Singlehandedly warped the minds of a generation of men

Singlehandedly warped the minds of a generation of men

Attached: IMG_20190719_101111.jpg (411x404, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I was already jerking off to Gadget years earlier.

Attached: Q5r9hr1DLTgl.jpg (573x535, 115K)

for me, it's Rain

Attached: think i used to want to fuck this at one point.jpg (350x337, 19K)

Attached: thealtjew.png (979x1114, 571K)

furries and jews will never be separate entities in my mind

Not my fault.

The fact that someone wrote this article/blog is BY FAR way sadder than the actual forum discussing how hot lola bunny was in space jam. Jesus Christ how pathetic is that?

This turned me gay

Bugs Bunny crossdressing was already doing that for decades.

I have to admit, it made me ignore the scourge of furries for quite a while, I thought it was harmless projection

Attached: 1547955424459.png (657x527, 30K)

What exactly were they thinking?

Also I need the animation porn stash where all the rejected shit lands

Attached: 1487176878342.jpg (784x1020, 106K)

Those bunny feet
This too tho

lmao this really isn't that far off from the actual result, how did it get rejected?


Better than sideboob tbqh

where does the "tentacle hentai" hyperlink lead to?

woah why is this clearly humanoid figure with human-styled hair, large eyes, and animal features styled in a conventionally womanly fashion so appealing???

Guess im a furry LOL

just what we needed
another furry thread

There is a Russian cult that worships Gadget. There have been naked depictions of gadget spraypainted onto planes.

Look where are you before considering calling someone else sad

na. two paragraphs aint hard. plus hes right. if you know a lot of world history, youll know where this conspiracy comes from, its not even complicated

That probably fucked up my mind more than any other cartoon fetish shit

Damn if I was that good at drawing Lola I'd do it all day long

I know, wish Yea Forums was this based more often

Jewish race mixing propaganda.

asking the important questions here

is furries an american thing? i literally never met one

they're a worldwide thing, tons of them in Europe
the decent ones keep it to themselves

sup Garth

Mainly German

Because she isn't furry. If Lola was furry, she would look like a buff man with hair and teets, because furry porn is just gay porn with a thin layer of fur to give closet homosexuals enough reasonable doubt to get some sexual release.

It only warped the minds of preexisting autists. The way furgins behave, their obnoxious insecure spam, could not just have come from finding animal characters hot, it’s ingrained autism and a weird cult mentality

Imagine she rubbed her feet on your dick, just for fun haha

They have monthly gatherings across europe...its only the american ones that are obnoxious buts thats just mutts mutting.

Attached: uaraugh.png (1288x685, 387K)

Furries are a global phenomenon.

based scotland

are you saying that because of the big gap in furfags
if so I ask that you look at a map of scotland and figure out why the highlands are called that


>none in Luxembourg
Safe haven and a tax haven

for me it was Maid Miriam

Attached: furry trigger.gif (500x600, 1.71M)

Heroin addicts dont have any time for ERP when they are ODing laddie

Does this count?

Attached: roxanne.png (1280x2123, 377K)

So scotland, spain and croatia are based. Already knew that

coming up with non-productive activities for people with little self-control while simultaneously making bank isn't necessarily a conspiracy but there's certainly going to affect different populations to varying degrees

if I wanted to "sell porn" to amish people I would have to come up with a scheme that involves non-electronically transmitted images. I am specifically targeting a population and it will harm them but ultimately I'm just trying to make money

You have been fapping to the wrong furry porn m8.

Capitalism in a nutshell
And no, I’m not a retarded commie, just saying

Oddly enough no-one on my patreon has requested her yet. I still get requests for Judy Hopps once in a while though.

not really, edinburgh is covered up by all the furries. the big blank spot is fairly uninhabited.

I'm moving to Corsica or Gotland.

Why she wear clothes? Bugs dont

Germany is the only country more autistic than Japan.

God bless cesko

I dated a girl who looked like Gadget. Breaking up with her is my only regret in life.

It started much earlier.

