Come on now waggie, let me see my photo. There is nobody around on monday morning. You want some neetbux?

Come on now waggie, let me see my photo. There is nobody around on monday morning. You want some neetbux?

Attached: ChiefDependentKawala.webm (640x1136, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what a jewish thing to do

Notice the chad that couldnt possibly care any less if they take the video

holy based imagine if the dub fat ass actually came around and placed a hand on you

how do you get juked off the one monitor like you saw the guy walk up you know which pick he's looking for he's not trying to print every picture lol

i don't know what's going on here.

Wouldn't it just be easier for them to have 1 switch to turn the screens on or a button they hold to show the photos then the screen goes off

Hey, I saw this on reddit

>mommy is running out of money
>need to get job by the end of this year
>going to work at mcshit or walmart for the rest of my life

anons please help me avoid this fate, what should I do to make a little bit of money like 1-2k a month.

Attached: T8p4PVY.jpg (1324x978, 79K)

>nooooooooooo my multi-billion company can't lose five dollars!!!!

What is up with this fatass doing the Nazi salute while my family and I are trying to enjoy a nice vacation at this amusement park?
I'm reporting this guy to corporate.

some warehouse? I dont know I'm on the same boat


Staffing agency maybe. You'll probably get warehouse shit though and it's depressing.

Thats exactly how id imagine someone who gave a shit about this to look like

I guess this is what I'd have to do although my body has deteriorated a lot so I'd be dying every day for the first couple months.

night shift security

whats on the screens? and why is he trying to cover it up

t. Jew

One of those rides that takes a picture of you going down the drop or during a scary moment ect ect ect.

He's covering it up because theme parks like to charge you out the ass to take a picture home.

fucking this

I got paid $17/hr to shitpost on Yea Forums for the first year after school when I was looking for a job

>those digits

Attached: average pol poster.png (417x618, 312K)

I'd be too paranoid I'd get fucking killed
also nighttime is spooky

I like how smartphones are make this merchandise at the end of rides pointless. Whadya gonna do? Turn off the monitors?

thanks my lad, what a fat faggot

Some rollercoasters/show rides have cameras that take photos of the passengers mid-drop, they then show the photos on those screens when you disembark to try and encourage you to buy incredibly overpriced prints of you and your family shitting themselves. This idol of wageslavery is trying to stop the filmer capture them on his phone.

Who tf wants a fuckin washed out cellphone pic of an LCD monitor instead of a printed pic you cheap idiot

He absolutely is a fat faggot

Attached: aiportraits_1563507865.jpg (1024x512, 83K)

>a ride based in England

It's a theme park action photo

Welcome to six flags great America! For your safety keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times. Have a fun and Heil Hitler bruder!

It's impossible to get into this shit. Every company wants prior experience or you need a fucking license or some shit

Drive a forklift. Easy as fuck and pays more than working some mcshit job

What kind of fucking retard buys this shit?
also what kind of fucking loser wagie puts that mich effort into preventing "theft"

>Son, I'm getting this, framing it, and putting it on our fucking mantel.

this man know what up

how do you survive?
how do you manage to get by every day being such a retard?

its a joke pick not your funking wedding

that takes a certification and 6 months of training brah.

I'm white

>thinking the print itself isn't on cheap shit.

You don't do anything, bruh. They literally train you to not intervene in anything. The security industry operates on "observe and report". That's it. Your job is to contact the cops/EMS/fire when shit is actually happening, but NEVER to intervene on your own.

Where are you located? Security is literally the easiest field to get into here in Ontario. You don't even have to speak fuckin English and you've got a job with 40hrs a week guaranteed.

you say that then this shit happens to him. But hey your a wageslave why not enjoy the early death.

Crypto, if that fails, suicide.

Depends on where you work. Most plants will train you on the job. And there is nothing about driving a forklift that requires 6 months. I work in an iron foundry/machine shop and they showed all the new hires how to operate on in about an hour.


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elaborate rich guy

true that shit happens all the time

>lol look at the pathetic wagie acting like his job isn't on the line if he doesn't act haha

t. NEETs

Just buy some Bitcoin and Chainlink.

How are people able to film hilarious shit like this? I'd be laughing my ass off too hard the whole time at that dude trying to block the screen.

back to /biz/

they charge like $20 for these pictures so they can seriously fuck off

my nigga I get paid $37/hr to sit on a train that drives itself, get yourself a union job and literally ride it out to early retirement

You guys are all making fun of that wagie but companies like do stuff like send plants in to "test" their employees and make sure they're doing the job right undercover. He might have thought that was some under-cover corporate guy, or that one of them was watching.


If he didn't at least make some sort of attempt in stopping the guy then they would've fired him.

you need a lot of money to do that in the first place though

the original poster is poor

Paranoid wagies struggling to survive in soviet era work conditions.

