>You're trash, Brock
You're trash, Brock
>You're feed, Chuck
>You're trash, Brock. Jump out the window now, I want to see you splatter, blood hitting children passing by, people screaming, and I'll laugh. I'll laugh til tears rain down. The idea of your bones breaking and organs laying on the asphalt is true bliss. It's hot this time of year, your intestines
will fry like an egg in a pan, sizzling as blood pours out of your eyes. I'll take lots of pictures of your corpse and send them to your family, day after day, their little baby boy like lifeless with his entrails covering the road. And while all this happens, I'll have a big smile across my face. You want forgiveness? Get religion
Different time or not, I feel like Raimi lost his mind when writing this scene.
As memed as this movie is, I managed to find more heart and soul in it than I have in quite a lot of the marvel movies that came out recently. Homecoming, Black panther legitimately pale in comparison to this movie.
>I don't see how that's my problem, you hook-nosed Jew
How did Raimi even get away with this? I mean it was a different time, but damn.
>With white power comes white responsibility
there are all these subtle hints at Uncle Bens KKK past, but this was a little too on the nose for me
Why do people shit on spidey 3
I don't really know honestly
What is that image from? A Thirty Seconds to Mars music video?
It was fucking terrible that’s why
okay but why though
>Peter starts dancing in front of the WTC ruins
wtf was up with that?
If you're not being ironic
Way too many villains that all have completely separate storylines, so it ends up feeling like three different movies smashed together and you keep jumping from one to the other. You can do multiple villains well but you have to interweave them into the same narrative. Sandman, Venom, and New Goblin were too much.
Fucking weird ass cringey emo Peter in order to portray the Venom suit's aggression or some shit, ended up being better for comedy purposes than an actual movie. Seriously the movie feels like a parody for like half of it.
It's a bit crowded, and the emo Peter is not that well-played.
the worst part about this movie is that Topher Grace looks more like peter parker than this faggot maguire
complete miscast
"man of spiders"-mememan surely left an impression on Pete.
That’s probably because you sit down to watch, pumped full of nostalgiafag rage, ready to tick off boxes where those films don’t correlate with this rather cheesy overrated trilogy from your childhood.
brainlets in the audience had trouble understanding that when you're under the control of an alien that takes over your body you start acting different
Spidey 3 was a full blown comedy, it succeeded at that for sure, but it would've been nice to have the end of the trilogy be dramatically cathartic like the previous 2 were.
It really made no sense at all, and the direction they took was shit.
On that note, Giamatti was a bizarre choice for Rhino, but he's a strong enough actor to make it semi-ok.
>ended up being better for comedy purposes than an actual movie.
Not exactly the first time he's done that
That was the point, they're reflections of each other
more sincerity in that few minute scene than any bullshit in marvel's recent movies