Attached: Let me be good to you.webm (720x404, 2.96M)

There's a lot of overlaps between goofs and furries but it's kind of becoming its own weird little niche.

or maybe native speakers of a germanic language are more likely to use an english website than gallic and latin users are.

yes, porn is evil, for everyone involved, the actors and the viewers, it should be illegal to produce, a year in jail for every minute recorded
with the internet you cant ban watching it but at least you could try prevent people from recording it

It's Marian you pathetic asshole, do not disrespect her.

Attached: 6802c641ca96ad597bce6b33ef11b954.jpg (1280x906, 120K)

For me, it’s Amalthea. Both of her.

Goofs are just people with weird noses. Maybe 5% furry.

It just would've been too lewd otherwise.

based slavs lmao

Pic related.

Attached: 967BA08F-AC39-4B0B-AA5A-452496BFD078.jpg (1151x1533, 1.36M)

>mfw looking for good art of Lola on e621

Attached: 1556752815670.png (568x653, 279K)

I think it's actually deeper than that
capital points to a more fundamental kind of evolutionary arms race. we would still try to crowbar ourselves into each others heads with memes, jokes, stories and ideas even if there is no money. darwinian selection doesn't sleep

porn is an interesting topic because it's a really effective way of "hacking" the brain. if you think about it, you could easily envision a world where we're not aroused by images. they're only images after all, why would we ready ourselves for a sexual act when encountered with nothing but an image? logically speaking there's nothing there for you to copulate with, it doesn't make sense

images which perfectly recreate the real world is a relatively recent phenomenon and our brains haven't evolved for it. a single image is all it needs for it to tell your body that it's mating time; a potential mate is clearly showing you that they're ready to breed so why shouldn't you get horny?

Russia has the Gadget cult though.

i still have never seen a furry i live somewhere in that goo

Gotta make a tag blacklist, user

animation so good, every frame has emotion and fluidity.

Definitely a different level of effort.

Attached: perfect isn't easy.webm (640x360, 3M)

>Great legs
>Great thighs
>Great ass
>Great hips to waist ratio
>Great tits (for her frame)
>Cute eyes
>Cute hair
How can you not love Lola Bunny?

The ones that wear sure are a slim minority on the fandom. For most furries it's just an internet thing.

Stop being so defensive furgin


Attached: lola.webm (1272x720, 1.56M)

Society of spectacle talks about this I think

furry mans Natalie Dormer

Attached: natalie-dormer-womenshealth15-01.jpg (2536x3367, 531K)

I'm french and not a furry so not concerned in any way, just pointing out the obvious flaw in your logic.

god what I wouldn't give to be dominated by Georgette

>replying to newfags

The Tudors Natalie Dormer = Best Natalie Dormer

How is making fun of furshit being a newfag? Probably one of the oldest things this place is known for

No way, Lola has a plump bust not flat pancake tits

>the newfag is completely unaware

What did Disney mean by this?

Attached: 1526267863339.jpg (2450x404, 284K)

Now I'm curious, what was the image?

4channel has always been a furry website.

Attached: Minerva Bathing.webm (480x320, 2.67M)

>why would we ready ourselves for a sexual act when encountered with nothing but an image?
To quote someone, image is worth more than a thousand words

nice try rabbi.

didnt phase me one bit. probably because im not a faggy white dude who is 1 step away from cutting my dick off. you faggots are amusing though ill give you that

Why are you fags so insecure? If you aren’t a newfag, you must know how hated you have been here. I’m not saying you can’t post, but being delusional and thinking an entire imageboard that historically has despised your spam likes you is autistic

>Georgette will never rape you

Attached: apusad.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

Do not lewd my mommy

>newfag calling anyone else a newfag
>4. He was (possibly) gay
>Blanc’s son Steve, who can also do several of the Looney Tunes character voices, shocked the animation community in 2007 by revealing that Bugs Bunny had a long and unrequited love with his archenemy Elmer Fudd.
>The younger Blanc is the author of Bugs and Elmer: A Forbidden Love, and explained his theory at the Academy of Motion Pictures annual Warner Brothers Looney Tunes Night. The news was met with supportive surprise.
>Blanc said that the relationship was expressed in code: “The studio just wouldn’t allow it. Instead, Bugs and Elmer expressed their love for each using homosexual codes of the day, such as Elmer pointing a gun at Bugs, and Bugs responding with a squirt of seltzer in his face.
>“Those in the closeted gay community clearly knew that Bugs famous “What’s Up, Doc?” was the password to get entry into the notorious Hammer Club on the Sunset Strip.”

