Is gender a social construct?

Is gender a social construct?

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It’s one of the few things that isn’t actually

Yes, just like language is. Being a social construct doesn't mean that it is arbitrary by any means, there is a high correlation with reality otherwise it would be as suitable as making random noises compared to forming coherent sentences.

No its a biological one

Inb4 tranny cope

To an extent, as it's founded upon sexual dimorphism, which is biological.


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Gender is a biological construct.

>I don't identify
no one gives a shit dude, you're clearly a man.

Sex isn't a social construct

sex is a spectrum cause some men have small weenies

It doesn't matter what they clearly are to you, they don't identify as one.

>Sex isn't a social construct

Sex and gender were used interchangeably until some tranny lovers started to rebrand words.

No one gives a shit. I don't identify as a white man can I get affirmative action now?

It doesn't matter what they identify as, it matters what they actually are.
It's not up to him, and it's not up to me. He just is a man.

>some jewish woman from the 70's decides to change the definition of a word and we're all suppose to play along
no, they're synonyms.

>It's not up to him, and it's not up to me. He just is a man.
It is actually, and like I already said - they're not just a man.

>clearly are to you
>to you
You're clearly a jackass.

Except they are just a man
LARPing as a girl doesn't make you girl anymore than LARPing as a dog makes you a dog.

Just shut the fuck up dipshit

Okay. So they're mentally ill and won't accept reality. Next question.

language evolves old man

Not usually by force and peer pressure from delusional academics and mass media


>language evolves
Sure, definitions don't though.

Then they are mentally ill and they shouldnt expect the world to bend to their psychosis

I hope one day you'll grow to understand, the world is changing and people like you are going to be left behind. :)

never has a preference. A hole is just a hole. Doesn't feel strongly one way or the other about anything unless the media tells him to. No discernible principles he's willing to die for. This is the model citizen for the multi-culti, globohomo dystopia.


But pilpul... Pilpul never changes.

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>inb4 biological essentialism trolls w/ no imagination

your personal bio is only a part of your self-identity and the individual is only part of a social ecosystem. humans are adept enough to adapt to a number of roles, some just can't cope that men can cook clean and raise the kids; also, look at the WNBA

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