yeah, more like, uhh, REDDIT ... lettermedia?
Yeah, more like, uhh, REDDIT ... lettermedia?
Other urls found in this thread:
More like Closet Case Media.
Was that a question?
more like YidShysterJewdia
look at me I'm so edgy
Absolutely based.
More like People pay us shittons of money why do they expect us to make videos Media.
more like lazyfatfucksmedia
Can I borrow this joke? Shit is TIGHT.
you're on fucking fire today man
Unironically this, they're the most reddit thing that you fags like for some reason. I can't handle how fucking reddit their show is
Still waiting for them to admit the prequels were good
>people who can't stay awake from sitting in a chair for 80 minutes and don't pay attention/remember the film become film critics.
Jay is a qt
Mike Stoklasa looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before thé photographer. Very very disrespectful.
You think that's bad mr. president, just look at the guy holding jay's leash
>2 niggers
>It's a Mike hides behind a jaded, more-cynical-than-thou persona and acts like he's not just another fanboy making baseless speculations, theories, and talking about capeshit and Star Wars episode
Oh wait, that's every episode.
This board would improve by so much if you banned all the shitty e-celeb youtuber threads
Why is Jack rubbing his crotch?
where can i buy jay's shirt?
All the braps got to him after a while
>dont get gf
>dont have wife
>automatically makes him gay
He has a family you fucking moron
thats his sister not his wife ya DUMB IDIOT MORON FUCKING RETARD
>that smile when you know your titties are bigger than the titties of your gf
Is Jay's shirt photoshopped?
More like tiny hands media
Great you know how to search the archive. Then you aware of the other pics that prove that the women is his sister.
no you idget
>jay's face when he sees female strippers in vegas
Jessi has way too much forehead, i can't believe you nerds want to lick her feet. Get some standards you gross ass nerds
that's probably the worst part about RLM. the fact they think they are "above" everyone and the fact that their fanbase thinks that way.
Jays shirt is based
>picture is clearly framed for Jay, Unknown person, Mike and Jessie
>Jack has to force his way into the picture even though there is space
Sums up every RLM video with Jack perfectly
In the original it reads 2faggots but they edited out the fa and ot.
more like suckadickredandswallowmedia
you stupid fucking bastard, you really think jay would offend his left wing fanbase?
Jack is based he's literally the best member of RLM Jack > Mike > Jay > The Random > Jessi
i just noticed, it says niggers on jays shirt
Where's muh spiderman review Mike?
where's my re:View of Star Trek 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 with mike and that guy who is a matte painter, a very good matte painter, who recently made a model millenium falcon that looks very good
Better than any official model, some are saying
Why did the redditor delete this image?
Because Jay wants to stay in the closet.
Jay was in Nevada to visit the legal brothels.
Jack and Rich are honorary members of Feminist Frequency at this point.
And by this point I mean from the beginning.
Jim could be today's Bob Ross.
>Drunk redfaced Bob Ross who hates the elderly
>Unknown person
that guy is literally a Yea Forums poster.
>hates the elderly
I'm ok with that.
But the kids look exactly like him
>the kids share a certain similarity with their gay uncle
>he must be the dad
This is some hard cope.
based daddy jay
>hey you're the midget from rlm, I'm a big fan
>mind if I take a picture
>uh yeah, why not
*meanwhile on the internet*
pure wishful thinking by the homos that frequent this board
rlm was and still is Yea Forums
don't know about Jack, but Rich has said that all women do is complain about shit all the time, not a very progressive thing to say
Cope harder faghag.
You are creepy, user. That's his personal photo.
How old is Jay? I suppose in his age he should have at least a stable girlfriend.
nice quads fag, it's still jay not gay
didnt Rich basically out Jay when they were discussing the California hunks video?
It was a joke you dumb fuck
The picture is a couple of years old. Back then it surfaced along other pictures. Those other pictures proof that the woman is his sister and the kids are his nephew and nice. The fact that you only accept this one picture and discard the other ones shows how much of a mental case you are.
Rich railing against the women's march
>the woman is his sister
I heard that in wisconsin incest is legal
I'd fuck my sister too if she was a cutie like her. Based Jay
What’s the long term plan for Mike, Jay and Rich? Do they plan to stay childless, single and fat forever. I really think Mike has been a bad influence on Jay. You can tell that Jay thinks to himself, “well I’m 38 and still not married or even in a serious relationship, but at least I’m not 40 and single like Mike.” Jay should really be with a long term boyfriend/girlfriend by now, but instead he’s rationalising his situation by comparing himself to Mike and Rich - two people who have given up.
Mike and Jay outed Jay.
This nigga gets it.
Jay married his childhood sweetheart! I've seen the photo!
nobody said anything about accepting pictures, I'm just saying this one proves nothing, learn to read before the AIDS takes you
based jay
didnt mike have a gf? hes probably married and has babies with her by now, just like jay. i dont have hopes for rich, he seems like hes given up on life
Mike’s gf left him.
i guess he plans to grow into mr plinkett for real
plinkett is a widower with multiple sons
rich is engaged you pleb
to a real woman?
Rich has a fiancée
rich outed jay as straight and outed himself as redpilled on his stream a few years back actually
someone made a "jay is gay joke" and jack kinda went along with it, and rich kind of sighed and was like "ya know he really isn't gay" he sounded really distraught about it.
I'd link but that's like 300 youtube videos I don't really feel like watching
Jay looks so genuinely happy here.
He love RLM so much, he will become real Mr. Plinkett for us. Mike will be his mask. Like Clarke Kent for Superman.
I want them to review more cunny videos.
Someone should send them cdoll on an unlabeled VHS and see if they watch it.
It's funny how the faghags always point at this one picture from ten years ago but all the recent stuff that show him in the gayest situations get discarded.
what gay situations?
>Jay being married
>has children
Oh please...
Seek help
>gayest situations
What the fuck are you babbling about?