Mice are twice as nice.

>He doesn't realize furries are the only defense against redditors like you
Newfag, go back

What the fuck are you even saying, faggot?

not him but 4channel IS new

Don’t reply to them, they will get overly defensive and not shut up. Just enjoy the porn and don’t communicate with the spergs

if youre going to be all rational and realistic you could just point out that the more furry areas on the map are also just more densely populated

But we already know that everything in Hollywood is a code for degeneracy.

Attached: romance.png (602x732, 571K)

>100,000 subs
>Yea Forums doesn’t have a furshit board, but let’s say /trash/ even though it’s any garbage that doesn’t belong anywhere else
>not in the top 5 most popular boards
Ok redditor

I will link here a section of Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds end credits, where Milady is dressing, looks behind and the next image is Dogtanian peeping through a hole.

Even other furries avoid trash.

You need to go back furgin, loli is what we post here.

>Knowing how many subscribers a subreddit has
Go back

Not a pedo but this is actual reddit repellent, not furshit which is run of the mill normalfag shit. Saying furshit desuades redditors when it’s always been reviled here is just complete cope. I still remember /fur/

I was too young to actually jerk off to Lola, but I remember watching Space Jam at home, then climbing the poll on my bunk bed and wrapping my legs around it and just basically rubbing myself against it.

Nice samefag, reddit

>attempt to revise history fails
>attempt to scapegoat about reddit fails
>now just floundering

I wasn't a faggot furry as a kid. I jerked off to WWF/WWE Divas.

There you go, showing everyone how much of a newfag you are.

I probably should read it but I always thought it was one of those more "theoretical" works typical of leftwing utopianism which often omits evolutionary models and ideas pertaining to biology. porn specifically deserves a more hands-on approach because it helps to demystify it

it does but the sexual arousal is a waste of energy; you're not getting laid and you're not engaging in activity that's conducive to you getting laid
obviously there's nothing wrong with being a hedonistic degen if that is what your heart desires but it's useful to consider the possibility of a brain that doesn't hijack all your senses because you saw a butt on the internet

I look at porn, Cg, hentai, western, and furry art.

I am enlightened

>they will get overly defensive
>says the man writing overly long posts about how much he hates other people

Attached: 30cc550999d1ed17cb7942cc8a6ac87d.jpg (800x800, 121K)

>run of the mill normalfag shit
Lmao are you actually being serious right now? Ask literally any normalfag on the street if they even know what a furry is, they'd laugh their asses off if you told them what they were.
Not even the furfag you were arguing with, you're just braindead

She's barely a rabbit.

If you're not turned on by this, you're a fag.

Attached: boobs bunny.webm (566x690, 1.18M)

true, that's a fair point

Had it bad for this bitch at 8 years. The fur cleavage bit was icing on the cake.

Fun to imagine this as basically just a map of bad parenting/broken households

tell me more, I always wanted a gadget like gf either in looks or in looks & interests


>wrestling faggot
Go back.

Just for you.

Attached: Some minor adjustments.webm (640x360, 1.41M)

On the internet it literally is. It’s just cope to pretend otherwise

i m a g i n e

>gets out his special “I’m a seething furry” reaction folder
I was there for /fur/, which you can now go look up on a wiki to try and desperately defend with your made up account of history


another article on that site, which describes how alt-right is addicted to hentai and anime

I would've rather you whacked it to furries desu.

You fantasized over whores who literally sucked dick to get on TV.

