The idea that you need permission to use their likeness in a holodeck is fucking retarded. Am I abusing your rights as a person if I DREAM of fucking you?

>She would have ended up hating him once she turned back normal
>once she turned back normal
implying he should allow her to do that

Marriages wax and wane, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Toppest of keks

Highly doubtful, it's every little Japanese girl's dream to be ravished by an older experienced man. It would have been the ultimate fantasy for both of them.

miles was a disappointment

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Stay mad

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> Have kabbalistic sex with lolis
> Become immortal
Epstein was right?!?!?!?

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Why would white women be mad at this when they have black men?

What percentage of white women do you think go for black men? Seriously, I'm curious what you think that number is.

Generally, pretty rare. Sadly, with the media doing what it is doing now, the younger generation is being taught that it's cool for young white girls to be with black guys. Look at the music being pushed, which is far worse than what tv/films are pushing.

99%. There's not enough black men to go around though.

O'Brien is in love with his own suffering.

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Data tried to have a child.

Holodeck was always weird to me
>Data doesn't understand idioms and phrases and he's the most advanced technological thing around.
>The EMH doesn't get the concept of bedside manner until he goes sentient and gets an actual personality.
>tons of computer stuff is generally inept in dealing with "the complexity of the human language" and is prone to taking things too literally and other misinterpretings
>dozens if not hundreds of individual characters all able to work and react separately of each other.
>able to pick up on body language, can employ sarcasm, can flirt, are downright indistinguishable from real people
>Are so realistic, so human, react so life like that people regularly fall in love with them, and they seem like real actual humans minus the knowledge that they are holograms.
>Even the EMH had a desire to love (and to fuck).
Seems to me, Data could have finished his quest to become more Human by just downloading some subroutines from the Holodeck.

maybe it was a future time law so you dont have a holodeck video recording of you fucking the current president and his 3 daughters you can share on the intranet

It's Binar magic, we don't gotta explain shit.

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To be fair to the EMH, his purpose was to triage patients for an actual medical staff during emergencies. He didn't need bedside manner, he was just supposed to rapidly determine what was wrong so real doctors could do something about it.

He's like a scanner with WebMD built in.

>That episode where the transporter chief's wife went down to an alien planet for 6 months on a botanical survey and took their daughter with her, only to proceed to fuck an alien in front of her daughter for those entire 6 months to the point where when she came back, the young daughter thought that her mom and dad were no longer married and that her dad was the alien now

they literally had a school to teach the kids there.
that enterprise was noted to not be a warship simply because it had so many families. they werent afraid to squeeze though shits funny to think about

of the girls that went to parties and had sex, all of them except the racist ones.

when you got 3 guys at all times being down to fuck and letting you know, once of them will eventually be a black guy.

Their point was that there are all these families there, but the main characters don't have much in the way of family on board. Senior staff seems to mostly be folks that are married to their career.

"It was designed to provide short-term advanced assistance during emergencies in sickbay to the extent of literally replacing a starship's medical officer."
I think they would and should have programmed in bedside manners. In all likelyhood, they would have, but it's probably one of those things where writers make the world a bit shittier to add a bit of character. You know, how replicated food would be taste 100% like "real" food because... well it fucking is, it just gets made differently, but there's always some dumb writer who has a character go: "How can you eat this fake crap, you need REAL food/drink/etc".
Or how the Enterprise is supposed to be the most advanced ship, but in order to have a story there needs to be a malfunction, flaw, or other issue every other episode, so if you watch a lot of trek, the ships feel a bit like they're constantly falling apart.

>Our bodies have been violated
What did she mean by this

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>Picard was voluntarily sex free because he was afraid he'd get his significant other killed in the line of duty (and almost did)
>Riker and Troi were both swingers
>Crusher wanted Picard but got turned down a bunch and decided to focus her sexual frustrations at her work instead
>Data tried a few times to have an actual relationship, but could never pull it off after being raped by Yar and being used as a dildo, ended up just making (and killing) his own daughter
>Geordi was permacucked and literally an incel
>Worf had his first lover killed, fucked up raising his son so hard that he tried to go back in time to kill himself, and then had half of his wife die and get impregnated in to another host that proceeded to fuck the scrawny doctor because "herp derp gotta try new things for each host fuck the past life yo ;)"


Data was purposefully crippled to not be able to understand idioms. There was a prior version without this and other restraints... it didn't work very well.

The fake food is because what comes out of replicators is possibly sanitized, not building a lot of dangerous and delicious stuff that made the original versions enjoyable. Pretty much like coffee, minus caffeine.

You could say there is a lot of... lore behind it.

