Truly ahead of its time.
Truly ahead of its time
>dude even an evil villain that wants to murder people is better than teenage boys that are ignorant about sex and relationships
what a bizarre movie
Megamind never murdered anybody though, just dehydrated a few
Its not even that he was just evil
Megamind is one the rare honest capekinos out there
up there with Hancock and BvS
If you want women to love you then you have to at least be somewhat attractive. Megamind is blue with a fivehead but he has an attractive face. Hal was born hideous and that’s just how the cards were dealt.
They never show him actually killing people. The movie seems to imply that 99% of his crimes were just kidnapping the reporter lady and causing property damage during his fights with notsuperman.
yikes and yowza. It's a glib facsimile of a subversive film at best.
Whatever vision or intent the film had in the beginning, it completely did a 180 halfway through.
The second half of Hancock felt like it was made by an entirely different crew with an entirely new script for another movie that's not even a comedic superhero film.
>record scratch, freeze frame
>who's bad?
Megamind is surprisingly good and actually kinda funny and I'm sort of sad we didn't get at least one sequel out of it.
>t. Incel
I think you should actually be glad we didn't get a sequel.
It was literally hacked together from two different scripts
Dreamworks usually knocks it out of the park with their sequels though, unlike Disney and Pixar.
The difference between Megamind and Hal is that Megamind learnt the error of his ways and went out of his way to atone for them, even risking his own life in the process. Hal never caught on to why he was so disliked.
fun movie, probably more for adults than kids though, had some complex themes.
this movie had the original incel
Megamind is literally me. Unlike Hal.
Oh yeah the movie about a woman with a career so important she can't fathom a relationship with anyone except rich successful billionaire genius and even then you've to chase her.
Man I felt bad for the men who had to make that and for the kids that were given this as a moral tale