>nothing within 200km radius
still think the image is bullshit though

Alright, go to facebook right now ask a random person with their own photo as their profile pic if they're a furry, if it's a normalfag thing, surely the man/woman you're asking would be one


This right here. This is the literally moment, to the hour, where modern furryism was born and no one can refute this.

Attached: 4A0D3451-7EE2-4E0D-9404-50D878F1A11E.png (400x300, 181K)

If your point of reference is facebook you are a normalfag

Not a furry, just here to say that is some serious artistic talent

It seems that Spain has way less furries per square meter than baltic/slavic countries

God I wish that were me.

So beautiful.

Attached: lola-bunny-scooby-doo-looney-tunes-cartoon-universe-adventure-57.2.jpg (210x240, 19K)

You are just the best, user. I hope you have a good life, man.

Facebook is literally the quintessential normalfag site, you don't have to be a normalfag to know this.

>just shy of a meter
Dear God

Spanish people speak much less English than Slavs. That's it. You can go back Spanish furfag games on Payreon if you want right now.

Just because you like antro art, doesn't mean you're a furry

>search for "judy"
>1 of 1 results
You all should be ashamed of yourself

Attached: what is love.webm (1272x533, 2.18M)

Low tier taste
High tier taste
Absolute patrician taste



Attached: but.jpg (1062x896, 392K)

Ah bloo bloo

gadget is better

Gadget is not even within the top three MICE, let alone waifus overall.

Attached: Bianca Kiss.webm (608x368, 2.99M)

A bunch of those aren't Disney.
Also I thought rabbits were the designated "furry conversion" species. Going from Jessica Rabbit to Lola to Judy.


Attached: 1466174400778.png (588x781, 825K)

I think for people who grew up in the 90's it was either Lion King, Lola Bunny, or whatever Tom Reugger did (this or Road Rovers) that converted furries.

Idk what did it for those who grew up in the 00's. But Zootopia's gonna turn more people into furries than any film/show before it I think.

Try Maid Marian, a fox.

Attached: 1526267999650.gif (500x300, 1.2M)

For me, it was ducks.

Attached: dd6aceed7bc1596c6fb263013c219439.jpg (800x626, 100K)

Attached: Julie Bruin.webm (640x480, 2.51M)

Zootopia is going to create more furfags than any movie/show that came before it.

No she isn't Ray.

Attached: 1136141604.rayjones.gadgetrayjonesgoodpickings.jpg (612x792, 110K)

Thank you for once again showing us that you are a fucking newfag.

>Robin Hood & Maid Marian for 70's
>Nick Wilde for 10's

Fair enough. Though to be honest I think it's both rabbits and foxes.
Imho Zootopia was made in order to convert more people into furries, so the 2 main characters are the 2 most used species from other "furry conversion" films.

You know what I wish this thread had more of?

Attached: 1562990897560.jpg (1636x1200, 209K)

Attached: Gadget workout.jpg (1440x1080, 593K)

Outlaw Star.

>people who go out to the gym
>noooo they sit in a basement and fap to hentai!!!! so they are wrong!!!!

I had kid boners for gadget

Well too bad she's an anime, so no thank you.

I'd give that little munny a workout, if you know what I mean.

Author's Note: "Munny" is a portmanteau of "mouse" and "cunny".

a bit late on that prediction

Aisha hits all the fetishes.

Attached: 76B80348-6B2A-4947-B122-045B46D9F293.jpg (350x300, 44K)

Attached: Minerva Mink3.webm (710x540, 1.67M)

trash taste

>cheese grater
>male pregnancy
>implied cannibalism
I must see the image

singlehandedly makes jessie Rogers my fave pornstar

Damn Sarah Jessica Parker looks like THAT


pretty much. i remember watching a documentary about furries and they were all weirdo as fuck in differently ways, but had one common thread; parents who said shit like ‘oh we don’t believe in rules’ or ‘this is a free love household’. not a single functional family unit among them.

I had a dude on steam who I traded with, originally his username was tf2 engineer (german) but later he became a furry. Didn’t even know him that well he just changed his icon to show off his furry pride or some shit

It's not that farfetched; turning to animals instead of humans quite points to this.