That's such a dumb episode.
>discover eternal youth
>try to cure it

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>phaser produces a continuous ray that is missing the target
>don't move your hand to hit it
Bravo, fierce warrior.

Press X to doubt.
I mean, you can set your replicator for anything you want. If you need your soup with the head chefs cum in it, then you can do that, if you specify it. And really, how much burnt up old meat do you need clinging to your burger or how much unhealthy shit in your meal for that "authentic" taste? Doesn't matter, you could replicate it that way anyway.
Other anons in the past have said "because it's always 100% the same" but that doesn't make any sense either, because a: the possibilities are endless, you could add enough recipes to eat a different thing 3 times a day all year never eating the same thing twice and then on top of that, you could add variations of that (just think how many types of Pizza and Pasta there are) and literally never eat the same thing if you'd spend a lifetime on-board.
And if you talk more specific about certain recipes always coming out the same: we know the computers can do randomization. You could easily set parameters to very slightly alter the configuration of the recipe, add a bit more milk within these parameters, sear the meat a bit darker within these parameters and so on.

No, the truth is: You could never tell the difference between normal and replicated food, the only reason people do, is because it's a hack way for a writer to make someone seem both a traditionalist and a wise person, by making them complain about replicated food and wine.

My memory might be fading, but I think Scotty in TNG was not able to synthesize drinks with real alcohol.
Perhaps synthehol doesn't taste like the real thing, like fucking saccharine that keeps me clicking my tongue a few minutes after drinking something with it.

Synthehol is another one of these bullshit ideas like I said that largely exist just so people can look clever by saying "how can you drink this swill?" like a winer taster having a rant about cheap wine to seem sophisticated.
The whole Idea itself is retarded, because obviously, people don't really drink because alcohol tastes so good. They drink to be intoxicated. Do you think Absynthe would be a popular drink if it didn't fuck you up? If wine didn't get you nice and drunk you might as well drink a grape juice.

And then there's stuff like Seven of Nine who for some reason can get drunk of even tiny amounts of Synthehol, because fuck established ideas by the time Voyager came around.

No in Terms of Scotty, it again was purely a story vehicle for "The old guy needs to feel out of touch, so let him argue with machines and rage against fake alcohol".

why don't they just carry shotguns

Beam weapons don't have ammo that takes up large spaces, is volatile, and a danger at all times.

yeah, we wouldn't want a weapon that can be a danger at all times

The Worf problem. Worf is obviously the mightiest warrior on Board, so every time there is a problem that COULD be solved with violence, (which often is the case) Worf needs to be taken out first. So Worf ends up eating shit in a LOT of Episodes, and accidentally looks like a huge pussy, because he ate more than he gave out.
And then he got tricked into handing environmental controls of a vacation planet to a future Steven Crowder who decided "better kill everyone here, because they're not prepared for a possible attack, the softies".

He btw suffered no penalties for taking part in almost destroying a continent, because they did fix it in the end before it got out of control.A common theme in Trek. People do huge things that are super not ok in any way shape or form, but then it works out, so no problem. I think the only one ever actually having consequences for ignoring orders and listening to their heart happen to them was Tom in Thirty Days.

No, you want a weapon that is a danger to specific targets at a very specific time. A weapon that is a danger at all times is a shitty ass weapon.

I think the internal logic is that most advanced species have come so far, that personal armor and force fields against ballistic weapons are rather easy to come by that they are rendered largely useless many years before TREK starts, so that Phasers and energy weapons in general have become the norm, because they can be used both lethal and non lethal, are more accurate, don't require re-loading, are less likely to run out and are effective against shielding (to a degree)

umm yes dumb incel

There was some weird ass Worf episode in later DS9 where he got chewed out for aborting some kind of covert mission in order to rescue Jadzia who had been nearly mortally wounded. It always struck me as pretty retarded and forced. "Ok we need you two to go down alone to the surface of a planet and do some shit oh and also you need to carry out the mission even if one of you gets injured or dies EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE HUSBAND AND WIFE" FFS starfleet would never tolerate that kind of totalitarianism, but I guess they handwaved it with muh dominion war.

Ah yes. I semi-remembered that. I knew there was a second time someone got reprimanded and the whole "chewing out was" "This pretty much ruins your chances to ever have command" was it not? I wasn't sure which exact episode it was, because it was such a shit one. But yeah, that and Tom getting an actual demotion, were the two only instanced where someone got shit for their actions instead "well it worked out so no harm no foul"
Worf nearly got half a planned FUBAR'd with an eco terrorist but he stopped it so it's ok, There was one Episode where Kira was EXPLICITLY TOLD not to go after a murderer, and she does anyway, and he ends up fucking dead, which apparently also counts as "ah no harm done then I guess". There's tons of shit that would get at least the star fleet members likely kicked out, but then it doesn't.