>you have to go back
>how can white women compete
>whiter than you mohammed
>lose weight
>have sex
>day of the rope
>race traitor
>the terror
>/pol/ is Yea Forums
>Hitler did nothing wrong

Attached: pol.png (876x1076, 862K)


>caring about your wagie job to the point of being paranoid about undercover plants
New level of pathetic desu

what's the job specifically, how did yo uget it?

Same in BC, wasn't even done the two weeks training before the company's HR guy was getting the paperwork together to hire the entire class. And forget about speaking English, it was amazing the some guards had two brain cells to rub together.

protect my precious $5 photos wagey with all your life PROTECT them!!

this is horseshit

it makes absolutely no economic sense to pay that amount of attention to someone making the legal minimum wage. if anything they'd can the supervisor

Can you even survive as a NEET on your own without having disability or something?

Go to construction company like plumbing

Work in the warehouse

Show you're motivated and willing to learn

Most places will send you to job sites as assistant

If you're not a complete fuck up and willing to work there for so many years they'll probably send you to school

Even if they don't you're going to be making more than minimum wage

All the above advice applies to areas not flooded with mexicans I have no idea how cheap slave labor changes the dynamic but I assume most companies would rather hire Jose for shoddy but cheap labor

Master Shekelsburg please I protected these photos with all my energy can master please compensate me with head scratches? Please master!

In spite of all my rage I am still just a wage in a cage

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Transit operator

I just applied online with zero transit experience whatsoever. Got lucky and got funneled into the subway, where the train drives itself. All I do is push a button and occasionally drive the train when the automatic system goes to shit.

Insane benefits, beast of a pension, and union protection that makes it almost impossible to fire me.

nice theory but the problem with it is that in reality companies DO send plants like these for quality assurance purposes. Especially in theme parks, it's extremely important to have consistent high quality and enthusiastic employees, and since you're not paying them enough to work hard you need to spy on them and threaten them. Overall it's still cheaper than actually paying them since you just need to get some intern to be the plant once a month

white men...they literally have zero dignity.

Again, these kinds of audits always fall on the supervisor's head. It's never the front line person's neck on the line. It will always be argued that the higher paid supervisor is inadequately supervising and training the fuckup.

What the fuck is this guy making a Nazi salute? Someone dox this guy! Get him fired!

Any more information on where to train or how to start in this user? Fellow ontariofag here and night security sounds like a good job for a formerly neet schizoid

Get a gig in a call centre without a fixed schedule, so that you get paid per call. If you're willing to work yourself into an early grave, you can make some money.

>that one guy in these threads who posts how he loves his job and how NEETS are wasting their lives away

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>on your own
All of these NEETposters are supported by their parent.

>the terror

too far man

Applied to be a trainboi myself a year ago. Never heard anything back ;__;

>I'm on the same boat

>tfw getting paid to sit around on Yea Forums right now

stick dildos up your ass on chaturbate


Wal Mart tried this shit on me when I worked there during HS. They tell you to open every container and bag and check it for items people might have put inside while cashing out but my first day when I tried doing this some old boomer got pissed at me and the manager told me not to bother, then a few weeks later some corporate fuck came in and filled up a bunch of suitcases and bags and brought them through the till and they took me into the back and started pulling out all the stuff to show me how much I let them "steal" because I didn't open up every pouch to scan for Christian music CDs. I displayed a "bad attitude" about the whole thing and got taken off the registers and turned into a cart monkey.

>if anything they'd can the supervisor
as a wagie this seems very plausible to me. When ever we are being "shopped" my manager lets me know so I can be on good behavior


How? Why?

sell drugs

My job is mostly boring and I certainly don't love it but god damn having nothing to do on weekdays all day on semester break made me suicidal


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New meme??

Blessed advice. Got a night security job years ago and have never been happier.
>decent pay
>nothing fucking happens
>get paid above minimum wage to shitpost on Yea Forums
It's actually kind of baffling that they're paying me to just be a warm body but whatever I'll take it

You'll need a security license, which can be obtained online. Look around and do the cheapest course you can find. Take the test which is easy as fuckin shit and wait for your license to arrive in the mail.

Then look at the websites for the big companies, like Garda/Paragon/Paladin. They're literally always hiring. If you want to chill look for night stuff, or more specifically look for "mobile" positions. This means you sit in a car 99% of the time. Night-time positions in malls are great since they're closed when you'll be working. The interview is just to make sure you're an actual human being so don't stress over it. Security is very wide ranging, so there's a thousand different options, but if you want to get paid to shitpost then look for night time positions in places that aren't open at night.

I worked for Paladin for a year and a half. I'd say I did my proper job honestly like 10% of the time and spent the rest slacking and sleeping.

Plus if you decide to get your shit together and want to stay in security they LOVE promoting from within so you can be a supervisor within 6 months no problem, and then work your way up from there.