The eternal Germoid...

Attached: aiportraits_1563497302.jpg (512x512, 15K)

warped? More like upgrated

There's a dangerous slope.

Attached: 1547411347422.jpg (1476x748, 592K)

I'd suck his dick.

This is what did it for me.

Just an attractive bunny that's not a dude
This generation appears to freak out whenever whenever they see a pair of tiddies

*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in ass*


Attached: 1496214747616.jpg (354x286, 25K)

Attached: te4IJ7D.gif (245x138, 774K)

It's not a vast Jewish propoganda conspiracy. Animators are just perverts and they will draw anything if they can get away with it.

Attached: 1557548330532.gif (480x270, 1.96M)

I’ve actually made peace with the fact that i’m a furfag a few weeks ago after nearly a decade of hating furfags and telling them to yiff in hell.

I realized that I could find certain anthro art hot without making it my life or the only thing I get off too. I’m much happier now that i’m comfortable throwing ol Lola into the fap rotation every once in a while. A lot of furry girls are max comfy.

I still despise the stereotypical “fursona” template wolf face though. I can’t get into that.

Attached: EEABF4D4-FA06-4775-8147-6F48419C86BF.png (296x420, 31K)

>white people

anthropomorphism has been a thing since the dawn of the ape
probably because we got visited by space cats

Attached: CC65EACF-BDD4-47A0-A9D9-ACA36586BBF0.jpg (600x939, 42K)

Attached: sonicfox-750x422_0[1].jpg (750x422, 37K)

...neither did I. I was uh, I was just asking.

there you go

>bounce on my pee pee like a happy bunny
>hop hop hop hop
>fluff puff fluff puff
>make me cum and make lots of baby bunnies!

Attached: wojakk.jpg (236x282, 22K)

Have you ever heard of the bespotted beetle? They fuck beer bottles until they die due to their attraction being hijacked by an unnatural object. ( it’s the same thing with men, you see the male brain is designed around being attracted to well, human females and depending on the mate selection chosen

(high stress, fast lifestyle = exotic, low stress, stable lifestyle = familiar/ingroup) based mostly around stress and thus chance of destruction the brain desires certain things. Now in the modern day the internet overloads the Brain with unnatural stimuli and stress due to conflicting views and the breakdown of sociality, this causes the brain to lean heavily towards the exotic due to high levels of stress. For some this will be exemplified in mere cross race fetishization, such as black on white, white on black, white on Asian etc.

But for others this gets amplified through repeated traumatic exposures to extreme stimuli, increasing the brains tolerance to the shit and forcing dudes down the pornographic spiral. (This is apart of the reason why all neets who do not get a life eventually turn into trannies) first from large secondary sexual characteristics on fur-ish women then down to beastiality and cuckoldry wholesale.

Really it’s fucking repulsive and I think the term “cumbrain” is a good off hand term that can be used to slap other anons into figuring out what has happened to them through insult.

If you're going to shitty wojak post, put a little more effort into it.

she's as flat and featureless as they come breh


She’s got a nice little bunny booty.

You're featureless.

Attached: 1553821033767.jpg (734x1000, 91K)

It's quite remarkable how much like other unique animals humans try to be and act like, pic not as much related

Attached: pic.png (1917x2431, 3.18M)

God, I want to fuck that bunny butt so badly.

she has as much ass as Tracer

>based slavs lmao

Attached: pornhub-my-little-porny-country-mlp-searches.jpg (650x1138, 108K)

>angrily posts fanart
not saying I wouldn't ride in her backseat but let's be real her...

Cant believe they didn't allow side boobs in a little kids movie

So tight and shapely? Perfect for the athletic type?

Can we all agree Judy Hopps is the sexiest fury character?

why do kikes keep repeating retardation pic related so much?

Attached: ew.png (2650x1400, 2.31M)

I have degenerate furry proclivities and this describes my family

Attached: 1519465764326.jpg (320x240, 16K)

Attached: german furries.png (657x616, 234K)

For me? It’s Fifi.