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Being from family forced a harsher punishment to exorcise the ghost of nepotism.

Of all people, O'Brien almost got him.

she looked exactly the same as when he first found her in her native country and bought her off her parents for one day of his wages.
it was repressed guilt, and was ruining his enjoyment. he knew he could have bargained for a lower price. it'll haunt him forever.

based logical poster

every advert has jiggaboos in it, every couple on an advert is a coon male with a human female.
they have been spending untold billions on this propaganda.

He wasn't a yellowfeverfag he just had an asian wife, she wasn't too bad either

>people only drink to get drunk

Fucking retard

They at least decided those two would not be going on any missions together anymore after that point so they wouldn't be made to make that decision again and compromise whatever mission they're on. Not that Jadzia had that many more missions to go on anyway.

The worst one is when Sisko makes that planet uninhabitable while there are still people on it that haven't even begun to evacuate and he acts like he's just "playing the villain." The way he acts the whole time makes it seem like he thinks he's just pretending to be a bad guy to feed Eddington's ego, but it's not really pretending when you actually do something so appalling to get the point across. The rest of the crew is even visibly shocked as he's giving out the orders, and while they're not as in the wrong as Sisko, I would say it was their duty to not go along with what he was saying given how unreasonable it was.

Ah yeah. I forgot the exiting taste of tequila.
Face it, if people would drink for the taste rather than the alcohol, non-alcoholic versions of those drinks would be super popular. But they are not. Not at all. "I drink for the taste" Is something said by alcoholics trying to hide the fact that they are alcoholics. There is a very small group of alcoholic drinks that actually taste good on their own, all of them because there's a lot of something non-alcoholic in them, and all of them would taste even better without alcohol.
Most alcoholic drinks would never ever sell if there was no alcohol in it.

Yeah you're a fucking retard.

the nuclear family is literally white supremacy

Said the alcoholic.
Face it. There is a reason alcohol is popular and it's not the fucking taste. People have some alcohols they prefer over other alcohols because they like the taste of that particular alcohol better. But the reason to drink it is still intoxication, and not because Hmmm that tasty alcohol taste. if anything, all these different types exist, to trick your body into drinking the poison. Because drinking pure alcohol doesn't go that well. So every different type of alcoholic beverage exists to in some way or another to mask the actual taste of the alcohol.
NOBODY drinks alcohol for the taste.

Not even who you were replying to, moron. You're fucking retarded, though.

Sure thing. I like the bit where I've made a bunch of points and you said "retard" 3 times in response.
Really good counter point, I guess I was wrong. Alcohol is probably just drunk because it has such a great taste to it.

You realize I'm not even reading your retarded posts, right?
You're an absolute autismal moron.

O'Brien is a huge cuck.

I WOULD HAVE RAILED HER UNTIL I WAS SPENT! My Goodness! I would have carpet burned my penis. My Goodness, TALK ABOUT YOUR MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!

Given how women are and the technology star trek offers, I could see this in the future. However, I'm sure technology would also exist that would allow a single man to have a child with the help of artificial wombs and all that jazz. Artificial wombs combined with holodecks and we wouldn't need women.

So every time, I have said a swear word in public and a kid herd me, I lost a part of my soul? How many parts do I have until there is none left?!

How old are you? 12?

not exactly funny, but clever

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Based Bene Tleilaxian!

>tfw Miles could've fug that sweet bajoran engineer

>the reason to drink it is still intoxication
>NOBODY drinks alcohol for the taste.
So then how do you explain people who only have one glass of wine with dinner or only have a couple beers when hanging out with friends? If nobody drank alcohol for the taste, then why isn't all alcohol vodka? Why do people spend the capital to buy and sell things like craft beer, scotch, wine or liqueurs? There's another thing, liqueurs, flavored and often sweetened spirits. Take a sip of some frangelico or some disaronno and tell me people don't drink for the taste.

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What was Riker jumping at?

>he wasn't sure if he could
Look at the position of his legs. So awkwardly, and tense looking. Normal people don't act that way unless they start to feel feels.

He was going to grab that qt ensign and climb on top of her to protect her.

Save Ensign Pretty!

Women literally do believe that, though.

poor Geordi. he tried so hard and never got any. imagine if they remade TNG now. they'd make Riker the incel and have Geordi doing Kirk levels of banging

they did a double blind experiment with wine tasters (whatever the fancy name is called) and like 19/20 couldn't tell shit about the wines but one dutch autist nailed all of them. wish i had saved the youtube video

Worf always got his ass kicked. Wins batleth tourneys off-camera, gets one shot ko'd on-camera

based Raga Donar

But you gain a part of theirs, so it evens out