Any specific requirements for a security job? Do you have to be 8ft 2000 pounds or?

Don't you need a license and training to be a security guard though?

Keep at it nigga. I applied for 4 years before getting lucky. It's astounding how much money I make for what I'm asked to do.

Nvm, I read this


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Work as a personal assisstant, dude practically sleeps the whole day away, i just have to make sure he doesnt manage to die in his sleep, when hes awake we just watch netflix and i continue shitposting on here. Do practically nothing all day and get paid considerably more than the average mcwagie around here with all the extras

cut him some slack
give him a break
get off his back

I only need to be productive like 2 days a week.

Kek, based

idk how it is anywhere else but here in NY all I needed to do was take an """8 hour""" class(they let us out after 3 hours) and pass a test that only a literal monkey could fail. After that I was mailed my license and could work security anywhere in the state. I'm a fat manlet so no weight/height/strength requirements. It's a very formerly-NEET friendly job

stay strong, fren
and cuddle

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A fate worse than death

Is it mean that I laughed my ass off at this?

Thanks user that's pretty informative

so you're a drone with no free will or motivation?


Whoa, what did she mean by this?

>mfw work in comic book shop
Not rich by any stretch, but it beats flipping burgers, and qt art hoes visit the store every now and then

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How does /tvpol/ feel about those restaurants where they encourage you to throw peanut shells on the floor?

>art hoes visit the store every now and then
Do you speak to the whores?

is this the jannys side gig?

Can't stress enough how much of a joke security is. I worked a place in downtown Toronto that did 2 weeks of nights 2 weeks of days, rotating. 12 hr shifts meant I never worked more than 3 days straight before getting 2-3 days off. We would get wasted at night, a few times we blasted a bunch of coke, we stole all kinds of shit, just laughed when the mentally ill would destroy the building we were sworn to protect, watched countless hours of movies and tv, made fun of the faggot supervisors, bent and broke every rule they gave us, etc. They tried to track us with a work cellphone and within 1 shift both of the phones were at the bottom of elevator shafts. Routinely would just wander off site to go for walks or get food, pulled fire alarms for fun, bunch of guards would fuck each other in the change rooms, slept entire shifts away. I maintained this for more than a year and a half without once getting in any trouble at all or reprimanded. They invest SO MUCH faith in you as a security guard and as a guard you very quickly learn all the secrets of the site that the dumbass retard management have no idea about.

Security is PERFECT if you don't need a fuck load of money or respect, I wish I had got into it sooner before having to move on to a better paying industry.

Yes, that's how I met my ex. Granted, I'm not what you'd typically envision to see in such a store. Slightly better looking.

Those are real? I thought it was just a meme.

Scum, subhuman scum.



A guy i work with does security and he said its incredibly easy to get a license. You take a class and they basically give you all the answers

Do you get a fancy uniform?


>You take a class and they basically give you all the answers
That's how it is with most american tests.

Yup. Right before the test, after the papers were handed out but before we were to actually start, the guy teaching the class straight up said to ask him about any questions you get stuck on and he'll give you the answer. The class is only there to make sure you can function and show up at a place at the time they ask you to. It's unreal.

Every night shift security guy iv known has been involved in crime to supplement their shit wages.

>One I knew sold meth to crack heads while he worked
>Another who was working at a warehouse, was helping and covering up for the warehouse workers sneaking stock out the back door. Did this for 3 years and eventually got caught and went to jail.

We were provided a security shirt, tactical pants, a belt with all the shit you needed, and $700 bulletproof vests. All you needed to buy was your own steel-toe boots.

When I quit with like 20 mins notice one day they demanded that I return my uniform or else I wouldn't get paid my final cheque. I laughed and said nah, they paid me anyway.

10/10 post

chad move

why the hitler salute?

why are securitybros such bad apples?

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Can't carry a gun though

That's adorable, how fucking cute. He thinks he has to do that and that it might work. Like a 5 year old.

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Shut the fuck up schlomo and keep writing me check to shitpost on Yea Forums all shift ;^)

imagine taking a pointless job this seriously

Canadians legally aren't allowed to defend themselves of course security don't have guns


Go work for the government
>Decent pension
>Don't work hard at all (in fact it is often discouraged)
>Maybe do 2 hours of actual work a week

Attached: Feels happy.jpg (400x388, 71K)

So? If anything that makes it easier since less is expected of me. With a gun you have a means to defend yourself. Without a gun your "good judgment" and "situational awareness" is all you have. And you can ALWAYS play the pussy card and say that you didn't stop the guy from lighting the building on fire or stealing because you feared for your safety and the company will always back down since they're terrified of labor-laws and WSIB lawsuits.

That's me. I dissect fish

>not dissect frogs
One job.


I love gommunisum

based badboy security not giving a fuck

Guys like you are why I assault every security guard I see.