Attached: 691E2A7D-5556-488D-AB5B-F5A081793494.jpg (400x300, 63K)

What good is a female you don’t wanna fuck?


Attached: C47326C9-F941-4D60-992C-C595C0AED48E.png (784x1803, 1.44M)

Definitely bullshit they put out for political reasons. Surprised these pornkikes didn't put Hungary higher up.

that's not the point, literally the contrary
they just literally slap on accessories and paint to monkey women


Attached: AEBFFF78-9E8A-4125-BE0A-25FBB15500C2.jpg (1985x2560, 403K)

Attached: Misc12.jpg (720x480, 115K)

You guys got no class

Attached: bianca.jpg (329x403, 12K)

Shut up faggot you know it's true

>slippery slope

It’s not a slippery slope, it is a natural consequence. Once you allow yourself to jerkoff to non-adult female human forms just because they are depicted femininely, that logic can be projected on anything in any medium.

Attached: 2789b360a398297b4c4bdd4f6d487e12.gif (512x512, 147K)

What about this one?

Attached: Fifi.webm (626x476, 2.89M)

Attached: Georgette-oliver-and-companys-georgette-29395136-830-463.jpg (830x463, 84K)

Attached: 1494687547694.jpg (680x1175, 80K)

I literally remember going to bed crying because she couldn't be my girlfriend when i was young

tfw this makes me want to be a girl
fuck Hollywood

1986 is so pretty

wow wtf human porn is going to turn me into a furry!?

>me in the back

>you like girls will inevitably lead to you like boys

Bugs Bunny was better at it.

Attached: 1553340423625.jpg (640x480, 106K)

I beg to differ

I want to ____ that bunny

Attached: 1524253871870.jpg (766x1124, 64K)


marry and impregnate


>pornhub is western propaganda! w-we're not degenerates!
t. igor sonovavich gorbachev

Attached: 1517345875508.jpg (1280x904, 276K)

good thing it's not slippery though or 20 years of fapping to girls would have turned me gay

This is correct

Attached: 12325342345.png (1772x1417, 2.39M)

Attached: 694f3a8800d9ca7221b28767cb07c272.png (780x800, 176K)

a fucking coppa

Attached: 1542040413849.jpg (900x450, 133K)


Attached: CULTURE.jpg (680x383, 29K)

>not posting the better

Attached: FF6B0F44-37B5-40E5-B8E2-2E945407A381.gif (320x136, 2.94M)

Attached: 1543656009804.gif (320x240, 1.43M)


Attached: 1534293099077.gif (500x486, 1.9M)


Ironically it appears to correlate to wealth. So the more wealthy a country is the more fuckups it can keep around and continue to function.

This is what the 21st Century Furries will be lusting after, it's so depressing.

Attached: Cats.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

Attached: 1558344056533.jpg (614x800, 98K)

Why, can't I be a cute girl why.

Attached: 1559473443166.jpg (214x236, 9K)

Attached: Ready Boner One.webm (1280x532, 2.93M)

Attached: 1558343901707.jpg (1717x2500, 1.22M)


imagine being a zoomer and saying recent animations are making kids gay. lol

it's western kemonomimi dude
it's hardly furry
shits on them if anything

Attached: 7F330299-1F20-4679-8420-6C4ADE0384D6.jpg (477x512, 36K)



Attached: 1496475445078.png (1228x541, 69K)

would it have been that hard?

Attached: Mrrshan Empress.webm (1280x720, 874K)

this is truth, and thanks for extracting the best non-bs file

That looks fucked.


I'd like to rewatch the Tenchi series, but I know it won't live up to my nostalgia.

>plantigrade kemono
>gold standard of anthro
eh... no

Attached: Lieutenant Shiboline M'Ress of the USS Enterprise.png (2200x2200, 3.01M)

but thanks for this image

Attached: 79130F94-42EA-4CDA-B0E3-9070507ED3C5.gif (332x332, 1.29M)

>ywn have a big tiddy kitty take a selfie with you

Attached: 1540479214538.jpg (640x632, 212K)

where is this from????

lol, but wait a minute
was she sending this to that villain lacky?

