Ok so we can all agree that it’s Amanda>Lohan>Rachel>Lacey

Ok so we can all agree that it’s Amanda>Lohan>Rachel>Lacey

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Fuck no Lacey was the best one.

Lacey > Rachel > Lohan > Amanda


fug i was watching this movie with my mom and this was so awkward

12 year old me:
27 year old me:

yes, finally someone gets it right

Objectively the best answer.

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amanda amanda amanda amanda

the fuck seyfried looks like the sloth from ice age

>Lacey last
>Ayy lmao first
How is it possible to have such shit taste?

7 8 10 6

KYS nigger if u disagree

>anyone hotter than prime lohan
Do you guys even understand how many times I jerked off to her puking during the house party?
Do you even?

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1, 3, 2, 4


what movie is that? seriously asking


>what movie is that? seriously asking

he hasnt seen mean girls. yikes and newfag pilled

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Bunch of sluts

Terrible taste confirmed!

what in the fuck? amanda is objectively last place by a massive margin. any of the other three are acceptable answers for the other three spots

for me its the fat gay friend that was also in Bully


Based; jfc Lohan. I would kill so many women and children just to have 10 minutes with prime Lohan.



Lacey just because she seems like a good person

Prime Lohan

Who fucking cares the other two can fuck off.

No. Nothing can top prime Lohan.

Fucking terrible ranking

What is this from?


a man of exquisite taste

You kids are only voting Amanda that high due to the leaks.

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I'd rather prime Lohan 4 times instead.

When it came out I'd have said
but today I say

why do Yea Forums love this movie?

oh right....

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wrong scene

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I still need to buy this on blu-ray lads.
Also anyone that says anything other than prime Lohan should jump in a ditch

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On the commentary, the director said this was the most shameful moment of his career

It's a good commentary


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That's a beautiful dog

That is simply the correct order.
You can "disagree" all you want. You're wrong AND stupid.

Other way around because I'm a moron.But nor gay.

you just know...

Amanda > Rachel = Lacey >>>>>>>> dogshit >>> literal shit > Lohan


Janis > Thots

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