Govvy jobs are ridiculous. In Ontario if you work at a government liquor store you get paid like $26-30 an hour for literally stocking the shelves and working a cash register. Plus benefits.

Only browns and women can be hired by the government these days though

persons of color, user

*Niggers and spics


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If you're a white guy just put on your most FLAAAAAMING gay guy impression in the interview and you'll have a very good chance of being hired.

Saucy Jack

>tfw brown spic but too light skinned to get ez government job
wtf this is like the worst of both worlds

post wojacks for me to laugh at. preferably with tears

It's only a matter of time until someone rigs a few of those wagecages and kills somebody with em.

>work in promotion for a company
>have to stand in the sun for 8 hours every day
>gypsies constantly approach me and ask if someone were to steal the products what I would do
>I told them it's not my job and they're free to do whatever they want
>if someone that's not a rich tourist approached me I'm honest with them and tell them everything is shitty as hell
>some grandpa called the police on me because I told him that I wasn't responsible for where the merchandise was situated and I didn't care if it was in front of a church
at least I finally get paid today

tfw no gov jobs open near me

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I haven't heard an alarm bell in 6 months.

Christ, this explains why all the security guards in my building are incompetent pajeets. I hate how naive I am sometimes.

I had an army of feral schizos and meth heads that would defend me to their death since I let them smoke their meth in peace or sleep in the food court overnight. Guards are protected by the filth they oversee. The few times I was confronted or threatened I had a member of the local maniac homeless squad scuttle out of the gutter baring their teeth at whoever was giving me shit. I had to break up at least three fights that were begun because one of our regulars felt like I was being disrespected.

Be very careful.

I haven't heard an alarm bell for about 7 years though I do just wake up around 7AM every day anyways, I'm a fairly /fit/ neet

we bros

People of the future will see alarm clocks as literal torture devices
Humans weren't meant to live like that

dishwasher then move on up in the kitchen

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You're a bitchmade pussy nigga, straight up, if an alarm clock gets you that fucked up. Grow a set, goddamn.


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Don't you have work in the morning, wagie?

You need some kinda degree or at least 2+ years of previous job experience to get a gov job
They will never hire worthless NEETs.

I'd honestly like to cook for a living but having to wash dishes for a year would make me want to kill myself. Wonder how easy it is to get a loan for a food truck that would be comfy as hell.

better hurry up and eat your cereal wage boi
mr goldstein will reprimand you for being late again.


chef is the most stressful job around.
Definitely not neet friendly.

Do not
do it
Im not sure about the US but if youre a yuropoor being a chef without some fancy ass connections is basically the equivalent of slave labor
most restaurants and fastfood joints have you work illegally or are moneylaundering fronts
they force you to use every fucking trick in the book to make spoiled, rotten materials edible without the customers noticing
they overwork the everliving fuck out of you as you arent a registered employee thus the only holidays you get are by the good grace of the owner and if the other pulverized members of staff arent off sick or whatever
all this for more money under a table
youre better off working in a fucking service desk


Shouldn't have been a useless NEET

you could go undercover and get some sweet whistleblower bux

>high school diploma
>Get hired by multis to work in call centres
>level up to a service desk analyst, have to help with actual issues instead of just catch and dispatch
>get promoted to a subject matter expert, managing the knowledge base and quality process of this project and a new one
is it better to go down this route or should I just go with internal trainings and be 2nd or 3rd level support? Company offers free courses for SQL, Office tools, Powershell shit and networking

someone please shop an ss uniform on him

Attached: 1563470275779.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Largest severance package paid to any American CEO:
Jack Welch at General Electric: $417 Million
You can almost feel his spit hitting your eyes.

usually restaurant owners are either high enough in the foodchain or are connected enough as to calculate with potential employees ratting them out and just employ damage control methods ie fake reviews out of the ass (they do that anyway) or have health inspectors come at a prearranged date for a checkup and find everything squeky clean

meanwhile you get no whistleblower bux as its not like some bounty you get rewarded for, the restaurant (if its a chain even worse) can discredit you as a disgruntled employee spouting bullshit out of spite while flashing their newly acquired certificates
also you wont be hired by another fucking restaurant in the entire region so you may as well skip town if you want to keep working as a chef

what is he trying to block?

>being a slave

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just doing my job ma'am. hitler dubs check'd.

A Walmart I went to in Georgia hired mongs. They added a fun atmosphere and it's not like they couldn't do the job.

Been getting pressured a lot lately into finding a job. I don't know what I want to do. Everything around here is just shitty desk jobs at some corporation. Yay, wonderful.

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Can confirm security guarding is like stealing a wage. Currently working in an office just reading Yea Forums.

Unless you work leisure sites on the doors dealing with drunks it is basically just sitting around. Boring job.

What's your skillset?
*muffled giggle*

THIS for the lulz