Is there somewhere I can find more shit like this? There's goota be more out there.

It looks like someone put shitty filter on. Furries are too fucking obsessive to approve if this

Anything you draw while employed by the studio is the property of the studio, and is kept. Disney has an entire vault of official animator drawn lewds and porn that will never see the light of day.

>make children's cartoon playing on the hunter/prey dynamic
>hunter believes he is the smart one but always outwitted by his prey
>comedy lies in the subversion of the norm
>in a world of falling anvils and bendable shotgun barrels
>children laugh for years


>This thread is still up

Does anyone know how that one got out then?


Attached: monqoe pussycatto.webm (534x301, 2.47M)

>Disney has an entire vault of official animator drawn lewds and porn that will never see the light of day
WTF I'm a communist now. Abolish private property, the lewds belong to the people.

Catgirls shouldn't be that much cat

Attached: big fat cat tats.png (445x630, 423K)

it should have been more cat
and certainly not that zeta grey you just posted

why off yourself as a frequent, user?

and I'm the final coming of christ

Is this acceptable?

Attached: katt.jpg (675x1200, 77K)

Even Schwartz forgot her.
I'm way past my expiration date, but still here.

it's called knowing how to use what's right in front of you
I'm sure you feel great not getting called a newfag around here

Fantastic taste.

Very much so.

>zeta grey with makeup

Attached: barkley.png (429x321, 230K)

If you want something more human, how about this?

Attached: cute catgirl.jpg (487x695, 56K)


on a side note, have you m8s checked out that new crash team racing game?

Attached: 5958E31A-D882-4B56-A1BC-67F74C86852B.jpg (1184x1257, 310K)

Callie Briggs from Swat Kats is as far furry as I'll go.

Attached: callie briggs.jpg (342x255, 56K)

Literal perfection

Attached: 2b2f3577e1182daec2c79fa57921be02.png (1200x963, 225K)

that post was cringy user


Why's that?

This art style hasn't held up that well but that is not going to stop me (or fan artists).

Attached: Jenny.jpg (768x576, 74K)

It's Avatar all over again
Neytiri is...

>bendable shotgun barrels

i hate this gay coding and reclaiming trash as much as anyone, especially since it always coincides with gays becoming "out" and popular anyway so it means nothing

but that one just makes the shotgun more phallic when you think about it

Cats is going to be a massive flop. Next gen furries were imprinted by Zootopia.

This is a sickening perversion and I certainly don't want to research it an longer than the four hours I've just spent looking at pictures like this.

Attached: Sheep and Wolves.jpg (1100x556, 90K)

>furries looking down on those who want to bang literal snake cloaca
I guess I fell for the bait.

Attached: swat kats villains.png (781x1400, 1.08M)

Attached: swat kats waifus.png (491x1400, 1.61M)


I forgot a lot of Swat Kats since I haven't watched since it was new. I remembered the reporter being hot though.

God I wish that were me

Cats with tits and womanly hips? That's just wrong.

Attached: miss kitty mouse cosplay.jpg (853x1280, 366K)

People's constant compulsive need to label and compartmentalize everything, especially to get some sad form of validation from the same people they hate
it's cringe

What about North Korean cartoons?

It think you're reading into it too much. I don't really have any opinion on furries or thing too deeply about furry levels. I just wanted to bring up Swat Kats because I liked the show as a kid and remembered thinking the girl was cute.

Fuck that scene, it gave me a detachable head fetish

Lt. Vixen makes my pee-pee sneeze.

Attached: 1524323821963.gif (208x320, 635K)

Hey I made that picture.

Attached: furrylution.png (1013x728, 631K)

She was made to get married by a human male

this, this is it

You filthy traitor of the revolution.

> fur cleavage

jesus fucking christ, you are right, never noticed it as a kid. Was it subliminal messaging?

What the fuck were they doing to us

It's their fault for making her so foxy.

Attached: 1529069975744.png (1066x1500, 371K)

get yourself a micefu

>That camel toe
You son of a bitch